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Horizontal biosedimentary gradients across the Sado estuary,W. Portugal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The topography of the Sado estuary, the second largest of Portugal, comprises the outer estuary inside the entrance channel and the inner estuary, on the inward side of which begins the tidal mudflats. The outer estuary subtidal area covers approximately 70 km2 and presents a series of longitudinal intertidal sandbanks, separating a northern and a southern channel. A benthic survey was undertaken in the outer estuary during June 1986, in which superficial sediments and macrofauna were sampled at 133 locations. The environmental variables measured in the superficial sediments were the temperature, the granulometric structure, the silt, sand and the gravel content, and the total organic matter content. The primary macrofauna biological variables studied were the species composition, abundance and biomass, calculated on wet, dry and ash-free dry weight. The granulometry and the organic content of superficial sediments agreed with the transient and the residual currents velocity field, simulated in a 2-D hydrodynamic model previously elaborated for the outer estuary. The northern channel superficial sediments showed higher silt and total organic matter content, while the model also suggested lower transient and residual velocities, water flow and shear stress in this channel. The distribution patterns of the subtidal macrofauna were separated into two main groups of species, one comprising taxa essentially settled near the estuarine mouth and the other inwards. Biological primary variables also showed consistent patterns, comparable to other Portuguese estuaries. The major subtidal benthic biotopes were obtained through classification analysis and related to the prevailing hydrophysical and sedimentary conditions in the outer estuary.  相似文献   
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a systemic inflammatory condition with high mortality that may benefit from personalized medicine and high-precision approaches. COVID-19 patient plasma was analysed with targeted proteomics of 1161 proteins. Patients were monitored from Days 1 to 10 of their intensive care unit (ICU) stay. Age- and gender-matched COVID-19-negative sepsis ICU patients and healthy subjects were examined as controls. Proteomic data were resolved using both cell-specific annotation and deep-analysis for functional enrichment. COVID-19 caused extensive remodelling of the plasma microenvironment associated with a relative immunosuppressive milieu between ICU Days 3–7, and characterized by extensive organ damage. COVID-19 resulted in (1) reduced antigen presentation and B/T-cell function, (2) increased repurposed neutrophils and M1-type macrophages, (3) relatively immature or disrupted endothelia and fibroblasts with a defined secretome, and (4) reactive myeloid lines. Extracellular matrix changes identified in COVID-19 plasma could represent impaired immune cell homing and programmed cell death. The major functional modules disrupted in COVID-19 were exaggerated in patients with fatal outcome. Taken together, these findings provide systems-level insight into the mechanisms of COVID-19 inflammation and identify potential prognostic biomarkers. Therapeutic strategies could be tailored to the immune response of severely ill patients.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ein Strandwald bei Danzig diente im Winter Zehntausenden von Nebelkrähen als Schlafplatz. Jeden Morgen flogen die Krähen nach allen Richtungen zu ihren Nahrungsplätzen, die zum Teil 50 und mehr Kilometer entfernt waren. Es wird ein Fall geschildert, aus dem hervorgeht, wodurch die Entdeckung einer besonders ergiebigen Nahrungsquelle den Artgenossen in weitem Umkreis bekannt wird.Das Raubvogel-Schema der Krähen ist sehr weit und schließt nur den Seeadler aus, der (wenigstens im Winter) von ihnen nicht angegriffen, sondern als Nahrungsspender betrachtet wird. Besonders heftig reagieren sie auf den Habicht. 150–200 Nebelkrähen belagerten einen Habicht, der vor ihnen in ein Kiefernstangenholz geflüchtet war. Der Baummarder löst bei Nebelkrähen dieselbe starke Reaktion aus wie der Habicht. Kolkraben scheinen im Winter von Krähen nicht angegriffen zu werden.  相似文献   
H2–forming N 5,N 10 methylenetetrahydromethanopterin dehydrogenase is a novel type of hydrogenase that contains neither nickel nor iron-sulfur clusters. Evidence has been presented that the reaction mechanism catalyzed by the enzyme is very similar to that of the formation of carbocations and H2 from alkanes under superacidic conditions. We present here further results in support of this mechanism. It was found that the purified enzyme per se did not catalyze the conversion of para H2 to ortho H2, a reaction catalyzed by all other hydrogenases known to date. However, it catalyzed the conversion in the presence of the substrate N 5,N 10 methenyltetrahydromethanopterin (CH≡H4MPT+), indicating that for heterolytic cleavage of H2 the enzyme-CH≡H4MPT+ complex is required. In D2O, the formation of HD and D2 from H2 rather than a paraortho H2 conversion was observed, indicating that after heterolytic cleavage of H2 the dissociation of the proton from the enzyme-substrate complex is fast relative to the re-formation of free H2.  相似文献   
The blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans Drouet (Synechococcus leopoliensis Raciborski) cultivated under phosphate-limited conditions adopts a threshold value in the nanomolar range below which uptake ceases. In this study, we investigated the influence of phosphate pulses on the regulation of uptake behavior during reestablishment of the threshold value. Short-term pulses had only a slight effect on uptake kinetics and, hence, on the threshold value, even if the population had been exposed several times to elevated concentrations above the steady-state level in the growth medium. The threshold value was also practically insensitive to the amount of phosphate stored during these short-term fluctuations. Long-term phosphate pulses resulted in a transition to a metastable state that was characterized by a severalfold higher threshold value. This transition, apparently an adaptation to the transiently elevated phosphate concentrations, was further studied by following the influx of 32P-phosphate at constant external concentrations and was shown to be complete after a period of 10–20 min. After adaptation to pulses, the uptake behavior followed a linear flow-force relation over a wide range of external concentrations. This behavior was explained by the simultaneous operation of at least two uptake systems with different, but coordinated kinetic parameters. This linear flow-force relation facilitated a direct determination of the threshold value from uptake measurements. For applicability in the field the force-flow relation can be a diagnostic tool to assay for fluctuating phosphate and to establish threshold values below the normal measurable range .  相似文献   
Twelve different lines of Datura stramonium (normal and hairy) root cultures were subjected to conditions which induce photoautotrophy. Two of the hairy root lines responded to induction, showing clearly a diminished growth rate when compared to heterotrophic cultures, an increase in chlorophyll, a net O2 evolution, CO2 fixation, and de novo synthesis of the ribulose 1,5 biphosphate carboxylase enzyme. A time course of growth and tropane alkaloid levels in the tissue and medium, revealed a correlation between the development of the photosynthetic apparatus and the increase in scopolamine. Although normal cultures did not grow photosynthetically, they showed some greening response under the first step of the induction. The correlation between development of photosynthesis and increase in scopolamine synthesis were corroborated with normal root cultures. This experimental model is used for the basic study of the regulatory enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of tropane alkaloids, as well as for the study of their mechanisms of transport.  相似文献   
Abstract: Two forms of pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP), the 38- and 27-amino-acid forms (PACAP38 and PACAP27, respectively), which share amino acid sequence homology with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), were evaluated for their abilities to regulate sympathetic neuron catecholamine and neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression. PACAP38 and PACAP27 potently and efficaciously stimulated NPY and catecholamine secretion in primary cultured superior cervical ganglion (SCG) neurons; 100- to 1,000-fold higher concentrations of VIP were required to modulate secretion, suggesting that SCG neurons express the PACAP-selective type I receptor. PACAP38 elicited a sustained seven- to ninefold increase in the rate of NPY secretion and three-fold stimulation in the rate of catecholamine release. PACAP38 and PACAP27 produced parallel neuronal NPY and catecholamine release, but cellular levels of NPY and catecholamines were differentially regulated. Sympathetic neuron NPY content was decreased, whereas cellular total catecholamine levels were elevated by the PACAP peptides; total NPY and catecholamine levels (secreted plus cellular content) were increased. In concert with the increased total peptide and transmitter production, pro-NPY and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA levels were elevated. Furthermore, PACAP38 was more efficacious than PACAP27 in regulating pro-NPY and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA. SCG neuronal expression of mRNA encoding the type I PACAP receptor further supported the studies demonstrating that sympathetic neuronal levels of NPY and catecholamine content and secretion and mRNA are differentially regulated by the PACAP peptides.  相似文献   
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