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Cloning and over-expression of human glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Glc6P dehydrogenase) has for the first time allowed a detailed kinetic study of a preparation that is genetically homogeneous and in which all the protein molecules are of identical age. The steady-state kinetics of the recombinant enzyme, studied by fluorimetric initial-rate measurements, gave converging linear Lineweaver-Burk plots as expected for a ternary-complex mechanism. Patterns of product and dead-end inhibition indicated that the enzyme can bind NADP+ and Glc6P separately to form binary complexes, suggesting a random-order mechanism. The Kd value for the binding of NADP+ measured by titration of protein fluorescence is 8.0 microm, close to the value of 6.8 microm calculated from the kinetic data on the assumption of a rapid-equilibrium random-order mechanism. Strong evidence for this mechanism and against either of the compulsory-order possibilities is provided by repeating the kinetic analysis with each of the natural substrates replaced in turn by structural analogues. A full kinetic analysis was carried out with deaminoNADP+ and with deoxyglucose 6-phosphate as the alternative substrates. In each case the calculated dissociation constant upon switching a substrate in a random-order mechanism (e.g. that for NADP+ upon changing the sugar phosphate) was indeed constant within experimental error as expected. The calculated rate constants for binding of the leading substrate in a compulsory-order mechanism, however, did not remain constant when the putative second substrate was changed. Previous workers, using enzyme from pooled blood, have variously proposed either compulsory-order or random-order mechanisms. Our study appears to provide unambiguous evidence for the latter pattern of substrate binding.  相似文献   
A new function for tubulin was described by our laboratory: acetylated tubulin forms a complex with Na+,K +-ATPase (NKA) and inhibits its activity. This process was shown to be a regulatory factor of physiological importance in cultured cells, human erythrocytes, and several rat tissues. Formation of the acetylated tubulin–NKA complex is reversible. We demonstrated that in cultured cells, high concentrations of glucose induce translocation of acetylated tubulin from cytoplasm to plasma membrane with a consequent inhibition of NKA activity. This effect is reversed by adding glutamate, which is coctransported to the cell with Na +. Another posttranslational modification of tubulin, detyrosinated tubulin, is also involved in the regulation of NKA activity: it enhances the NKA inhibition induced by acetylated tubulin. Manipulation of the content of these modifications of tubulin could work as a new strategy to maintain homeostasis of Na + and K +, and to regulate a variety of functions in which NKA is involved, such as osmotic fragility and deformability of human erythrocytes. The results summarized in this review show that the interaction between tubulin and NKA plays an important role in cellular physiology, both in the regulation of Na +/K + homeostasis and in the rheological properties of the cells, which is mechanically different from other roles reported up to now.  相似文献   
Hemoglobin Rainier is a naturally occurring hemoglobin variant in which the β145 tyrosine is substituted with cysteine. The α and βRainierglobin cDNAs were cloned in a high copy number vector and expressed inSaccharomyces cerevisiaeunder the control of galactose-regulated hybrid promoters. Using this system, we have expressed individual α and βRainierglobin chains. Coexpression of both α and βRainiercDNAs resulted in the production of a functional hemoglobin molecule. Purification of the recombinant protein was accomplished by ion exchange chromatography. The N-termini of the α and β chains were correctly processed, and the molecular mass, as determined by mass spectrometry, indicated amino acid composition identical to that of natural hemoglobin Rainier. The chromatographic properties of the recombinant hemoglobin Rainier were similar to human-derived hemoglobin A0. The purified recombinant hemoglobin molecule was shown to have an elevated oxygen affinity and a reduced cooperativity as previously reported for natural hemoglobin Rainier. Production of recombinant hemoglobin and especially hemoglobin variants like hemoglobin Rainier has the potential to facilitate use of hemoglobin as a blood substitute as well as in specific applications, such as for use as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of hypotension associated with septic shock.  相似文献   
Hsp90 selectively modulates phenotype in vertebrate development   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Compromised heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) function reveals cryptic phenotypes in flies and plants. These observations were interpreted to suggest that this molecular stress-response chaperone has a capacity to buffer underlying genetic variation. Conversely, the protective role of Hsp90 could account for the variable penetrance or severity of some heritable developmental malformations in vertebrates. Using zebrafish as a model, we defined Hsp90 inhibitor levels that did not induce a heat shock response or perturb phenotype in wild-type strains. Under these conditions the severity of the recessive eye phenotype in sunrise, caused by a pax6b mutation, was increased, while in dreumes, caused by a sufu mutation, it was decreased. In another strain, a previously unobserved spectrum of severe structural eye malformations, reminiscent of anophthalmia, microphthalmia, and nanophthalmia complex in humans, was uncovered by this limited inhibition of Hsp90 function. Inbreeding of offspring from selected unaffected carrier parents led to significantly elevated malformation frequencies and revealed the oligogenic nature of this phenotype. Unlike in Drosophila, Hsp90 inhibition can decrease developmental stability in zebrafish, as indicated by increased asymmetric presentation of anophthalmia, microphthalmia, and nanophthalmia and sunrise phenotypes. Analysis of the sunrise pax6b mutation suggests a molecular mechanism for the buffering of mutations by Hsp90. The zebrafish studies imply that mild perturbation of Hsp90 function at critical developmental stages may underpin the variable penetrance and expressivity of many developmental anomalies where the interaction between genotype and environment plays a major role.  相似文献   
