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Voltage-gated Ca(v)1.2 channels are composed of the pore-forming alpha1C and auxiliary beta and alpha2delta subunits. Voltage-dependent conformational rearrangements of the alpha1C subunit C-tail have been implicated in Ca2+ signal transduction. In contrast, the alpha1C N-tail demonstrates limited voltage-gated mobility. We have asked whether these properties are critical for the channel function. Here we report that transient anchoring of the alpha1C subunit C-tail in the plasma membrane inhibits Ca2+-dependent and slow voltage-dependent inactivation. Both alpha2delta and beta subunits remain essential for the functional channel. In contrast, if alpha1C subunits with are expressed alpha2delta but in the absence of a beta subunit, plasma membrane anchoring of the alpha1C N terminus or its deletion inhibit both voltage- and Ca2+-dependent inactivation of the current. The following findings all corroborate the importance of the alpha1C N-tail/beta interaction: (i) co-expression of beta restores inactivation properties, (ii) release of the alpha1C N terminus inhibits the beta-deficient channel, and (iii) voltage-gated mobility of the alpha1C N-tail vis a vis the plasma membrane is increased in the beta-deficient (silent) channel. Together, these data argue that both the alpha1C N- and C-tails have important but different roles in the voltage- and Ca2+-dependent inactivation, as well as beta subunit modulation of the channel. The alpha1C N-tail may have a role in the channel trafficking and is a target of the beta subunit modulation. The beta subunit facilitates voltage gating by competing with the N-tail and constraining its voltage-dependent rearrangements. Thus, cross-talk between the alpha1C C and N termini, beta subunit, and the cytoplasmic pore region confers the multifactorial regulation of Ca(v)1.2 channels.  相似文献   
The N terminus of skeletal myosin light chain 1 and the cardiomyopathy loop of human cardiac myosin have been shown previously to bind to actin in the presence and absence of tropomyosin (Patchell, V. B., Gallon, C. E., Hodgkin, M. A., Fattoum, A., Perry, S. V., and Levine, B. A. (2002) Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 5088-5100). We have extended this work and have shown that segments corresponding to other regions of human cardiac beta-myosin, presumed to be sites of interaction with F-actin (residues 554-584, 622-646, and 633-660), likewise bind independently to actin under similar conditions. The binding to F-actin of a peptide spanning the minimal inhibitory segment of human cardiac troponin I (residues 134-147) resulted in the dissociation from F-actin of all the myosin peptides bound to it either individually or in combination. Troponin C neutralized the effect of the inhibitory peptide on the binding of the myosin peptides to F-actin. We conclude that the binding of the inhibitory region of troponin I to actin, which occurs during relaxation in muscle when the calcium concentration is low, imposes conformational changes that are propagated to different locations on the surface of actin. We suggest that the role of tropomyosin is to facilitate the transmission of structural changes along the F-actin filament so that the monomers within a structural unit are able to interact with myosin.  相似文献   
The single-stranded (ss) DNA-binding protein LEF-3 of Autographa californica multinucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus promoted Mg(2+)-independent unwinding of DNA duplexes and annealing of complementary DNA strands. The unwinding and annealing activities of LEF-3 appeared to act in a competitive manner and were determined by the ratio of protein to DNA. At subsaturating and saturating concentrations, LEF-3 promoted annealing, whereas it promoted unwinding at oversaturation of DNA substrates. The LEF-3 binding to ssDNA and unwinding activity were sensitive to redox agents and were inhibited by oxidation of thiol groups in LEF-3 with 1,1'-azobis(N,N-dimethylformamide) (diamide) or by modification with the thiol-conjugating agent N-ethylmaleimide. Both oxidation and alkylation increased the dissociation constant of the interaction with model oligonucleotides indicating a decrease in an intrinsic affinity of LEF-3 for ssDNA. These results proved that free thiol groups are essential both for LEF-3 interaction with ssDNA and for DNA unwinding. In contrast, oxidation or modification of thiol groups stimulated the annealing activity of LEF-3 partially due to suppression of its unwinding activity. Treatment of LEF-3 with the reducing agent dithiothreitol inhibited annealing, indicating association of this activity with the oxidized protein. Thus, the balance between annealing and unwinding activities of LEF-3 was determined by the redox state of protein with the oxidized state favoring annealing and the reduced state favoring unwinding. An LEF-3 mutant in which the conservative cysteine Cys(214) was replaced with serine showed both a decreased binding to DNA and a reduced unwinding activity, thus indicating that this residue might participate in the regulation of LEF-3 activities.  相似文献   
Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. medellin is known to produce the Cry11Bb protein of 94 kDa, which is toxic for mosquito larvae due to permeabilization of the plasma membrane of midgut epithelial cells. Earlier we found that a 2.8-kDa novel peptide BTM-P1, which was artificially synthesized taking into account the primary structure of Cry11Bb endotoxin, is active against several species of bacteria. In this work we show that BTM-P1 induces cyclosporin A-insensitive swelling of rat liver mitochondria in various salt solutions but not in the sucrose medium. Inorganic phosphate and Ca(2+) significantly increased this effect of the peptide. The uncoupling action of BTM-P1 on oxidative phosphorylation was stronger in the potassium-containing media and correlated with a decrease of the inner membrane potential of mitochondria. In isotonic KNO(3), KCl, or NH(4)NO(3) media, a complete drop of the inner membrane potential was observed at 1-2 microg/ml of the peptide. The peptide-induced swelling was increased by energization of mitochondria in the potassium-containing media, but it was inhibited in the NaNO(3), NH(4)NO(3), and Tris-NO(3) media. All mitochondrial effects of the peptide were completely prevented by adding a single N-terminal tryptophan residue to the peptide sequence. We suggest a mechanism of membrane permeabilization that includes a transmembrane- and surface potential-dependent insertion of the polycation peptide into the lipid bilayer and its oligomerization leading to formation of ion channels and also to the mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in a cyclosporin A-insensitive manner.  相似文献   
