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Key message

A comparative genetics approach allowed to precisely determine the map position of the restorer gene Rfp3 in rye and revealed that Rfp3 and the restorer gene Rfm1 in barley reside at different positions in a syntenic 4RL/6HS segment.


Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is a reliable and striking genetic mechanism for hybrid seed production. Breeding of CMS-based hybrids in cereals requires the use of effective restorer genes as an indispensable pre-requisite. We report on the fine mapping of a restorer gene for the Pampa cytoplasm in winter rye that has been tapped from the Iranian primitive rye population Altevogt 14160. For this purpose, we have mapped 41 gene-derived markers to a 38.8 cM segment in the distal part of the long arm of chromosome 4R, which carries the restorer gene. Male fertility restoration was comprehensively analyzed in progenies of crosses between a male-sterile tester genotype and 21 recombinant as well as six non-recombinant BC4S2 lines. This approach allowed us to validate the position of this restorer gene, which we have designated Rfp3, on chromosome 4RL. Rfp3 was mapped within a 2.5 cM interval and cosegregated with the EST-derived marker c28385. The gene-derived conserved ortholog set (COS) markers enabled us to investigate the orthology of restorer genes originating from different genetic resources of rye as well as barley. The observed localization of Rfp3 and Rfm1 in a syntenic 4RL/6HS segment asks for further efforts towards cloning of both restorer genes as an option to study the mechanisms of male sterility and fertility restoration in cereals.
The effect of chemical additives (acetosyringone, AS; L-cysteine, CYS; dithiothreitol, DTT; glutathione, GSH; cellulase, CEL; pectinase, PEC) and light regimes (16/8 light/dark photoperiod, 16L/8D; continuous light, 24L; continuous dark, 24D) applied during cocultivation procedure of pea explants with Agrobacterium tumefaciens on transformation efficiency was studied. A hypervirulent strain of A. tumefaciens EHA 105 with two plasmids, namely pGT89 and pBIN19, both carrying reporter gus-int gene, and bar or nptII selectable marker gene, respectively, was used for genetic transformation of cotyledonary node explants of three dry seed pea cultivars Adept, Komet and Menhir. The focus was laid on cocultivation step (48 h) of transformation protocol. After chemical or physical treatments, transient GUS expression was recorded 20 days after cocultivation as a measure of successful transformation, using a four category scale (0 – without GUS expression, 1 – weak, 2 – medium and 3 – strong GUS expression) for calculation of IGE (Intensity of GUS Expression). Of the tested chemical cocultivation additives, 100 μM AS and 50 mg CYS significantly improved GUS expression (IGE value), while DTT, GSH and both macerating enzymes (CEL, PEC used either separately or in combination) either had no positive effect or were even negative. There were no statistically significant differences between the light regimes tested. Nevertheless, cocultivation in 24L, without chemical additives, reproducibly resulted in the highest frequency of explants scored in category 3 of GUS expression (followed by 24D and 16L/8D treatment). However, application of 100 μM AS reverted this trend. Cv. Adept yielded higher transformation frequencies than cvs. Menhir and Komet. Plasmid pGT89 produced a higher IGE value than pBIN19. Based on our results, the improved cocultivation step for pea consists of 48 h cocultivation at 20 ± 2°C, with 50 mg l−1 CYS and 100 μM AS, 16L/8D photoperiod (or without AS in continuous light).  相似文献   
Marked concentration differences of noradrenaline (NA) between the vascular and the interstitial compartment were detected by sampling interstitial transudate from isolated perfused rat hearts. The ratios of vascular/interstitial concentration amounted to 7.4 to 1.3 depending on the concentration of NA administered (3 × 10–9 to 10–6 M). These concentration differences were abolished by inhibitors of uptake1 desipramine (DMI) I and uptake, (O-methyl-isoprenaline (OMI)). Neuronal uptake, was characterized by a Km of 0.22 mol/l and a Vmax of 370 pmol × min–1 × gWWT–1, extraneuronal uptake2 by a KUPTAKE of = 0.313 min–4.The apparent permeability surface area (P×S)-product calculated from uptake rate and transcapillary concentration difference was significantly decreased by administrating 100 mol/l (NA) in presence of DMI. A presumed endothelial uptake mechanism contributing to catecholamine translocation was investigated in endothelial cells in culture. These cells showed a specific noradrenaline uptake with a Km of 4.35 mol/l and a Vmax of about 75 pmol × min–1 x gWWT–1. Any inhibiton by inhibitors of both of the two noradrenaline uptakes was lacking. The uptake rate of this mechanism is insufficient to contribute to the diffusive conductivity of the capillary wall (P × S-product). We conclude from our investigations on interstitial concentrations of catecholamines and transcapillary concentration differences, that the capillary wall, owing to its metabolic and diffusional characteristics, influences the exchange of catecholamines to a substantial and physiologically relevant extent.  相似文献   
Neurological and structural changes are paralleled by cognitive deficits in diabetes mellitus. The present study was designed to evaluate the expression of neural cell adhesion molecules (NCAM) in the hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum and to examine cognitive functions in diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced in male albino rats via intraperitoneal streptozotocin injection. Learning and memory behaviors were investigated using a passive avoidance test and a spatial version of the Morris water maze test. NCAM expression was detected in the hippocampus, cortex and cerebellum by an immunoblotting method. The diabetic rats developed significant impairment in learning and memory behaviours as indicated by deficits in passive avoidance and water maze tests as compared to control rats. Expression of NCAM 180 and 120 kDa were found to be higher in hippocampus and cortex of diabetic rat brains compared to those of control, whereas expression of NCAM 140 kDa decreased in these brain regions. Our findings suggest that streptozotocin-induced diabetes impairs cognitive functions and causes an imbalance in expression of NCAM in those brain regions involved in learning and memory. Altered expression of NCAM in hippocampus may be an important cause of learning and memory deficits that occur in diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, hypusine-containing proteins are encoded by two closely related genes, HYP1 and HYP2, which are regulated reciprocally by oxygen and heme. We have purified the aerobically expressed hypusine-containing proteins from yeast. The three proteins detected (two isoforms, which differ in their pI values, and a degradation product thereof, lacking the N-terminal 10 amino acid residues) are all encoded by HYP2. The N-terminus of both isoforms is formed by acetylation of a serine residue after cleavage of the first methionine. Cells mutant for hyp2 are unable to grow aerobically. However, under anaerobic conditions these mutants display no obvious phenotype, presumably because the strictly anaerobically expressed HYPI gene product (Hyp1p) is present. This implies that Hyp1p and Hyp2p fulfill very similar functions. In fact, Hyp1p can substitute for Hyp2p under aerobic conditions, when expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter in hyp2 mutant cells.Abbreviations HYP1 and HYP2 S. cerevisiae genes encoding hypusine-containing protein Hyplp and Hyp2p, respectively  相似文献   
Oligonucleotides modified by clinically ineffective trans-diamminedichloridoplatinum(II) (transplatin) have been shown to be effective modulators of gene expression. This is so because in some nucleotide sequences the 1,3-GNG intrastrand adducts formed by transplatin in double-helical DNA readily rearrange into interstrand cross-links so that they can cross-link the oligonucleotides to their targets. On the other hand, in a number of other sequences these intrastrand adducts are relatively stable, which represents the major difficulty in the clinical use of the antisense transplatin-modified oligonucleotides. Therefore, we examined in this study, the stability of 1,3-GNG intrastrand adducts in double-helical DNA formed by a new antitumor derivative of transplatin, trans-[Pt(CH3NH2)2Cl2], in the sequence contexts in which transplatin formed relatively stable intrastrand cross-links which did not readily rearranged into interstrand cross-links. We have found that 1,3-GNG intrastrand adducts in double-helical DNA formed by trans-[Pt(CH3NH2)2Cl2] even in such sequences readily rearrange into interstrand cross-links. This work also suggests that an enhanced frequency of intrastrand cross-links yielded by trans-[Pt(CH3NH2)2Cl2] is a consequence of the fact that these DNA lesions considerably distort double-helical DNA in far more sequence contexts than parent transplatin. Our results suggest that trans-[Pt(CH3NH2)2Cl2]-modified oligonucleotides represent promising candidates for new agents in antisense or antigene approach.  相似文献   
Permanent mother-infant separation prior to natural weaning is a common hus-bandry practice in monkey breeding colonies. In the United States, all eight Re-gional Primate Research Centers have such colonies. Under undisturbed conditions, Old World monkey mothers wean their infants at the age of about 1 year (Hall & DeVore, 1965; Poirier, 1970; Roonwal & Mohnot, 1977; Southwick, Beg, & Siddiqi, 1965). Natural weaning is a gradual process. It implies that the mother, over a period of several weeks or months, more and more consistently discourages her infant to suck on her breasts. Once the mother stops nursing the infant for good, the affectionate bond between the two is not broken (Altmann, Altmann, Hausfater, & McCuskey, 1977; Lindburg, 1971; Poirier, 1970; Roonwal & Mohnot, 1977). The young usually remains in the ma-ternal group at least until prepuberty. Under confinement conditions, artificial weaning is an abrupt occurrence that takes place several months prior to the biologically normal age of weaning. It im-plies that the still-nursed infant is taken away from the mother and subsequently reared alone or with other artificially weaned infants.  相似文献   

