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The p21-activated protein kinases (Paks) are serine/threonine protein kinases activated by binding to Rho family small GTPases, Rac and Cdc42. Recently, Pak family members have been subdivided into two groups, I and II. Group II Paks, including Pak4, Pak5, and Pak6, does not contain the highly conserved autoinhibitory domain that is found in the group I Paks members, i.e. Pak1, Pak2, and Pak3. In the present study, we have purified the glutathione S-transferase fusion form of Pak5 and shown for the first time that Pak5 autophosphorylation can be activated by GTP bound form of Cdc42. Mutation of histidine residues 19 and 22 to leucine on the p21-binding domain of Pak5 completely abolished the binding of Cdc42 and the Cdc42-mediated autophosphorylation. On the other hand, mutation of tyrosine 40 to cysteine of Cdc42 did not knockout the binding of Pak5. Analysis of C-terminal deletion mutants has identified an autoinhibitory fragment of Pak5 that is absent from other group II Pak family members. Taken together, these results suggest that Pak5, like Pak1, contains an autoinhibitory domain and its activity is regulated by Cdc42.  相似文献   
In this report we show that in Bacillus subtilis the flagellar switch, which controls direction of flagellar rotation based on levels of the chemotaxis primary response regulator, CheY-P, also causes hydrolysis of CheY-P to form CheY and Pi. This task is performed in Escherichia coli by CheZ, which interestingly enough is primarily located at the receptors, not at the switch. In particular we have identified the phosphatase as FliY, which resembles E. coli switch protein FliN only in its C-terminal part, while an additional N-terminal domain is homologous to another switch protein FliM and to CheC, a protein found in the archaea and many bacteria but not in E. coli. Previous E. coli studies have localized the CheY-P binding site of the switch to FliM residues 6-15. These residues are almost identical to the residues 6-15 in both B. subtilis FliM and FliY. We were able to show that both of these proteins are capable of binding CheY-P in vitro. Deletion of this binding region in B. subtilis mutant fliM caused the same phenotype as a cheY mutant (clockwise flagellar rotation), whereas deletion of it in fliY caused the opposite. We showed that FliY increases the rate of CheY-P hydrolysis in vitro. Consequently, we imagine that the duration of enhanced CheY-P levels caused by activation of the CheA kinase upon attractant binding to receptors, is brief due both to adaptational processes and to phosphatase activity of FliY.  相似文献   
The sesquiterpene lactone tubiferin was chemically purified from the brazilian native plant Wunderlichia crulsiana and identified by NMR and GC/MS data. Its ability to inhibit the respiratory burst of peritoneal inflammatory polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) stimulated upon addition of phorbol miristate acetate (PMA), opsonized zymosan (OZ), and N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (fMLP) was evaluated. The tubiferin inhibition was more pronounced when PMN were stimulated through the protein kinase C pathway (PMA) compared to the alternative complement pathway (OZ). The inhibition when PMN were triggered by a chemoattractant stimulus (fMLP) was similar to that achieved with OZ-stimulated phagocytes. Tubiferin showed dose-dependent effects on the PMN respiratory burst triggered by the three different substances, and also decreased substantially the carrageenan-induced mice paw edema.  相似文献   
Pl-nectin is an ECM protein located on the apical surface of ectoderm cells of Paracentrotus lividus sea urchin embryo. Inhibition of ECM-ectoderm cell interaction by the addition of McAb to Pl-nectin to the culture causes a dramatic impairment of skeletogenesis, offering a good model for the study of factor(s) involved in skeleton elongation and patterning. We showed that skeleton deficiency was not due to a reduction in the number of PMCs ingressing the blastocoel, but it was correlated with a reduction in the number of Pl-SM30-expressing PMCs. Here, we provide evidence on the involvement of growth factor(s) in skeleton morphogenesis. Skeleton-defective embryos showed a strong reduction in the levels of expression of Pl-univin, a growth factor of the TGF-beta superfamily, which was correlated with an equivalent strong reduction in the levels of Pl-SM30. In contrast, expression levels of Pl-BMP5-7 remained low and constant in both skeleton-defective and normal embryos. Microinjection of horse serum in the blastocoelic cavity of embryos cultured in the presence of the antibody rescued skeleton development. Finally, we found that misexpression of univin is also sufficient to rescue defects in skeleton elongation and SM30 expression caused by McAb to Pl-nectin, suggesting a key role for univin or closely related factor in sea urchin skeleton morphogenesis.  相似文献   
The enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) is increasingly used as a reporter gene in viral vectors for a number of applications. To establish a system to study the activity of cis-acting cellular regulatory sequences, we deleted the viral enhancer in EGFP-carrying retroviral vectors and replaced it with cell type-specific elements. In this study, we use this system to demonstrate the activity of the human CD2 lymphoid-specific and the Tie2 endothelial cell type-specific enhancers in cell lines and in primary cells transduced by retroviral vectors. Furthermore, we compare findings obtained with EGFP as the reporter gene to those obtained replacing EGFP with d2EGFP, an unstable variant of EGFP characterized by a much shorter half-life compared to EGFP, and by reduced accumulation in the cells. d2EGFP-carrying vectors were generated at titers which were not different from those generated by the corresponding vectors carrying EGFP. Moreover, the activity of a Moloney murine leukemia virus enhancer could be readily detected following transduction of target cells with either EGFP- or d2EGFP-carrying vectors. However, the activity of the relatively weak CD2 and Tie2 enhancers was exclusively detected using EGFP as the reporter gene.These findings indicate that enhancer replacement is a feasible and promising approach to address the function of cell type-specific regulatory elements in retroviral vectors carrying the EGFP gene.  相似文献   
