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A 40-kD protein kinase C (PKC)epsilon related activity was found to associate with human epithelial specific cytokeratin (CK) polypeptides 8 and 18. The kinase activity coimmunoprecipitated with CK8 and 18 and phosphorylated immunoprecipitates of the CK. Immunoblot analysis of CK8/18 immunoprecipitates using an anti-PKC epsilon specific antibody showed that the 40-kD species, and not native PKC epsilon (90 kD) associated with the cytokeratins. Reconstitution experiments demonstrated that purified CK8 or CK18 associated with a 40-kD tryptic fragment of purified PKC epsilon, or with a similar species obtained from cells that express the fragment constitutively but do not express CK8/18. A peptide pseudosubstrate specific for PKC epsilon inhibited phosphorylation of CK8/18 in intact cells or in a kinase assay with CK8/18 immunoprecipitates. Tryptic peptide map analysis of the cytokeratins that were phosphorylated by purified rat brain PKC epsilon or as immunoprecipitates by the associated kinase showed similar phosphopeptides. Furthermore, PKC epsilon immunoreactive species and CK8/18 colocalized using immunofluorescent double staining. We propose that a kinase related to the catalytic fragment of PKC epsilon physically associates with and phosphorylates cytokeratins 8 and 18.  相似文献   
Based on CHARMM potential (Brooks et al., 1983) an energetic analysis has been carried out for four typical 4-alpha-helix bundle proteins, i.e., methemerythrin, cytochrome b-562, cytochrome c', and bovine somatotropin. The bovine somatotropin possesses long loops, but all the other three proteins have short loops. It was found that in all these four 4-alpha-helix bundle motif structures the interaction between loops and helices was much stronger than the interaction among the four helices themselves. Particularly for the electrostatic interaction energy, the loop-helix interaction is overwhelmingly stronger than the interhelix interaction although the latter involves the favorable helix dipole interaction due to the antiparallel arrangement of neighboring alpha-helices. The present study indicates that such a conclusion holds true regardless of what loops, long or short, are in the 4-alpha-helix bundle protein, and also regardless of which empirical potential, ECEPP or CHARMM, is used for calculations although in CHARMM the electrostatic energy is much more heavily emphasized than in ECEPP. Therefore, no appropriate conclusion can be drawn in arguing whether the dipole interaction among the four alpha-helices play a stabilizing role or destabilizing role for a 4-alpha-helix bundle protein without taking into consideration the effect of interaction between helices and loops. The calculated results reported here provide, from a different point of view, insights that might be useful for revealing the essence of the driving forces during the folding of proteins.  相似文献   
In the methodology development for statistical prediction of protein structures, the founders of different methods usually selected different sets of proteins to test their predicted results. Therefore, it is hard to make a fair comparison according to the results they reported. Even if the predictions by different methods are performed for the same set of proteins, there is still such a problem: a method better that the other for one set of proteins would not necessarily remain so when applied to another set of proteins. To tackle this problem, a Monte Carlo simulation method is proposed to establish an objective criterion to measure the accuracy of prediction for the protein folding type. Such an objective accuracy is actually corresponding to the asymptotical limit genereated during the Monte Carlo simulation process. Based on that, it has been found that the average objective accuracy for predicting the all-alpha, all-beta, alpha + beta, and alpha/beta proteins by the least Euclid's distance method (Nakashima, H., K. Nishikawa, and T. Ooi. 1986. J. Biochem. 99:152-162) is 73.0% and that by the least Minkowski's distance method (Chou, P.Y. 1989. Prediction in Protein Structure and the Principles of Protein Conformation. Plenum Press. New York. 549-586) is 70.9%, indicating that the former is better than the latter. However, according to the original reports, the latter claimed a rate of correct prediction with 79.7% but the former with only 70.2%, leading to a completely opposite conclusion. This indicates the necessity of establishing an objective criterion, and a comparison is meaningful only when it is based on the objective criterion. The simulation method and the idea developed here also can be applied to examine any other statistical prediction methods.  相似文献   
The extracellular anionic polysaccharide produced by the bacterium Agrobacterium radiobacter (ATCC 53271) contains D-galactose, D-glucose, and pyruvic acid in the molar ratio 2:15:2. Analysis of the methylated polysaccharide indicated the presence of terminal, non-reducing glucosyl, 3-, 4-, 6-, 2,4-, and 4,6-linked glucosyl residues, 3-linked 4,6-O-[(S)-1-carboxyethylidene]glucosyl residues, and 3-linked galactosyl residues. Partial acid hydrolysis of the methylated polysaccharide, followed by reduction with NaB2H4 and then O-ethylation, gave a mixture of alkylated oligoglycosyl alditols that were separated by reversed-phase h.p.l.c. and analyzed by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. Smith degradation of the polysaccharide gave three diglycosyl alditols that were separated by semi-preparative, high-pH anion-exchange chromatography, and were analyzed by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. The polymer obtained by NaBH4 reduction of the periodate-oxidized polysaccharide was methylated, and the noncyclic acetals were hydrolyzed with aq. 90% formic acid to generate a mixture of partially O-methylated mono- and di-glycosyl alditols. The partially O-methylated oligoglycosyl alditols were O-ethylated. The resulting alkylated oligoglycosyl alditols were separated by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. and then characterized by 1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy, g.l.c.