Key message

Compared with independent validation, cross-validation simultaneously sampling genotypes and environments provided similar estimates of accuracy for genomic selection, but inflated estimates for marker-assisted selection.


Estimates of prediction accuracy of marker-assisted (MAS) and genomic selection (GS) require validations. The main goal of our study was to compare the prediction accuracies of MAS and GS validated in an independent sample with results obtained from fivefold cross-validation using genomic and phenotypic data for Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat. In addition, the applicability of the reliability criterion, a concept originally developed in the context of classic animal breeding and GS, was explored for MAS. We observed that prediction accuracies of MAS were overestimated by 127% using cross-validation sampling genotype and environments in contrast to independent validation. In contrast, prediction accuracies of GS determined in independent samples are similar to those estimated with cross-validation sampling genotype and environments. This can be explained by small population differentiation between the training and validation sets in our study. For European wheat breeding, which is so far characterized by a slow temporal dynamic in allele frequencies, this assumption seems to be realistic. Thus, GS models used to improve European wheat populations are expected to possess a long-lasting validity. Since quantitative trait loci information can be exploited more precisely if the predicted genotype is more related to the training population, the reliability criterion is also a valuable tool to judge the level of prediction accuracy of individual genotypes in MAS.
Central core disease of muscle (CCD; MIM 117000) is a rare inheritable myopathy that is frequently found in association with susceptibility to malignant hyperthermia (MHS). This observation has prompted us to perform a linkage study in CCD families using various chromosome 19q probes that are linked to the MHS locus and map close to the ryanodine receptor gene (RYR1), a strong MHS candidate gene. Our genetic linkage data support a location of the CCD gene on proximal 19q13.1 and thus suggest that CCD and MHS may be allelic.  相似文献   
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