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Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD), electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), and optical absorption spectroscopies have been used to monitor the concentrations of oxidized and reduced heme and copper during stoichiometric reductive titrations of purified beef heart cytochrome oxidase. The MCD data are deconvoluted to obtain the concentrations of reduced cytochromes a and a3 during the titrations; analysis of the EPR spectra provides complementary data on the concentrations of the EPR-detectable species. For the native enzyme in the absence of exogenous ligands, cytochromes a and a3 are reduced to approximately the same extent at all points in the titration. The reduction of the EPR-detectable copper, on the other hand, initially lags the reduction of the two cytochromes but in the final stages of the titration is completely reduced prior to either cytochrome a or a3. These non-Nernstian titration results are interpreted to indicate that the primary mode of heme-heme interaction in cytochrome oxidase involves shifts in oxidation-reduction potential for each of the two cytochromes such that a change in oxidation state for one of the hemes lowers the oxidation-reduction potential of the second heme by approximately 135 mV. In these titrations high spin species are detected which account for 0.25 spin/oxidase maximally. Evidence is presented to indicate that at least some of these signals can be attributed to cytochrome a3+ which has undergone a low-spin to high-spin state transition in the course of the titration. In the presence of carbon monoxide the oxidation-reduction properties of cytochromes a and a3 are markedly altered. The a32+. CO complex is fully formed prior to reduction of either cytochrome a3+ or the EPR-detectable copper. The g = 3 EPR signal attributed to cytochrome a3+ decreases as the MCD intensity of cytochrome a2+ increases; no significant high-spin intensity is observed at any intermediate stage of reduction. We interpret these Nernstian titration results to indicate that in the presence of ligands the oxidation-reduction potential of cytochrome a relative to cytochrome a3 is determined by the oxidation-reduction state of the stabilized cytochrome a3 ligand complex; if ligand binding occurs to reduced cytochrome a3 then cytochrome a titrates with a lower potential; cytochrome a titrates with a higher potential if oxidized cytochrome a3 is stabilized by ligand binding.  相似文献   
The mammalian iron-binding proteins lactoferrin (Lf) and transferrin (Tf) bind iron very tightly, but reversibly. Despite homologous structures and essentially identical iron binding sites, Tf begins to release iron at pH 6.0, whereas Lf retains iron to pH approximately 3.5. This difference in iron retention gives the two proteins different biological roles. Two lysine residues, Lys 206 and Lys 296, which form a hydrogen-bonded dilysine pair in human Tf, have been shown to strongly influence iron release from the N-lobe. The equivalent residues in human Lf are Arg 210 and Lys 301, and we have here mutated Arg 210 in the N-lobe half-molecule of human lactoferrin, Lf(N), to probe its role in iron release. The Lf(N) mutants R210G, R210E, and R210L were expressed, purified, and crystallized, and their crystal structures were determined and refined at resolutions of 1.95 A (R210G), 2.2 A (R210E), and 2.0 A (R210L). The overall structures are very similar to that of wild-type Lf(N), but with small differences in domain orientations. In each of the mutants, however, Lys 301 (equivalent to Lys 296 in Tf) changes its conformation to fill the space occupied by Arg 210 Neta2 in wild-type Lf(N), interacting with the two tyrosine ligands Tyr 92 and Tyr 192. By comparison with other Lf and Tf structures, we conclude that Lys 301 (or Lys 296 in Tf) only occupies this site when residue 210 (206 in Tf) is nonpositive (neutral as in R210G and R210L or negative as in R210E). Thus, Lys 206 in the Tf dilysine pair is identified as having a depressed pK(a). Three specific sites are variably occupied by polar groups in the Lf mutants and other Lf and Tf proteins, and when coupled with iron-release data, these give new insights into the factors that most influence iron retention at low pH.  相似文献   
Climate warming can reduce global soil carbon stocks by enhancing microbial decomposition. However, the magnitude of this loss remains uncertain because the temperature sensitivity of the decomposition of the major fraction of soil carbon, namely resistant carbon, is not fully known. It is now believed that the resistance of soil carbon mostly depends on microbial accessibility of soil carbon with physical protection being the primary control of the decomposition of protected carbon, which is insensitive to temperature changes. However, it is still unclear whether the temperature sensitivity of the decomposition of unprotected carbon, for example, carbon that is not protected by the soil mineral matrix, may depend on the chemical recalcitrance of carbon compounds. In particular, the carbon-quality temperature (CQT) hypothesis asserts that recalcitrant low-quality carbon is more temperature-sensitive to decomposition