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The conformational change of the ribose ring in NH4GpG and cis-[Pt(NH3)2(GpG)]+ was confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopic evidence as being C2′-endo, C3′-endo, anti, gg sugar ring pucker in the solid state. These results were compared with 1H NMR spectral data in aqueous solution. The FT-IR spectrum of NH4GpG shows marker bands at 802 cm?1 and 797 cm?1 which are assigned to the C3′-endo, anti, gg sugar-phosphate vibrations of ribose (?pG) and ribose (Gp?), respectively. The FT-IR spectrum of cis-[Pt(NH3)2(GpG)]+ (with N7N7 chelation in the GpG sequence) shows a marker band at 800 cm?1 which is assigned to the C3′-endo, and a new shoulder band at 820 cm?1 related to a C2′-endo ring pucker. The ribose conformation of (?pG) moiety in NH4-GpG, C3′-endo, anti, gg changes into C2′-endo, anti, gg when a platinum atom is chelated to N7N7 in the GpG sequence.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to show that prolonged restriction of motor activity (hypokinesia) could reduce phosphate (P) deposition and contribute to P loss with tissue P depletion. To this end, measurements were made of tissue P content, P absorption, plasma P levels, urinary and fecal P excretion of rats during and after hypokinesia (HK) and daily phosphate supplementation. Studies were conducted on male Wistar rats during a pre-hypokinetic period, a hypokinetic period and a post-hypokinetic period. All rats were equally divided into four groups: unsupplemented vivarium control rats (UVCR), unsupplemented hypokinetic rats (UHKR), supplemented vivarium control rats (SVCR) and supplemented hypokinetic rats (SHKR). Bone and muscle P content, plasma intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels, P absorption, plasma P levels and urinary and fecal P excretion did not change in SVCR and UVCR compared with their pre-HK values. During HK, plasma P levels, urinary and fecal P excretion increased significantly (p<0.05) while muscle and bone P content, P absorption and plasma iPTH levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in SHKR and UHKR compared with their pre-HK values and the values in their respective vivarium controls (SVCR and UVCR). During the initial 9-days of post-HK, plasma, urinary and fecal P levels decreased significantly (p<0.05), and plasma iPTH levels, muscle and bone P levels remained significantly (p<0.05) depressed in hypokinetic rats compared with their pre-HK values and the values in their respective vivarium control rats. By the 15th day, these values approached the control values. During HK and post-HK, changes in P absorption, plasma iPTH levels, and P levels in muscle, bone, plasma, urine and feces were significantly (p<0.05) greater in SHKR than in UHKR. Decreased tissue P content with increased P loss in animals receiving and not receiving P supplementation demonstrates decreased P deposition during HK. Higher P excretion with lower tissue content in SHKR and UHKR demonstrates that P deposition is decreased more with P supplementation than without. Because SHKR with a lower tissue P content showed higher P excretion than UHKR it was concluded that the risk of decreased P deposition with greater tissue P depletion is inversely related to P intake, that is, the higher the P intake the greater the risk for decreased P deposition and the greater tissue P depletion. It was shown that P (regardless of the intensity of its tissue depletion) is lost during HK unless factors contributing to the decreased P deposition are partially or totally reversed. It was concluded that dissociation between (decreased) tissue P content and (increased) P uptake indicates decreased P (absorption and) deposition as the main mechanisms of tissue P depletion during prolonged HK.  相似文献   
Inflammation is a known mechanism that facilitates HIV acquisition and the spread of infection. In this study, we evaluated whether curcumin, a potent and safe anti-inflammatory compound, could be used to abrogate inflammatory processes that facilitate HIV-1 acquisition in the female genital tract (FGT) and contribute to HIV amplification. Primary, human genital epithelial cells (GECs) were pretreated with curcumin and exposed to HIV-1 or HIV glycoprotein 120 (gp120), both of which have been shown to disrupt epithelial tight junction proteins, including ZO-1 and occludin. Pre-treatment with curcumin prevented disruption of the mucosal barrier by maintaining ZO-1 and occludin expression and maintained trans-epithelial electric resistance across the genital epithelium. Curcumin pre-treatment also abrogated the gp120-mediated upregulation of the proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin (IL)-6, which mediate barrier disruption, as well as the chemokines IL-8, RANTES and interferon gamma-induced protein-10 (IP-10), which are capable of recruiting HIV target cells to the FGT. GECs treated with curcumin and exposed to the sexually transmitted co-infecting microbes HSV-1, HSV-2 and Neisseria gonorrhoeae were unable to elicit innate inflammatory responses that indirectly induced activation of the HIV promoter and curcumin blocked Toll-like receptor (TLR)-mediated induction of HIV replication in chronically infected T-cells. Finally, curcumin treatment resulted in significantly decreased HIV-1 and HSV-2 replication in chronically infected T-cells and primary GECs, respectively. All together, our results suggest that the use of anti-inflammatory compounds such as curcumin may offer a viable alternative for the prevention and/or control of HIV replication in the FGT.  相似文献   
The phosphoinositide 3-kinase–Akt signaling pathway is essential to many biological processes, including cell proliferation, survival, metabolism, and angiogenesis, under pathophysiological conditions. Although 3-phosphoinositide–dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) is a primary activator of Akt at the plasma membrane, the optimal activation mechanism remains unclear. We report that adhesion molecule with IgG-like domain 2 (AMIGO2) is a novel scaffold protein that regulates PDK1 membrane localization and Akt activation. Loss of AMIGO2 in endothelial cells (ECs) led to apoptosis and inhibition of angiogenesis with Akt inactivation. Amino acid residues 465–474 in AMIGO2 directly bind to the PDK1 pleckstrin homology domain. A synthetic peptide containing the AMIGO2 465–474 residues abrogated the AMIGO2–PDK1 interaction and Akt activation. Moreover, it effectively suppressed pathological angiogenesis in murine tumor and oxygen-induced retinopathy models. These results demonstrate that AMIGO2 is an important regulator of the PDK1–Akt pathway in ECs and suggest that interference of the PDK1–AMIGO2 interaction might be a novel pharmaceutical target for designing an Akt pathway inhibitor.  相似文献   


Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST) has emerged as a leading molecular typing method owing to its high ability to discriminate among bacterial isolates, the relative ease with which data acquisition and analysis can be standardized, and the high portability of the resulting sequence data. While MLST has been successfully applied to the study of the population structure for a number of different bacterial species, it has also provided compelling evidence for high rates of recombination in some species. We have analyzed a set of Campylobacter jejuni strains using MLST and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) on a full-genome microarray in order to determine whether recombination and high levels of genomic mosaicism adversely affect the inference of strain relationships based on the analysis of a restricted number of genetic loci.  相似文献   
Ozonolysis of lapachol (1), resulting in an unusual formation of a potent antitumor agent 2-acetylfuranonaphthoquinone (3) along with the expected aldehyde 6, is described. The reaction of lapachol (1) with CAN in dry acetonitrile leading to biologically active furanonaphthoquinones is also reported. The antitumoral activity of the tested compounds on human DU-145 prostate carcinoma cells was evaluated following XTT assay. The results revealed that 2-(1-methylethenyl)-2,3-dihydronaphtho[2,3-b]furan-4,9-dione (5), beta-lapachone (10) and dehydro-beta-lapachone diacetate (11) showed 100% inhibition at 25 microg/ml. All the tested samples showed dose-dependent activity.  相似文献   
Peptide toxins found in a wide array of venoms block K+ channels, causing profound physiological and pathological effects. Here we describe the first functional K+ channel-blocking toxin domain in a mammalian protein. MMP23 (matrix metalloprotease 23) contains a domain (MMP23TxD) that is evolutionarily related to peptide toxins from sea anemones. MMP23TxD shows close structural similarity to the sea anemone toxins BgK and ShK. Moreover, this domain blocks K+ channels in the nanomolar to low micromolar range (Kv1.6 > Kv1.3 > Kv1.1 = Kv3.2 > Kv1.4, in decreasing order of potency) while sparing other K+ channels (Kv1.2, Kv1.5, Kv1.7, and KCa3.1). Full-length MMP23 suppresses K+ channels by co-localizing with and trapping MMP23TxD-sensitive channels in the ER. Our results provide clues to the structure and function of the vast family of proteins that contain domains related to sea anemone toxins. Evolutionary pressure to maintain a channel-modulatory function may contribute to the conservation of this domain throughout the plant and animal kingdoms.  相似文献   
FoxP3+ regulatory CD4 T cells (Tregs) help to maintain the delicate balance between pathogen-specific immunity and immune-mediated pathology. Prior studies suggest that Tregs are induced by P. falciparum both in vivo and in vitro; however, the factors influencing Treg homeostasis during acute and chronic infections, and their role in malaria immunopathogenesis, remain unclear. We assessed the frequency and phenotype of Tregs in well-characterized cohorts of children residing in a region of high malaria endemicity in Uganda. We found that both the frequency and absolute numbers of FoxP3+ Tregs in peripheral blood declined markedly with increasing prior malaria incidence. Longitudinal measurements confirmed that this decline occurred only among highly malaria-exposed children. The decline of Tregs from peripheral blood was accompanied by reduced in vitro induction of Tregs by parasite antigen and decreased expression of TNFR2 on Tregs among children who had intense prior exposure to malaria. While Treg frequencies were not associated with protection from malaria, there was a trend toward reduced risk of symptomatic malaria once infected with P. falciparum among children with lower Treg frequencies. These data demonstrate that chronic malaria exposure results in altered Treg homeostasis, which may impact the development of antimalarial immunity in naturally exposed populations.  相似文献   
One of the diseases of veterinary and public health importance affecting the Kafue lechwe (Kobus leche kafuensis) on the Kafue flats is brucellosis, for which only scant information is available. During the 2003 (October), 2004 (December), and 2008 (July-December) hunting seasons in the Kafue flats, we conducted a study to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella spp. in the Kafue lechwe and to evaluate serologic tests for detection of Brucella spp. antibodies in lechwe. The Rose Bengal Test (RBT), competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA), and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) were used. A total of 121 Kafue lechwe were hunted for disease investigations in 2003, 2004, and 2008 in the Kafue Flat Game Management Area. Of these, 21.6%, (95% confidence interval [CI]: 14.2-29.1%) had detectable antibodies to Brucella spp. The Kafue lechwe in Lochnivar National Park had higher antibody results than those in Blue Lagoon National Park (odds ratio=3.0; 95% CI: 0.94-9.4). Infection levels were similar in females (21.6%) and males (21.7%). Results were similar among RBT, FPA, cELISA tests, suggesting that these could effectively be used in diagnosing brucellosis in the Kafue lechwe. Our study demonstrates the presence of Brucella infections in the Kafue lechwe in two national parks located in the Kafue flats and further highlights the suitability of serologic assays for testing the Kafue lechwe. Because the Kafue lechwe is the most hunted wildlife species in Zambia, hunters need to be informed of the public health risk of Brucella spp. infection.  相似文献   
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