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Trehalose is a nonreducing disaccharide of glucose (alpha,alpha-1,1-glucosyl-glucose) that is essential for growth and survival of mycobacteria. These organisms have three different biosynthetic pathways to produce trehalose, and mutants devoid of all three pathways require exogenous trehalose in the medium in order to grow. Mycobacterium smegmatis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis also have a trehalase that may be important in controlling the levels of intracellular trehalose. In this study, we report on the purification and characterization of the trehalase from M. smegmatis, and its comparison to the trehalase from M. tuberculosis. Although these two enzymes have over 85% identity throughout their amino acid sequences, and both show an absolute requirement for inorganic phosphate for activity, the enzyme from M. smegmatis also requires Mg(2+) for activity, whereas the M. tuberculosis trehalase does not require Mg(2+). The requirement for phosphate is unusual among glycosyl hydrolases, but we could find no evidence for a phosphorolytic cleavage, or for any phosphorylated intermediates in the reaction. However, as inorganic phosphate appears to bind to, and also to greatly increase the heat stability of, the trehalase, the function of the phosphate may involve stabilizing the protein conformation and/or initiating protein aggregation. Sodium arsenate was able to substitute to some extent for the sodium phosphate requirement, whereas inorganic pyrophosphate and polyphosphates were inhibitory. The purified trehalase showed a single 71 kDa band on SDS gels, but active enzyme eluted in the void volume of a Sephracryl S-300 column, suggesting a molecular mass of about 1500 kDa or a multimer of 20 or more subunits. The trehalase is highly specific for alpha,alpha-trehalose and did not hydrolyze alpha,beta-trelalose or beta,beta-trehalose, trehalose dimycolate, or any other alpha-glucoside or beta-glucoside. Attempts to obtain a trehalase-negative mutant of M. smegmatis have been unsuccessful, although deletions of other trehalose metabolic enzymes have yielded viable mutants. This suggests that trehalase is an essential enzyme for these organisms. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 7.1, and is active in various buffers, as long as inorganic phosphate and Mg(2+) are present. Glucose was the only product produced by the trehalase in the presence of either phosphate or arsenate.  相似文献   
Magnesium is the most abundant divalent metal in cells and is required for many structural and enzymatic functions. For bacteria, at least three families of proteins function as magnesium transporters. In recent years, it has been shown that a subset of these transport proteins is regulated by magnesium-responsive genetic control elements. In this study, we investigated the cellular requirements for magnesium homeostasis in the model microorganism Bacillus subtilis. Putative magnesium transporter genes were mutationally disrupted, singly and in combination, in order to assess their general importance. Mutation of only one of these genes resulted in strong dependency on supplemental extracellular magnesium. Notably, this transporter gene, mgtE, is known to be under magnesium-responsive genetic regulatory control. This suggests that the identification of magnesium-responsive genetic mechanisms may generally denote primary transport proteins for bacteria. To investigate whether B. subtilis encodes yet additional classes of transport mechanisms, suppressor strains that permitted the growth of a transporter-defective mutant were identified. Several of these strains were sequenced to determine the genetic basis of the suppressor phenotypes. None of these mutations occurred in transport protein homologues; instead, they affected housekeeping functions, such as signal recognition particle components and ATP synthase machinery. From these aggregate data, we speculate that the mgtE protein provides the primary route of magnesium import in B. subtilis and that the other putative transport proteins are likely to be utilized for more-specialized growth conditions.  相似文献   
O6‐methylguanine‐DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) is a DNA‐repair protein promoting resistance of tumor cells to alkylating chemotherapeutic agents. Glioma cells are particularly resistant to this class of drugs which include temozolomide (TMZ) and carmustine (BCNU). A previous study using the RNA microarray technique showed that decrease of MGMT mRNA stands out among the alterations in gene expression caused by the cell growth‐depressing transfection of a T98G glioma cell line with liver‐type glutaminase (LGA) [Szeliga et al. (2009) Glia, 57, 1014]. Here, we show that stably LGA‐transfected cells (TLGA) exhibit decreased MGMT protein expression and activity as compared with non‐transfected or mock transfected cells (controls). However, the decrease of expression occurs in the absence of changes in the methylation of the promoter region, indicating that LGA circumvents, by an as yet unknown route, the most common mechanism of MGMT silencing. TLGA turned out to be significantly more sensitive to treatment with 100–1000 μM of TMZ and BCNU in the acute cell growth inhibition assay (MTT). In the clonogenic survival assay, TLGA cells displayed increased sensitivity even to 10 μM TMZ and BCNU. Our results indicate that enrichment with LGA, in addition to inhibiting glioma growth, may facilitate chemotherapeutic intervention.  相似文献   
