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The Mu transposon of maize exists in a highly mutagenic strain called Robertson's Mutator. Plants of this strain contain 10-50 copies of the Mu element, whereas most maize strains and other plants have none. When Mutator plants are crossed to plants of the inbred line 1S2P, which does not have copies of Mu, the progeny plants have approximately the same number of Mu sequences as did their Mutator parent. Approximately one-half of these copies have segregated from their parent and one-half have arisen by transposition and are integrated into new positions in the genome. This maintenance of copy number can be accounted for by an extremely high rate of transposition of the Mu elements (10-15 transpositions per gamete per generation). When Mutator plants are self-pollinated, the progeny double their Mu copy number in the first generation, but maintain a constant number of Mu sequences with subsequent self-pollinations. Transposition of Mu and the events that lead to copy number maintenance occur very late in the development of the germ cells but before fertilization. A larger version of the Mu element transposes but is not necessary for transposition of the Mu sequences. The progeny of crosses with a Mutator plant occasionally lack Mutator activity; these strains retain copies of the Mu element, but these elements no longer transpose.  相似文献   
Laboratory microcosms were used to compare the effects of the littoral ostracod Cypridopsis vidua and the planktonic cladoceran Daphnia magna on community structure and metabolism. Filter-feeding by cladocerans, both in the presence and absence of ostracods, greatly reduced the abundance of planktonic algae when D. magna reached peak density around day 50; rotifers and euglenids were then limited to flocculent matter on the container bottom. Both net production and community respiration rates decreased as community composition changed. Microcosms containing ostracods as the only microcrustacean showed little reduction in total algal numbers but the otherwise dominant alga, Scenedesmus spp., was replaced by Ankistrodesmus spp. when peak ostracod density was reached around day 100. Rotifers were completely eliminated but euglenids were able to coexist with ostracods. Ostracods impacted community metabolism less than cladocerans, but depressed respiration slightly more than net production.  相似文献   
A spring-fed, headwater stream in central Rhode Island was examined during the period from June to October, 1979 to 1982. In the first two summers, a dense riparian canopy reduced the light penetration at the stream surface to a range of 5 to 18% of incident radiation. The lotic macroalgal community during this period was limited to 1 to 4 species covering < 1 to 35% of the stream bottom. However, in June and July, 1981, the surrounding leaf canopy was removed by a massive gypsy moth larval outbreak. Light penetration to the stream during this summer increased to 73% by early July, thereby resulting in a rise in water temperatures by 3.7°C. Even though there was a partial regrowth of leaves in late July and August of 1981, macroalgal cover values continued to rise to an early August peak of 80%. During the third summer, 88% of the macroalgal abundance could be attributed to illumination and water temperature. The filamentous diatom Funotia pectinalis ( O.F. Müll.) Rabh. was the predominant species in the midsummer of all four years, accounting for at least 60% of the total cover. In 1981. an important taxon was the desmid Hyalotheca dissiliens (S. Smith) Bréb., a species which was not seen in other years. A less severe gypsy moth defoliation occurred in 1982 but did not produce significant differences in light, temperature or macroalgal cover from 1979 and 1980. The results indicate that light and temperature can be limiting during the summer in spring-fed, headwater streams and that seed populations of some species are present in undetect-able levels during these periods of suboptimal growth conditions. In addition, it appears that stream macroalgal communities can be quite resilient, recovering rapidly following a major perturbation .  相似文献   
Seedlings of pond pine ( Pinus serotina Michx.), sand pine [ P. clausa (Engelm.) Sarg.], and loblolly pine ( P. taeda L., wet-site and drought-hardy seed sources) were grown in hydroponic solution culture using a non-circulating, continuously flowing design under anaerobic or aerobic conditions to determine whether flooding tolerance was correlated with enhanced internal root aeration. Transport of atmospheric O2 from the shoot to the root of anaerobically grown loblolly and pond pine seedlings was demonstrated via rhizosphere oxidation, using both reduced indigo-carmine solution and a polarographic, ensheathing Pt-electrode. Stem and root collar lenticels were the major sites of atmospheric O2 entry for submerged roots in these seedlings. No O2 leakage was detected from roots of aerobically grown pine seedlings. Longitudinal and radial pathways for gaseous diffusion via intercellular air spaces in the pericycle and between ray parenchyma cells, respectively, were demonstrated histo-logically in anaerobically grown loblolly and pond pines. Rhizosphere oxidation, and lenticel and aerenchyma development in roots of flood-intolerant sand pine seedlings grown in anaerobic solutions were minimal. Only 15 days of anaerobic growth conditions were necessary to increase internal root porosities of loblolly and pond pine seedlings – although not to the extent found in seedlings treated for 30 or 75 days. Histological results indicated that root tissue in the secondary stage of growth was capable of forming intercellular air spaces, demonstrating a degree of internal plasticity – at least in the more flood-tolerant loblolly and pond pine seedlings.  相似文献   
Summary In the Colorado Rocky Mountains the glacier lily Erythronium grandiflorum exhibits a striking dimorphism in pollen color and is commonly pollinated by the bumble bee Bombus occidentalis. We induced bees to visit sequences of flowers in a flight cage, and compared dispersal of distinctively-colored pollen and fluorescent pigment (dye) that the bee had picked up at a single donor flower. Nonparametric and parametric analyses showed that dispersal properties of pollen and dye differed; consistently less pollen was deposited and it was carried consistently shorter distances than dye. Dye thus does not provide an accurate means of assessing exacty where or how far pollen travels in this plant-pollinator system. On the other hand, both pollen and dye responded similarly to several experimental manipulations of donor and recipient flowers. Hence dye may well be of value for a qualitative investigation of how floral traits influence pollen dispersal.  相似文献   
