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Ultrasonically assisted liquefaction of lignocellulosic materials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In our research, we have utilized high energy ultrasound for the liquefaction of different lignocellulosic materials, wood wastes in particular. We developed a highly efficient way of transforming this biomass waste into valuable chemicals. It was found, that the reaction yield in all experiments was high and that the reaction times were shortened up to nine times when using the ultrasound process with smaller residual particles and with no influence on the hydroxyl number of the final products. The use of the ultrasound process inhibits the formation of the large molecular structures during the liquefaction from the degradation products, by keeping the reactive segments apart and due to such a short reaction time being used. The short reaction time and subsequent low energy consumption for the liquefaction reaction leads to the creation of the new method for the transformation of the wood waste materials into valuable chemicals.  相似文献   
Plasmodium polymorphum n. sp. (Haemosporida, Plasmodiidae) was found in the skylark, Alauda arvensis (Passeriformes: Alaudidae), during autumnal migration in southern Italy. This organism is illustrated and described based on the morphology of its blood stages. The most distinctive feature of this malaria parasite is the clear preference of its blood stages (trophozoites, meronts, and gametocytes) for immature red blood cells, including erythroblasts. Based on preference of erythrocytic meronts for immature red blood cells, P. polymorphum is most similar to species of the subgenus Huffia . This parasite can be readily distinguished from all other bird malaria parasites, including Plasmodium ( Huffia ) spp., due to preferential development and maturation of its gametocytes in immature red blood cells, a unique character for avian Plasmodium spp. In addition, the margins of nuclei in blood stages of P. polymorphum are markedly smooth and distinct; this is also a distinct diagnostic feature of this parasite. Plasmodium polymorphum has been recorded only in the skylark; it is probably a rare parasite, whose host range and geographical distribution remain unclear. Microscopic examination detected a light infection of Plasmodium relictum (lineage GRW11, parasitemia of <0.01%) in the same sample with P. polymorphum ; the latter parasite clearly predominated (3.5% parasitemia). However, experienced researchers were unable to detect sequences of mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (cyt b ) of P. polymorphum from the microscopically positive sample by using published and newly designed primers for DNA amplification of avian Plasmodium spp. The light parasitemia of P. relictum was easily detectable using several polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assays, but P. polymorphum was undetectable in all applied assays. Quantitative PCR also showed the presence of light parasitemia (0.06%) of the lineage GRW11 in this sample. This supports the conclusion that the morphologically distinct parasite observed along with P. relictum and predominant in the sample is genetically dissimilar from the lineage GRW11 based on cyt b sequence. In samples with co-infections, general PCR protocols tend to favor the amplification of the parasite with the higher parasitemia or the amplification with the best matching sequence to the primers. Because the parasitemia of P. polymorphum was >50-fold higher than that of P. relictum and several different primers were tested, we suggest that the failure to amplify P. polymorphum is a more complex problem than why co-infections are commonly overlooked in PCR-based studies. We suggest possible explanations of these results and call for additional research on evolution of mitochondrial genome of hemosporidian parasites.  相似文献   
A set of C. jejuni isolates of different origins and flaA-genotypes obtained throughout the broiler meat production chain was tested in this study for a possible correlation of their origin, phylogenetic relationship, and phenotypic properties. Interestingly, the results showed a correlation of the origin and the phylogenetic relationship between the C. jejuni isolates and their ability to form biofilm, but not in their ability to survive at -18, 5, 20, and 48?°C. Two strains, a broiler cloacae isolate and a broiler fillet isolate, were unable to develop biofilm, while most of the C. jejuni isolates originating from meat and surfaces of the slaughterhouse readily formed biofilms after both 24, 48, and 72?h. Interestingly, these biofilm-forming strains were closely related. Furthermore, two strains that were isolated after disinfection developed significantly more biofilms after 24?h of incubation than the remaining strains. A comparative genomic analysis using DNA microarrays showed that the gene contents of strains that efficiently formed biofilms were different from those that did not. The study suggests that biofilm formation might be a lineage specific property, allowing C. jejuni to both survive environmental stress at the slaughterhouse and to attach to the surface of meat.  相似文献   
Chromosome set and rDNA sequences of the larval digenean Cercariaeum crassum were analysed in order to clarify its systematic position and possible adult form. Parasites were obtained from the sphaeriid bivalve Pisidium amnicum, collected in Lithuanian and Finnish rivers. The karyotype is shown to consist of five pairs (2n = 10) of large, up to 14 μm, chromosomes. Complement, composed of a low diploid number of exclusively bi-armed elements, presumably arose through Robertsonian fusions of acrocentric chromosomes. Consistent with a Robertsonian-derived karyotype, one or two small, metacentric, mitotically stable B chromosomes were detected in the cells of parthenitae isolated from some host individuals. A phylogenetic analysis using rDNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) and 28S sequences corroborates the allocation of C. crassum to the family Allocreadiidae. In neighbour-joining and maximum parsimony phylogenetic trees C. crassum clusters into one clade with Allocreadium spp., and is the closest sister group in relation to A. isoporum; the level of rDNA sequence divergence between them (2.67% for ITS2 and 1.16% for 28S) is consistent with the level expected for intrageneric variation. The present study adds significant information to a database for establishing species-specific characters for confident characterization of different developmental stages of allocreadiid species, clarification of their life cycles and evaluation of intra- and interspecific variability.  相似文献   
