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  • 1 Tilapia tholloni (Substratbrüter), T. nilotica (weiblicher Maulbrüter) und T. heudeloti macrocephala (männlicher Maulbrüter) wurden künstlich erbrütet und ihre angeborenen Kontaktreaktionen in standardisierten Attrappenversuchen untersucht.
  • 2 Das Kontaktverhalten muß während einer kritischen Phase (bei T. nilotica unter den angegebenen Versuchsbedingungen bis ungefähr zum 21. Tag nach dem Ablaichen) aktiviert werden, wenn es längere Zeit andauern soll (= Reaktionsphase). Die Reaktionsphase kann bei T. nilotica mehrere Wochen dauern. In ihr nimmt die Reaktionsstärke (Anzahl und Dauer der Kontakte) zunächst rasch zu, erreicht ein Maximum und nimmt dann allmählich wieder ab. Anstieg, Maximum und Abnahme sind an bestimmte Entwicklungsabschnitte gebunden, weitgehend unabhängig davon, ob die Tiere zuvor schon Kontaktverhalten geäußert haben oder nicht. Die Kontaktreaktionen unterscheiden sich u. a. durch die Dauer der Kontakte: tholloni = 0,7 Sek., nilotica = 86,5 Sek., heudeloti m. = 1,5 Sek. je Tag und Tier (Maximalwerte bei bestimmten, für alle Arten gleichen Versuchsbedingungen).
  • 3 Von der Aufzuchttemperatur hängt es ab, in welchem Entwicklungsabschnitt die Reaktionsphase liegt. Das Reaktionsmaximum junger T. nilotica lag bei 24° C am 9., bei 29° C am Tag nach der Eiablage.
  • 4 Geblendete nilotica-Jungfische zeigten nur zu Beginn der Reaktionsphase schwaches Kontaktverhalten, normale Tiere äußerten gegenüber einer durchsichtigen Glasattrappe abgeschwächtes, nur kurze Zeit dauerndes Kontaktverhalten. Das Kontaktverhalten wird durch mechanische (Strömung) und optische Reize ausgelöter und gesteuert.
  • 5 Junge Maulbrüter aus kleinen Eiern erreichten eine längere Kontaktdauer als solche aus größeren. Nach künstlicher Reduktion der Dottermenge um 10–20%) erhöhte sich die Kontaktdauer bei jungen nilotica um 23,1%, die Zahl der Kontakte nahm gleichzeitig um 7,6% ab. Die ♀♀ der substratbrütenden T. mariae legen große Eier, die Jungen zeigten gegenüber Attrappen intensive Kontaktreaktionen. Es wird die Frage diskutiert, ob das Erreichen einer bestimmten Eigröße eine Voraussetzung für das Entstehen des Kontaktverhaltens gewesen sein könnte.
  • 6 Die Kurzkontakte junger T. tholloni werden aus ihrer Orientierungsreaktion abgeleitet und als Vorstufe des Kontaktverhaltens gedeutet.
  • 7 7. Mehrere Tilapia-Arten wurden künstlich gekreuzt. Bei Verwendung von tholloni-Sperma wiesen die Bastarde eine erhöhte Sterblichkeit auf. Aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) gingen nur ♀♀ hervor. Die Kreuzung T. heudeloti macrocephala ~ T. nilotica (männlicher ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) erbrachte fertile F1- und F2-Generationen sowie alle vier möglichen Rückkreuzungen. Bei der Vererbung des Kontaktverhaltens (gemessen an der Dauer der Kontakte) scheinen relativ wenig Erbfaktoren mitzuwirken, T. heudeloti m. erwies sich gegenüber nilotica als praevalent. Ein Teil der Bastarde aus der Kreuzung T. tholloni ♀ ~ T. nilotica ♂ (F1) (Substratbrüter ~ weiblicher Maulbrüter) lag auf der Merkmalsskala zwischen den Ausgangsarten, der Rest verteilte sich sowohl auf den Bereich von tholloni als auch auf den Bereich von nilotica.
Feist‐Burkhardt, S. & Pross, J. 2010: Dinoflagellate cyst biostratigraphy of the Opalinuston Formation (Middle Jurassic) in the Aalenian type area in southwest Germany and north Switzerland. Lethaia, Vol. 43, pp. 10–31. In order to provide a detailed dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Lower Aalenian Opalinuston Formation from the Aalenian type area, 68 samples from four boreholes and one outcrop section were analysed. The sample localities are Hausen an der Fils and Wittnau in southwest Germany, Weiach in north Switzerland and Mont Russelin in the Swiss Jura Mountains. Dinoflagellate cyst assemblages were recovered from the Late Toarcian Aalensis Zone to the Late Aalenian Murchisonae Zone. The samples yielded rich, well‐preserved and diverse assemblages with 51 dinoflagellate cyst taxa identified in total. The dinoflagellate cyst distribution data obtained from this study allow a high‐resolution biostratigraphical subdivision of the lowermost Middle Jurassic Opalinuston Formation into four palynostratigraphical units. First and last occurrences, acmes and consistent presence of the species Batiacasphaera sp. A, Evansia cf. granochagrinata, Kallosphaeridium praussii, Nannoceratopsis triangulata, Phallocysta? frommernensis and Wallodinium laganum were selected as the criteria for defining these units. The obtained high‐resolution palynostratigraphical scheme provides a basis for establishing and further refining early Middle Jurassic biostratigraphy in the Boreal and Tethyan realms. □Aalenian, biostratigraphy, dinoflagellate cysts, Germany, Jurassic, Switzerland, Toarcian.  相似文献   
Neuro‐2a (N2a) neuroblastoma cells display an ectoenzymatic hydrolytic activity capable of degrading diadenosine polyphosphates. The ApnA‐cleaving activity has been analysed with the use of the fluorogenic compound BODIPY® FL guanosine 5′‐O‐(3‐thiotriphosphate) thioester. Hydrolysis of this dinucleotide analogue showed a hyperbolic kinetic with a Km value of 4.9 ± 1.3 μM. Diadenosine pentaphosphate, diadenosine tetraphosphate, diadenosine triphosphate, and the nucleoside monophosphate AMP behaved as an inhibitor of BODIPY® FL guanosine 5′‐O‐(3‐thiotriphosphate) thioester extracellular degradation. Ectoenzymatic activity shared the typical characteristics of the ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase family, as hydrolysis reached maximal activity at alkaline pH and was dependent on the presence of divalent cations, being strongly inhibited by EDTA and activated by Zn2+ ions. Both NPP1 and NPP3 isozymes are expressed in N2a cells, their expression levels substantially changing when cells differentiate into a neuronal‐like phenotype. In this sense, it is relevant to point the expression pattern of the NPP3 protein, whose levels were drastically reduced in the differentiated cells, being almost completely absent after 24 h of differentiation. Enzymatic activity assays carried out with differentiated N2a cells showed that NPP1 is the main isozyme involved in the extracellular degradation of dinucleotides in these cells, this enzyme reducing its activity and changing its subcellular location following neuronal differentiation.


