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The sensitivity of diploid human fibroblasts to the cytotoxic effects of diphtheria toxin (DT) depended on the cell growth status. Exponentially growing cells treated with 10?3-1 lethal flocculating units (LF) of DT/ml for 4 days survived with a frequency of 4 × 10?4. However, the DT-resistant phenotype of colonies isolated under these conditions was not stable. When the growth of the cells had been arrested by confluence or deprivation of serum growth factors prior to treatment with DT (4 days, 10?3-0.6 LF/ml), the survival decreased to 2 × 10?6 and the resistance of isolated colonies was stable. An in situ assay for induced DT-resistant mutants was developed in order to avoid problems associated with the possible reduced viability of the mutants relative to that of wild-type cells. A reproducible and linear dose response was obtained for the induction of DT-resistant mutants by ethylnitrosourea. The mutants were induced with high frequency by this compound (e.g., 10?3 mutants/viable cell at a 37% survival dose); complete expression of the mutant phenotype occurred after 6 generations of growth under nonselective conditions. Isolated mutant colonies showed stable resistance to DT and were cross-resistant to Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A.  相似文献   
Human cells that appear capable of metabolizing various classes of carcinogens have been identified using one of two methods: metabolism of tritiated benzo(a)pyrene to aqueous-acetone soluble forms or inhibition of cellular DNA synthesis. Each of the assay systems was optimized and the results on 15 human epithelial cell lines were compared. One or more cell lines were found to activate each of four classes of carcinogens examined: polycyclic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, heterocyclic hydrocarbons, and nitrosamines. Cells that appeared capable of metabolizing polycyclic hydrocarbons or aromatic amines by these methods were also found to produce metabolites which were cytotoxic to cocultivated human xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts after a 48-hr exposure to the carcinogen.  相似文献   
The cytotoxicity of the “K-region” epoxides as well as several other reactive metabolites or chemical derivatives of polycyclic hydrocarbons was compared in normally-repairing human diploid skin fibroblasts and in fibroblasts from a classical xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patient (XP2BE) whose cells have been shown to carry out excision repair of damage induced in DNA by ultraviolet (UV) radiation at a rate approx. 20% that of normal cells. Each compound tested exhibited a 2- to 3-fold greater cytotoxicity in this XP strain than in the normal strain. To determine whether this difference in survival reflected a difference in the capacity of the strains to repair DNA damage caused by such hydrocarbon derivatives, we compared the cytotoxic effect of several “K-region” epoxides in two additional XP strains, each with a different capacity for repair of UV damage. The ration of the slopes of the survival curves for each of the XP strains to that of the normal strain, following exposure to each epoxide, was very similar to that which we had previously determined for their respective UV curves, suggesting that human cells repair damage induced in DNA by exposure to hydrocarbon derivatives with the same system used for UV-induced lesions.To determine whether the deficiency in rate of excision repair in this classical XP strain (XP2BE) causes such cells to be abnormally susceptible to mutations induced by “K-region” epoxides of polycyclic hydrocarbons, we compared them with normal cells for the frequency of induced mutations to 8-azaguanine resistance. The XP cells were two to three times more susceptible to mutations induced by the “K-region” epoxide of benzo(a)pyrene (BP), 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA), and dibenz(a,h)anthracene (DBA). Evidence also was obtained that cells from an XP variant patient are abnormally susceptible to mutations induced by hydrocarbon epoxides and, as is the case following exposure to UV, are abnormally slow in converting low molecular weight DNA, synthesized from a template following exposure to hydrocarbon epoxides, into large-size DNA.  相似文献   
