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PURPOSE: Calcium wave propagation and connexin 26, 32 and 43 expression were studied in normal and malignant urothelial cells. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Human urothelial cell cultures were established from tissue biopsies obtained from three healthy control persons and compared to human transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) cell line 5637. Fluo-3 was used to study intercellular calcium signaling in urothelial cells. The cells were stimulated mechanically in the presence of inhibitors of gap-junctional or ATP-mediated communication to determine which pathways are operative in intercellular calcium signaling. In addition, G?6976 was used to determine the effects of PKC alpha and betaI inhibition on intercellular calcium signaling. RESULTS: In normal urothelial cells, the primary pathway for intercellular calcium mediated cell signaling was gap junctional intercellular communication (GJIC), but the paracrine ATP-mediated signaling was also operative. In 5637 TCC cells, GJIC and ATP-mediated signaling routes were altered when compared to normal urothelial cells. More specifically, inhibition of GJIC resulted in a complete block of intercellular calcium signaling, while inhibition of ATP-mediated signaling decreased signal transduction in 5637 TCC cells. The results of the present study also demonstrated that connexin 26 was the most abundant gap junction plaque protein in cultured normal human urothelial cells and that it did not form gap junction plaques in 5637 TCC cell culture. Treatment with G?6976 induced gap junction plaque formation by connexin 26 in 5637 TCC cells. In addition, the exposure to G?6976 enhanced intercellular calcium mediated signaling in 5637 TCC cells, but not in normal cells. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study suggest that gap junctions play a major role in intercellular calcium signaling in urothelial cells. In addition, intercellular calcium signaling is altered in urinary bladder carcinoma cells, and it can be improved by PKC alpha and betaI inhibition. (Supplementary materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Cell Communication and Adhesion for the following free supplemental resources; Movie files of Fig. 2normal G?6976-, normal G?6976+, TCC G?6976-, TCC G?6976+ and image of Supplementary Figure 1).  相似文献   
Natal dispersal is usually sex biased in birds and mammals.Female-biased natal dispersal is the prevailing pattern in birdsbut is rare among mammals. Hypotheses explaining sex bias indispersal include the mate-defense mating hypothesis, whichpredicts male-biased dispersal, the resource-defense hypothesispredicting female-biased dispersal, and the competition hypothesis,which predicts that if dispersal is caused by competition forresources between sexes, then the subdominant sex will disperse.We studied natal dispersal of Siberian flying squirrels Pteromysvolans using radio telemetry in Southern Finland in 1996–2004.Of 86 juveniles that survived over the dispersal period, almostall young females dispersed from the natal site, whereas almost40% of males were philopatric. Dispersal was farther for femalesthan males. Females began dispersal on average 2 weeks earlierthan males and were lighter in mass at the onset of dispersalthan later dispersing males. No mate- or resource-defense matingsystem could be found among males, but females seemed to defendnest and apparently food resources, in contrast to the expectationof dispersal bias in resource-defense systems. Competition forresources between sexes does not explain female bias either:in the flying squirrel, the female seems to be the dominantsex. We propose that young females are subordinate to theirmothers and have to disperse to find a vacant, suitable sitefor reproduction.  相似文献   
Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin (PCSK) enzymes convert proproteins into bioactive end products. Although other PCSK enzymes are known to be essential for biological processes ranging from cholesterol metabolism to host defense, the in vivo importance of the evolutionarily ancient PCSK7 has remained enigmatic. Here, we quantified the expressions of all pcsk genes during the 1st week of fish development and in several tissues. pcsk7 expression was ubiquitous and evident already during the early development. To compare mammalian and zebrafish PCSK7, we prepared homology models, which demonstrated remarkable structural conservation. When the PCSK7 function in developing larvae was inhibited, we found that PCSK7-deficient fish have defects in various organs, including the brain, eye, and otic vesicle, and these result in mortality within 7 days postfertilization. A genome-wide analysis of PCSK7-dependent gene expression showed that, in addition to developmental processes, several immune system-related pathways are also regulated by PCSK7. Specifically, the PCSK7 contributed to the mRNA expression and proteolytic cleavage of the cytokine TGFβ1a. Consequently, tgfβ1a morphant fish displayed phenotypical similarities with pcsk7 morphants, underscoring the importance of this cytokine in the zebrafish development. Targeting PCSK activity has emerged as a strategy for treating human diseases. Our results suggest that inhibiting PCSK7 might interfere with normal vertebrate development.  相似文献   


Previous studies suggest that the responsiveness of TrkB receptor to BDNF is developmentally regulated in rats. Antidepressant drugs (AD) have been shown to increase TrkB signalling in the adult rodent brain, and recent findings implicate a BDNF-independent mechanism behind this phenomenon. When administered during early postnatal life, ADs produce long-lasting biochemical and behavioural alterations that are observed in adult animals.


We have here examined the responsiveness of brain TrkB receptors to BDNF and ADs during early postnatal life of mouse, measured as autophosphorylation of TrkB (pTrkB).

Principal Findings

We found that ADs fail to induce TrkB signalling before postnatal day 12 (P12) after which an adult response of TrkB to ADs was observed. Interestingly, there was a temporally inverse correlation between the appearance of the responsiveness of TrkB to systemic ADs and the marked developmental reduction of BDNF-induced TrkB in brain microslices ex vivo. Basal p-TrkB status in the brain of BDNF deficient mice was significantly reduced only during early postnatal period. Enhancing cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) signalling failed to facilitate TrkB responsiveness to BDNF. Reduced responsiveness of TrkB to BDNF was not produced by the developmental increase in the expression of dominant-negative truncated TrkB.T1 because this reduction was similarly observed in the brain microslices of trkB.T1 −/− mice. Moreover, postnatal AD administration produced long-lasting behavioural alterations observable in adult mice, but the responses were different when mice were treated during the time when ADs did not (P4-9) or did (P16-21) activate TrkB.


