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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, commonly known as ALL, is a predominant form of cancer during childhood. With the advent of modern healthcare support, the 5-year survival rate has been impressive in the recent past. However, long-term ALL survivors embattle several treatment-related medical and socio-economic complications due to excessive and inordinate chemotherapy doses received during treatment. In this work, we present a model-based approach to personalize 6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) treatment for childhood ALL with a provision for incorporating the pharmacogenomic variations among patients. Semi-mechanistic mathematical models were developed and validated for i) 6-MP metabolism, ii) red blood cell mean corpuscular volume (MCV) dynamics, a surrogate marker for treatment efficacy, and iii) leukopenia, a major side-effect. With the constraint of getting limited data from clinics, a global sensitivity analysis based model reduction technique was employed to reduce the parameter space arising from semi-mechanistic models. The reduced, sensitive parameters were used to individualize the average patient model to a specific patient so as to minimize the model uncertainty. Models fit the data well and mimic diverse behavior observed among patients with minimum parameters. The model was validated with real patient data obtained from literature and Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Patient models were used to optimize the dose for an individual patient through nonlinear model predictive control. The implementation of our approach in clinical practice is realizable with routinely measured complete blood counts (CBC) and a few additional metabolite measurements. The proposed approach promises to achieve model-based individualized treatment to a specific patient, as opposed to a standard-dose-for-all, and to prescribe an optimal dose for a desired outcome with minimum side-effects.  相似文献   
This study was conducted to clarify the etiology of a high frequency of bone fractures and osteoporosis in the moose (Alces alces) population in southern Norway. Liver samples, both metacarpi, and carcass data were collected from 21 and 22 moose calves shot in 1994 in Birkenes (southern Norway), and Naer?y (central Norway), respectively. The liver samples were analyzed for copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, chromium, molybdenum, and selenium. Bone samples were subject to histologic, radiologic, and chemical examinations. Three of the calves from Birkenes and one calf from Naer?y showed histologic and radiologic evidence of generalized osteoporosis consistent with osteoporosis due to starvation. The calves with osteoporosis had the lowest carcass weights and radio-opacities recorded. There was a positive correlation between carcass weight and bone radio-opacity. Density, ash content, phosphorus, and calcium contents and phosphorous/calcium ratio in bone samples, as well as hepatic trace element status, were within the normal range for all calves in both populations. Two of the osteoporotic calves, were reported to have been orphaned. Our results indicate that the high frequency of bone fractures reported in moose in southern Norway is not associated with regional differences in trace element status or bone mineral balance. We propose that the occurrence of osteoporosis in moose calves in Birkenes may have resulted from inadequate nutrition following general overcrowding and high pressure on feed resources in the southernmost part of Norway.  相似文献   
Prion disorders are fatal neurodegenerative diseases caused by the autocatalytic conversion of a natively occurring prion protein (PrPC) into its misfolded infectious form (PrPTSE). The proven resistance of PrPTSE to common disinfection procedures increases the risk of prion transmission in medical settings. Herein, we present the effective photodynamic inactivation (PDI) of prions by disulfonated hydroxyaluminum phthalocyanine (AlPcOH(SO3)2) utilizing two custom‐built red light sources. The treatment eliminates PrPTSE signal in infectious mouse brain homogenate with efficiency that depends on light intensity but has a low effect on the overall protein content. Importantly, singlet oxygen (O2(1Δg)) is the only species significantly photogenerated by AlPcOH(SO3)2, and it is responsible for the PDI of prions. More intensive light conditions show not only higher O2(1Δg) production but also decreases in AlPcOH(SO3)2 photostability. Our findings suggest that PDI by AlPcOH(SO3)2‐generated O2(1Δg) represents a promising approach for prion inactivation that may be useful in future decontamination strategies for delicate medical tools.  相似文献   
The ε subunit of the ATP synthase from E. coli undergoes conformational changes while rotating through 360° during catalysis. The conformation of ε was probed in the membrane-bound ATP synthase by reaction of mono-cysteine mutants with 3-N-maleimidyl-propionyl biocytin (MPB) under resting conditions, during ATP hydrolysis, and after inhibition by ADP-AlF3. The relative extents of labeling were quantified after electrophoresis and blotting of the partially purified ε subunit. Residues from the N-terminal β-sandwich domain showed a position-specific pattern of labeling, consistent with prior structural studies. Some residues near the ε-γ interface showed changes up to two-fold if labeling occurred during ATP hydrolysis or after inhibition by ADP-AlF3. In contrast, residues found in the C-terminal α-helices were all labeled to a moderate or high level with a pattern that was consistent with a partially opened helical hairpin. The results indicate that the two C-terminal α-helices do not adopt a fixed conformation under resting conditions, but rather exhibit intrinsic flexibility.  相似文献   
