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Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is a major health problem in developing countries. The untreated disease is fatal, available treatment is expensive and often toxic, and drug resistance is increasing. Improved treatment options are needed. Paromomycin was shown to be an efficacious first-line treatment with low toxicity in India.


This was a 3-arm multicentre, open-label, randomized, controlled clinical trial to compare three treatment regimens for VL in East Africa: paromomycin sulphate (PM) at 15 mg/kg/day for 21 days versus sodium stibogluconate (SSG) at 20 mg/kg/day for 30 days; and the combination of both dose regimens for 17 days. The primary efficacy endpoint was cure based on parasite-free tissue aspirates taken 6 months after treatment.


Overall, 135 patients per arm were enrolled at five centres in Sudan (2 sites), Kenya (1) and Ethiopia (2), when the PM arm had to be discontinued due to poor efficacy. The trial has continued with the higher dose of PM as well as the combination of PM and SSG arms. These results will be reported later. Baseline patient characteristics were similar among treatment arms. The overall cure with PM was significantly inferior to that with SSG (63.8% versus 92.2%; difference 28.5%, 95%CI 18.8% to 38.8%, p<0.001). The efficacy of PM varied among centres and was significantly lower in Sudan (14.3% and 46.7%) than in Kenya (80.0%) and Ethiopia (75.0% and 96.6%). No major safety issues with PM were identified.


