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The current human mitochondrial (mtDNA) phylogeny does not equally represent all human populations but is biased in favour of representatives originally from north and central Europe. This especially affects the phylogeny of some uncommon West Eurasian haplogroups, including I and W, whose southern European and Near Eastern components are very poorly represented, suggesting that extensive hidden phylogenetic substructure remains to be uncovered. This study expanded and re-analysed the available datasets of I and W complete mtDNA genomes, reaching a comprehensive 419 mitogenomes, and searched for precise correlations between the ages and geographical distributions of their numerous newly identified subclades with events of human dispersal which contributed to the genetic formation of modern Europeans. Our results showed that haplogroups I (within N1a1b) and W originated in the Near East during the Last Glacial Maximum or pre-warming period (the period of gradual warming between the end of the LGM, ∼19 ky ago, and the beginning of the first main warming phase, ∼15 ky ago) and, like the much more common haplogroups J and T, may have been involved in Late Glacial expansions starting from the Near East. Thus our data contribute to a better definition of the Late and postglacial re-peopling of Europe, providing further evidence for the scenario that major population expansions started after the Last Glacial Maximum but before Neolithic times, but also evidencing traces of diffusion events in several I and W subclades dating to the European Neolithic and restricted to Europe.  相似文献   
The citrate carrier (CIC), a nuclear-encoded protein located in the mitochondrial inner membrane, plays an important metabolic role in the transport of acetyl-CoA from the mitochondrion to the cytosol in the form of citrate for fatty acid and cholesterol synthesis. Citrate has been reported to be essential for fibroblast differentiation into fat cells. Because peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARγ) is known to be one of the master regulators of adipogenesis, we aimed to study the regulation of CIC by the PPARγ ligand rosiglitazone (BRL) in 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and in adipocytes. We demonstrated that BRL up-regulated CIC mRNA and protein levels in fibroblasts, while it did not elicit any effects in mature adipocytes. The enhancement of CIC levels upon BRL treatment was reversed using the PPARγ antagonist GW9662, addressing how this effect was mediated by PPARγ. Functional experiments using a reporter gene containing rat CIC promoter showed that BRL enhanced CIC promoter activity. Mutagenesis studies, electrophoretic-mobility-shift assay and chromatin-immunoprecipitation analysis revealed that upon BRL treatment, PPARγ and Sp1 are recruited on the Sp1-containing region within the CIC promoter, leading to an increase in CIC expression. In addition, mithramycin, a specific inhibitor for Sp1-DNA binding activity, abolished the PPARγ-mediated up-regulation of CIC in fibroblasts. The stimulatory effects of BRL disappeared in mature adipocytes in which PPARγ/Sp1 complex recruited SMRT corepressor to the Sp1 site of the CIC promoter. Taken together, our results contribute to clarify the molecular mechanisms by which PPARγ regulates CIC expression during the differentiation stages of fibroblasts into mature adipocytes.  相似文献   
An increasing body of evidence suggested that intracellular lipid metabolism is dramatically perturbed in various cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases with genetic and lifestyle components (e.g., dietary factors). Therefore, a lipidomic approach was also developed to suggest possible mechanisms underlying Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Neural membranes contain several classes of glycerophospholipids (GPs), that not only constitute their backbone but also provide the membrane with a suitable environment, fluidity, and ion permeability. In this review article, we focused our attention on GP and GP-derived lipid mediators suggested to be involved in AD pathology. Degradation of GPs by phospholipase A2 can release two important brain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), e.g., arachidonic acid and docosahexaenoic acid, linked together by a delicate equilibrium. Non-enzymatic and enzymatic oxidation of these PUFAs produces several lipid mediators, all closely associated with neuronal pathways involved in AD neurobiology, suggesting that an interplay among lipids occurs in brain tissue. In this complex GP meshwork, the search for a specific modulating enzyme able to shift the metabolic pathway towards a neuroprotective role as well as a better knowledge about how lipid dietary modulation may act to slow the neurodegenerative processes, represent an essential step to delay the onset of AD and its progression. Also, in this way it may be possible to suggest new preventive or therapeutic options that can beneficially modify the course of this devastating disease.  相似文献   
Ammonium-induced inhibition of nitrate utilization was monitored in cell suspensions of the unicellular alga Cyanidium caldarium. It was found that the inhibition followed an exponential pattern with a t 1/2 value of about 1.5 min in cells previously grown under conditions of excess nitrate, and of about 15 min in cells grown under conditions of severe nitrate limitation. In the latter cells only, a pretreatment with cycloheximide greatly increased the t 1/2 value of inhibition. Also the resumption of nitrate utilization when ammonium was depleted followed an exponential pattern with a t 1/2 value of about 4.5 min.Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that inhibition of nitrate utilization occurs at the level of nitrate reductase activity.  相似文献   
The occurrence of Clostridium difficile in nine wastewater treatment plants in the Ticino Canton (southern Switzerland) was investigated. The samples were collected from raw sewage influents and from treated effluents. Forty-seven out of 55 characterized C. difficile strains belonged to 13 different reference PCR ribotypes (009, 010, 014, 015, 039, 052, 053, 066, 070, 078, 101, 106, and 117), whereas 8 strains did not match any of those available in our libraries. The most frequently isolated ribotype (40%) was 078, isolated from six wastewater treatment plants, whereas ribotype 066, a toxigenic emerging ribotype isolated from patients admitted to hospitals in Europe and Switzerland, was isolated from the outgoing effluent of one plant. The majority of the isolates (85%) were toxigenic. Forty-nine percent of them produced toxin A, toxin B, and the binary toxin (toxigenic profile A(+) B(+) CDT(+)), whereas 51% showed the profile A(+) B(+) CDT(-). Interestingly, eight ribotypes (010, 014, 015, 039, 066, 078, 101, and 106) were among the riboprofiles isolated from symptomatic patients admitted to the hospitals of the Ticino Canton in 2010. Despite the limitation of sampling, this study highlights that toxigenic ribotypes of C. difficile involved in human infections may occur in both incoming and outgoing biological wastewater treatment plants. Such a finding raises concern about the possible contamination of water bodies that receive wastewater treatment plant effluents and about the safe reuse of treated wastewater.  相似文献   
Fragile X syndrome (FXS), the most common form of inherited intellectual disability, is caused by the silencing of the FMR1 gene encoding an RNA-binding protein (FMRP) mainly involved in translational control. We characterized the interaction between FMRP and the mRNA of GRK4, a member of the guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinase super-family, both in vitro and in vivo. While the mRNA level of GRK4 is unchanged in the absence or in the presence of FMRP in different regions of the brain, GRK4 protein level is increased in Fmr1-null cerebellum, suggesting that FMRP negatively modulates the expression of GRK4 at the translational level in this brain region. The C-terminal region of FMRP interacts with a domain of GRK4 mRNA, that we called G4RIF, that is folded in four stem loops. The SL1 stem loop of G4RIF is protected by FMRP and is part of the S1/S2 sub-domain that directs translation repression of a reporter mRNA by FMRP. These data confirm the role of the G4RIF/FMRP complex in translational regulation. Considering the role of GRK4 in GABAB receptors desensitization, our results suggest that an increased GRK4 levels in FXS might contribute to cerebellum-dependent phenotypes through a deregulated desensitization of GABAB receptors.  相似文献   
Brain and behavioural lateralization at the population level has been recently hypothesized to have evolved under social selective pressures as a strategy to optimize coordination among asymmetrical individuals. Evidence for this hypothesis have been collected in Hymenoptera: eusocial honey bees showed olfactory lateralization at the population level, whereas solitary mason bees only showed individual-level olfactory lateralization. Here we investigated lateralization of odour detection and learning in the bumble bee, Bombus terrestris L., an annual eusocial species of Hymenoptera. By training bumble bees on the proboscis extension reflex paradigm with only one antenna in use, we provided the very first evidence of asymmetrical performance favouring the right antenna in responding to learned odours in this species. Electroantennographic responses did not reveal significant antennal asymmetries in odour detection, whereas morphological counting of olfactory sensilla showed a predominance in the number of olfactory sensilla trichodea type A in the right antenna. The occurrence of a population level asymmetry in olfactory learning of bumble bee provides new information on the relationship between social behaviour and the evolution of population-level asymmetries in animals.  相似文献   