Ecological and environmental heterogeneity can produce genetic differentiation in highly mobile species. Accordingly, local adaptation may be expected across comparatively short distances in the presence of marked environmental gradients. Within the European continent, wolves (Canis lupus) exhibit distinct north–south population differentiation. We investigated more than 67‐K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci for signatures of local adaptation in 59 unrelated wolves from four previously identified population clusters (northcentral Europe n = 32, Carpathian Mountains n = 7, Dinaric‐Balkan n = 9, Ukrainian Steppe n = 11). Our analyses combined identification of outlier loci with findings from genome‐wide association study of individual genomic profiles and 12 environmental variables. We identified 353 candidate SNP loci. We examined the SNP position and neighboring megabase (1 Mb, one million bases) regions in the dog (C. lupus familiaris) genome for genes potentially under selection, including homologue genes in other vertebrates. These regions included functional genes for, for example, temperature regulation that may indicate local adaptation and genes controlling for functions universally important for wolves, including olfaction, hearing, vision, and cognitive functions. We also observed strong outliers not associated with any of the investigated variables, which could suggest selective pressures associated with other unmeasured environmental variables and/or demographic factors. These patterns are further supported by the examination of spatial distributions of the SNPs associated with universally important traits, which typically show marked differences in allele frequencies among population clusters. Accordingly, parallel selection for features important to all wolves may eclipse local environmental selection and implies long‐term separation among population clusters.  相似文献   
Two strains of Escherichia coli that lack the epsilon subunit of the F1F0 ATP synthase have been constructed. They are shown to be viable but with very low growth yields (28%). These strains can be complemented by plasmids carrying wild-type uncC, but not when epsilon is overproduced. These results indicate that epsilon is not essential for growth on minimal glucose medium and that the level of its expression affects the assembly of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   
Several novel oxygenated polyunsaturated lipid mediators biosynthesized from n-3 docosapentaenoic acid were recently isolated from murine inflammatory exudates and human primary cells. These compounds belong to a distinct family of specialized pro-resolving mediators, and display potent in vivo anti-inflammatory and pro-resolution effects. The endogenously formed specialized pro-resolving mediators have attracted a great interest as lead compounds in drug discovery programs towards the development of new classes of drugs that dampen inflammation without interfering with the immune response. Detailed information on the chemical structures, cellular functions and distinct biosynthetic pathways of specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators is a central aspect of these biological actions. Herein, the isolation, structural elucidation, biosynthetic pathways, total synthesis and bioactions of the n-3 docosapentaenoic acid derived mediators PD1n-3 DPA and MaR1n-3 DPA are discussed. In addition, a brief discussion of a novel family of mediators derived from n-3 docosapentaenoic acid, termed 13-series resolvins is included.  相似文献   
Neisseria species express an O-linked glycosylation system in which functionally distinct proteins are elaborated with variable glycans. A major source of glycan diversity in N. meningitidis results from two distinct pglB alleles responsible for the synthesis of either N,N′-diacetylbacillosamine or glyceramido-acetamido trideoxyhexose that occupy the reducing end of the oligosaccharides. Alternative modifications at C-4 of the precursor UDP-4-amino are attributable to distinct C-terminal domains that dictate either acetyltransferase or glyceramidotransferase activity, encoded by pglB and pglB2, respectively. Naturally occurring alleles of pglB2 have homopolymeric tracts of either 7 or 8 adenosines (As) bridging the C-terminal open reading frame (ORF) and the ORF encompassing the conserved N-terminal domain associated with phosphoglycosyltransferase activity. In the work presented here, we explored the consequences of such pglB2 allele variation and found that, although both alleles are functional vis-à-vis glycosylation, the 7A form results in the expression of a single, multidomain protein, while the 8A variant elicits two single-domain proteins. We also found that the glyceramidotransferase activity-encoding domain is essential to protein glycosylation, showing the critical role of the C-4 modification of the precursor UDP-4-amino in the pathway. These findings were further extended and confirmed by examining the phenotypic consequences of extended poly(A) tract length variation. Although ORFs related to those of pglB2 are broadly distributed in eubacteria, they are primarily found as two distinct, juxtaposed ORFs. Thus, the neisserial pglB2 system provides novel insights into the potential influence of hypermutability on modular evolution of proteins by providing a unique snapshot of the progression of ongoing gene fusion.  相似文献   
Cysteine mutagenesis and surface labeling has been used to define more precisely the transmembrane spans of subunit a of the Escherichia coli ATP synthase. Regions of subunit a that are exposed to the periplasmic space have been identified by a new procedure, in which cells are incubated with polymyxin B nonapeptide (PMBN), an antibiotic derivative that partially permeabilizes the outer membrane of E. coli, along with a sulfhydryl reagent, 3-(N-maleimidylpropionyl) biocytin (MPB). This procedure permits reaction of sulfhydryl groups in the periplasmic space with MPB, but residues in the cytoplasm are not labeled. Using this procedure, residues 8, 27, 37, 127, 131, 230, 231, and 232 were labeled and so are thought to be exposed in the periplasm. Using inside-out membrane vesicles, residues near the end of transmembrane spans 1, 64, 67, 68, 69, and 70 and residues near the end of transmembrane spans 5, 260, 263, and 265 were labeled. Residues 62 and 257 were not labeled. None of these residues were labeled in PMBN-permeabilized cells. These results provide a more detailed view of the transmembrane spans of subunit a and also provide a simple and reliable technique for detection of periplasmic regions of inner membrane proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   
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