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The effects of the cholesterol analogue, (20R)-20-phenyl-5-pregnene-3 beta,20-diol (20-PPD), on the catalytic and spectral properties of purified bovine adrenocortical cytochrome P-450scc were investigated. In contrast to results with cholesterol and (20R)-20-hydroxycholesterol, no conversion of 20-PPD to pregnenolone could be detected; instead, 20-PPD was found to be a potent inhibitor of cytochrome P-450scc. Kinetic analyses showed that the inhibition is reversible and competitive with respect to cholesterol with an apparent Ki = 30nM. Spectral binding studies with ferricytochrome P-450scc showed that 20-PPD formed a 1:1 complex with the enzyme, having an absorption spectrum similar to that produced by (20R)-20-hydroxycholesterol. These results indicate that 20-PPD binds with very high affinity to the substrate site on cytochrome P-450scc. The finding that the phenyl side chain is readily accommodated suggests the presence in this site of an open pocket which may be normally occupied by C-22 to C-27 of the cholesterol side chain.  相似文献   
Certain neuropeptides are known to cause a hypotensive response, thought to be due to mast cell degranulation. The effects of five antagonists of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone on blood pressure and heart rate were compared in the anesthetized rat. When given intravenously, all five compounds induced hypotensive and bradycardiac effects. The order of potency for these effects was Nal-Arg Antagonist approximately detirelix [( N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1, D-pCl-Phe2,D-Trp3,D-hArg(Et2)6,D-Ala10]LHRH) greater than [N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1, D-pCl-Phe2,D-Pal(3)3,D-hArg(Et2)6,L-hArg (Et2)8,D-Ala10]LHRH (RS-26306) approximately antide greater than [N-Ac-D-Nal(2)1, D-pCl-Phe2,D-Pal(3)3,6, L-hArg(Et2)8,D-Ala10]LHRH (RS-15378) and did not parallel the order of antiovulatory potencies of these compounds. The hypotensive activity of LHRH antagonists, therefore, appeared dissociable from their antiovulatory activity. RS-26306 and RS-15378 appeared to have the greatest therapeutic ratios.  相似文献   
Vertebrate ferredoxins function in the transfer of reducing equivalents from NADPH:ferredoxin oxidoreductase to cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in steroid metabolism. We report here the expression of human mitochondrial ferredoxin in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The full-length ferredoxin protein containing the ferredoxin mitochondrial leader sequence could not be stably expressed in S. cerevisiae, but a fusion protein consisting of the mature portion of ferredoxin linked to the mitochondrial leader sequence of the S. cerevisiae cytochrome c oxidase subunit Va protein (COX5a) could be stably expressed. The COX5a:ferredoxin fusion protein was targeted to the mitochondria as a preprotein and was cleaved at the normal processing site of the COX5a presequence during import into the matrix. Absorption spectra and electron transfer activity of the isolated fusion protein established that the [2Fe-2S] center was correctly assembled and incorporated into the recombinant ferredoxin in this heterologous system.  相似文献   
When the outer surface of short-circuited frog skin was penetrated with microelectrodes, stable negative potentials that averaged near -100 mV were recorded consistently, confirming the results of Nagel (W. Nagel. 1975. Abstracts of the 5th International Biophysics Congress, Copenhagen. P-147.). The appearance of these stable potentials, V(O), concurrent with the observations that (a) a high resistance outer barrier R(O) accounting for approximately 75 percent or more of the transcellular resistance of control skins had been penetrated and that (b) 10(-5) M amiloride and reduced [Na] outside caused the values of V(O) to increase towards means value near -130 mV while the values of percent R(O) increased to more than 90 percent. It was of relationships were the same as the values of E(1) observed in studies of the current-voltage relationships were the same as the values of E’(1) defined as the values of voltage at the inner barrier when the V(O) of the outer barrier was reduced to zero by voltage clamping of the skins. Accordingly, these data are interpreted to mean that the values of E(1), approximately 130 mV, represent the E(Na) of the sodium pump at the inner barrier. 2,4-DNP was observed to decrease the values of transepithelial voltage less than E(1) the V(O) was negative. These data can be interpreted with a simple electrical equivalent circuit of the active sodium transport pathway of the frog skin that includes the idea that the outer membrane behaves as an electrical rectifier for ion transport.  相似文献   
