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The structure of mitochondria and of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in mesophyll protoplasts and regenerated cells was studied in vivo using the dye DiOC6(3) (3,3'-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide) and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The relation to the cell's physiology was investigated using a hormone-based model system for elongation and division. The structure of the mitochondria and of their population depends on the status of the cell. In freshly isolated protoplasts small spherical mitochondria are clustered around the nucleus and the chloroplasts. During the first 4 days of culture they are transformed into long vermiform organelles which distribute evenly throughout the cytoplasm. In a medium containing only auxins, cells then enter a period of expansion. Their mitochondria retain the same structure but increase in quantity. In a medium with auxins and cytokinins cells start dividing. Their mitochondria typically become numerous and very small, and are distributed throughout the cytoplasm. Both types of organization were observed during weeks of ongoing expansion or division. The ER is always present as a network close to the cell membrane. In freshly isolated protoplasts a considerable part of the ER is clustered around the chloroplasts, the remaining part of the network has a reduced complexity and is partly broken. During subsequent protoplast culture the network grows into a complex web with fine meshes incorporating lots of plate-like structures. This is the case in elongating cells as well as in dividing cells. Finally, the ER looks similar to the structure found in epidermal cells of the intact plant.  相似文献   
In this study, the role of root organic acid synthesis and exudation in the mechanism of aluminum tolerance was examined in Al-tolerant (South American 3) and Al-sensitive (Tuxpeño and South American 5) maize genotypes. In a growth solution containing 6 M Al3+, Tuxpeño and South American 5 were found to be two- and threefold more sensitive to Al than South American 3. Root organic acid content and organic acid exudation from the entire root system into the bulk solution were investigated via high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis while exudates collected separately from the root apex or a mature root region (using a dividedroot-chamber technique) were analyzed with a more-sensitive ion chromatography system. In both the Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive lines, Al treatment significantly increased the total root content of organic acids, which was likely the result of Al stress and not the cause of the observed differential Al tolerance. In the absence of Al, small amounts of citrate were exuded into the solution bathing the roots. Aluminum exposure triggered a stimulation of citrate release in the Al-tolerant but not in the Al-sensitive genotypes; this response was localized to the root apex of the Al-tolerant genotype. Additionally, Al exposure triggered the release of phosphate from the root apex of the Al-tolerant genotype. The same solution Al3+ activity that elicited the maximum difference in Al sensitivity between Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive genotypes also triggered maximal citrate release from the root apex of the Al-tolerant line. The significance of citrate as a potential detoxifier for aluminum is discussed. It is concluded that organic acid release by the root apex could be an important aspect of Al tolerance in maize.Abbreviations SA3 South American 3, an Al-tolerant maize cultivar - SA5 South American 5, an Al-sensitive maize cultivar The authors would like to express their appreciation to Drs. John Thompson, Ross Welch and Mr. Stephen Schaefer for their training and guidance in the use of the chromatography systems. This work was supported by a Swiss National Science Foundation Fellowship to Didier Pellet, and U.S. Department of Agriculture/National Research Initiative Competitive Grant 93-37100-8874 to Leon Kochian. We would also like to thank Drs. S. Pandey and E. Ceballos from the CIMMYT Regional office at CIAT Cali, Colombia for providing seed for the maize varieties and inbred line.  相似文献   
Summary— The membrane skeleton, responsible for shape and mechanical properties of the red cell, was purified by the Triton extraction procedure in presence of 5 mM, 150 mM or 600 mM NaCl. The proportion of spectrin, protein 4.1 and actin present in erythrocyte skeletons does not depend on the molarity of NaCl used. In contrast ankyrin, protein band 3 and protein 4.2 are removed from skeletons as the ionic strength increased. Solubilization assays of membrane skeletons were used to study protein interactions inside the skeleton. Solubilization was performed by Tris, a non-selective disruptive reagent, or by p-mercuribenzene sulfonic acid (PMBS), which principally release spectrin and actin. Tris action was assessed by calculation of the percentage of solubilized proteins, which increased proportionally with Tris molarity. PMBS action was kinetically determined as the decrease in skeleton turbidity. With these two reagents, we observed a lower dissociation of skeletons prepared with high ionic strength buffer. Erythrocyte pretreatment with okadaic acid, an inhibitor of serine-threonine phosphatases, revealed a phosphorylation-induced skeleton gelation and a better resistance to Tris-solubilization.  相似文献   