Dysfunction of two structurally and functionally related proteins, FUS and TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43), implicated in crucial steps of cellular RNA metabolism can cause amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and certain other neurodegenerative diseases. The proteins are intrinsically aggregate-prone and form non-amyloid inclusions in the affected nervous tissues, but the role of these proteinaceous aggregates in disease onset and progression is still uncertain. To address this question, we designed a variant of FUS, FUS 1–359, which is predominantly cytoplasmic, highly aggregate-prone, and lacks a region responsible for RNA recognition and binding. Expression of FUS 1–359 in neurons of transgenic mice, at a level lower than that of endogenous FUS, triggers FUSopathy associated with severe damage of motor neurons and their axons, neuroinflammatory reaction, and eventual loss of selective motor neuron populations. These pathological changes cause abrupt development of a severe motor phenotype at the age of 2.5–4.5 months and death of affected animals within several days of onset. The pattern of pathology in transgenic FUS 1–359 mice recapitulates several key features of human ALS with the dynamics of the disease progression compressed in line with shorter mouse lifespan. Our data indicate that neuronal FUS aggregation is sufficient to cause ALS-like phenotype in transgenic mice.  相似文献   
Accurate in situ hybridization analysis in secondary stem tissues of plants has been hindered by specific characteristics of these tissues. First, secondary cell walls non-specifically bind probes used for in situ hybridization thus preventing gene expression analysis in the lignified regions of the stem, such as the xylem. Second, the mRNA in the cambial meristem and its recent derivatives are prone to inadequate fixation when conventional techniques are used. Here we describe an in situ hybridization technique which uses fast freezing and freeze substitution to cryoimmobilize the mRNA followed by embedding in a methacrylate resin for high-resolution analysis of gene expression. By using a transgenic poplar line harbouring rolC:uidA, rolC:iaaM, the gene expression pattern could be compared with histochemical GUS staining. This in situ hybridization technique results in superior preservation of cellular contents, retention of mRNA in all cell types in the poplar stem, a significant reduction of non-specific binding to secondary cell walls and a resolution not previously possible in secondary tissues. This technique will be particularly valuable for the expression analysis of genes involved in xylogenesis and wood formation.  相似文献   
Mounting behavior in the female rat has been studied extensively in same-sex interactions, but not in the heterosexual dyad. The present study examined the display of female mounting of castrated noncopulating male rats (FMM). Ovariectomized (OVX) sexually naive female rats (N = 80) were given either estrogen (E) + progesterone (P), E + oil (O), P + O, or O + O treatment for five tests with castrated male rats. FMMs were observed in both the E + P and E + O females. The influence of the ovarian cycle on FMM was also investigated. Vaginal smears from sexually naive females (N = 16) were taken daily for 12 days immediately after testing with castrated males. FMM frequency was greatest during Proestrus. Finally, OVX females (N = 30) treated with E + P were given either 0, 1, 10 multi-ejaculatory heterosexual experiences with intact, sexually experienced males, prior to tests with intact, copulating or castrated, noncopulating males for five tests. Sexually naive females displayed a greater number of mounts relative to the sexually experienced females when tested with castrated, noncopulating males. In contrast, very few FMMs were observed in females of any group tested with intact, copulating males. These data suggest that FMM occurs naturally in rats as a "super-solicitational" behavior that is modified by hormone treatment and prior heterosexual experience.  相似文献   
The major pectenotoxin and okadaic acid group toxins in Dinophysis acuta and Dinophysis acuminata cell concentrates, collected from various locations around the coast of the South Island of New Zealand (NZ), were determined by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). PTX2 and PTX11 were the major polyether toxins in all Dinophysis spp. cell concentrates. D. acuta contained PTX11 and PTX2 at concentrations of 4.7–64.6 and 32.5–107.5 pg per cell, respectively. The amounts of PTX11 and PTX2 in D. acuminata were much lower at 0.4–2.1 and 2.4–25.8 pg per cell, respectively. PTX seco acids comprised only 4% of the total PTX content of both D. acuta and D. acuminata. D. acuta contained low levels of OA (0.8–2.7 pg per cell) but specimens from the South Island west coast also contained up to 10 times higher levels of OA esters (7.0–10.2 pg per cell). Esterified forms of OA were not observed in D. acuta specimens from the Marlborough Sounds. D. acuta did not contain any DTX1 though all D. acuminata specimens contained DTX1 at levels of 0.1–2.4 pg per cell. DTX2 was not present in any New Zealand Dinophysis spp. specimens. Although the total toxin content varied spatially and temporally, the relative proportions of the various toxins in different specimens from the same location appeared to be relatively stable. The total PTX/total OA ratios in different isolates of D. acuta were very similar (mean±S.E.: 14.9±1.9), although the Marlborough Sounds D. acuminata isolates had a higher total PTX/total OA ratio (mean±S.E.: 22.7±2.4) than the Akaroa Harbour isolates (8.0). No evidence of azaspiracids were detected in these specimens. These results show that the LC–MS/MS monitoring of plankton for PTX group toxins (e.g. PTX2) and their derivatives (e.g. PTX2 seco acid) may provide a sensitive, semi-quantitative, indicator of the presence of more cryptic OA group toxins (e.g. OA esters).  相似文献   
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