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Volepox virus (VPXV) was first isolated in 1985 from a hind foot scab of an otherwise healthy California vole (Microtus californicus). Subsequent surveys in San Mateo County, CA, revealed serological evidence suggesting that VPXV is endemic to this area, and a second viral isolate from a Pinyon mouse (Peromyscus truei) was collected in 1988. Since then, few studies have been conducted regarding the ecology, pathology, and pathogenicity of VPXV, and its prevalence and role as a potential zoonotic agent remain unknown. To increase our understanding of VPXV disease progression, we challenged 24 California mice (Peromyscus californicus) intranasally with 1.6×10(3) PFU of purified VPXV. By day five post infection (pi) we observed decreased activity level, conjunctivitis, ruffled hair, skin lesions, facial edema, and crusty noses. A mortality rate of 54% was noted by day eight pi. In addition, internal organ necrosis and hemorrhages were observed during necropsy of deceased or euthanized animals. Viral loads in tissues (brain, gonad, kidney, liver, lung, spleen, submandibular lymph node, and adrenal gland), bodily secretions (saliva, and tears), and excretions (urine, and/or feces) were evaluated and compared using real time-PCR and tissue culture. Viral loads measured as high as 2×10(9) PFU/mL in some organs. Our results suggest that VPXV can cause extreme morbidity and mortality within rodent populations sympatric with the known VPXV reservoirs.  相似文献   
Spatial separation within predator communities can arise via territoriality but also from competitive interactions among and within species. However, linking competitive interactions to predator distribution patterns is difficult and theoretical models predict different habitat selection patterns dependent on habitat quality and how competition manifests itself. While models generally consider competitors to be either equal in ability, or for one phenotype to have a fixed advantage over the other, few studies consider that an animal may only have a competitive advantage in specific habitats. We used  10 years of telemetry data, habitat surveys and behavioral experiments, to show spatial partitioning between and within two species of reef shark (grey reef Carcharhinus amblyrhinchos and blacktip reef sharks C. melanopterus) at an unfished Pacific atoll. Within a species, sharks remained within small ‘sub‐habitats’ with very few movements of individuals between sub‐habitats, which previous models have suggested could be caused by intra‐specific competition. Blacktip reef sharks were more broadly distributed across habitat types but a greater proportion used lagoon and backreef habitats, while grey reef sharks preferred forereef habitats. Grey reef sharks at a nearby atoll where blacktip reef sharks are absent, were distributed more broadly between habitat types than when both species were present. A series of individual‐based models predict that habitat separation would only arise if there are competitive interactions between species that are habitat‐specific, with grey reefs having a competitive advantage on the forereefs and blacktips in the lagoons and backreef. We provide compelling evidence that competition helps drive distribution patterns and spatial separation of a marine predator community, and highlight that competitive advantages may not be constant but rather dependent on habitats.  相似文献   
Campylobacter jejuni is a highly motile bacterium that responds via chemotaxis to environmental stimuli to migrate towards favourable conditions. Previous in silico analysis of the C. jejuni strain NCTC11168 genome sequence identified 10 open reading frames, tlp1‐10, that encode putative chemosensory receptors. We describe the characterization of the role and specificity of the Tlp1 chemoreceptor (Cj1506c). In vitro and in vivo models were used to determine if Tlp1 had a role in host colonization. The tlp1 isogenic mutant was more adherent in cell culture, however, showed reduced colonization ability in chickens. Specific interactions between the purified sensory domain of Tlp1 and l ‐aspartate were identified using an amino acid array and saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Chemotaxis assays showed differences between migration of wild‐type C. jejuni cells and that of a tlp1 isogenic mutant, specifically towards aspartate. Furthermore, using yeast two‐hybrid and three‐hybrid systems for analysis of protein–protein interactions, the cytoplasmic signalling domain of Tlp1 was found to preferentially interact with CheV, rather than the CheW homologue of the chemotaxis signalling pathway; this interaction was confirmed using immune precipitation assays. This is the first identification of an aspartate receptor in bacteria other than Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium.  相似文献   
