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The host specificity of the recently described ciliate species Tetrahymena utriculariae was tested in a greenhouse growth experiment, which included 14 different species of aquatic Utricularia as potential host plants. We confirmed the high specificity of the interaction between Ureflexa and Tutriculariae, the former being the only tested host species able to maintain colonization for prolonged time periods. We conclude that this plant–microbe relationship is a unique and specialized form of digestive mutualism and the plant–microbe unit a suitable experimental system for future ecophysiological studies.  相似文献   
In vivo plasmid end-joining assays are valuable tools for dissecting important qualitative and quantitative aspects of non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) – a key mechanism for the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in higher eukaryotes. They enable the use of defined DNA ends as substrates for end-joining and the analysis by sequencing of the resulting junctions to identify the repair pathways engaged. Yet, plasmid assays have generated divergent results of end-joining capacity in the same DSB repair mutants when used under different conditions, which implies contributions from undefined and therefore uncontrolled parameters. To help standardize these assays, we searched for parameters underpinning these variations and identified transfection method as an important determinant. Here, we compare a lipid-based transfection method, lipofection, with an electroporation method, nucleofection, and find large, unanticipated and cell line-dependent differences in percent end-joining without recognizable trends. For example, in rodent cells, transfection using lipofection gives nearly WT end-joining in DNA-PKcs mutants and only mildly inhibited end-joining in Lig4 and Ku mutants. In contrast, transfection using nucleofection shows marked end-joining inhibition in all NHEJ mutants tested as compared to the WT. In human HCT116 cells, end-joining after nucleofection is strongly suppressed even in the WT and the differences to the mutants are small. After lipofection, in contrast, end-joining is high in WT cells and markedly suppressed in the mutants. We conclude that better understanding and control of the physicochemical/biological and analytical parameters underpinning these differences will be required to generate with plasmid assays results with quantitative power comparable to that of well-established methods of DSB analysis such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis or γ-H2AX foci scoring. Until then, caution is needed in the interpretation of the results obtained – particularly with reference to pathway efficiency and residual damage – and confirmation of critical results with alternative transfection approaches is advisable.  相似文献   
Oligopeptidases impose a size limitation on their substrates, the mechanism of which has long been under debate. Here we present the structure of a hexameric serine protease, an oligopeptidase from Pyrococcus horikoshii (PhAAP), revealing a complex, self-compartmentalized inner space, where substrates may access the monomer active sites passing through a double-gated “check-in” system, first passing through a pore on the hexamer surface and then turning to enter through an even smaller opening at the monomers'' domain interface. This substrate screening strategy is unique within the family. We found that among oligopeptidases, a residue of the catalytic apparatus is positioned near an amylogenic β-edge, which needs to be protected to prevent aggregation, and we found that different oligopeptidases use different strategies to achieve such an end. We propose that self-assembly within the family results in characteristically different substrate selection mechanisms coupled to different multimerization states.  相似文献   
dUTPase prevents uracil incorporation into DNA by strict regulation of the cellular dUTP:dTTP ratio. Lack of the enzyme initiates thymineless cell death, prompting studies on enzyme regulation. We investigated expression pattern and localization of Drosophila dUTPase. Similarly to human, two isoforms of the fly enzyme were identified at both mRNA and protein levels. During larval stages, a drastic decrease of dUTPase expression was demonstrated at the protein level. In contrast, dUTPase mRNAs display constitutive character throughout development. A putative nuclear localization signal was identified in one of the two isoforms. However, immunohistochemistry of ovaries and embryos did not show a clear correlation between the presence of this signal and subcellular localization of the protein, suggesting that the latter may be perturbed by additional factors. Results are in agreement with a multilevel regulation of dUTPase in the Drosophila proteome, possibly involving several interacting protein partners of the enzyme. Using independent approaches, the existence of such macromolecular partners was verified.  相似文献   
