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Behavioral manifestations of spreading depression (SD) were compared with SD electrophysiological characteristics in these structures. Carbon electrodes were suitable for recording DC slow potential changes in freely moving animal. It was shown that short (0.1 s) high-frequency (200 Hz) electrical stimulation of thalamus and hippocampus with intensity 50-300 microA easily triggered SD wave in these structures in narcotized and awake rats. The threshold of SD occurrence in dorsal hippocampus was the same or sometimes lower than that of the primary afterdischarge. Penetrating SD into ventral hippocampus provoked long latency seizure discharge and wet-dog shakings in awake rats. Intensity of locomotor activity accompanying bilateral hippocampal SD exceeded orienting response significantly. Contrary to hippocampus, thalamic SD was usually subseizure and unilateral phenomenon and had a clear tranquil effect on the rat locomotor activity. It was found that the rats didn't change the compartment preference after 20-45 SD waves in the thalamus or in the hippocampus.  相似文献   
A study was made of the kinetics of thermoinactivation of lysyl-tRNA-synthetase isolated from rat liver at early times of radiation damage development after the effect of a minimum absolutely lethal X-radiation dose (0.21 C/kg). The thermostability of a dimer form of the enzyme was shown to be higher than that of a monomer. It was established that substrates had a stabilizing effect on the enzyme during thermoinactivation. On the basis of the data obtained from the studies in the kinetic properties of the enzyme and the thermoinactivation a conclusion is made that lysyl-tRNA-synthetase is stabilized during subunit aggregation. The thermostability of the enzyme was decreased by irradiation.  相似文献   
Responses of single units in the region of the nucleus isthmi were investigated in frogs immobilized with diplacin by means of extracellular capillary liquid microelectrodes. The neurons of this region were not spontaneously active and, after electrical stimulation of the contralateral optic nerve with a single pulse, they gave a single spike discharge with a minimal latent period of 20–110 msec. On increasing the strength of stimulation from threshold to maximal these latent periods were significantly reduced, indicating marked development of summation processes in the corresponding neuronal pathway. Only 14% of the neurons (7 of 57) discharged in response to stimuli exciting myelinated but not exciting unmyelinated optic fibers. All neurons were characterized by instability of the latent period of the evoked discharge; consequently, they were not excited antidromically. The possible functional role of the nucleus isthmi region in the Anura is discussed.A. N. Severtsov Institute of Evolutionary Morphology and Ecology of Animals, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 33–40, January–February, 1977.  相似文献   
Investigation of single unit responses in the cochlear nuclei of bats (Vespertilionidae) to pure-tone and frequency-modulated stimuli overlapping in time showed that most (85%) of them respond to combination tones f2–f1 and 2f1–f2 (f1 is the filling frequency of the first and f2 of the second cone) resulting from nonlinearity in the auditory system. As a rule responses appeared whenever the frequency of the combination tone was close to the characteristic frequency of the neuron, regardless of the filling frequency of the basic tones. It is postulated that nonlinearity in the auditory system may lie at the basis of analysis of complex frequency-modulated stimuli.A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 252–260, May–June, 1978.  相似文献   
Streptomycin-3"-phosphotransferases were isolated and purified from E. coli cells containing plasmids 836, pBS52 or R6K, which determine the microorganisms resistance towards streptomycin and dihydrostreptomycin. Phosphorylation of the 3"-hydroxylic group of dihydrostreptomycin was demonstrated by [13C]-NMR spectrometry. It was shown that streptomycin-3"-phosphotransferase, whose synthesis is determined by plasmid 836 (as well as by plasmid R6K), differs from the analogous enzyme, whose synthesis is operated by plasmid pBS52 in some properties, e. g. dependence of the initial reaction rate on concentrations of antibiotics and ATP, pH-optimum, sensitivity to the buffer ionic strength, stability, etc. Besides, the antiserum against streptomycin-3'-phosphotransferase detected by plasmid pBS52 does not produce cross immunological reactions with the other enzyme.  相似文献   
The studies were carried out on 50 persons. Ampicillin was administered with the help of a jet injector B1-2 and needle syringe in doses of 250 or 500 and 500 mg respectively. When the drug was administered by infusion, its maximum blood levels were achieved earlier than after needle-syringe administration of the drug and were higher (22.83+/-4.10 and 6.3+/-0.09 gamma/ml respectively). Even when ampicillin was administered with the help of the injector in a dose of 250 mg its blood levels were much higher than those after needle-syringe administration in a dose of 500 mg. After jet infusion the prolongation of the drug retention time in the blood at therapeutical levels was observed as compared to the needle-syringe administration.  相似文献   
