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Summary The adrenergic innervation of the major salivary glands in the rat has been studied by a specific histochemical method for the visualization of the adrenergic transmitter. Adrenergic varicose nerve fibres were found, located in a typical adrenergic ground plexus closely surrounding the serous acini of the submaxillary and parotid glands, but not the acini of the mainly mucous sublingual gland. The ducts were found to be completely devoid of adrenergic innervation. Arterioles and venules in the stroma of all three glands and certain very small vessels, possibly the sphincters of arterio-venous anastomoses, were also richly innervated by adrenergic vasomotor fibres. The relationship of the adrenergic nerve fibres to the different functional units of the gland parenchyma is discussed.The investigation has been supported by a research grant (B 66–257) from the Swedish Medical Research Council and by a Public Health Service Research Grant (NB 05236-01) from the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Blindness.  相似文献   
A combination of an amphipathic-indicator-dilution (ID) diffusing tracer 1,4[14C]butanediol (B) and a hydrophilic tracer ([14C]urea) (U) was hypothesized to provide a capillary surface area- (S) independent assessment of lung microvascular permeability (P). We performed ID studies on isolated perfused dog lungs and administered randomly two interventions, increasing P by alloxan infusion and reduction in S by lobar ligation. The ratio of PS product of U (PSU) to that for butanediol (PSB) was sensitive to changes in P yet insensitive to changes in S. We performed ID studies in which the dependence of PSU and PSB on flow, hematocrit, and plasma protein binding were examined. Measurements of PSU and PSB after flow and hematocrit were changed suggested that these factors have no significant independent effects. From ID and in vitro studies we also found that no significant binding of B to plasma proteins (albumin) occurred. We concluded that ID techniques using B and U provide a consistent measure of P, despite changes in S, hematocrit, plasma protein concentration, and recruitment.  相似文献   
An unusual Pleistocene patch reef is exposed in a coastal cliff at Grotto Beach, San Salvador, Bahamas. The reef is a coralline framestone constructed mainly by Porites astreoides together with a few large heads of Diploria strigosa and Montastrea annularis, and is capped by a dense thicket of Neogoniolithon strictum that is interpreted as marking the subtidal/intertidal boundary. The reef is flanked to the northeast by laminated to low-angle cross-laminated intraclastic grainstones and to the southwest by skeletal rudstone of reefal and interreefal derivation. Uranium-series dating of pure aragonite from a Diploria corallum yielded an age of 123 000±9000 years. Reef growth began on an erosional surface underlain by steeply crossbedded eolian grainstone. As the reef grew upward, it also grew laterally over adjacent penecontemporaneous subtidal sediments. The reef was eventually buried by 2.3 m of shallow subtidal and beach sediments that apparently prograded seaward during a highstand, or possibly while sea level was still rising. The shallow subtidal sediments are mainly peloidal, ooidal and skeletal grainstones that are pervasively bioturbated. The overlying beach facies comprises predominantly laminated, sparsely burrowed grainstone. The beach and shallow subtidal facies contain boulders of fine-grained laminated grainstone that are interpreted as storm-tossed blocks of beachrock. Living analogs of the Grotto Beach fossil reef lie off East Beach, San Salvador. Several of these have a flourishing cap of Neogoniolithon that extends above low-tide level and we believe that the Neogoniolithon cap of Grotto Beach reef did likewise. Wherever found in the stratigraphic record this facies should serve to identify the subtidal/intertidal boundary. The uppermost Pleistocene beach sediments associated with Grotto Beach fossil reef lie 5.8 m above present-day mean sea level, which ist strong evidence that this portion of San Salvador has undergone little subsidence since the Grotto Beach section was deposited.  相似文献   
To further elucidate the molecular basis of the selective damage to various brain regions by thiamin deficiency, changes in enzymatic activities were compared to carbohydrate flux through various pathways from vulnerable (mammillary bodies and inferior colliculi) and nonvulnerable (cochlear nuclei) regions after 11 or 14 days of pyrithiamin-induced thiamin deficiency. After 11 days,large decreases (–43 to –59%) in transketolase (TK) occurred in all 3 regions; 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase (KGDHC) declined (–45%), but only in mammillary bodies; pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDHC) was unaffected. By day 14, TK remained reduced by 58%–66%; KGDHC was now reduced in all regions (–48 to –55%); PDHC was also reduced (–32%), but only in the mammillary bodies. Thus, the enzyme changes did not parallel the pathological vulnerability of these regions to thiamin deficiency.14CO2 production from14C-glucose labeled in various positions was utilized to assess metabolic flux. After 14 days, CO2 production in the vulnerable regions declined severely (–46 to 70%) and approximately twice as much as those in the cochlear nucleus. Also by day 14, the ratio of enzymatic activity to metabolic flux increased as much as 56% in the vulnerable regions, but decreased 18 to 30% in the cochlear nuclei. These differences reflect a greater decrease in flux than enzyme activities in the two vulnerable regions. Thus, selective cellular responses to thiamin deficiency can be demonstrated ex vivo, and these changes can be directly related to alterations in metabolic flux. Since they cannot be related to enzymatic alterations in the three regions, factors other than decreases in the activity of these TPP-dependent enzymes must underlie selective vulnerability in this model of thiamin deficiency.Abbreviations KGDHC 2-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex EC, EC, EC - PDHC pyruvate dehydrogenase complex EC, EC, EC - TK transketolase (EC - TPP thiamin pyrophosphate  相似文献   
