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Galactosomum lacteum (J?gerski?ld, 1896) Looss, 1899 metacercariae, encysted on the optic nerve, on the brain and/or on the muscle and the connective of the pharynx and oesophagus, were found in Spicara maena L., S. flexuosa Rafinesque, 1810, S. smaris L. (Centracanthidae), Gobius cruentatus Gmelin, 1789 (Gobiidae), Symphodus tinca L., S. mediterraneus L. (Labridae), Serranus cabrilla L. (Serranidae), Diplodus sargus L. and D. annularis L. (Sparidae) caught in the Gulf of Cagliari (southern Sardinia, Italy). Excysted specimens were identified by some distinctive morphological features: more or less expanded forebody, depending on whether the specimens were living or fixed; tubular excretory bladder extending to the posterior border of the ovary; two-chambered seminal vesicle; asymmetrical and parenchymatous ventral sucker with lines of spines within its cavity; and unarmed gonotyle. Comparison has been made with the congeneric species metacercaria, G. timondavidi Pearson & Prévot, 1971, also registered in the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
The data reported are fully consistent with the well-known observation that exogenous cytochrome c (cyto-c) molecules do not permeate through the outer membrane of mitochondria (MOM) incubated in isotonic medium (250 mM sucrose). Cyto-c is unable to accept electrons from the sulfite/cyto-c oxido-reductase (Sox) present in the intermembrane space, unless mitochondria are solubilized. Mitochondria incubated in a very high hypotonic medium (25 mM sucrose), in contrast to any expectation, continue to be not permeable to added cyto-c even if Sox and adenylate kinase are released into the medium. The succinate/exogenous cyto-c reductase activity, very low in isotonic medium, is greatly increased decreasing the osmolarity of the medium but in both cases remains insensitive to proteolysis by added trypsin. In hypotonic medium, magnesium and potassium ions have a protective effect on the release of enzymes and on the reactivity of cyto-c as electron acceptor from both sulfite and succinate; results which are consistent with the view that MOM preserves its identity and remains not permeable to exogenous cyto-c. This report strengthens the proposal, supported by previously published data that in isotonic medium the exogenous NADH/cyto-c electron transport system is catalyzed by intact mitochondria, not permeable to added cyto-c.  相似文献   
In this study, we propose the design and fabrication of a liver system on a chip. We first chose the most suitable three-dimensional liver-like model between cell spheroids and microtissue precursors, both based on the use of hepatocellular carcinoma cells (HepG2) to provide proof-of-concept data. Spheroids displayed high cell density but low expression of the typical hepatic biomarkers, whereas microtissue precursors showed stable viability and function over the entire culture time. The two liver-like models were compared in terms of cell viability, function, metabolism, and the P-glycoprotein 1 (P-gp) transport-protein expression with the microtissue precursors showing the best performance. Thus, we cultured them into a microfluidic biochip featured with three parallel channels shaped to mimic the hepatic sinusoids. To assess the detoxification potential of the microtissue-loaded biochip we challenged it with a model molecule (ethanol) at different concentrations and time points. Ethanol cytotoxicity was detected by a noninvasive measurement of cell viability based on cell autofluorescence. As expected, a dose-dependent decrease of albumin and urea secretion was observed in the ethanol-treated samples. We believe that the described totally human-derived platform, suitable for integration into a multiorgan microfluidic system, can provide a consistent innovative platform for drug development and toxicity studies.  相似文献   
Canine distemper virus (CDV) infection is a primary threat affecting a wide number of carnivore species, including wild animals. In January 2013, two carcasses of Apennine wolves (Canis lupus) were collected in Ortona dei Marsi (L''Aquila province, Italy) by the local Veterinary Services. CDV was immediately identified either by RT-PCR or immunohistochemistry in lung and central nervous tissue samples. At the same time, severe clinical signs consistent with CDV infection were identified and taped (Videos S1S3) from three wolves rescued in the areas surrounding the National Parks of the Abruzzi region by the Veterinary Services. The samples collected from these symptomatic animals also turned out CDV positive by RT-PCR. So far, 30 carcasses of wolves were screened and CDV was detected in 20 of them. The sequencing of the haemagglutinin gene and subsequent phylogenetic analysis demonstrated that the identified virus belonged to the CDV Arctic lineage. Strains belonging to this lineage are known to circulate in Italy and in Eastern Europe amongst domestic dogs. To the best of our knowledge this is the first report of CDV Arctic lineage epidemics in the wild population in Europe.  相似文献   


Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency (CCSVI) has been associated to multiple sclerosis (MS).


To evaluate the possible association between CCSVI and MS, using a population-based control design.


A random cohort of 148 incident MS patients were enrolled in the study. We have also studied 20 patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), 40 patients with other neurological diseases (OND), and 172 healthy controls. Transcranial (TCC) and Echo Color Doppler (ECD) were carried out in 380 subjects. A subject was considered CCSVI positive if ≥2 venous hemodynamic criteria were fulfilled.


CCSVI was present in 28 (18.9%) of the MS patients, in 2 (10%) of CIS patients, in 11 (6.4%) of the controls, and in 2 (5%) of the OND patients. A significant association between MS and CCSVI was found with an odds ratio of 3.41 (95% confidence interval 1.63–7.13; p = 0.001). CCSVI was significantly more frequent among MS subjects with a disease duration longer than 144 months (26.1% versus 12.6% of patients with duration shorter than 144 months; p = 0.03) and among patients with secondary progressive (SP) and primary progressive (PP) forms (30.2% and 29.4, respectively) than in patients with relapsing remitting (RR) MS (14.3%). A stronger association was found considering SP and PP forms (age adjusted OR = 4.7; 95% CI 1.83–12.0, p = 0.001); the association was weaker with the RR patients (age adjusted OR = 2.58; 95%CI 1.12–5.92; p = 0.02) or not significant in CIS group (age adjusted OR = 2.04; 95%CI 0.40–10.3; p = 0.4).


A higher frequency of CCSVI has been found in MS patients; it was more evident in patients with advanced MS, suggesting that CCSVI could be related to MS disability.  相似文献   
Two mixed bacterial cultures (CB-BT and CI-AT) degraded phenanthrene when it was: (i) in the presence of either hexadecane as a non aqueous phase liquid or a montmorillonite–Al(OH)x-humic acid complex as a model organo-mineral matrix; (ii) sorbed to the complex, either alone or in the presence of hexadecane. The cultures had different kinetic behaviours towards phenanthrene with or without hexadecane. The degradation of Phe alone as well as that of Phe in hexadecane ended in 8 and 15 days with CB-BT and CI-AT cultures, respectively. Hexadecane increased Phe bioavailability for CI-AT bacteria which degraded Phe according to first-order kinetics. The same effect was observed for CB-BT bacteria, but with an initial 2 days lag phase and in accordance with zero-order kinetics. The presence of hexadecane did not affect the degradation of phenanthrene sorbed and aged on the complex by CI-AT culture. This capability was exhibited also after experimental aging of 30 days. The dynamics of the bacterial community composition was investigated through PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Individual bands changed their intensity during the incubation time, implying that particular microbe’s relative abundance changed according to the culture conditions. Isolation of phenanthrene and/or hexadecane degraders was in accord with cultivation-independent data. Growth-dependent changes in the cell surface hydrophobicity of the two cultures and of the isolates suggested that modulation of cell surface hydrophobicity probably played an important role for an efficient phenanthrene assimilation/uptake.  相似文献   
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