than labile high-quality carbon. If the hypothesis is correct, climate warming could amplify the loss of unprotected, but chemically recalcitrant, carbon and the resultant CO2 release from soils to the atmosphere. Previous research has supported this hypothesis based on reported negative relationships between temperature sensitivity and carbon quality, defined as the decomposition rate at a reference temperature. Here we show that negative relationships can arise simply from the arbitrary choice of reference temperature, inherently invalidating those tests. To avoid this artefact, we defined the carbon quality of different compounds as their uncatalysed reaction rates in the absence of enzymes. Taking the uncatalysed rate as the carbon quality index, we found that the CQT hypothesis is not supported for enzyme-catalysed reactions, which showed no relationship between carbon quality and temperature sensitivity. The lack of correlation in enzyme-catalysed reactions implies similar temperature sensitivity for microbial decomposition of soil carbon, regardless of its quality, thereby allaying concerns of acceleration of warming-induced decomposition of recalcitrant carbon.  相似文献   
Integration of information by convergence of inputs onto sensory cortical neurons is a requisite for processing higher-order stimulus features. Convergence across defined peripheral input classes has generally been thought to occur at levels beyond the primary sensory cortex, however recent work has shown that this does not hold for the convergence of slowly-adapting and rapidly-adapting inputs in primary somatosensory cortex. We have used a new analysis method for multi-unit recordings, to show convergence of inputs deriving from the rapidly-adapting and Pacinian channels in a proportion of neurons in both primary and secondary somatosensory cortex in the anaesthetised cat. We have validated this method using single-unit recordings. The secondary somatosensory cortex has a greater proportion of sites that show convergence of this type than primary somatosensory cortex. These findings support the hypothesis that the more complex features processed in higher cortical areas require a greater degree of convergence across input classes, but also shows that this convergence is apparent in the primary somatosensory cortex.  相似文献   
Generalizations derived from simple optimal diet models were field-tested at forest feeding stations where a choice of two foods was offered. The relationship between food availability and consumption by three species of rodents (Peromyscus maniculatus, Clethrionomys gapperi and Napaeozapus insignis) was examined in five separate experiments. In all five cases rodents preferred the food which yielded the highest caloric gain per unit handling time, as predicted by the simple models. However, in all five cases, less preferred items were sampled even when they were not part of the optimal diet. In three cases the consumption of the non-preferred food type varied with its abundance and in one case food preference changed with its availability. The latter three results indicate that these rodents do not use simple optimal diet strategies.  相似文献   
Ferredoxin reductase (Fd-reductase) supplies reducing equivalents obtained from NADPH to mitochondrial cytochrome P450 enzymes via the small iron-sulfur protein ferredoxin. Two cDNAs (differing by the presence or absence of an 18-bp insert in the coding region) for the human Fd-reductase were subcloned into a newly constructed general purpose expression vector, p delta blue; protein expression under control of the bacteriophage lambda pL promoter was then induced in Escherichia coli. Western blot analysis of subcellular fractions indicated that Fd-reductase protein expressed from both plasmids was present in both inclusion bodies and soluble fractions. However, only the form lacking the insert exhibited Fd-reductase activity. The active material was purified and was found to have electrophoretic, chromatographic, optical, and circular dichroism properties comparable to the bovine homologue. The apparent Km of the expressed protein for NADPH was determined to be 0.7 +/- 0.1 microM and the apparent Km for human ferredoxin was found to be 106 +/- 8 nM. While yields of active enzyme were relatively low (approximately 0.1 mg/liter of culture), the production of Fd-reductase in E. coli will allow structural and mechanistic studies of the enzyme and its interactions with ferredoxin.  相似文献   
