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In anti-cancer metastasis treatment, precise drug delivery to cancer cells remains a challenge. Innovative nanocomposites are developed to tackle these issues effectively. The approach involves the creation of manganese oxide (Mn3O4) nanoparticles (NPs) and their functionalization using trisodium citrate to yield functionalized Mn3O4 NPs (F-Mn3O4 NPs), with enhanced water solubility, stability, and biocompatibility. Subsequently, the chemotherapeutic drug doxorubicin (DOX) is encapsulated with Mn3O4 NPs, resulting in DOX/Mn3O4 NPs. To achieve cell-specific targeting, These NPs are coated with HeLa cell membranes (HCM), forming HCM/DOX/Mn3O4. For further refinement, a transferrin (Tf) receptor is integrated with cracked HCM to create Tf-HCM/DOX/Mn3O4 nanocomposites (NC) with specific cell membrane targeting capabilities. The resulting Tf-HCM/DOX/Mn3O4 NC exhibits excellent drug encapsulation efficiency (97.5%) and displays triggered drug release when exposed to NIR laser irradiation in the tumor's environment (pH 5.0 and 6.5). Furthermore, these nanocomposites show resistance to macrophage uptake and demonstrate homotypic cancer cell targeting specificity, even in the presence of other tumor cells. In vitro toxicity tests show that Tf-HCM/DOX/Mn3O4 NC achieves significant anticancer activity against HeLa and BT20 cancer cells, with percentages of 76.46% and 71.36%, respectively. These results indicate the potential of Tf-HCM/DOX/Mn3O4 NC as an effective nanoplatform for chemo-photothermal therapy.  相似文献   
Saving water and enhancing rice productivity are consensually the most important research goals globally. While increasing canopy cover would enhance growth rates by higher photosynthetic carbon gain, an accompanied increase in transpiration would have a negative impact on saving water as well as for sustainability under water-limited conditions. Increased water use efficiency (WUE) by virtue of higher carbon assimilatory capacity can significantly circumvent this trade-off. Here, we report leaf mass area (LMA) has an important canopy architecture trait which when combined with superior carboxylation efficiency (CE) would achieve higher water productivity in rice. A set of 130 ethyl methanesulfonate induced mutants of an upland cultivar Nagina-22 (N22), was screened for leaf morphological traits leading to the identification of mutants differing in LMA. The wild-type, N22, along with a selected low-LMA (380–4-3) and two high-LMA mutants (392–9-1 and 457–1-3), all with comparable total leaf area, were raised under well-watered (100% Field Capacity (FC)) and water-limited (60% FC) conditions. Low Δ13C and a higher RuBisCO content in high-LMA mutants indicated higher carboxylation efficiency, leading to increased carbon gain. Single parent backcross populations developed by crossing high and the low-LMA mutants with N22, separately, were screened for LMA, Δ13C and growth traits. Comparison of dry matter accumulation per unit leaf area among the progenies differing in LMA and Δ13C reiterated the association of LMA with CE. Results illustrated that high-LMA when combined with higher CE (low Δ13C) lead to increased WUE and growth rates.  相似文献   
Gemcitabine-squalene is a new prodrug that self-organizes in water forming nanoassemblies. It exhibits better anti-cancer properties in vitro and in vivo than gemcitabine. A liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry assay of gemcitabine-squalene and gemcitabine was developed in human plasma in order to quantitate gemcitabine and its squalene conjugate. After protein precipitation with acetonitrile/methanol (90/10, v/v), the compounds were analyzed by reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography and detected by tandem mass spectrometry using multiple reaction monitoring. The method was linear over the concentration range of 10-10,000 ng/ml of human plasma for both compounds with an accuracy lower than 10.4% and a precision below 14.8%. The method showed a lower limit of quantitation of 10 ng/ml of human plasma for dFdC and dFdC-SQ. A preliminary in vivo study in mice was shown as application of the method as no significant difference between human and mice plasma for the analysis of dFdC and dFdC-SQ was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Adenosine kinase (ADK) catalyzes the phosphorylation of adenosine (Ado) to adenosine monophosphate (AMP). It is part of the purine salvage pathway that has been identified only in eukaryotes, with the single exception of Mycobacterium spp. Whereas it is not clear if Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) ADK is essential, it has been shown that the enzyme can selectively phosphorylate nucleoside analogs to produce products toxic to the cell. We have determined the crystal structure of Mtb ADK unliganded as well as ligand (Ado) bound at 1.5- and 1.9-A resolution, respectively. The structure of the binary complexes with the inhibitor 2-fluoroadenosine (F-Ado) bound and with the adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-methylene)triphosphate (AMP-PCP) (non-hydrolyzable ATP analog) bound were also solved at 1.9-A resolution. These four structures indicate that Mtb ADK is a dimer formed by an extended beta sheet. The active site of the unliganded ADK is in an open conformation, and upon Ado binding a lid domain of the protein undergoes a large conformation change to close the active site. In the closed conformation, the lid forms direct interactions with the substrate and residues of the active site. Interestingly, AMP-PCP binding alone was not sufficient to produce the closed state of the enzyme. The binding mode of F-Ado was characterized to illustrate the role of additional non-bonding interactions in Mtb ADK compared with human ADK.  相似文献   
Listed as 'vulnerable' by the International Union for theConservation of Nature, the molossid bat Otomopsmartiensseni occurs widely in Africa and, according to someauthorities, in Madagascar. Apart from a few known cave roosts, there are fewrecords of O. martiensseni, although around Durban, SouthAfrica, the species is common and roosts in buildings. Originally described asthree species, populations of O. martiensseni differsignificantly in size (length of forearm) between East Africa and Durban orMadagascar, but not between Durban and Madagascar. Seventeen buildings used asroosts by O. martiensseni averaged 34.5 ± 15.8years old. In the Durban area, bats entered roosts by landing andcrawling. Roost populations ranged from 7 to 29 individuals, typicallyconsisting of one adult male, several adult females and young (bats withunossified epiphyses), suggesting a harem social structure. The ratio of adultfemales to young was virtually 1:1, and among young the ratio of males:femalesaveraged 2:1. Radio-tracking showed that individuals used several day and nightroosts, and foraged widely in a landscape dominated by sugarcane and urbandevelopment. The echolocation and many social calls of O.martiensseni are readily audible to human observers, allowing anon-contact, low technology method for monitoring the local distribution andactivity of these bats. Although listed as a species of special concern inKwaZulu Natal, there these bats appear to be candidates for inclusion on a'blue' list of species, ones showing stabilized or increasedabundance. We recommend that O. martiensseni be recognizedas a 'flagship' species in the Durban area, r epresenting theresilience of nature.  相似文献   
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