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In rodents, the formation of ovarian follicles occurs after birth. In recent years, several factors required for follicular assembly and the growth of the newly formed follicles have been identified. We now describe a novel gene, Fxna, identified by differential display in the neonatal rat ovary. Fxna encodes an mRNA of 5.4 kb, and a protein of 898 amino acids. Fxna is a transmembrane metallopeptidase from family M28, localized to the endoplasmic reticulum. In the ovary, Fxna mRNA is expressed in granulosa cells; its abundance is maximal 48 hours after birth, i.e. during the initiation of follicular assembly. Reducing Fxna mRNA levels via lentiviral-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNAs to neonatal ovaries resulted in substantial loss of primordial, primary and secondary follicles, and structural disorganization of the ovary, with many abnormal follicles containing more than one oocyte and clusters of somatic cells not associated with any oocytes. These abnormalities were not attributable to either increased apoptosis or decreased proliferation of granulosa cells. The results indicate that Fxna is required for the organization of somatic cells and oocytes into discrete follicular structures. As an endoplasmic reticulum-bound peptidase, Fxna may facilitate follicular organization by processing precursor proteins required for intraovarian cell-to-cell communication.  相似文献   
Plant polyphenols are of great interest for drug discovery and drug development since many of these compounds have health-promoting activities as treatments against various diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, or heart diseases. However, the limited availability of polyphenols represents a major obstacle to clinical applications that must be overcome. In comparison to the quantities of these compounds obtained by isolation from natural sources or costly chemical synthesis, the microbial production of these compounds could provide sufficient quantities from inexpensive substrates. In this work, we describe the development of an Escherichia coli platform strain for the production of pinosylvin, a stilbene found in the heartwood of pine trees which could aid in the treatment of various cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Initially, several configurations of the three-step biosynthetic pathway to pinosylvin were constructed from a set of two different enzymes for each enzymatic step. After optimization of gene expression and evaluation of different construct environments, low pinosylvin concentrations up to 3 mg/liter could be detected. Analysis of the precursor supply and a comparative analysis of the intracellular pools of pathway intermediates and product identified the limited malonyl coenzyme A (malonyl-CoA) availability and low stilbene synthase activity in the heterologous host to be the main bottlenecks during pinosylvin production. Addition of cerulenin for increasing intracellular malonyl-CoA pools and the in vivo evolution of the stilbene synthase from Pinus strobus for improved activity in E. coli proved to be the keys to elevated product titers. These measures allowed product titers of 70 mg/liter pinosylvin from glucose, which could be further increased to 91 mg/liter by the addition of l-phenylalanine.  相似文献   
Transformed and cultured cell lines have significant shortcomings for investigating the characteristics and responses of native villus enterocytes in situ. Interpretations of results from intact tissues are complicated by the presence of underlying tissues and the crypt compartment. We describe a simple, novel, and reproducible method for preparing functional epithelia using differentiated enterocytes harvested from the small intestine upper villus of adult mice and preterm pigs with and without necrotizing enterocolitis. Concentrative, rheogenic glucose uptake was used as an indicator of epithelial function and was demonstrated by cellular accumulation of tracer 14C d-glucose and Ussing chamber based short-circuit currents. Assessment of the epithelia by light and immunofluorescent microscopy revealed the harvested enterocytes remain differentiated and establish cell–cell connections to form polarized epithelia with distinct apical and basolateral domains. As with intact tissues, the epithelia exhibit glucose induced short-circuit currents that are increased by exposure to adenosine and adenosine 5′-monophosphate (AMP) and decreased by phloridzin to inhibit the apical glucose transporter SGLT-1. Similarly, accumulation of 14C d-glucose by the epithelia was inhibited by phloridzin, but not phloretin, and was stimulated by pre-exposure to AMP and adenosine, apparently by a microtubule-based mechanism that is disrupted by nocodazole, with the magnitudes of responses to adenosine, forskolin, and health status exceeding those we have measured using intact tissues. Our findings indicate that epithelia prepared from harvested enterocytes provide an alternative approach for comparative studies of the characteristics of nutrient transport by the upper villus epithelium and the responses to different conditions and stimuli.  相似文献   
We have identified a phosphate transporter (TcPho91) localized to the bladder of the contractile vacuole complex (CVC) of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease. TcPho91 has 12 transmembrane domains, an N‐terminal regulatory SPX (named after SYG1, Pho81 and XPR1) domain and an anion permease domain. Functional expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes followed by two‐electrode voltage clamp showed that TcPho91 is a low‐affinity transporter with a Km for Pi in the millimolar range, and sodium‐dependency. Epimastigotes overexpressing TcPho91‐green fluorescent protein have significantly higher levels of pyrophosphate (PPi) and short‐chain polyphosphate (polyP), suggesting accumulation of Pi in these cells. Moreover, when overexpressing parasites were maintained in a medium with low Pi, they grew at higher rates than control parasites. Only one allele of TcPho91 in the CL strain encodes for the complete open reading frame, while the other one is truncated encoding for only the N‐terminal domain. Taking advantage of this characteristic, knockdown experiments were performed resulting in cells with reduced growth rate as well as a reduction in PPi and short‐chain polyP levels. Our results indicate that TcPho91 is a phosphate sodium symporter involved in Pi homeostasis in T. cruzi.  相似文献   