Pilus assembly in Gram-positive bacteria occurs by a two-step mechanism, whereby pilins are polymerized and then covalently anchored to the cell wall. In Corynebacterium diphtheriae, the pilin-specific sortase SrtA catalyses polymerization of the SpaA-type pilus, consisting of the shaft pilin SpaA, tip pilin SpaC and minor pilin SpaB. Cell wall anchoring of the SpaA polymers is triggered when SrtA incorporates SpaB into the pilus base via lysine-mediated transpeptidation; anchoring to the cell wall peptidoglycan is subsequently catalysed by the housekeeping sortase SrtF. Here we show that SpaB and SpaC formed a heterodimer independent of SpaA polymerization. SrtA was absolutely required for the formation of the SpaBC heterodimer, while SrtF facilitated the optimal cell wall anchoring of this heterodimer. Alanine substitution of the SpaB lysine residue K139 or truncation of the SpaB cell wall-sorting signal (CWSS) abolished assembly of the SpaBC heterodimer, hence underscoring SpaB function in transpeptidation and cell wall linkage. Importantly, sortase specificity for the cell wall-anchoring step was found to be dependent on the LAFTG motif within the SpaB CWSS. Thus, C. diphtheriae employs a common sortase-catalysed mechanism involving lysine-mediated transpeptidation to generate both adhesive pilus and simple heterodimeric structures on the bacterial the cell wall.  相似文献   
The aim of the present research work was to develop, characterize and optimize sertaconazole nitrate (STZN) embedded flexisomes (STZN-FS) to improve the cutaneous anti-fungal activity of STZN. Flexisomes are self-aggregating, flexible, deformable lipidic vesicles possessing an aqueous core. A 32 factorial design was implemented to optimize the effects of the critical material attributes of concentration of phospholipid (X1) and edge activator (X2) on the critical quality attributes of particle size (Y1), entrapment efficiency (Y2), and deformability index (Y3). Statistical analysis was performed to be identify the best fit model and determine its significance. The sizes of the optimized STZN-FS were found to be 246.2?±?2.49?nm with entrapment efficiencies of 86.16?±?0.56% and deformability indices of 30.46?±?0.41. Zeta potential analysis showed negatively charged surface with a zeta potential value of ?30.9?mV. TEM analysis showed spherical shapes, confirming the vesicular characteristics. The optimized STZN-FS were further formulated into hydrogels. The % drug diffusion of STZN-FS hydrogels was found to be 13.24% and drug deposition in the skin layers was found to be 83.54%, showing that a high concentration of the drug was available at the site of action. The zone of inhibition STZN-FS hydrogel (30?mm) was higher than the marketed formulation (22?mm) and the plain STZN hydrogel (14?mm) against Candida albicans. From the above studies, it was concluded that STZN loaded STZN-FS shows high flexibility and enhanced antifungal activity. STZN-FS are thus found to be potential carriers for drug deposition in skin layers without disturbing their integrity.  相似文献   
In the analysis of lipophilic plant metabolites by gas chromatography?Cmass spectrometry a step is required to release fatty acids and other analytes from complex molecules. Seven alternative methods were compared to the standard method of 1% H2SO4/50°C/16?h using Desirée and Phureja potato tubers as models. With two sodium methoxide alkali-catalysed methods (0.5?M NaOCH3/50°C/1 and 16?h) recoveries of ferulic acids increased, long chain fatty acids and sterols decreased, 2-hydroxy acids were negligible, solanidine was absent and ??5-avenasterol isomerisation was minimal. Using a harsh alkali hydrolysis (1.0?M KOH/120°C/24?h) followed by a mild methylation (1% H2SO4/50°C/1.5?h), recoveries of polyunsaturated fatty acids were poor, sterols decreased but ??5-avenasterol isomerisation was minimal. With a mild alkali hydrolysis (0.5?M NaOH/100°C/5?min) followed by methylation with boron trifluoride (14%BF3/100°C/30?min) recoveries of sterols and 2-hydroxy fatty acids were similar to the standard method and ??5-avenasterol isomerisation was high. Lower ferulic acid recoveries, absence of solanidine and overestimation of fatty alcohols were evident in both methods involving alkali hydrolysis. Three different methods using hydrochloric acid (1.00?M HCl/70°C/5?h, 0.63?M HCl/110°C/2?h and 2.00?M HCl/50°C/24?h) all gave increased recoveries of 2-hydroxy acids, ferulic acids, solanidine and sterols, although ??5-avenasterol isomerisation increased. Hydrochloric acid methods are recommended for studies requiring quantitative determinations (i.e. concentration of metabolite in sample). Either the hydrochloric acid methods or the standard sulphuric acid method are suggested for determining relative concentrations between samples, although there is a requirement for further studies.  相似文献   
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