Salts of transition elements that alter the rate of sperm cell movement act at or near calcium-binding sites. After living bull sperm cells had been preincubated in VO43?, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, and also La3+, they were then fixed. Crisply defined organelles and the absence of particulate deposits in the morphological controls contrasted sharply with the treated specimens; the latter contained regions of increased electron density, the nature and distribution of which depended on the test substance, reflecting the differential affinities of the specific ions. La3+ formed fine dense areas, mainly at the exocytic surface of the plasma membrane. VO43? marks the cell surface but also left particulate densities within the cell. Ni2+ caused a nearly uniformly dense deposit at the surface and on the satellite fibers and axonemal microtubules. Zn2+ formed less uniform but coarser deposits, while in Mn2+ the distribution was similar to that in Zn2+ but much denser in the axonemal matrix and on the satellite fibers. Verapamil restricted the size and number of the opacities, while procaine permitted a similar distribution of slightly larger size reaction product. The differences in size and distribution of the enhanced densities were consistent and replicable for the individual assay substances. Vanadate, which specifically inhibits Na, K-ATPase, bound to ouabain-sensitive enzyme loci, however, completely disrupting the axonemal complex. This suggests that an important role of dynein in flagellar motion may relate to intracellular transport of Ca2+.  相似文献   
Plant cell nuclei were compared with chicken erythrocyte nuclei for use as internal standards for microspectrophotometry. The amount of DNA per nucleus and the coefficient of variation for measurement of individual nuclei were determined for cells from dormant embryos of Pinus taeda and Pinus coulteri, from onion root tips and from chicken erythrocytes. The chicken erythrocytes had the least variability and thus were best suited for use as a standard. Onion root tips were least suitable, with a coefficient of variation 2 1/2 times that of erythrocytes. Although onion root tips have been used as an internal standard in other studies, their mitotic activity, in contrast with the nonreplication of DNA of mature erythrocytes, is reflected in a broad distribution of nuclei with values in the 2C-4C range. Coulter pine mature embryos were at the 3C level, whether dry or hydrated, while loblolly pine embryos were in the 2C state. This confirms previous reports. The coefficient of variability for the pine embryo cells was 1 1/2 times that of erythrocytes for nonhydrated seeds and twice the erythrocyte value for hydrated seeds. The larger 2C values for pine (26 pg for P. taeda and 17 pg for P. coulteri) are closer to values expected for many plant species than the 3 pg level of the chicken erythrocytes. Dormant P. taeda embryo cells (2C) are suggested as an alternative where the experimental material has large DNA values and/or chicken erythrocytes are difficult to procure. Large sample size is recommended for the plant materials if they are to be used as internal standards in Feulgen cytophotometry.  相似文献   
Summary Rare albino morphs of the montane larkspur Delphinium nelsonii differ from common blue-flowered morphs in overall flower color, and in the strength of a contrasting color pattern at the center of the flower that presumably guides pollinators to concealed nectar. Previous studies showed that bumblebees and hummingbirds discriminate against albinos when presented with mixtures of the 2 morphs, and that it takes these pollinators longer to fly between successive flowers on albino than on blue-flowered inflorescences. To explore the link between these observations, we measured pollinator preferences and flower-to-flower flight times (handling times) before and after painting flowers in 2 alternative ways that enhanced albino nectar guides. In all of 16 experimental replicates discrimination against albinos was reduced or eliminated after painting, and albino handling times declined toward values for blue-flowered inflorescences. This consistent result indicates that an inferior nectar guide increases the energetic cost of foraging at albinos. Increased cost in turn explains discrimination, under the reasonable assumption that hummingbirds and bumblebees are sensitive to foraging economics.  相似文献   
Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in skeletal muscte promotes the production of alanine, an important precursor in hepatic gluconeogenesis. There is controversy concerning the origin of the carbon skeleton of alanine produced in muscle, specifically whether it is derived from carbohydrate via glycolysis (the glucose-alanine cycle) or from amino acid precursors (viz. glutamate, valine, isoleucine, methionine, aspartate, asparagine) via a pathway involving phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase and pyruvate kinase, or NADP-malate dehydrogenase (malic enzyme). The relevant literature is reviewed and it is concluded that neogenic flux from amino acids is unlikely to be of major quantitative importance for provision of the carbon skeleton of alanine either in vitro or in vivo. Evidence is presented that branched-chain amino acid oxidation in muscle is incomplete and that the branched-chain 2-oxo acids and the products of their partial oxidation (including glutamine) are released. The role of these metabolites is discussed in the context of fuel homeostasis in starvation.  相似文献   
Summary A cloned cDNA partial copy of a soybean leghemoglobin mRNA was used to probe genomic DNA of four species of actinorhizal plants. Southern blot hybridization revealed the presence of sequences with homology to the leghemoglobin probe in DNA from Alnus glutinosa, Casuarina glauca, Ceanothus americanus and Elaeagnus pungens. The hybridization patterns of the restriction fragments revealed some fragment size conservation between the DNA of soybean and the DNA of four actinorhizal plants which are taxonomically unrelated to soybean or to each other. The results presented here indicate that globin gene sequences are much more widely distributed in the plant kingdom than has previously been thought. Furthermore, if sequence conservation is actually as high as the restriction fragment patterns suggest, the evolution of the DNA surrounding the globin sequences has been highly constrained.  相似文献   
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