-m.s., and glycosyl-linkage composition analysis. The results from the studies described here provide strong evidence that the acidic polysaccharide secreted by A. radiobacter (ATCC 53271) has a heptadecasaccharide repeating unit.  相似文献   
Specific developmental changes in smooth muscle were studied in gizzards obtained from 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-, 18-, and 20-day chick embryos and from 1- and 7-day posthatch chicks. Myoblasts were actively replicating in tissue from 6-day embryos. Cytoplasmic dense bodies (CDBs) first appeared at Embryonic Day 8 (E8) and were recognized as patches of increased electron density that consisted of actin filaments (AFs), intermediate filaments (IFs), and cross-connecting filaments (CCFs). Although the assembly of CDBs was not synchronized within a cell, the number, size, and electron density of CDBs increased as age increased. Membrane-associated dense bodies (MADBs) also could be recognized at E8. The number and size of MADBs increased as age increased, especially after E16. Filaments with the diameter of thick filaments first appeared at E12. Smooth muscle cells were able to divide as late as E20. The axial intermediate filament bundle (IFB) could first be identified in 1-day posthatch cells and became larger and more prominent in 7-day posthatch cells. Immunogold labeling of 1- and 7-day posthatch cells with anti-desmin showed that the IFB contained desmin IFs. The developmental events during this 23-day period were classified into seven stages, based primarily on the appearance and the growth of contractile and cytoskeletal elements. These stages are myoblast proliferation, dense body appearance, thick filament appearance, dense body growth, muscle cell replication, IFB appearance, and appearance of adult type cells. Smooth muscle cells in each stage express similar developmental characteristics. The mechanism of assembly of myofilaments and cytoskeletal elements in smooth muscle in vivo indicates that myofilaments (AFs and thick filaments) and filament attachment sites (CDBs and MADBs) are assembled before the axial IFB, a major cytoskeletal element.  相似文献   
Energy-optimized structure of antifreeze protein and its binding mechanism.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A combination of Monte Carlo simulated annealing and energy minimization was utilized to determine the conformation of the antifreeze protein from the fish winter flounder. It was found from the energy-optimized structure that the hydroxyl groups of its four threonine residues, i.e. Thr2, Thr13, Thr24, Thr35, are aligned on almost the same line parallel to the helix axis and separated successively by 16.1, 16.0 and 16.2 A, respectively, very close to the 16.6 A repeat spacing along [0112] in ice. Based on such a space match, a zipper-like model is proposed to elucidate the binding mechanism of the antifreeze protein to ice crystals. According to the current model, the antifreeze protein may bind to an ice nucleation structure in a zipper-like fashion through hydrogen bonding of the hydroxyl groups of these four Thr residues to the oxygen atoms along the [0112] direction in ice lattice, subsequently stopping or retarding the growth of ice pyramidal planes so as to depress the freeze point. The calculated results and the binding mechanism thus derived accord with recent experimental observations. The mechanistic implications derived from such a special antifreeze molecule might be generally applied to elucidate the structure-function relationship of other antifreeze proteins with the following two common features: (1) recurrence of a Thr residue (or any other polar amino acid residue whose side-chain can form a hydrogen bond with water) in an 11-amino-acid period along the sequence concerned; and (2) a high percentage of Ala residue component therein. Further experiments are suggested to test the ice binding model.  相似文献   
S H Chou  P Flynn  A Wang  B Reid 《Biochemistry》1991,30(21):5248-5257
Two symmetrical DNA-RNA-DNA duplex chimeras, d(CGCG)r(AAUU)d(CGCG) (designated rAAUU) and d(CGCG)r(UAUA)d(CGCG) (designated rUAUA), and a nonsymmetrical chimeric duplex, d(CGTT)r(AUAA)d(TGCG)/d(CGCA)r(UUAU)d(A ACG) (designated rAUAA), as well as their pure DNA analogues, containing dU instead of T, have been synthesized by solid-phase phosphoramidite methods and studied by high-resolution NMR techniques. The 1D imino proton NOE spectra of these d-r-d chimeras indicate normal Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding and base stacking at the junction region. Preliminary qualitative NOESY, COSY, and chemical shift data suggest that the internal RNA segment contains C3'-endo (A-type) sugar conformations except for the first RNA residues (position 5 and 17) following the 3' end of the DNA block, which, unlike the other six ribonucleotides, exhibit detectable H1'-H2' J coupling. The nucleosides of the two flanking DNA segments appear to adopt a fairly normal C2'-endo B-DNA conformation except at the junction with the RNA blocks (residues 4 and 16), where the last DNA residue appears to adopt an intermediate sugar conformation. The DNA-RNA junction residues exhibit quite different COSY, chemical shift, and NOE behavior, but these effects do not appear to propagate into the DNA or RNA segments. The circular dichroism spectra of these d-r-d chimeras also display a mixture of characteristic A-type and B-type absorption bands. The data indicate that A-type and B-type conformations can coexist in a single short continuous nucleic acid duplex, but our results differ somewhat from previous theoretical model studies.  相似文献   
