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Direct Cord Reading Medium for Isolation of Mycobacteria   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A study of growth and colony morphology of mycobacteria was performed on 7H10 medium and compared with the same medium to which WR 1339 was added. Collection strains of human, bovine, and atypical mycobacteria, in addition to 1,199 sputa, were planted on both media. The results showed that WR 1339 modifies the growth and colony morphology of human, bovine, atypical group I, and, to a lesser degree, atypical groups II, III, and IV mycobacteria. The great majority of human and bovine strains exhibit definite cords when examined at a magnification of 100 times. The colonies are larger when WR 1339 is added, especially if there is a small number of colonies. The addition of WR 1339 spreads the growth on the surface of the agar, producing a thin but larger colony as compared with 7H10 medium alone on which the colonies grow more vertically, thus producing thick but smaller colonies. WR 1339 spreads the growth, producing thin and transparent colonies where the cords are oriented in uniplane and easily visible directly on the isolation media. Half of the positive sputum cultures were easily identified at 12 days. The presence of typical cords permits a quick screening diagnosis of species directly on the isolation media and, in most instances, elimination of the possibility of atypical or contaminating colonies.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Ein Paar Türkentauben brütete vom 29. 1. bis 15. 2. 1966 auf einem Straßenbaum in Berlin-Tempelhof. Es wurde nur ein Ei gelegt. Nach 17 Tagen schlüpfte das gelbbedaunte Junge. Es ist dann kurz danach, wahrscheinlich beim Umherkriechen auf dem Nestrand, erfroren. Die Umstände, unter denen die Brut erfolgte, waren äußerst ungünstig. Die Temperatur lag seit dem 7. 2. 1966 dauernd unter Null (–9 und –13 Grad). Die brütende Taube hatte von Anfang an auf dem Nestrand brüten müssen, da die Mulde schon vor der Eiablage völlig mit Schnee bedeckt war. Der brütende Vogel war mehrere Tage und Nächte von einem hohen Schneewall umgeben, der sich auf dem Nest gebildet hatte. Dieses Nest wurde von Mai 1964 an viermal von einem Türkentaubenpaar zum Brüten benutzt. Es wird vermutet, daß zum mindesten der eine Partner, der Tauber, während der ganzen Zeit derselbe geblieben ist.  相似文献   
Summary A simple, reliable and sensitive assay for alpha-amylase activity is reported, together with its theoretical derivation, that overcomes many of the problems encountered with other assays, especially when attempting to assay alpha-amylase activity in crude cell extracts or culture supernatants. The method relies on the reduction in turbidity that occurs upon digestion of a starch suspension with alpha-amylase. The initial rate of decrease in turbidity is shown to be proportional to a wide range of enzyme concentrations, permitting a rapid spectrophotometric and kinetic determination of alpha-amylase activity.  相似文献   
We studied a recently described method for the determination of total nitrogen in natural waters involving sample oxidation with persulfate and subsequent determination of nitrate-nitrogen with second derivative spectroscopy and compared it to the USEPA approved method involving the sum of nitrate-nitrogen and Kjeldahl-nitrogen as measured with an automated analyzer. The overall objective was to determine if the two methods gave the same estimates of total nitrogen and if the detection limits, precision and accuracy of the new method were as good as those of the USEPA method. The new method was used to make measurements on replicated blanks, standards and lake water samples covering a range of concentrations. We also collaborated with certified laboratories to make comparative measurements on 5 standards and 21 lake water samples that were run by us with the new method and by them with the USEPA method. The new method had an instrument detection limit of 0.07 mg 1–1, and the standard deviation of 20 sets of lake water samples averaged 0.03 mg 1–1. The new method gave concentrations equivalent to those found with the USEPA method, was more sensitive, and had a higher degree of precision. We concluded that the new method is suitable as a substitute for the USEPA method. We also found that the addition of acid to lake water samples stored under refrigeration was not necessary to preserve them for later determinations of nitrate-nitrogen and total nitrogen and that freezing was an effective means of sample preservation for 90 days.  相似文献   
Summary A suspension of tobacco cells,Nicotiana tabacum L. BY-2, was subjected to a rapid change of medium, resulting in disturbance of growth. A subpopulation of growing cells responded to such a nutritional signal by establishing a transient, localized Ca2+ accumulation, as judged by chlorotetracycline fluorescence. Residing near or at the plasma membrane, this initial Ca2+ signal began to relax after 1 h to a value presumably corresponding to an equilibrium Ca2+ level. This response was susceptible to treatment with brefeldin A, an agent impacting vesicular traffic, as indicated by a further increase in fluorescence. By contrast, undisturbed growing and non-growing cells did not display a Ca2+ response, regardless of the presence of brefeldin A.  相似文献   
Fate of elemental sulfur in an intertidal sediment   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: Sediment from a tidal flat at Wedderwarden, near the mouth of the Weser estuary, northern Germany, was amended with elemental sulfur, and concentrations of metabolic end products were monitored. The production of both sulfate and sulfide was consistent with disproportionation as the most important fate of the added elemental sulfur. A population of bacteria conducting active elemental sulfur disproportionation was also enriched from the sediment. In the enrichments, containing both elemental sulfur and Fe oxides as a sulfide 'scrub', sulfide and sulfate were produced in a ratio of     , somewhat lower than the predicted ratio of     . The mismatch between predicted and observed production ratios is explained by the channelling of electrons into autotrophic or mixotrophic CO2 fixation rather than sulfide formation. The production of organic carbon, in the correct amount to explain the observed sulfide to sulfate production ratio, was verified by organic carbon analysis. Finally, rates of sulfate reduction were identical in the elemental sulfur amended sediment, and in control sediment with no added sulfur. Hence, the heterotrophic bacterial community was completely unaffected by an active metabolism conducting elemental sulfur disproportionation.  相似文献   
While antibiotics are broadly used in dental and medical therapy, little attention has been directed towards the potential toxic side effects of antibiotics on tissue regeneration. Here we examined the effect of a quinolone antibiotic, pefloxacin (Rhone Poulenc) on rat parotid gland responses to chronic isoproterenol treatment. Groups of rats received injections of isoproterenol to induce glandular growth, saline (controls), pefloxacin, or isoproterenol and pefloxacin in combination. Parotid gland weight decreased significantly after pefloxacin treatment for 7 days as well as inhibiting glandular enlargement provoked by isoproterenol. The same trend was observed for the rates of DNA synthesis, with the incorporation of [3H]-thymidine in isoproterenol/pefloxacin-treated rats reduced to 49% of isoproterenol treatment alone levels. Saline-treated animals were 42% of the rate of [3H]-thymidine incorporation into DNA observed in isoproterenol treated rats. While isoproterenol treatment increased steady-state mRNA levels for fos, jun, myc, src, c-erbB-2, ras and topo II, inclusion of pefloxacin with the isoproterenol regimen blocked these increases. Pefloxacin treatment by itself did not alter proto-oncogene mRNA levels in the parotid gland. Glandular amylase activity was decreased in the pefloxacin treated group, while the combination of isoproterenol with pefloxacin did not decrease glandular amylase levels to the extent of that observed with -agonist treatment alone. In acute experiments, pefloxacin significantly decreased the volume of saliva secreted by the parotid gland. These results suggest that quinolone-based antibiotics disturb the secretory function of the parotid gland and can inhibit cell proliferation and regeneration. (Mol Cell Biochem 165: 55–63, 1996)  相似文献   
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