An earlier developed purified cell-free system was used to explore the potential of two RNA-directed RNA polymerases (RdRps), Qbeta phage replicase and the poliovirus 3Dpol protein, to promote RNA recombination through a primer extension mechanism. The substrates of recombination were fragments of complementary strands of a Qbeta phage-derived RNA, such that if aligned at complementary 3'-termini and extended using one another as a template, they would produce replicable molecules detectable as RNA colonies grown in a Qbeta replicase-containing agarose. The results show that while 3Dpol efficiently extends the aligned fragments to produce the expected homologous recombinant sequences, only nonhomologous recombinants are generated by Qbeta replicase at a much lower yield and through a mechanism not involving the extension of RNA primers. It follows that the mechanisms of RNA recombination by poliovirus and Qbeta RdRps are quite different. The data favor an RNA transesterification reaction catalyzed by a conformation acquired by Qbeta replicase during RNA synthesis and provide a likely explanation for the very low frequency of homologous recombination in Qbeta phage.  相似文献   
Beta-galactosidase activity was studied as a possible cause of the low milk acidification ability observed in Lactobacillus reuteri NRRL 14171. Enzymatic activity was determined in MRS broth supplemented with either glucose or lactose and milk at the middle and final stage of the exponential phase, as well as at the stationary phase. Results were compared with beta-galactosidase activity in Lactobacillus casei NRRL-B1922, a strain that shows the milk acidification ability. The effects of the types of carbon and nitrogen sources were established by comparison of growth parameters (higher maximum cell concentration and specific growth rate) in broth culture and skim milk supplemented with 2% glucose or 1% casein peptone. In milk, L. reuteri showed higher beta-galactosidase activity in all growth phases compared with L. casei. Greater cell concentration maxima, specific growth rates, and acidification abilities were observed in L. reuteri when it was cultured in milk supplemented with 1% casein peptone compared with non-supplemented milk cultures. Results suggest that the poor milk acidification ability observed in L. reuteri may be more related to a weak proteolytic system than to deficient beta-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   
Different conformations of methyl 3,6-anhydroglycosides with the beta-D-galacto, alpha-D-galacto, and beta-D-gluco configurations were studied by molecular mechanics (using the program mm3) and by quantum mechanical (QM) methods at the HF/- and B3LYP/6-31+G** levels, with and without solvent emulation. Using molecular mechanics, the energies were plotted against the phi, theta puckering coordinates of Cremer and Pople. In such strained systems, only two extreme conformations of the six-membered ring are likely: (1)C(4) and B(1,4), or any one close to either of them. Results show the preponderance of a distorted chair conformation over that of the distorted boat, though the energy difference is lower and the distortions are larger for the compound with the beta-D-galacto configuration. For derivatives of this compound, experimental data in solution indicate both chair and boat forms, depending on the compound and the solvent, whereas for the remaining compounds, experimental data always show the preponderance of the chair conformation. The more accurate DFT calculations lead to the lower energy differences, suggesting that HF and MM3 underestimate the stability of the boat-like conformations. Similar studies on model compounds depict the importance of the anomeric effect in the conformational preferences.  相似文献   
(-)-Ceralure B1 (ethyl-cis-5-iodo-trans-2-methylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate), a male attractant for the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), is significantly more attractive than trimedlure (tert-butyl esters of 4(5)-chloro-2-methylcyclohexane-1-carboxylate), the current standard male attractant used in detection programs. This article reports studies that compare the effectiveness of racemic ceralure B1, mixtures of racemic ceralure B1 and pure (-)-ceralure B1, and trimedlure in field tests conducted in Hawaii, Africa, and Spain with wild Mediterranean fruit flies and in Florida with sterile released Mediterranean fruit fly. Trapping results showed that doses of (-)-ceralure B1 of 87.5 and 75% are just as effective as the 98% (-)-ceralure B1 and the racemic form to be almost as attractive. In nearly all studies, the racemic ceralure B1 was significantly better than trimedlure. These studies suggest that the racemic ceralure B1 could be a viable replacement for trimedlure in areawide detection programs for Mediterranean fruit fly. Synthesizing racemic ceralure B1 instead of a specific stereoselective enantiomer of ceralure B1 would likely be more cost-effective to produce and also might be useful in control as well as detection of this pest.  相似文献   
The rat is the most extensively studied model organism and is broadly used in biomedical research. Current rat disease models are selected from existing strains and their number is thereby limited by the degree of naturally occurring variation or spontaneous mutations. We have used ENU mutagenesis to increase genetic variation in laboratory rats and identified a recessive mutant, named tornado, showing aberrant circling behavior, hyperactivity, and stereotypic head shaking. More detailed analysis revealed profound deafness due to disorganization and degeneration of the organ of Corti that already manifests at the onset of hearing. We set up a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based mapping strategy to identify the affected gene, revealing strong linkage to the central region of chromosome 1. Candidate gene resequencing identified a point mutation that introduces a premature stopcodon in Myo7a. Mutations in human MYO7A result in Usher syndrome type 1B, a severe autosomal inherited recessive disease that involves deafness and vestibular dysfunction. Here, we present the first characterized rat model for this disease. In addition, we demonstrate proof of principle for the generation and cloning of human disease models in rat using ENU mutagenesis, providing good perspectives for systematic phenotypic screens in the rat.  相似文献   
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