The identity of calcium channels in the thyroid is unclear. In human follicular thyroid ML-1 cancer cells, sphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), through S1P receptors 1 and 3 (S1P1/S1P3), and VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2) stimulates migration. We show that human thyroid cells express several forms of transient receptor potential canonical (TRPC) channels, including TRPC1. In TRPC1 knockdown (TRPC1-KD) ML-1 cells, the basal and S1P-evoked invasion and migration was attenuated. Furthermore, the expression of S1P3 and VEGFR2 was significantly down-regulated. Transfecting wild-type ML-1 cells with a nonconducting TRPC1 mutant decreased S1P3 and VEGFR2 expression. In TRPC1-KD cells, receptor-operated calcium entry was decreased. To investigate whether the decreased receptor expression was due to attenuated calcium entry, cells were incubated with the calcium chelator BAPTA-AM (1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid). In these cells, and in cells where calmodulin and calmodulin-dependent kinase were blocked pharmacologically, S1P3 and VEGFR2 expression was decreased. In TRPC1-KD cells, both hypoxia-inducible factor 1α expression and the secretion and activity of MMP2 and MMP9 were attenuated, and proliferation was decreased in TRPC1-KD cells. This was due to a prolonged G1 phase of the cell cycle, a significant increase in the expression of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors p21 and p27, and a decrease in the expression of cyclin D2, cyclin D3, and CDK6. Transfecting TRPC1 to TRPC1-KD cells rescued receptor expression, migration, and proliferation. Thus, the expression of S1P3 and VEGFR2 is mediated by a calcium-dependent mechanism. TRPC1 has a crucial role in this process. This regulation is important for the invasion, migration, and proliferation of thyroid cancer cells.  相似文献   
The mammalian (mechanistic) target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates critical immune processes that remain incompletely defined. Interest in mTOR inhibitor drugs is heightened by recent demonstrations that the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin extends lifespan and healthspan in mice. Rapamycin or related analogues (rapalogues) also mitigate age‐related debilities including increasing antigen‐specific immunity, improving vaccine responses in elderly humans, and treating cancers and autoimmunity, suggesting important new clinical applications. Nonetheless, immune toxicity concerns for long‐term mTOR inhibition, particularly immunosuppression, persist. Although mTOR is pivotal to fundamental, important immune pathways, little is reported on immune effects of mTOR inhibition in lifespan or healthspan extension, or with chronic mTOR inhibitor use. We comprehensively analyzed immune effects of rapamycin as used in lifespan extension studies. Gene expression profiling found many and novel changes in genes affecting differentiation, function, homeostasis, exhaustion, cell death, and inflammation in distinct T‐ and B‐lymphocyte and myeloid cell subpopulations. Immune functions relevant to aging and inflammation, and to cancer and infections, and innate lymphoid cell effects were validated in vitro and in vivo. Rapamycin markedly prolonged lifespan and healthspan in cancer‐ and infection‐prone mice supporting disease mitigation as a mechanism for mTOR suppression‐mediated longevity extension. It modestly altered gut metagenomes, and some metagenomic effects were linked to immune outcomes. Our data show novel mTOR inhibitor immune effects meriting further studies in relation to longevity and healthspan extension.  相似文献   
Comprehensive application of solution NMR spectroscopy to studies of macromolecules remains fundamentally limited by the molecular rotational correlation time. For proteins, molecules larger than 30 kDa require complex experimental methods, such as TROSY in conjunction with isotopic labeling schemes that are often expensive and generally reduce the potential information available. We have developed the reverse micelle encapsulation strategy as an alternative approach. Encapsulation of proteins within the protective nano-scale water pool of a reverse micelle dissolved in ultra-low viscosity nonpolar solvents overcomes the slow tumbling problem presented by large proteins. Here, we characterize the contributions from the various components of the protein-containing reverse micelle system to the rotational correlation time of the encapsulated protein. Importantly, we demonstrate that the protein encapsulated in the reverse micelle maintains a hydration shell comparable in size to that seen in bulk solution. Using moderate pressures, encapsulation in ultra-low viscosity propane or ethane can be used to magnify this advantage. We show that encapsulation in liquid ethane can be used to reduce the tumbling time of the 43 kDa maltose binding protein from ~23 to ~10 ns. These conditions enable, for example, acquisition of TOCSY-type data resolved on the adjacent amide NH for the 43 kDa encapsulated maltose binding protein dissolved in liquid ethane, which is typically impossible for proteins of such size without use of extensive deuteration or the TROSY effect.  相似文献   
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