Following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, proacrosin has been identified in extracts of intact guinea spermatozoa as a major silver staining band which reacted immunologically with antibodies made against purified proacrosin from guinea pig testis. Proacrosin exhibited an approximate Mr of 50,000 and was rapidly converted to an Mr 45,000 protein following induction of the acrosome reaction with 2.0 mM CaCl2 and 1 micrograms/ml A23187. Apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 from guinea pig spermatozoa also contained a major silver staining band of Mr 50,000 which cross-reacted with antibodies to guinea pig testis proacrosin. Subcellular fractionation of spermatozoa indicated that proacrosin remained in the particulate fraction of homogenized spermatozoa and was enriched within the isolated acrosomal apical segment. When apical segments isolated at pH 6.0 were incubated at pH 7.5, proacrosin was rapidly converted to the Mr 45,000 form observed in spermatozoa undergoing the acrosome reaction. The conversion process in isolated apical segments was inhibited by leupeptin and was accelerated in the presence of calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Zinc completely inhibited the conversion of proacrosin to the Mr 45,000 protein. Neither proacrosin nor the Mr 45,000 protein were released into the supernatant fluid during the incubation of apical segments at pH 7.5. Furthermore, the proteins were resistant to solubilization by 150 mM NaCl and 1% Triton X-100 but were solubilized by treatment of apical segments with 1 M NaCl. These results provide evidence as to the identity and subcellular distribution of proacrosin in intact guinea pig sperm prior to zymogen conversion and suggest that isolated apical segments exhibit a subset of the exocytotic reactions leading to completion of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   
In this study digital images of bone cross-sections obtained by computed tomography were analyzed with an automated outlining method. It was shown that unbiased cross-sectional geometric measurements of cortical bone could be obtained if the periosteal and endosteal surfaces were defined at separate thresholds. Use of different threshold levels for these two surfaces resulted in errors of 2.6% for periosteal diameters, 7.4% for endosteal diameters and 7.3% for cortical area. If incorrect thresholds were used, cortical thickness measurements can have errors as high as 30%. In addition, simulated variation in medullary fat content did not affect measurement of medullary dimensions.  相似文献   
Oral administration of methyltestosterone (MT) at 50 mg/dog/day to intact adult male greyhounds for 90 d resulted in decreased (P < 0.05) mean daily sperm output and mean testicular length. Additionally, the mean diameter of seminiferous tubules in MT-treated dogs tended to decrease (P = 0.08). Mean concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and concentrations of testosterone in serum were also decreased or tended to decrease (P = 0.0003 to 0.059) at various sampling periods during MT treatment, suggesting alterations in spermatogenesis resulted from decreased serum concentrations of gonadotropins and steroids. Mean daily sperm output, mean testicular length, mean seminiferous tubule diameter and mean concentrations of FSH in serum were not decreased (P > 0.05) at the end of a 90-d recovery period. However, mean concentrations of serum LH and concentrations of testosterone were still lower (P < 0.05) during five of six and one of six sampling times, respectively, during the recovery period than the pretreatment levels, suggesting a prolonged effect of MT treatment on the pituitary/gonadal axis.  相似文献   
A total of 449 Escherichia coli isolates in treated and raw water sources were submitted to DNA-DNA hybridization using seven different DNA probes to detect homology to sequences that code for Shiga-like toxins I and II; heat-stabile and heat-labile toxins, adherence factors EAF and eae, and the fimbrial antigen of entero-hemorrhagic E. coli. Fifty-nine (13%) of the isolates demonstrated homology with one or more specific DNA probes. More than 50% of the isolates in treated water were not recovered in MMO-4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide media designed for detection of this indicator.  相似文献   
This study investigated the physiological mechanisms of resistance to chloramines developed by Klebsiella pneumoniae grown in a nutrient-limited environment. Growth under these conditions resulted in cells that were smaller than cells grown under high-nutrient conditions and extensively aggregated. Cellular aggregates ranged from 10 to more than 10,000 cells per aggregate, with a mean population aggregate size of 90 cells. This aggregation may have been facilitated by the presence of extracellular polymer material. By using glucose as a reference of capsule content, it was determined that growth under low-nutrient conditions produced cells with 8 x 10(-14) to 41 x 10(-14) g of carbohydrate per cell, with a mean +/- standard deviation of 27 x 10(-14) +/- 16 x 10(-14) g of carbohydrate per cell. In comparison, growth under high-nutrient conditions resulted in 2.7 x 10(-14) to 5.9 x 10(-14) g of carbohydrate per cell, with a mean and standard deviation of 4.3 x 10(-14) +/- 1.2 x 10(-14) g of carbohydrate per cell. Cell wall and cell membrane lipids also varied with growth conditions. The ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in cells grown under low-nutrient conditions was approximately five times greater than that in cells grown under high-nutrient conditions, suggesting possible differences in membrane permeability. An analysis of sulfhydryl (-SH) groups revealed no quantitative difference with respect to growth conditions. However, upon exposure to chloramines, only 33% of the -SH groups of cells grown under low-nutrient conditions were oxidized, compared with 80% oxidization of -SH groups in cells grown under high-nutrient conditions. The reduced effectiveness of chloramine oxidization of -SH groups in cells grown under low-nutrient conditions may be due to restricted penetration of chloramines into the cells, conformational changes of enzymes, or a combination of both factors. The results of this study suggest that chloramine resistance developed under low-nutrient growth conditions may be a function of multiple physiological factors, including cellular aggregation and protection of sulfhydryl groups within the cell.  相似文献   
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