Energetic approach to the folding of alpha/beta barrels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
K C Chou  L Carlacci 《Proteins》1991,9(4):280-295
The folding of a polypeptide into a parallel (alpha/beta)8 barrel (which is also called a circularly permuted beta 8 alpha 8 barrel) has been investigated in terms of energy minimization. According to the arrangement of hydrogen bonds between two neighboring beta-strands of the central barrel therein, such an alpha/beta barrel structure can be folded into six different types: (1) left-tilted, left-handed crossover; (2) left-tilted, right-handed crossover; (3) nontilted, left-handed crossover; (4) nontilted, right-handed crossover; (5) right-tilted, left-handed crossover; and (6) right-tilted, right-handed crossover. Here "tilt" refers to the orientational relation of the beta-strands to the axis of the central beta-barrel, and "crossover" to the beta alpha beta folding connection feature of the parallel beta-barrel. It has been found that the right-tilted, right-handed crossover alpha/beta barrel possesses much lower energy than the other five types of alpha/beta barrels, elucidating why the observed alpha/beta barrels in proteins always assume the form of right tilt and right-handed crossover connection. As observed, the beta-strands in the energy-minimized right-tilted, right-handed crossover (alpha/beta)8-barrel are of strong right-handed twist. The value of root-mean-square fits also indicates that the central barrel contained in the lowest energy (alpha/beta)8 structure thus found coincides very well with the observed 8-stranded parallel beta-barrel in triose phosphate isomerase (TIM). Furthermore, an energetic analysis has been made demonstrating why the right-tilt, right-handed crossover barrel is the most stable structure. Our calculations and analysis support the principle that it is possible to account for the main features of frequently occurring folding patterns in proteins by means of conformational energy calculations even for very complicated structures such as (alpha/beta)8 barrels.  相似文献   
Cells from autochthonous mouse mammary carcinomas which display estrogen-independent growth vivo were studied for their hormonal responses in primary culture. A culture system employing insulin-supplemented, serum-free medium and basement membrane Matrigel as a substratum was used to cultivate tumor cells. The cells did not exhibit in vitro estrogenor prolactin-dependent growth. Primary tumors still displayed a constitutional expression of α-, β-, and γ-casein mRNAs. These messages were dramatically reduced during the culture period. However, seven to eightfold increases in α- and β-casein mRNAs were inducible in the 5-day cultures by treatment with prolactin and hydrocortisone. If the hormones were present through a 2-week culture period, the levels of α-, β-, and γ-casein mRNAs in the cells were maintained and displayed in a time-dependent increase with a peak at 10–14 days. The accumulation of β-casein mRNA in vitro did not require DNA synthesis. Administration of prolactin directly into the growing tumors in vivo could also enhance β-casein mRNA levels in the tumor cells. Morphological studies of the cells cultured in the presence of prolactin and hydrocortisone did not reveal visible changes compared with those without hormonal treatment. Transplantation of tumor cells cultured in the presence or absence of hormones resulted in the development of tumors in mice at approximately the same time. The current studies suggest that the autochthonous mammary tumor cells, independent of estrogen for cell growth, were still inducible for casein gene expression in vitro and in vivo by appropriate hormones. The induction and maintenance of casein messages by a single hormonal treatment did not appear to correlate with morphology and DNA synthesis of cells in vitro or with tumor-producing capacities in vivo.  相似文献   
The ATP.Mg-dependent protein phosphatase activating factor (protein kinase FA) has been identified to exist in neuroblastoma x glioma hybrid 108-15 cells (NG108-15 cells). More importantly, when NG cells were induced to differentiate with N6, O2'-dibutyryl adenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (dibutyryl cAMP), the cellular activity of kinase FA was found to increase dramatically. Time course study further revealed that induction of differentiation in NG cells by dibutyryl cAMP treatment increased the FA activity to over 3 times the levels found in undifferentiated cells and in a linear day-dependent manner, indicating that the FA activity level is correlated with the state of differentiation of NG108-15 cells. This is the first report providing initial evidence that protein kinase FA (a transmembrane signal of insulin) is involved in the induction of neuronal cell differentiation.  相似文献   
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