In the present study, we present the full sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the African desert locust Schistocerca gregaria gregaria. The size of 15625 bp reported matches very well with mitochondrial genomes of other Orthopteriodea. The mitochondrial genome comprises 13 protein‐coding genes, two ribosomal RNAs and 22 t‐RNAs with two t‐RNA (trnD and trnK) rearrangements that are typical for the taxon Caelifera. We compared the sequence with 12 mitochondrial genes of Schistocerca gregaria flaviventris and Schistocerca americana and used some of these data to construct phylogenetic trees, which confirm the close relationship between the two subspecies S. g. flaviventris and S. g. gregaria. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 99 , 296–305.  相似文献   
The frequent occurrence of parallel phenotypic divergence in similar habitats is often evoked when emphasizing the role of ecology in adaptive radiation and speciation. However, because phenotypic plasticity can contribute to the observed pattern of divergence, confirmation of divergence at loci underlying phenotypic traits is important for confirming adaptive divergence. In the present study, we examine parallel morphological, neutral, and potentially adaptive genetic divergence of threespine stickleback inhabiting different habitats within a lake. Three genetic clusters best explained the neutral genetic structure within the lake; however, morphological differences were only weakly connected to genetic clusters and there was considerable phenotypic variation within clusters. Among the factors that could contribute to the observed pattern of morphological and genetic divergence are phenotypic plasticity, selective mortality of hybrids, and habitat choice based on morphology. Several loci are identified as outliers indicating divergent selection between the morphs and some parallels in morphological and adaptive genetic divergence are found in stickleback spawning at two lava sites. However, neutral genetic structure indicates considerable genetic connectivity among the two lava sites, and the parallels in morphology may therefore represent selective distribution of phenotypes rather than parallel divergence. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 98 , 803–813.  相似文献   
The different leucocyte types are an important part of the immune system. Thus, they have been used in ecological studies to assess immune function and physiological stress in wild birds. It is generally assumed that increased stress and decreased condition are associated with an increase in the ratio of heterophils to lymphocytes, the H/L ratio. We studied leucocyte profiles in relation to body condition in nestling Burrowing Parrots (Cyanoliseus patagonus) in North-eastern Patagonia, Argentina. As in other wild parrots, heterophils were the most numerous leucocyte type, suggesting strong investment into innate immunity. Leucocyte profiles did not change with the age, while nestlings in better body condition increased the number of heterophils. Because the number of lymphocytes was independent of body condition, as a result we observed a positive correlation between body condition and the H/L ratio. The total number of leucocytes relative to erythrocytes increased in nestlings in better body condition, indicating a larger overall investment into immune function in well-nourished nestlings. The observed heterophilic profiles of nestling Burrowing Parrots together with the positive relationship between H/L ratio and body condition may indicate a favoured investment in a robust innate immunity that reduces the risk of infection taking hold in these long-lived birds.  相似文献   
Flocculation of yeast cells occurs during the fermentation of beer. Partway through the fermentation the cells become flocculent and start to form flocs. If the environmental conditions, such as medium composition and fluid velocities in the tank, are optimal, the flocs will grow in size large enough to settle. After settling of the main part of the yeast the green beer is left, containing only a small amount of yeast necessary for rest conversions during the next process step, the lagering. The physical process of flocculation is a dynamic equilibrium of floc formation and floc breakup resulting in a bimodal size distribution containing single cells and flocs. The floc size distribution and the single cell amount were measured under the different conditions that occur during full scale fermentation. Influences on flocculation such as floc strength, specific power input, and total number of yeast cells in suspension were studied. A flocculation model was developed, and the measured data used for validation. Yeast floc formation can be described with the collision theory assuming a constant collision efficiency. The breakup of flocs appears to occur mainly via two mechanisms, the splitting of flocs and the erosion of yeast cells from the floc surface. The splitting rate determines the average floc size and the erosion rate determines the number of single cells. Regarding the size of the flocs with respect to the scale of turbulence, only the viscous subrange needs to be considered. With the model, the floc size distribution and the number of single cells can be predicted at a certain point during the fermentation. For this, the bond strength between the cells, the fractal dimension of the yeast, the specific power input in the tank and the number of yeast cells that are in suspension in the tank have to be known. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
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