An unusual regulatory mechanism involving two response regulators, CheY1 and CheY2, but no CheZ phosphatase, operates in the chemotactic signalling chain of Sinorhizobium meliloti . Active CheY2-P, phosphorylated by the cognate histidine kinase, CheA, is responsible for flagellar motor control. In the absence of any CheZ phosphatase activity, the level of CheY2-P is quickly reset by a phospho-transfer from CheY2-P first back to CheA, and then to CheY1, which acts as a phosphate sink. In studying the mechanism of this phosphate shuttle, we have used GFP fusions to show that CheY2, but not CheY1, associates with CheA at a cell pole. Cross-linking experiments with the purified proteins revealed that both CheY2 and CheY2-P bind to an isolated P2 ligand-binding domain of CheA, but CheY1 does not. The dissociation constants of CheA–CheY2 and CheA–CheY2-P indicated that both ligands bind with similar affinity to CheA. Based on the NMR structures of CheY2 and CheY2-P, their interactions with the purified P2 domain were analysed. The interacting surface of CheY2 comprises its C-terminal β4-α4-β5-α5 structural elements, whereas the interacting surface of CheY2-P is shifted towards the loop connecting β5 and α5. We propose that the distinct CheY2 and CheY2-P surfaces interact with two overlapping sites in the P2 domain that selectively bind either CheY2 or CheY2-P, depending on whether CheA is active or inactive.  相似文献   
The biofilm formation is an important factor of S. epidermidis virulence. Biofilm-positive strains might be clinically more important than biofilm-negative ones. Unlike biofilm-negative staphylococci, biofilm-positive staphylococci are surrounded with an extracellular polysaccharide substance. The presence of this substance on the surface can affect physico-chemical properties of the bacterial cell, including surface charge. 73 S. epidermidis strains were examined for the presence of ica operon, for the ability to form biofilm by Christensen test tube method and for the production of slime by Congo red agar method. Isoelectric points (pI) of these strains were determined by means of Capillary Isoelectric Focusing. The biofilm negative strains focused near pI value 2.3, while the pI values of the biofilm positive strains were near 2.6. Isoelectric point is a useful criterion for the differentiation between biofilm-positive and biofilm-negative S. epidermidis strains.  相似文献   
It is widely accepted that the catalytic activity of serine proteases depends primarily on the Asp-His-Ser catalytic triad and other residues within the vicinity of this motif. Some of these residues form the oxyanion binding site that stabilizes the tetrahedral intermediate by hydrogen bonding to the negatively charged oxyanion. In acylaminoacyl peptidase from the thermophile Aeropyrum pernix, the main chain NH group of Gly369 is one of the hydrogen bond donors forming the oxyanion binding site. The side chain of His367, a conserved residue in acylaminoacyl peptidases across all species, fastens the loop holding Gly369. Determination of the crystal structure of the H367A mutant revealed that this loop, including Gly369, moves away considerably, accounting for the observed three orders of magnitude decrease in the specificity rate constant. For the wild-type enzyme ln(k(cat)/K(m)) vs. 1/T deviates from linearity indicating greater rate enhancement with increasing temperature for the dissociation of the enzyme-substrate complex compared with its decomposition to product. In contrast, the H367A variant provided a linear Arrhenius plot, and its reaction was associated with unfavourable entropy of activation. These results show that a residue relatively distant from the active site can significantly affect the catalytic activity of acylaminoacyl peptidase without changing the overall structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   
Cholesterol is known to play an important role in stabilizing particular cellular membrane structures, so-called lipid or membrane rafts. For several viruses, a dependence on cholesterol for virus entry and/or morphogenesis has been shown. Using flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy, we demonstrate that infection of cells by canine distemper virus (CDV) was not impaired after cellular cholesterol had been depleted by the drug methyl-beta-cyclodextrin. This effect was independent of the multiplicity of infection and the cellular receptor used for infection. However, cholesterol depletion of the viral envelope significantly reduced CDV infectivity. Replenishment by addition of exogenous cholesterol restored infectivity up to 80%. Thus, we conclude that CDV entry is dependent on cholesterol in the viral envelope. Furthermore, reduced syncytium formation was observed when the cells were cholesterol depleted during the course of the infection. This may be related to the observation that CDV envelope proteins H and F partitioned into cellular detergent-resistant membranes. Therefore, a role for lipid rafts during virus assembly and release as well is suggested.  相似文献   
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