The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway integrates signals from different nutrient sources, including amino acids and glucose. Compounds that inhibit mTOR kinase activity such as rapamycin and everolimus can suppress seizures in some chronic animal models and in patients with tuberous sclerosis. However, it is not known whether mTOR inhibitors exert acute anticonvulsant effects in addition to their longer term antiepileptogenic effects. To gain insights into how rapamycin suppresses seizures, we investigated the anticonvulsant activity of rapamycin using acute seizure tests in mice.


Following intraperitoneal injection of rapamycin, normal four-week-old male NIH Swiss mice were evaluated for susceptibility to a battery of acute seizure tests similar to those currently used to screen potential therapeutics by the US NIH Anticonvulsant Screening Program. To assess the short term effects of rapamycin, mice were seizure tested in ≤6 hours of a single dose of rapamycin, and for longer term effects of rapamycin, mice were tested after 3 or more daily doses of rapamycin.


The only seizure test where short-term rapamycin treatment protected mice was against tonic hindlimb extension in the MES threshold test, though this protection waned with longer rapamycin treatment. Longer term rapamycin treatment protected against kainic acid-induced seizure activity, but only at late times after seizure onset. Rapamycin was not protective in the 6 Hz or PTZ seizure tests after short or longer rapamycin treatment times. In contrast to other metabolism-based therapies that protect in acute seizure tests, rapamycin has limited acute anticonvulsant effects in normal mice.


The efficacy of rapamycin as an acute anticonvulsant agent may be limited. Furthermore, the combined pattern of acute seizure test results places rapamycin in a third category distinct from both fasting and the ketogenic diet, and which is more similar to drugs acting on sodium channels.  相似文献   
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