The cytotoxic and mutagenic effect of (±)-7β,8α-dihydroxy-9α,10α-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (anti BPDE) in normally excision diploid human cells treated just prior to onset of S was compared with that of cells allowed ~ 16 h for excision repair before onset of S and with that observed in excision-deficient serodema pigmentosum (SP12BE) cells. The cells were synchronized by release from density inhibition of cell replication. DNA synthesis began ~ 22 h after the cells were plated at lower density (i.e., 1.4 × 104 cells/cm2). The frequency of thioguanine-resistant mutants induced in normal cells treated just prior to onset of S was ~ 12- to 16-fold higher than that observed in cells treated in early G1 or treated in G0 (confluence) and then plated at lower density. The frequency approximated that expected for XP12BE cells from extrapolation of data obtained at lower doses. The frequency of mutants measured in normal cells treated in exponential growth was also much higher than that in the cells treated in early G1 or in G0, No such difference could be seen in XP12BE cells treated in exponential growth or in G0. In contrast to the mutagenicity data in the normal cells, there was no significant difference in the slope of the survival curve of normal cells treated at various times prior to S phase at low densities. However, normal cells treated even at the onset of S exhibited survival equal to XP12BE cells give a 4- to 5-fold lower dose. The data support the hypothesis that DNA synthesis is the cellular event which converts unexcised DNA lesions into mutations. However, they indicate that S is not the event primarily responsible for translating DNA damage into cell death. Accompanying studies on the rate of excision of anti BPDE adducts from the normal cells during the period priot to S support the conclusions.  相似文献   
Summary Mutations in an X-linked gene, gust-A, block the responses of Drosophila melanogaster to a group of pyranose sugars. It is shown that the behavioural effects of this mutation are correlated with a loss of electrical responses in taste receptors. The mutation affects the chemoacceptors for pyranose sugars leaving the furanose acceptors intact.  相似文献   
In medium supplemented with defibrinogenated, platelet-poor human plasma and a low molecular weight growth factor derived from human platelets (PDGF), Swiss 3T3 cells proliferate exponentially with the same cell cycle kinetics as cells cultured in medium supplemented with commercial calf serum. Removal of PDGF from the culture medium arrests proliferating cells in a stable, reversible G0/G1 quiescent state. This arrested state is similar to the known quiescent state induced by deprivation of calf serum in cell exit kinetics and cytoplasmic proteins synthesized. Cells are sensitive to PDGF deprivation only at the beginning of G1. Reduction of the plasma concentration in the culture medium also arrests cells in G1. The resulting arrested population is unstable and exhibits progressive cell death. Reduced levels of plasma block cellular transit through the cell cycle at a median time of approx. 2.1 h following mitosis, approx. 3.3 h prior to S phase initiation. In addition to being required by cycling cells, plasma associated factors are required to maintain G1 cells blocked by PDGF deprivation in a stable quiescent state. Establishment of a stable, viable G0/G1 growth-arrested state, therefore, apparently involves two distinct processes: arrest of cellular proliferation in G1 and stabilization of the arrested cells in a viable quiescent state. Together with previously reported findings on serum and isoleucine starvation, these results provide a temporal map of growth control points in the G1 phase.  相似文献   
Methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-2-phenylazo-β-d-erythro-hex-2-enopyranoside has been synthesised, and its addition reactions with methoxide, azide, hydride, and deuteride ions have been studied. Comment is made on the stereochemistry of addition reactions of 2- and 3-phenylazo derivatives of methyl 4,6-O-benzylidene-2,3-dideoxy-d-hex-2-enopyranosides.  相似文献   
1. A new procedure is described for selecting nitrogenase-derepressed mutants based on the method of Brenchley et al. (Brenchley, J.E., Prival, M.J. and Magasanik, B. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 6122-6128) for isolating histidase-constitutive mutants of a non-N2-fixing bacterium. 2. Nitrogenase levels of the new mutants in the presence of NH4+ were as high as 100% of the nitrogenase activity detected in the absence of NH4+. 3. Biochemical characterization of these nitrogen fixation (nif) derepressed mutants reveals that they fall into three classes. Three mutants (strains SK-24, 28 and 29), requiring glutamate for growth, synthesize nitrogenase and glutamine synthetase constitutively (in the presence of NH4+). A second class of mutants (strains SK-27 and 37) requiring glutamine for growth produces derepressed levels of nitrogenase activity and synthesized catalytically inactive glutamine synthetase protein, as determined immunologically. A third class of glutamine-requiring, nitrogenase-derepressed mutants (strain SK-25 and 26) synthesizes neither a catalytically active glutamine synthetase enzyme nor an immunologically cross-reactive glutamine synthetase protein. 4. F-prime complementation analysis reveals that the mutant strains SK-25, 26, 27, 37 map in a segment of the Klebsiella chromosome corresponding to the region coding for glutamine synthetase. Since the mutant strains SK-27 and SK-37 produce inactive glutamine synthetase protein, it is concluded that these mutations map within the glutamine synthetase structural gene.  相似文献   
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