The synapse loss and neuronal cell death characteristic of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are believed to result in large part from the neurotoxic effects of beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta), a 40-42 amino acid peptide(s) derived proteolytically from beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP). However, APP is also cleaved intracellularly to generate a second cytotoxic peptide, C31, and this cleavage event occurs in vivo as well as in vitro and preferentially in the brains of AD patients (Lu et al. 2000). Here we show that APPC31 is toxic to neurons in primary culture, and that like APP, the APP family members APLP1 and possibly APLP2 are cleaved by caspases at their C-termini. The carboxy-terminal peptide derived from caspase cleavage of APLP1 shows a degree of neurotoxicity comparable to APPC31. Our results suggest that even though APLP1 and APLP2 cannot generate Abeta, they may potentially contribute to the pathology of AD by generating peptide fragments whose toxicity is comparable to that of APPC31.  相似文献   
In S. cerevisiae, the REV3 gene, encoding the catalytic subunit of polymerase zeta, is involved in translesion synthesis and required for the production of mutations induced by ultraviolet radiation (UV) photoproducts and other DNA fork-blocking lesions, and for the majority of spontaneous mutations. To determine whether hREV3, the human homolog of yeast REV3, is similarly involved in error-prone translesion synthesis past UV photoproducts and other lesions that block DNA replication, an hREV3 antisense construct under the control of the TetP promoter was transfected into an infinite life span human fibroblast cell strain that expresses a high level of tTAk, the activator of that promoter. Three transfectant strains expressing high levels of hREV3 antisense RNA were identified and compared with their parental cell strain for sensitivity to the cytotoxic and mutagenic effects of UV. The three hREV3 antisense-expressing cell strains were not more sensitive than the parental strain to the cytotoxic effect of UV, but the frequency of mutants induced by UV in their HPRT gene was significantly reduced, i.e. to 14% that of the parent. Two of these hREV3 antisense-expressing cell strains were compared with the parental strain for sensitivity to (±)-7β,8-dihydroxy-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10-tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene (BPDE). They were not more sensitive than the parent strain to the cytotoxic effect of BPDE, but the frequency of mutants induced was significantly reduced, i.e. in one strain, to 17% that of the parent, and in the other, to 24%. DNA sequencing showed that the kinds of mutations induced by BPDE in the parental and the derivative strains did not differ and were similar to those found previously with finite life span human fibroblasts. The data strongly support the hypothesis that hRev3 plays a critical role in the induction of mutations by UV or BPDE. Because the level of hRev3 protein in human fibroblasts is below the level of antibody detection, it was not possible to demonstrate that the decrease in mutagenesis reflected decreased hRev3 protein. However, the conclusion is supported by the fact that in a similar study with a strain expressing a high level of antisense hREV1, a very similar result was obtained, i.e. UV or BPDE mutagenesis was virtually eliminated.  相似文献   
AIMS: To provide evidence of water quality as a risk factor for acquisition of Helicobacter pylori in early life, and to identify evidence for its presence within pots used to store drinking water. METHODS AND RESULTS: A prospective cohort study of 65 infants was conducted in the rural village of Keneba, The Gambia. Age of H. pylori colonization was determined and water pot biofilms were tested for H. pylori by sequencing of amplified DNA. Use of supplemental water was a strong risk factor for H. pylori colonization in infants (OR 4.71, 95% CI 1.17-22.5). DNA with 95% homology to the 16S rRNA gene of H. pylori was isolated from biofilms of water pots. CONCLUSIONS: Drinking water may be a reservoir for H. pylori in areas of the developing world where water quality is poor. Early introduction of water, particularly if stored in, or collected from contaminated sources, may be associated with an increased rate of H. pylori colonization.  相似文献   
Children who fail to develop language normally-in the absence of explanatory factors such as neurological disorders, hearing impairment, or lack of adequate opportunity-are clinically described as having specific language impairment (SLI). SLI has a prevalence of approximately 7% in children entering school and is associated with later difficulties in learning to read. Research indicates that genetic factors are important in the etiology of SLI. Studies have consistently demonstrated that SLI aggregates in families. Increased monozygotic versus dizygotic twin concordance rates indicate that heredity, not just shared environment, is the cause of the familial clustering. We have collected five pedigrees of Celtic ancestry that segregate SLI, and we have conducted genomewide categorical linkage analysis, using model-based LOD score techniques. Analysis was conducted under both dominant and recessive models by use of three phenotypic classifications: clinical diagnosis, language impairment (spoken language quotient <85) and reading discrepancy (nonverbal IQ minus non-word reading >15). Chromosome 13 yielded a maximum multipoint LOD score of 3.92 under the recessive reading discrepancy model. Simulation to correct for multiple models and multiple phenotypes indicated that the genomewide empirical P value is <.01. As an alternative measure, we also computed the posterior probability of linkage (PPL), obtaining a PPL of 53% in the same region. One other genomic region yielded suggestive results on chromosome 2 (multipoint LOD score 2.86, genomic P value <.06 under the recessive language impairment model). Our findings underscore the utility of traditional LOD-score-based methods in finding genes for complex diseases, specifically, SLI.  相似文献   
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