Ionotropic glutamate receptors are key players in fast excitatory synaptic transmission within the central nervous system. These receptors have been divided into three subfamilies: the N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA), 2-amino-3-(3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolyl)propionic acid (AMPA) and kainate receptors. Kainate has previously been crystallized with the ligand binding domain (LBD) of AMPA receptors (GluA2 and GluA4) and kainate receptors (GluK1 and GluK2). Here, we report the structures of the kainate receptor GluK3 LBD in complex with kainate and GluK1 LBD in complex with kainate in the absence of glycerol. Kainate introduces a conformational change in GluK3 LBD comparable to that of GluK2, but different from the conformational changes induced in GluA2 and GluK1. Compared to their domain closures in a glutamate bound state, GluA2 and GluK1 become more open and kainate induces a domain closure of 60% and 62%, respectively, relative to glutamate (100%). In GluK2 and GluK3 with kainate, the domain closure is 88% and 83%, respectively. In previously determined structures of GluK1 LBD in complex with kainate, glycerol is present in the binding site where it bridges interlobe residues and thus, might contribute to the large domain opening. However, the structure of GluK1 LBD with kainate in the absence of glycerol confirms that the observed domain closure is not an artifact of crystallization conditions. Comparison of the LBD structures with glutamate and kainate reveals that contacts are lost upon binding of kainate in the three kainate receptors, which is in contrast to the AMPA receptors where similar contacts are seen. It was revealed by patch clamp electrophysiology studies that kainate is a partial agonist at GluK1 with 36% efficacy compared to glutamate, which is in between the published efficacies of kainate at GluK2 and AMPA receptors. The ranking of efficacies seems to correlate with LBD domain closures.  相似文献   
Flavonoids exhibit prooxidant cytotoxicity in mammalian cells due to the formation of free radicals and oxidation products possessing quinone or quinomethide structure. However, it is unclear how the cytotoxicity of flavonoids depends on the ease of their single-electron oxidation in aqueous medium, i.e., the redox potential of the phenoxyl radical/phenol couple. We verified the previously calculated redox potentials for several flavonoids according to their rates of reduction of cytochrome c and ferricyanide, and proposed experimentally-based values of redox potentials for myricetin, fisetin, morin, kaempferol, galangin, and naringenin. We found that the cytotoxicity of flavonoids (n=10) in bovine leukemia virus-transformed lamb kidney fibroblasts (line FLK) and murine hepatoma (line MH-22a) increases with a decrease in their redox potential of the phenoxyl radical/phenol couple and an increase in their lipophilicity. Their cytotoxicity was decreased by antioxidants and inhibitors of cytochromes P-450, α-naphthoflavone and isoniazide, and increased by an inhibitor of catechol-O-methyltransferase, 3,5-dinitrocatechol. It shows that although the prooxidant action of flavonoids may be the main factor in their cytotoxicity, the hydroxylation and oxidative demethylation by cytochromes P-450 and O-methylation by catechol-O-methyltransferase can significantly modulate the cytotoxicity of the parent compounds.  相似文献   
Culture collections of microorganisms can still hold undiscovered biodiversity; with molecular techniques, considerable progress has been made in characterizing microalgae which were isolated in the past and misidentified due to a lack of morphological features. However, many strains are still awaiting taxonomic reassessment. Here we analysed the phylogenetic position, morphology and ultrastructure of the strain CCALA 307 previously identified as Coccomyxa cf. gloeobotrydiformis Reysigl isolated in 1987 from field soil in South Bohemia, Czech Republic. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA and the plastid rbcL gene revealed that the strain CCALA 307 formed a distinct sister lineage to Neocystis and Prasiola clades within the Trebouxiophyceae. We describe this strain as a new genus and species, Lunachloris lukesovae. Multiple conserved nucleotide positions identified in the secondary structures of the highly variable ITS2 rDNA barcoding marker provide further evidence of the phylogenetic position of Lunachloris. Minute vegetative cells of this newly recognized species are spherical or ellipsoid, with a single parietal chloroplast without a pyrenoid. Asexually, it reproduces by the formation of 2–6 autospores. Since the majority of recent attention has been paid to algae from the tropics or extreme habitats, the biodiversity of terrestrial microalgae in temperate regions is still notably unexplored and even a ‘common’ habitat like agricultural soil can contain new, as yet unknown species. Moreover, this study emphasizes the importance of culture collections of microorganisms even in the era of culture-independent biodiversity research, because they may harbour novel and undescribed organisms as well as preserving strains for future studies.  相似文献   
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - This article explores the Late Bronze Age agrarian intensification in the south-east Baltic. In recent years several studies have illustrated that to date...  相似文献   
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