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In this paper, we use the Rothamsted Carbon Model to estimate how cropland mineral soil carbon stocks are likely to change under future climate, and how agricultural management might influence these stocks in the future. The model was run for croplands occurring on mineral soils in European Russia and the Ukraine, representing 74 Mha of cropland in Russia and 31 Mha in the Ukraine. The model used climate data (1990–2070) from the HadCM3 climate model, forced by four Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emission scenarios representing various degrees of globalization and emphasis on economic vs. environmental considerations. Three land use scenarios were examined, business as usual (BAU) management, optimal management (OPT) to maximize profit, and soil sustainability (SUS) in which profit was maximized within the constraint that soil carbon must either remain stable or increase. Our findings suggest that soil organic carbon (SOC) will be lost under all climate scenarios, but less is lost under the climate scenarios where environmental considerations are placed higher than purely economic considerations (IPCC B1 and B2 scenarios) compared with the climate associated with emissions resulting from the global free market scenario (IPCC A1FI scenario). More SOC is lost towards the end of the study period. Optimal management is able to reduce this loss of SOC, by up to 44% compared with business as usual management. The soil sustainability scenario could be run only for a limited area, but in that area was shown to increase SOC stocks under three climate scenarios, compared with a loss of SOC under business as usual management in the same area. Improved agricultural soil management will have a significant role to play in the adaptation to, and mitigation of, climate change in this region. Further, our results suggest that this adaptation could be realized without damaging profitability for the farmers, a key criteria affecting whether optimal management can be achieved in reality.  相似文献   
Efflux time courses of endogenous cytosolic proteins were obtained from rabbit psoas muscle fibers skinned in oil and transferred to physiological salt solution. Proteins were separated by gel electrophoresis and compared to load-matched standards for quantitative analysis. A radial diffusion model incorporating the dissociation and dissipation of supramolecular complexes accounts for an initial lag and subsequent efflux of glycolytic and glycogenolytic enzymes. The model includes terms representing protein crowding, myofilament lattice hindrance, and binding to the cytomatrix. Optimization algorithms returned estimates of the apparent diffusion coefficients, D(r,t), that were very low at the onset of diffusion (∼10−10 cm2 s−1) but increased with time as cytosolic protein density, which was initially high, decreased. D(r,t) at later times ranged from 2.11 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 (parvalbumin) to 0.20 × 10−7 cm2 s−1 (phosphofructose kinase), values that are 3.6- to 12.3-fold lower than those predicted in bulk water. The low initial values are consistent with the presence of complexes in situ; the higher later values are consistent with molecular sieving and transient binding of dissociated proteins. Channeling of metabolic intermediates via enzyme complexes may enhance production of adenosine triphosphate at rates beyond that possible with randomly and/or sparsely distributed enzymes, thereby matching supply with demand.  相似文献   
Using atomic force microscopy, we examined the contribution of cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) to thick-filament length and flexural rigidity. Native thick filaments were isolated from the hearts of transgenic mice bearing a truncation mutation of cMyBP-C (t/t) that results in no detectable cMyBP-C and from age-matched wild-type controls (+/+). Atomic force microscopy images of these filaments were evaluated with an automated analysis algorithm that identified filament position and shape. The t/t thick-filament length (1.48 ± 0.02 μm) was significantly (P < 0.01) shorter than +/+ (1.56 ± 0.02 μm). This 5%-shorter thick-filament length in the t/t was reflected in 4% significantly shorter sarcomere lengths of relaxed isolated cardiomyocytes of the t/t (1.97 ± 0.01 μm) compared to +/+ (2.05 ± 0.01 μm). To determine if cMyBP-C contributes to the mechanical properties of thick filaments, we used statistical polymer chain mechanics to calculate a per-filament-specific persistence length, an index of flexural rigidity directly proportional to Young's modulus. Thick-filament-specific persistence length in the t/t (373 ± 62 μm) was significantly lower than in +/+ (639 ± 101 μm). Accordingly, Young's modulus of t/t thick filaments was ∼60% of +/+. These results provide what we consider a new understanding for the critical role of cMyBP-C in defining normal cardiac output by sustaining force and muscle stiffness.  相似文献   
Sediment traps were placed in the water column both inside and in the vicinity of three northwestern Mediterranean submarine canyons. The sediment traps with 12 rotary collectors were deployed on mooring lines 30 and 500 m above the sea floor, and were sampled fortnightly. Polychaete worms (Anelida) and hydromedusae (Cnidaria) were the most abundant zoological taxa captured. Whereas hydromedusae and three of the polychaete species were clearly planktonic organisms, 16 polychaete species were adult benthic forms without special adaptations for swimming, and sometimes also had a large biomass. Four of the 19 polychaete species are described as new species: Aricidea (Allia) longisetosa sp. nov. , Paradoneis hirsuta sp. nov. , Ophelina margaleffi sp. nov. , and Exogone (Parexogone) canyonincolae sp. nov. The rich collection of polychaetes obtained leads us to postulate that these animals are supported by a continuous flux of organic matter, and that they are adapted to the rigorous physical conditions that may occur between the seafloor and the bottom water. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 155 , 1–21.  相似文献   

