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The tumour-inducing T-DNA gene 4 (T-cyt gene) of the nopaline Ti plasmid pTiC58 was cloned and introduced into tobacco cells by leaf disc transformation using Agrobacterium plasmid vectors. Tobacco shoots exposed to elevated cytokinin levels were unable to develop roots and lacked apical dominance. Using exogenously applied phytohormone manipulations we were able to regenerate morphologically normal transgenic tobacco plants which differed in endogenous cytokinin levels from normal untransformed plants. Although T-cyt gene mRNA levels, as revealed by dot-blot hybridization data, in these rooting plants were only about half those in primary transformed shoots the total amount of cytokinins was much lower than in crown gall tissue or cytokinin-type transformed shoots as reported by others. Nevertheless the cytokinin content in T-cyt plants was about 3 times greater than in control tobacco plants.Elevated cytokinin levels have been shown to change the expression of several plant genes, including some nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins. Our results show that the mRNA levels of chloroplast rbcL gene increase in cytokinin-type transgenic tobacco plants as compared with untransformed plants. Data obtained suggest that T-cyt transgenic plants are a good model for studying plant gene activity in different parts of the plant under endogenous cytokinin stress.  相似文献   
Purinergic Signalling - ATP and its metabolites are important extracellular signal transmitters acting on purinergic P2 and P1 receptors. Most cells can actively secrete ATP in response to a...  相似文献   
A microarray-based method has been developed for scoring thousands of DNAs for a co-dominant molecular marker on a glass slide. The approach was developed to detect insertional polymorphism of transposons and works well with single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. Biotin- terminated allele-specific PCR products are spotted unpurified onto streptavidin-coated glass slides and visualised by hybridisation of fluorescent detector oligonucleotides to tags attached to the allele- specific PCR primers. Two tagged primer oligonucleotides are used per locus and each tag is detected by hybridisation to a concatameric DNA probe labelled with multiple fluorochromes.  相似文献   
Major virulence determinants of group A streptococci, such as M-protein, immunoglobulin Fc-receptors (FcRA, EmmL) and C5a peptidase, appear to be genetically co-regulated, their genes being located within a vir regulon. We studied the organization of these genes in a group A, type M15 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, previously defined as OF, by hybridization analysis of chromosomal DNA and of an S. pyogenes gene library in Escherichia coli, and by gene sequencing. Within the vir regulon, in addition to the virR and scpA genes, three so-called emm-related genes were found: fcrA, emmL and enn. Whereas IgG Fc-binding proteins were encoded by fcrA and emmL, the product of enn was not identified. The presence of three emm-related genes in this region is reminescent of vir regulon organization in OF+ rather than OF strains as earlier defined by others. Furthermore, analysis of the deduced product of the emmL gene showed deletions and amino acid substitutions within the PGTS-rich domain and membrane anchor, which thus resembles corresponding products of OF+ rather than OF strains. In view of these findings, the opacity factor (OF) activity of the strain was tested using growth supernatant, with negative outcome. However, a concentrated SDS cell extract revealed definite OF activity. One of two other type M15 reference strains also showed definite OF activity in SDS extracts. We therefore propose that type M15 strains belong to the OF+ category but often show low levels of expression of OF.  相似文献   
Major virulence determinants of group A streptococci, such as M-protein, immunoglobulin Fc-receptors (FcRA, EmmL) and C5a peptidase, appear to be genetically co-regulated, their genes being located within a vir regulon. We studied the organization of these genes in a group A, type M15 strain of Streptococcus pyogenes, previously defined as OF?, by hybridization analysis of chromosomal DNA and of an S. pyogenes gene library in Escherichia coli, and by gene sequencing. Within the vir regulon, in addition to the virR and scpA genes, three so-called emm-related genes were found: fcrA, emmL and enn. Whereas IgG Fc-binding proteins were encoded by fcrA and emmL, the product of enn was not identified. The presence of three emm-related genes in this region is reminescent of vir regulon organization in OF+ rather than OF? strains as earlier defined by others. Furthermore, analysis of the deduced product of the emmL gene showed deletions and amino acid substitutions within the PGTS-rich domain and membrane anchor, which thus resembles corresponding products of OF+ rather than OF? strains. In view of these findings, the opacity factor (OF) activity of the strain was tested using growth supernatant, with negative outcome. However, a concentrated SDS cell extract revealed definite OF activity. One of two other type M15 reference strains also showed definite OF activity in SDS extracts. We therefore propose that type M15 strains belong to the OF+ category but often show low levels of expression of OF.  相似文献   