The dichotomy of resistance to Brugia pahangi (Nematoda: Filarioidea) between nonsusceptible, euthymic C3H/HeN mice, heterozygotic for the "nu" gene (+/nu), and susceptible, congenitally-athymic "nude" (nu/nu) C3H/HeN mice, suggests that resistance is thymus-dependent. To test this hypothesis, the effect of syngeneic neonatal thymus grafts and neonatal thymus cell suspensions on recovery of worms at day 40 PI, and responses to Concanavalin A (Con A) were examined in reconstituted nudes. Nude recipients of a thymus graft 7 or 14 wk before subcutaneous inoculation with 50 infective larvae (L3) yielded no worms and responded strongly to Con A. Serum from these mice reacted in two lines of identity with serum from similarly-infected heterozygotes by double radial immunodiffusion against an adult worm saline extract. Nude recipients of a thymus 2 days or 3 wk before inoculation harbored an average of three or two worms, respectively. Intravenous injection of nude recipients with 10(7) or 10(8) neonatal thymus cells seven weeks before inoculation was less effective in conferring resistance to B. pahangi and responsiveness to Con A. Complete resistance to B. pahangi could be adoptively transferred to nude mice by 10(8) spleen cells obtained from infection-primed heterozygotes and injected intravenously on the day of larval inoculation. The same numbers of worms were significantly reduced. less effective when injected 3 wk before inoculation, although numbers of worms were significantly reduced. Passive transfer of primed heterozygote serum, containing high titers of antibodies to adult worm and larval antigens, failed to protect nude recipients against a larval inoculum in the absence of cellular reconstitution.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Male and female Lewis rats were inoculated subcutaneously in the left groin with 75 infective larvae of Brugia pahangi and microfilaremias were followed for as long as 420 days postinoculation. Patent infections developed in 64% of the female rats and 95% of the male rats. Mean prepatent periods were similar (65.9 and 63.9 days, respectively), but mean microfilaremias in males rose much higher, to a mean of 218 mf/0.25 ml blood at 270 days postinoculation. IgG titers, as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), to adult worm somatic antigen were higher than those to microfilariae in almost all rats. For both sexes, the most consistently microfilaremic rats had highest titers to these antigens. Granulomas with degenerating microfilaria were present in the spleen of male rats with high microfilaremias (>100–300 mf/0.25 ml blood). Ouchterlony precipitin reactions suggested that most rats with spleen granulomas responded to microfilarial antigen components to which most rats without granulomas did not. Neither spleen granulomas nor antibody responses measured in this study appeared to have protective (microfilaremia-lowering) value. As measured by microfilaremias, the male Lewis rat is not as susceptible as some conventional hosts of B. pahangi, but it does consistently become infected and remains microfilaremic for more than a year. Preferential male susceptibility indicates that this model may be useful for studying this aspect of human lymphatic filariasis.  相似文献   
The effect of 3,3'-dimethoxybenzidine (o-dianisidine) on the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone was investigated in a reconstituted side chain cleavage system using enzymes purified from bovine adrenal cortex; d-p-aminoglutethimide was also assayed under similar conditions for comparison. 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine was found to be a potent inhibitor of pregnenolone formation, causing 50% inhibition at a concentration of 1.5 μM when using 70 μM cholesterol — this dose is approximately one fourth that required of 3-methoxybenzidine and one twentieth that required of benzidine for equal inhibition. In the same system, d-p-aminoglutethimide exhibited an I50 value of about 55 μM. No effects of 3,3'-dimetoxybenzidine on adrenodoxin reductase or adrenodoxin activities could be detected, and inhibition of side chain cleavage could be relieved by dilution suggesting that the inhibitor acts by reversibly binding to cytochrome P-450scc.  相似文献   
Hsc66, a stress-70 protein, and Hsc20, a J-type accessory protein, comprise a newly described Hsp70-type chaperone system in addition to DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE in Escherichia coli. Because endogenous substrates for the Hsc66-Hsc20 system have not yet been identified, we investigated chaperone-like activities of Hsc66 and Hsc20 by their ability to suppress aggregation of denatured model substrate proteins, such as rhodanese, citrate synthase, and luciferase. Hsc66 suppressed aggregation of rhodanese and citrate synthase, and ATP caused effects consistent with complex destabilization typical of other Hsp70-type chaperones. Differences in the activities of Hsc66 and DnaK, however, suggest that these chaperones have dissimilar substrate specificity profiles. Hsc20, unlike DnaJ, did not exhibit intrinsic chaperone activity and appears to function solely as a regulatory cochaperone protein for Hsc66. Possible interactions between the Hsc66-Hsc20 and DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE chaperone systems were also investigated by measuring the effects of cochaperone proteins on Hsp70 ATPase activities. The nucleotide exchange factor GrpE did not stimulate the ATPase activity of Hsc66 and thus appears to function specifically with DnaK. Cross-stimulation by the cochaperones Hsc20 and DnaJ was observed, but the requirement for supraphysiological concentrations makes it unlikely that these interactions occur significantly in vivo. Together these results suggest that Hsc66-Hsc20 and DnaK-DnaJ-GrpE comprise separate molecular chaperone systems with distinct, nonoverlapping cellular functions.  相似文献   
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