To overcome the problem of getting crustaceans to reproduce in captivity, eyestalk ablation or X-organ sinus gland removal is commonly utilized in commercially important species such as shrimp. We have investigated the effect of unilateral and bilateral eyestalk ablation on methyl farnesoate (MF) production by mandibular organs (MOs) and on ovarian maturation in female spider crabs Libinia emarginata, a useful model since these animals are in a terminal molt and are devoid of a functional Y-organ. Non-reproductive, over-wintering female L. emarginata were induced to be reproductive by feeding and increasing the holding temperature to stimulate the endocrine system. In addition, we removed X-organ sinus glands by eyestalk ablation either unilaterally (UEA) or bilaterally (BEA) to further stimulate MF synthesis by MOs. Endogenous MF in the hemolymph was extracted and quantified by means of HPLC and in some cases by GC/MS. Oocyte growth and egg quality were studied simultaneously to determine how they were related to MF levels found during vitellogenesis. The initial MF concentration in unablated controls was low, 0.31 ng/ml of hemolymph, and this increased (p<0.05) to about 1 ng/ml by 2 weeks, remaining at about that level for the remainder of the experiment. Eyestalk ablation significantly stimulated MF concentrations by week 1 to nearly 2 and 3.5ng/ml in the UEA (p <0.01) and BEA (p <0.001) animals, respectively. Oocytes appeared to respond to increased MF levels, as ovarian maturation was initiated from the point at which MF increased (p <0.05). Thereafter, the rate of oocyte growth was directly correlated with the extent of elevation of MF. The gonado-somatic index [(GSI) = gonad weight/body weight × 100] of controls at the start was about 1.5 and increased to 6.5 by week 4. Mature oocytes were reached at a GSI around 7. Oocyte maturation was accomplished at week 2 in BEA, week 3 in UEA, and later than week 4 in controls. After maturation, oocytes started to degrade in some ablated animals, particularly in the bilaterally ablated ones where the highest MF concentrations were observed. These data indicate that MF elevations are required for stimulating ovarian maturation in Crustacea. MF appears to accelerate gonad development during the vitellogenic process, but may be deleterious at high concentrations. These results have a significant and important application and implications for aquaculture.  相似文献   

Biomphalaria straminea is a freshwater snail and one of the intermediate hosts of the trematode parasite which causes schistosomiasis in Brazil. The main stages of embryonic development were analyzed with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), using the fluorescent probe DiOC and Nile Red as a vital stain in in vivo preparations. In fixed preparations nuclei were stained by the Feulgen reaction or the fluorescent DNA probe, Höechst 33342. Results obtained from the analysis of embryos at the stages of early cleavage, morula, blastula, gastrula, early trocophore and veliger showed that these stages are similar to those described for Biomphalaria glabrata and Biomphalaria tenagophila. CLSM optical sections of early trochophore showed important morphological structures such as the blastopore, stomodeum and shell gland; and in early veliger, internal organs such as the esophagus, stomach and male and female ducts were also clearly identified.  相似文献   
Homoploid hybrid speciation in animals is poorly understood, mainly because of the scarcity of well‐documented cases. Here, we present the results of a multilocus sequence analysis on the house sparrow (Passer domesticus), Spanish sparrow (P. hispaniolensis) and their proposed hybrid descendant, the Italian sparrow (P. italiae). The Italian sparrow is shown to be genetically intermediate between the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow, exhibiting genealogical discordance and a mosaic pattern of alleles derived from either of the putative parental species. The average variation on the Z chromosome was significantly reduced compared with autosomal variation in the putative parental species, the house sparrow and Spanish sparrow. Additionally, divergence between the two species was elevated on the Z chromosome relative to the autosomes. This pattern of variation and divergence is consistent with reduced introgression of Z‐linked genes and/or a faster‐Z effect (increased rate of adaptive divergence on the Z). FST‐outlier tests were consistent with the faster‐Z hypothesis: two of five Z‐linked loci (CHD1Z and PLAA) were identified as candidates for being subject to positive, divergent selection in the putative parental species. Interestingly, the two latter genes showed a mosaic pattern in the (hybrid) Italian sparrow; that is, the Italian sparrow was found to be fixed for Spanish sparrow alleles at CHD1Z and to mainly have house sparrow alleles at PLAA. Preliminary evidence presented in this study thus suggests that sex chromosomes may play a significant role in this case of homoploid hybrid speciation.  相似文献   
Abstract: Prior to geochemical analyses, fossil bones and teeth are often extracted from any surrounding lithified sediments using chemical techniques such as immersion in acid. As stable isotope analysis becomes more commonplace in palaeoecological investigations, it is important to consider what effects these chemical preparation techniques may have on any subsequent isotopic data and to constrain these effects as quantitatively as possible. This study aims to elucidate these effects, as it is vital that variability in a data set should not be introduced as a result of protocols used during sample preparation; in addition, it defines the most effective and viable method of carbonate removal for processing bulk fossil samples without causing alteration of their stable isotopic signatures. Various strengths of two weak acids commonly used during palaeontological preparation were tested to evaluate their effects on the δ15N and δ13Corg isotopic signatures of the vertebrae of a large Eocene fossil fish. Changes in the isotopic values occurred over time regardless of which acid was used, each causing a variable response in both δ15N and δ13Corg isotopic values. Without careful monitoring of the acidification process in a controlled environment, any resulting data could therefore confound interpretation. Based on these experiments, it is recommended that 2 m acetic acid be used for the pretreatment of fossils prior to the acquisition of N and C isotope data where carbonate removal is necessary.  相似文献   
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