We present a proof-of-concept study for production of a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV)-based fusogenic oncolytic virus (OV), rVSV-Newcastle disease virus (NDV), at high cell densities (HCD). Based on comprehensive experiments in 1 L stirred tank reactors (STRs) in batch mode, first optimization studies at HCD were carried out in semi-perfusion in small-scale cultivations using shake flasks. Further, a perfusion process was established using an acoustic settler for cell retention. Growth, production yields, and process-related impurities were evaluated for three candidate cell lines (AGE1.CR, BHK-21, HEK293SF)infected at densities ranging from 15 to 30 × 106 cells/mL. The acoustic settler allowed continuous harvesting of rVSV-NDV with high cell retention efficiencies (above 97%) and infectious virus titers (up to 2.4 × 109 TCID50/mL), more than 4–100 times higher than for optimized batch processes. No decrease in cell-specific virus yield (CSVY) was observed at HCD, regardless of the cell substrate. Taking into account the accumulated number of virions both from the harvest and bioreactor, a 15–30 fold increased volumetric virus productivity for AGE1.CR and HEK293SF was obtained compared to batch processes performed at the same scale. In contrast to all previous findings, formation of syncytia was observed at HCD for the suspension cells BHK 21 and HEK293SF. Oncolytic potency was not affected compared to production in batch mode. Overall, our study describes promising options for the establishment of perfusion processes for efficient large-scale manufacturing of fusogenic rVSV-NDV at HCD for all three candidate cell lines.  相似文献   
In a previous study, using BALB/c mice, we found that while diphtheria (D), tetanus (T) and whooping cough (Pw, whole-cell Bordetella pertussis) immunization induces a Th1/Th2 tetanus response and memory T cells able to proliferate in response to in vitro stimulation with B. pertussis, DTPa immunization induces a Th2 tetanus immune response and no memory T cells that recognize B. pertussis as stimulus. Considering that a pro-inflammatory cytokine production is not necessary for protection against tetanus and therefore should be avoided, an alternative DTP immunization schedule with minimal Pw exposure was assessed in order to obtain a Th2 tetanus response and a Th1 pertussis response. BALB/c mice were primed with DT vaccine at day 0, with Pw vaccine at day 14 and boosted with DTPa vaccine at days 21 and 28. A control group was inoculated with saline. Antibodies against B. pertussis surface antigens, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids were produced by mice. Spleen cells stimulated in vitro with B. pertussis produced IL-6 and IFNgamma. Only IL-5 was produced by cells in response to tetanus toxoid stimulation. These results are in line with the low IgG1/IgG2a ratio for pertussis antibodies compared with those corresponding to tetanus and diphtheria. The immunization protocol presented herein succeeded in producing tetanus and pertussis immune responses of Th2 and Th1 type, respectively. In contrast to previous results obtained with DTPw immunization, no IL-12 production was observed. Our findings provide direct evidence that an immunization protocol with an interval of 14 days between DT and Pw primings, followed by DTPa boosters, can induce appropriate immune responses against DTP vaccine antigens.  相似文献   
Phospholipase Ds (PLDs) are regulated enzymes that generate phosphatidic acid (PA), a putative second messenger implicated in the regulation of vesicular trafficking and cytoskeletal reorganization. Mast cells, when stimulated with antigen, show a dramatic alteration in their cytoskeleton and also release their secretory granules by exocytosis. Butan-1-ol, which diverts the production of PA generated by PLD to the corresponding phosphatidylalcohol, was found to inhibit membrane ruffling when added together with antigen or when added after antigen. Inhibition by butan-1-ol was completely reversible because removal of butan-1-ol restored membrane ruffling. Measurements of PLD activation by antigen indicate a requirement for continual PA production during membrane ruffling, which was maintained for at least 30 min. PLD1 and PLD2 are both expressed in mast cells and green fluorescent protein-tagged proteins were used to identify PLD2 localizing to membrane ruffles of antigen-stimulated mast cells