MOTIVATION: Genomic-based methods have significant potential for fast and accurate identification of organisms or even genes of interest in complex environmental samples (air, water, soil, food, etc.), especially when isolation of the target organism cannot be performed by a variety of reasons. Despite this potential, the presence of the unknown, variable and usually large quantities of background DNA can cause interference resulting in false positive outcomes. RESULTS: In order to estimate how the genomic diversity of the background (total length of all of the different genomes present in the background), target length and target mutation rate affect the probability of misidentifications, we introduce a mathematical definition for the quality of an individual signature in the presence of a background based on its length and number of mismatches needed to transform the signature into the closest subsequence present in the background. This definition, in conjunction with a probabilistic framework, allows one to predict the minimal signature length required to identify the target in the presence of different sizes of backgrounds and the effect of the target's mutation rate on the quality of its identification. The model assumptions and predictions were validated using both Monte Carlo simulations and real genomic data examples. The proposed model can be used to determine appropriate signature lengths for various combinations of target and background genome sizes. It also predicted that any genomic signatures will be unable to identify target if its mutation rate is >5%. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   
Integrins play a key role in the intermediation and coordination between cells and extracellular matrix components. In this study, we first determined the presence of the β integrin‐like protein and its presumptive ligand, fibronectin‐like protein, during development and in some adult tissues of the bivalve mollusc Mytilus trossulus. We found that β integrin‐like protein expression correlated with the development and differentiation of the digestive system in larvae. Besides the presence of β integrin‐like protein in the digestive epithelial larval cells, this protein was detected in the hemocytes and some adult tissues of M. trossulus. The fibronectin‐like protein was detected firstly at the blastula stage and later, the FN‐LP‐immunoreactive cells were scattered in the trochophore larvae. The fibronectin‐like protein was not expressed in the β integrin‐positive cells of either the veliger stage larvae or the adult mussel tissues and the primary hemocyte cell culture. Despite the β integrin‐ and fibronectin‐like proteins being expressed in different cell types of mussel larvae, we do not exclude the possibility of direct interaction between these two proteins during M. trossulus development or in adult tissues.  相似文献   
Sensors based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) are powerful tools to monitor signaling events in living mammalian cells. Here we describe development and use of new sensors for cyclic GMP (cGMP) based on cGMP binding domains from cGMP-dependent protein kinase I (GKI) and from phosphodiesterases (PDEs). The temporal and spatial resolution attained with the new sensors is superior to that of existing techniques, and permits direct recording and imaging of rapid cGMP-signaling events.  相似文献   
Human Angiogenin Lacks Specific Antimicrobial Activity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The antimicrobial activities of commercially available human angiogenin were studied against two pathogens, namely, Candida albicans and Streptococcus pneumoniae. In contrast to the data published earlier, antimicrobial action of angiogenin was rather limited and comparable to that of bovine serum albumin.  相似文献   
Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy continues to gain increasing interest as a technique for real-time monitoring of biochemical and signaling events in live cells and tissues. Compared to classical biochemical methods, this novel technology is characterized by high temporal and spatial resolution. FRET experiments use various genetically-encoded biosensors which can be expressed and imaged over time in situ or in vivo1-2. Typical biosensors can either report protein-protein interactions by measuring FRET between a fluorophore-tagged pair of proteins or conformational changes in a single protein which harbors donor and acceptor fluorophores interconnected with a binding moiety for a molecule of interest3-4. Bimolecular biosensors for protein-protein interactions include, for example, constructs designed to monitor G-protein activation in cells5, while the unimolecular sensors measuring conformational changes are widely used to image second messengers such as calcium6, cAMP7-8, inositol phosphates9 and cGMP10-11. Here we describe how to build a customized epifluorescence FRET imaging system from single commercially available components and how to control the whole setup using the Micro-Manager freeware. This simple but powerful instrument is designed for routine or more sophisticated FRET measurements in live cells. Acquired images are processed using self-written plug-ins to visualize changes in FRET ratio in real-time during any experiments before being stored in a graphics format compatible with the build-in ImageJ freeware used for subsequent data analysis. This low-cost system is characterized by high flexibility and can be successfully used to monitor various biochemical events and signaling molecules by a plethora of available FRET biosensors in live cells and tissues. As an example, we demonstrate how to use this imaging system to perform real-time monitoring of cAMP in live 293A cells upon stimulation with a β-adrenergic receptor agonist and blocker.  相似文献   
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