The efficacy of PM at 15 mg/kg/day for 21 days was inadequate, particularly in Sudan. The efficacy of higher doses and the combination treatment warrant further studies.  相似文献   
Under physiological conditions, transferrin receptor 2 (TfR2) is expressed in the liver and its balance is related to the cell cycle rather than to intracellular iron levels. We recently showed that TfR2 is highly expressed in glioblastoma cell lines. Here, we demonstrate that, in these cells, TfR2 appears to localize in lipid rafts, induces extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation after transferrin binding, and contributes to cell proliferation, as shown by RNA silencing experiments. In vitro hypoxic conditions induce a significant TfR2 up-regulation, suggesting a role in tumor angiogenesis. As assessed by immunohistochemistry, the level of TfR2 expression in astrocytic tumors is related to histologic grade, with the highest expression observed in glioblastomas. The level of TfR2 expression represents a favorable prognostic factor, which is associated with the higher sensitivity to temozolomide of TfR2-positive tumor cells in vitro. The endothelial cells of glioblastoma vasculature also stain for TfR2, whereas those of the normal brain vessels do not. Importantly, TfR2 is expressed by the subpopulation of glioblastoma cells with properties of cancer-initiating cells. TfR2-positive glioblastoma cells retain their TfR2 expression on xenografting in immunodeficient mice. In conclusion, our observations demonstrate that TfR2 is a neoantigen for astrocytomas that seems attractive for developing target therapies.  相似文献   
Most enolases are homodimers. There are a few that are octamers, with the eight subunits arranged as a tetramer of dimers. These dimers have the same basic fold and same subunit interactions as are found in the dimeric enolases. The dissociation of the octameric enolase from S. pyogenes was examined, using NaClO4, a weak chaotrope, to perturb the quaternary structure. Dissociation was monitored by sedimentation velocity. NaClO4 dissociated the octamer into inactive monomers. There was no indication that dissociation of the octamer into monomers proceeded via formation of significant amounts of dimer or any other intermediate species. Two mutations at the dimer-dimer interface, F137L and E363G, were introduced in order to destabilize the octameric structure. The double mutant was more easily dissociated than was the wild type. Dissociation could also be produced by other salts, including tetramethylammonium chloride (TMACl) or by increasing pH. In all cases, no significant amounts of dimers or other intermediates were formed. Weakening one interface in this protein weakened the other interface as well. Although enolases from most organisms are dimers, the dimeric form of the S. pyogenes enzyme appears to be unstable.  相似文献   
Frankia in acid soils of forests devoid of actinorhizal plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The capacity of some acid forest soils to induce nodulation on a hybrid between Alnus incana (L.) Moench and A. glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. was investigated. Soil was sampled from tree stands devoid for decades of actinorhizal hosts. Seven-week-old Alnus seedlings growing m liquid culture were inoculated with soil dilutions. The nodules were counted after 6 weeks and classified as Sp, if they lacked spores, or as Sp+. if spores were present, according to microscopy of microtome sections. Frankia was found in all the forest soils studied, apart from a soil from a Betula swamp. The highest nodulation capacities on Alnus , caused predominantly by Frankia of the Sp type. were observed in mineral soil sites with Betula stands — even higher than in soil from an A. incana stand. A positive correlation was found between the pH and the noduiation capacity of the soil.  相似文献   
The impedancimetric method is a technique for the rapid evaluation of milk bacterial content and also of its subproducts. Several authors have made use of culture conductance changes during bacterial growth for quantitative and qualitative assessments of microbial growth. However, interface capacitance curves, Ci, have not been used. In this paper, we quantify bacteria in cow raw milk by following their growth as the above-mentioned capacitance change time course event. With it, bigger growth variations, shorter detection times and a better coefficient of correlation with the plate count method were obtained than those yielded by conductance curves. Calibration was performed by plotting initial known concentrations, IC (CFU/ml), as a function of the time detection theshold (TDT).  相似文献   
In this study we analyzed a sample of the urban population of La Plata, Argentina, using 17 mtDNA haplogroups, the DYS 199 Y-chromosome polymorphism, and 5 autosomal population-associated alleles (PAAs). The contribution of native American maternal lineages to the population of La Plata was estimated as 45.6%, whereas the paternal contribution was much lower (10.6%), clearly indicating directional mating. Regarding autosomal evidence of admixture, the relative European, native American, and West African genetic contributions to the gene pool of La Plata were estimated to be 67.55% (+/-2.7), 25.9% (+/-4.3), and 6.5% (+/-6.4), respectively. When admixture was calculated at the individual level, we found a low correlation between the ancestral contribution estimated with uniparental lineages and autosomal markers. Most of the individuals from La Plata with a native American mtDNA haplogroup or the DYS199*T native American allele show a genetic contribution at the autosomal level that can be traced primarily to Europe. The results of this study emphasize the need to use both uniparentally and biparentally inherited genetic markers to understand the history of admixed populations.  相似文献   
Telomeres are DNA-protein structures at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, the DNA of which comprise noncoding repeats of guanine-rich sequences. Telomeric DNA plays a fundamental role in protecting the cell from recombination and degradation. Telomeric sequences can form quadruplex structures stabilized by guanine quartets. These structures can be constructed from one, two, or four oligonucleotidic strands. Here, we report the thermodynamic characterization of the stability, analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry, of three DNA quadruplexes of different molecularity, all containing four G-tetrads. The conformational properties of these quadruple helices were studied by circular dichroism. The investigated oligomers form well-defined G-quadruplex structures in the presence of sodium ions. Two have the truncated telomeric sequence from Oxytricha, d(TGGGGT) and d(GGGGTTTTGGGG), which form a tetramolecular and bimolecular quadruplex, respectively. The third sequence, d(GGGGTTGGGGTGTGGGGTTGGGG) was designed to form a unimolecular quadruplex. The thermodynamic parameters of these quadruplexes have been determined. The tetramolecular structure is thermodynamically more stable than the bimolecular one, which, in turn, is more stable than the unimolecular one. The experimental data were discussed in light of the molecular-modeling study.  相似文献   
The type 1 insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF-IR) is a receptor-tyrosine kinase that plays a critical role in signaling cell survival and proliferation. IGF-IR binding to its ligand, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) activates phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), promotes cell proliferation by activating the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade, and blocks apoptosis by inducing the phosphorylation and inhibition of proapoptotic proteins such as BAD. Apoptosis signal-regulating kinase 1 (ASK1) is a MAP kinase kinase kinase (MAPKKK) that is required for c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and p38 activation in response to Fas and tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor stimulation, and for oxidative stress- and TNFalpha-induced apoptosis. The results presented here indicate that ASK1 forms a complex with the IGF-IR and becomes phosphorylated on tyrosine residue(s) in a manner dependent on IGF-IR activity. IGF-IR signaling inhibited ASK1 irrespective of TNFalpha-induced ASK1 activation and resulted in decreased ASK1-dependent JNK1 stimulation. Signaling through IGF-IR rescued cells from ASK1-induced apoptotic cell death in a manner independent of PI3K activity. These results indicate that IGF-IR signaling suppresses the ASK-1-mediated stimulation of JNK/p38 and the induction of programmed cell death. The simultaneous activation of MAP kinases and the inhibition of the stress-activated arm of the cascade by IGF-IR may constitute a potent proliferative signaling system and is possibly a mechanism by which IGF-I can stimulate growth and inhibit cell death in a wide variety of cell types and biological settings.  相似文献   
A natural isolate of Lactococcus lactis was shown to produce two narrow spectrum class II bacteriocins, designated LsbA and LsbB. The cognate genes are located on a 5.6-kb plasmid within a gene cluster specifying LmrB, an ATP-binding cassette-type multidrug resistance transporter protein. LsbA is a hydrophobic peptide that is initially synthesized with an N-terminal extension. The housekeeping surface proteinase HtrA was shown to be responsible for the cleavage of precursor peptide to yield the active bacteriocin. LsbB is a relatively hydrophilic protein synthesized without an N-terminal leader sequence or signal peptide. The secretion of both polypeptides was shown to be mediated by LmrB. An L. lactis strain lacking plasmid-encoded LmrB and the chromosomally encoded LmrA is unable to secrete either of the two bacteriocins. Complementation of the strain with an active LmrB protein resulted in restored export of the two polypeptides across the cytoplasmic membrane. When expressed in an L. lactis strain that is sensitive to LsbA and LsbB, LmrB was shown to confer resistance toward both bacteriocins. It does so, most likely, by removing the two polypeptides from the cytoplasmic membrane. This is the first report in which a multidrug transporter protein is shown to be involved in both secretion and immunity of antimicrobial peptides.  相似文献   
Nanoscale α-hemolysin pores can be used to analyze individual DNA or RNA molecules. Serial examination of hundreds to thousands of molecules per minute is possible using ionic current impedance as the measured property. In a recent report, we showed that a nanopore device coupled with machine learning algorithms could automatically discriminate among the four combinations of Watson–Crick base pairs and their orientations at the ends of individual DNA hairpin molecules. Here we use kinetic analysis to demonstrate that ionic current signatures caused by these hairpin molecules depend on the number of hydrogen bonds within the terminal base pair, stacking between the terminal base pair and its nearest neighbor, and 5′ versus 3′ orientation of the terminal bases independent of their nearest neighbors. This report constitutes evidence that single Watson–Crick base pairs can be identified within individual unmodified DNA hairpin molecules based on their dynamic behavior in a nanoscale pore.  相似文献   
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