together with endogenous ADP ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6). In contrast, green fluorescent protein-PLD1 localized to intracellular vesicles and remained in this location after stimulation with antigen. Membrane ruffling was independent of exocytosis of secretory granules because phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate increased membrane ruffling in the absence of exocytosis. Antigen or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation increased both PLD1 and PLD2 activity when expressed individually in RBL-2H3 cells. Although basal activity of PLD2-overexpressing cells is very high, membrane ruffling was still dependent on antigen stimulation. In permeabilized cells, antigen-stimulated phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate synthesis was dependent on both ARF6 and PA generated from PLD. We conclude that both activation of ARF6 by antigen and a continual PLD2 activity are essential for local phosphatidylinositol(4,5)bisphosphate generation that regulates dynamic actin cytoskeletal rearrangements.  相似文献   
The mechanism of RNA degradation in Escherichia coli involves endonucleolytic cleavage, polyadenylation of the cleavage product by poly(A) polymerase, and exonucleolytic degradation by the exoribonucleases, polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase) and RNase II. The poly(A) tails are homogenous, containing only adenosines in most of the growth conditions. In the chloroplast, however, the same enzyme, PNPase, polyadenylates and degrades the RNA molecule; there is no equivalent for the E. coli poly(A) polymerase enzyme. Because cyanobacteria is a prokaryote believed to be related to the evolutionary ancestor of the chloroplast, we asked whether the molecular mechanism of RNA polyadenylation in the Synechocystis PCC6803 cyanobacteria is similar to that in E. coli or the chloroplast. We found that RNA polyadenylation in Synechocystis is similar to that in the chloroplast but different from E. coli. No poly(A) polymerase enzyme exists, and polyadenylation is performed by PNPase, resulting in heterogeneous poly(A)-rich tails. These heterogeneous tails were found in the amino acid coding region, the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of mRNAs, as well as in rRNA and the single intron located at the tRNA(fmet). Furthermore, unlike E. coli, the inactivation of PNPase or RNase II genes caused lethality. Together, our results show that the RNA polyadenylation and degradation mechanisms in cyanobacteria and chloroplast are very similar to each other but different from E. coli.  相似文献   
The surface concentration of ozone ([O(3)]) has risen from less than 10 ppb prior to the industrial revolution to a day-time mean concentration of approximately 40 ppb over much of the northern temperate zone. If current global emission trends continue, surface [O(3)] is projected to rise a further 50% over this century, with larger increases in many locations including Northern Hemisphere forests. This review uses statistical meta-analysis to determine mean effects, and their confidence limits, of both the current and projected elevations of [O(3)] on light-saturated photosynthetic CO(2) uptake (A(sat)) and stomatal conductance (g(s)) in trees. In total, 348 measurements of A(sat) from 61 studies and 266 measures of g(s) from 55 studies were reviewed. Results suggested that the elevation of [O(3)] that has occurred since the industrial revolution is depressing A(sat) and g(s) by 11% (CI 9-13%) and 13% (CI 11-15%), respectively, where CI is the 95% confidence interval. In contrast to angiosperms, gymnosperms were not significantly affected. Both drought and elevated [CO(2)] significantly decreased the effect of ambient [O(3)]. Younger trees (<4 years) were affected less than older trees. Elevation of [O(3)] above current levels caused progressively larger losses of A(sat) and g(s), including gymnosperms. Results are consistent with the expectation that damage to photosynthesis depends on the cumulative uptake of ozone (O(3)) into the leaf. Thus, factors that lower g(s) lessen damage. Where both g(s) and [O(3)] were recorded, an overall decline in A(sat) of 0.21% per mmol m(-2) of estimated cumulative O(3) uptake was calculated. These findings suggest that rising [O(3)], an often overlooked aspect of global atmospheric change, is progressively depressing the ability of temperate and boreal forests to assimilate carbon and transfer water vapour to the atmosphere, with significant potential effects on terrestrial carbon sinks and regional hydrologies.  相似文献   
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