We have found that ADs induce the activation of TrkB only in mice older than 2 weeks and that responsiveness of brain microslices to BDNF is reduced during the same time period. Exposure to ADs before and after the age when ADs activate TrkB produces differential long-term behavioural responses in adult mice.  相似文献   
OSBP (oxysterol-binding protein) homologues, ORPs (OSBP-related proteins), constitute a 12-member family in mammals. We employed an in vitro [3H]25OH (25-hydroxycholesterol)-binding assay with purified recombinant proteins as well as live cell photo-cross-linking with [3H]photo-25OH and [3H]photoCH (photo-cholesterol), to investigate sterol binding by the mammalian ORPs. ORP1 and ORP2 [a short ORP consisting of an ORD (OSBP-related ligand-binding domain) only] were in vitro shown to bind 25OH. GST (glutathione S-transferase) fusions of the ORP1L [long variant with an N-terminal extension that carries ankyrin repeats and a PH domain (pleckstrin homology domain)] and ORP1S (short variant consisting of an ORD only) variants bound 25OH with similar affinity (ORP1L, K(d)=9.7x10(-8) M; ORP1S, K(d)=8.4 x10(-8) M), while the affinity of GST-ORP2 for 25OH was lower (K(d)=3.9x10(-6) M). Molecular modelling suggested that ORP2 has a sterol-binding pocket similar to that of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Osh4p. This was confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis of residues in proximity of the bound sterol in the structural model. Substitution of Ile249 by tryptophan or Lys150 by alanine markedly inhibited 25OH binding by ORP2. In agreement with the in vitro data, ORP1L, ORP1S, and ORP2 were cross-linked with photo-25OH in live COS7 cells. Furthermore, in experiments with either truncated cDNAs encoding the OSBP-related ligand-binding domains of the ORPs or the full-length proteins, photo-25OH was bound to OSBP, ORP3, ORP4, ORP5, ORP6, ORP7, ORP8, ORP10 and ORP11. In addition, the ORP1L variant and ORP3, ORP5, and ORP8 were cross-linked with photoCH. The present study identifies ORP1 and ORP2 as OSBPs and suggests that most of the mammalian ORPs are able to bind sterols.  相似文献   
The glucoamylase P gene of the fungus Hormoconis resinae has been cloned and sequenced from a genomic library. The gene consists of a 2153-bp protein coding region including three introns. The usual number of introns in cloned fungal glucoamylase genes has been four and in some cases five. Two of the glucoamylase P gene introns contain a sequence resembling the consensus sequence found near the 3' splice site in the introns of the fungus Trichoderma reesei cellobiohydrolase 1 (cbh1) gene. The H. resinae glucoamylase P gene, under its own promoter, was introduced into T. reesei, but no expression could be detected.  相似文献   
A point mutation (P56S) in the vapb gene encoding an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-integrated membrane protein [vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein B (VAPB)] causes autosomal-dominant amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. In our earlier study, we showed that VAPB may be involved in the IRE1/XBP1 signaling of the unfolded protein response, an ER reaction to inhibit accumulation of unfolded/misfolded proteins, while P56S-VAPB formed insoluble aggregates and lost the ability to mediate the pathway (loss-of-function), and suggested that P56S-VAPB promoted the aggregation of co-expressed wild-type (wt)-VAPB. In this study, a yeast inositol-auxotrophy assay has confirmed that P56S-VAPB is functionally a null mutant in vivo . The interaction between P56S-VAPB and wt-VAPB takes place with a high affinity through the major sperm protein domain in addition to the interaction through the C-terminal transmembrane domain. Consequently, wt-VAPB is speculated to preferentially interact with co-expressed P56S-VAPB, leading to the recruitment of wt-VAPB into cytosolic aggregates and the attenuation of its normal function. We have also found that expression of P56S-VAPB increases the vulnerability of NSC34 motoneuronal cells to ER stress-induced death. These results lead us to hypothesize that the total loss of VAPB function in unfolded protein response, induced by one P56S mutant allele, may contribute to the development of P56S-VAPB-induced amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   
Oxysterol binding protein-related protein 2 (ORP2) is a member of the oxysterol binding protein family, previously shown to bind 25-hydroxycholesterol and implicated in cellular cholesterol metabolism. We show here that ORP2 also binds 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol [22(R)OHC], 7-ketocholesterol, and cholesterol, with 22(R)OHC being the highest affinity ligand of ORP2 (Kd 1.4 × 10−8 M). We report the localization of ORP2 on cytoplasmic lipid droplets (LDs) and its function in neutral lipid metabolism using the human A431 cell line as a model. The ORP2 LD association depends on sterol binding: Treatment with 5 μM 22(R)OHC inhibits the LD association, while a mutant defective in sterol binding is constitutively LD bound. Silencing of ORP2 using RNA interference slows down cellular triglyceride hydrolysis. Furthermore, ORP2 silencing increases the amount of [14C]cholesteryl esters but only under conditions in which lipogenesis and LD formation are enhanced by treatment with oleic acid. The results identify ORP2 as a sterol receptor present on LD and provide evidence for its role in the regulation of neutral lipid metabolism, possibly as a factor that integrates the cellular metabolism of triglycerides with that of cholesterol.  相似文献   
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