Investigation of sensory reactions of the neurones of the dentate fascia was performed in unanaesthetized rabbits. Spontaneous activity usually consisted of long aperiodic high-frequency bursts with silent periods between them. Multimodal convergence was observed in 76% of records. Responses to sensory stimuli constituted three nearly equal groups: 1 -- tonic inhibitory reactions; 2--phasic (equal to stimulus duration) activatory responses; 3--simple "specific" responses of on-type, sometimes with secondary phasic components. In one microelectrode track, perpendicular to the double lamina of granular cells, all neurones usually responded in the same fashion.  相似文献   
The curve of instantaneous pressure gradients between the communicating chambers of the heart represents the "enveloping" one of the cardiac sounds. This curve is proportional to the curve of the instantaneous rates of the blood flow in the given area of the system. Consequently, the higher the pressure gradient, the greater the rate of the blood flow and the greater the oscillation range on the phonocardiogram.  相似文献   
The results of changes in the physiological cost of 30-min submaximal aerobic bicycle ergometric exercise and characteristics of the mitochondrial apparatus of m. vastus lateralis were assessed comparatively during 120-day (–6°) antiorthostatic hypokinesia either without prophylactic measures or with low-intensity resistance exercise training for 60 days using a Penguin exercise suit. Hypokinesia was accompanied by an increase in the working heart rate and lactate accumulation in the blood during the test exercise, as well as by a decrease in the myofibril size and the volume density of mitochondria in the m. vastus lateralis fibers. The patterns of dynamic changes in the lactate concentration in the blood during exercise training and in the volume density of central mitochondria were found to be similar. A correlation between the rate of lactate accumulation in the blood during the test exercise and the volume density of mitochondria in the working muscle appeared after long-term (60 days) exposure to hypokinesia. The use of the Penguin exercise suit in dynamic mode during prolonged (60-day) exposure to hypokinesia completely prevented the following effects: atrophy of slow-type fibers, a decrease in the volume density of central mitochondria, and an increase in the level of lactate accumulation in the blood under conditions of a standard submaximal aerobic exercise load. The correlation links between the oxidative potential of working muscle and the energy supply of muscular work are discussed.  相似文献   
Chromosomal and genome abnormalities of 3p are frequent in many epithelial tumors, including lung cancer. Several critical regions with a high frequency of hemi-and homozygous deletions in tumors are known for 3p, and more than 20 cancer-related genes occur in 3p21.3. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to measure the mRNA level for tumor-suppressor and candidate genes of 3p21.3 (RBSP3/CTDSPL, NPRL2/G21, RASSF1A, ITGA9, HYAL1, and HYAL2) in major types of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): squamous cell lung cancer (SCC) and lung adenocarcinoma (AC). A significant (2-to 100-fold) and frequent (44–100%) decrease in mRNA levels was observed in NSCLC. The mRNA level decrease and its frequency depended on the histological type of NSCLC for all genes. The downregulation of RASSF1A and ITGA9 was significantly associated with AC progression; the same tendency was observed for RBSP3/CTDSPL, NPRL2/G21, HYAL1, and HYAL2. In SCC, the downregulation of all genes was not associated with the clinical stage, tumor cells differentiation, and metastasis in lymph nodes. The RBSP3/CTDSPL, NPRL2/G21, ITGA9, HYAL1, and HYAL2 mRNA levels significantly (5-to 13-fold on average) decreased at a high frequency (83–100%) as early as SCC stage I. Simultaneous downregulation of all six genes was observed in some tumor samples and was independent of the gene position in 3p21.3 and the functions of the protein products. The Spearman correlation coefficient r s was 0.63–0.91, p < 0.001. The highest r s values were obtained for gene pairs ITGA9-HYAL2 and HYAL1-HYAL2, whose products mediate cell-cell adhesion and cell-matrix interactions; coregulation of the genes was assumed on this basis. Both genetic and epigenetic mechanisms proved to be important for downregulation of RBSP3/CTDSPL and ITGA9. This finding supported the hypothesis that the cluster of cancerrelated genes in the extended 3p21.3 locus is simultaneously inactivated during the development and progression of lung cancer and other epithelial tumors. A significant and frequent decrease in the mRNA level of the six genes in SCC could be important for developing specific biomarker sets for early SCC diagnosis and new approaches to gene therapy of NSCLC.  相似文献   
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