In Streptomyces pristinaespiralis, two enzymes are necessary for conversion of pristinamycin IIB (PIIB) to pristinamycin IIA (PIIA), the major component of pristinamycin (D. Thibaut, N. Ratet, D. Bisch, D. Faucher, L. Debussche, and F. Blanche, J. Bacteriol. 177:5199-5205, 1995); these enzymes are PIIA synthase, a heterodimer composed of the SnaA and SnaB proteins, which catalyzes the oxidation of PIIB to PIIA, and the NADH:riboflavin 5'-phosphate oxidoreductase (hereafter called FMN reductase), the SnaC protein, which provides the reduced form of flavin mononucleotide for the reaction. By using oligonucleotide probes designed from limited peptide sequence information of the purified proteins, the corresponding genes were cloned from a genomic library of S. pristinaespiralis. SnaA and SnaB showed no significant similarity with proteins from databases, but SnaA and SnaB had similar protein domains. Disruption of the snaA gene in S. pristinaespiralis led to accumulation of PIIB. Complementation of a S. pristinaespiralis PIIA-PIIB+ mutant with the snaA and snaB genes, cloned in a low-copy-number plasmid, partially restored production of PIIA. The deduced amino acid sequence of the snaC gene showed no similarity to the sequences of other FMN reductases but was 39% identical with the product of the actVB gene of the actinorhodin cluster of Streptomyces coelicolor A(3)2, likely to be involved in the dimerization step of actinorhodin biosynthesis. Furthermore, an S. coelicolor A(3)2 mutant blocked in this step was successfully complemented by the snaC gene, restoring the production of actinorhodin.  相似文献   
The light chain of tetanus neurotoxin (TeNT L chain)has been shown to be endowed with zinc endopeptidaseactivity, selectively directed towards theGln76–Phe77 bond of synaptobrevin, avesicle-associated membrane protein criticallyinvolved in neuroexocytosis. In previous reports,truncations at the NH2- and COOH-terminus ofsynaptobrevin have shown that the sequence 39–88 ofsynaptobrevin is the minimum substrate of TeNT,suggesting either the requirement of a well-definedthree-dimensional structure of synaptobrevin or a rolein the mechanism of substrate hydrolysis for residuesdistal from the cleavage site. In this study, theaddition of NH2- and COOH-terminal peptides ofsynaptobrevin, S 27–55 (S1) and S 82–93(S2), to the synaptobrevin fragment S 56–81allowed the cleavage of this latter peptide by TeNT tooccur. This appears to result from an activationprocess mediated by the simultaneous binding ofS1 and S2 with complementary sites presenton TeNT as shown by surface plasmon resonanceexperiments. All these results favor anexosite-controlled hydrolysis of synaptobrevin by TeNTprobably involving a conformational change of thetoxin. This could account for the high degree ofsubstrate specificity of TeNT and, probably, botulinumneurotoxins.  相似文献   
The meiotic segregation of chromosomes 14 and 21 was analysed in 1116 spermatozoa from an oligoasthenospermic carrier of a Robsertsonian translocation t(14q21q), and in 16 392 spermatozoa from a control donor, using two-colour fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Two YAC probes (cloned in yeast artificial chromosomes) specific for regions on the long arms of these chromosomes were co-hybridised. Of the spermatozoa, 12% were unbalanced, resulting from adjacent segregations. Chromosomes X, Y and 1 were also simultaneously detected in 1335 spermatozoa from the same carrier. Whereas gonosomal disomy rates were not significantly different from those of the control donors, disomy 1 were slightly but significantly increased to 0.7%. The diploidy rate was also slightly increased to approximately 1% in the translocation carrier.  相似文献   
The mechanism of the aniline hydroxylase activity of methaemoglobin in a monooxygenase system consisting of NADH as electron donor, riboflavin, FAD, FMN or methylene blue as electron carrier and methaemoglobin as the terminal oxidase has been studied. Hydrogen peroxide is produced from oxygen in a methaemoglobin-independent process. 4-Aminophenol is subsequently produced peroxidatively by an NADH-dependent process; NADH prevents a further oxidation of 4-aminophenol in the presence of haemoglobin. In the absence of electron carrier, NADH slowly reduces haemoglobin and then oxyhaemoglobin reacts with aniline to give 4-aminophenol. In the absence of electron donor and electron carrier, oxyhaemoglobin and aniline give rise to the reversible production of 4-aminophenol.  相似文献   
The conformational behaviour of a cyclic disaccharide, di-β-d-glucopyranose 1,6′:1′,6-dianhydride hexaacetate, has been investigated. Because this molecule can exist only with the glucose rings in the unusual flexible forms, such conformational parameters as pseudorotation phase-angles have been used. Within a given number of approximations, the conformational space available for the whole system can be explored by considering only one two-dimensional map. Detailed investigations have shown that three stable conformations may be proposed. Among these, two correspond to minima found in the solid state. In one form, the six-membered rings adopt a boat conformation, whereas a skew conformation is found for the other form. However, these two conformations cannot be considered to be unique models of the conformation in solution; they both produce sets of proton-proton coupling-constants inconsistent with observed n.m.r.-spectroscopic results. At least the third form, having the six-membered rings in skew conformations, has to be taken into account. Deviations from coupling constants-molecular conformation relationships are thought to originate from ring strain.  相似文献   
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