Escherichia coli contains a soluble, [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin of unknown function (Knoell, H.-E., and Knappe, J. (1974) Eur. J. Biochem. 50, 245-252). Using antiserum to the purified protein to screen E. coli genomic expression libraries, we have cloned a gene (designated fdx) encoding this protein. The DNA sequence of the gene predicts a polypeptide of 110 residues after removal of the initiator methionine (polypeptide M(r) = 12,186, holoprotein M(r) = 12,358). The deduced amino acid sequence is strikingly similar to those of the ferredoxins found in animal mitochondria which function with cytochrome P450 enzymes and to the ferredoxin from Pseudomonas putida which functions with P450cam. The overall sequence identity is approximately 36% when compared with human mitochondrial and P. putida ferredoxins, and the identities include 4 cysteine residues proposed to coordinate the iron cluster. The protein was overproduced approximately 500-fold using an expression plasmid, and the holoprotein was assembled and accumulated in amounts exceeding 30% of the total cell protein. The overexpressed ferredoxin exhibits absorption, circular dichroism, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra closely resembling those of the animal ferredoxins and P. putida ferredoxin.  相似文献   
Brugia malayi- or Brugia pahangi-infected, microfilaremic jirds (Meriones unguiculatus) were treated with ivermectin at a single dose of 200 micrograms/kg body weight, administered subcutaneously. After different time intervals, Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were fed on treated or untreated jirds. Sausage stage, L2, and L3 larvae failed to develop in mosquitoes that fed on jirds from 15 to 30 days post-treatment. After 1 month, the numbers of L3 larvae recovered from mosquitoes fed on treated B. pahangi jirds were comparable to controls. However, the number of L3's recovered from mosquitoes fed on B. malayi jirds remained significantly lower than controls, 2 and 3 months after treatment. This reduction suggests that ivermectin may be more effective in blocking transmission of B. malayi than B. pahangi. Ivermectin treatment had no effect on the mean number of circulating microfilariae in treated jirds. Therefore, mosquitoes ingested comparable numbers of microfilariae when compared to those mosquitoes fed on untreated controls. Only in the case of jirds infected with B. malayi did the circulating microfilarial counts fall 30 days after treatment. The failure of microfilariae to develop to the L3 stage in mosquitoes fed on jirds within 30 days of treatment was not due to failure of mosquitoes to ingest microfilariae. Brugia malayi microfilariae also failed to develop to L3 in mosquitoes that were allowed to feed on microfilaremic jird blood treated with ivermectin (50 ng/ml) in vitro, indicating its efficacy at low concentrations. In addition to N-acetyl glucosamine, microfilariae obtained for a period of 15 days from ivermectin-treated but not control jirds showed D-mannose, N-acetyl galactosamine, and L-fucose moieties on the surface of the sheath.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
The pharmacology of leukotrienes (LT) C4 and D4 in isolated airway smooth muscle was investigated. In rat trachea, neither LTC4 or D4 elicited a response. In contrast, LTC4 was a potent contractile agonist in guinea-pig trachea, bronchus and parenchymal lung strip. Similar effects were obtained with LTD4 in trachea and parenchyma. In trachea and bronchus, the concentration-response curve to LTC4 was biphasic: indomethacin converted the biphasic response curve to a simple sigmoidal shape and enhanced the maximum contractile response. The SRS-A antagonist FPL 55712 antagonized the effect of LTD4 in both trachea and parenchyma. As regards LTC4-induced contraction of trachea and bronchus, FPL 55712, depending on concentration, either antagonized, or antagonized and enhanced the maximum contractile response. The enhancement of the maximum contractile response by FPL 55712 was not apparent when indomethacin was present. FPL 55712 failed to antagonize the effect of LTC4 in parenchyma.  相似文献   
This study shows, for the first time, that the evolution of a simple behavior, scrounging, at the individual level can have effects on populations, food chains, and community structure. In particular, the addition of scrounging in consumer populations can allow multiple consumers to coexist while exploiting a single prey. Also, scrounging in the top predator of a tritrophic food chain can stabilize interactions between the top predator, its prey, and its prey's prey. This occurs because the payoffs to scrounging for food in a population are negative frequency dependent, allowing scroungers to invade a population and to coexist with producers at a frequency which is density‐dependent. The presence of scroungers, who do not search for resources but simply use those found by others (producers) reduces the total amount of resource acquired by the group. As scrounging increases with group size, this leads to less resource acquired per individual as the group grows. Ultimately, this limits the size of the group, its impact on its prey, and its ability to outcompete other species. These effects can promote stability and thus increase species diversity. I will further suggest that prey may alter their spatial distribution such that scrounging will be profitable among their predators thus reducing predation rate on the prey.  相似文献   
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