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The postembryonic development of the turtle carapace was studied in the aquatic Еmys orbicularis and the terrestrial Тestudo graeca. Differences in the structure of the bony shell in aquatic and terrestrial turtles were shown to be associated with varying degrees of development of epidermal derivatives, namely, the thickness of the scutes and the depth of horny furrows. Sinking of the horny furrows into the dermis causes local changes in the structure of the collagen matrix, which might precondition the acceleration of the ossification. Aquatic turtles possess a relatively thin horny cover, whose derivatives are either weakly developed or altogether absent and thus make no noticeable impact on the growth dynamics of bony plates. Carapace plates of these turtles outgrow more or less evenly around the periphery, which results in uniform costals, relatively narrow and partly reduced neurals, and broad peripherals extending beyond the marginal scutes. In terrestrial turtles (Testudinidae), horny structures are much more developed and exert a considerable impact on the growth of bony elements. As a result, bony plates outgrow unevenly in the dermis, expanding fast in the zones under the horny furrows and slowly outside these zones. This determines the basic features of the testudinid carapace: alternately cuneate shape of costals, an alternation of broad octagonal and narrow tetragonal neurals, and the limitation of the growth of peripherals by pleuro-marginal furrows. The evolutionary significance of morphogenetic and constructional differences in the turtle carapace, and the association of these differences with the turtle habitats are discussed.  相似文献   
The Sabin oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) readily undergoes changes in antigenic sites upon replication in humans. Here, a set of antigenically altered descendants of the three OPV serotypes (76 isolates) was characterized to determine the driving forces behind these changes and their biological implications. The amino acid residues of OPV derivatives that lie within or close to the known antigenic sites exhibited a marked tendency to be replaced by residues characteristic of homotypic wild polioviruses, and these changes may occur very early in OPV evolution. The specific amino acid alterations nicely correlated with serotype-specific changes in the reactivity of certain individual antigenic sites, as revealed by the recently devised monoclonal antibody-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In comparison to the original vaccine, small changes, if any, in the neutralizing capacity of human or rabbit sera were observed in highly diverged vaccine polioviruses of three serotypes, in spite of strong alterations of certain epitopes. We propose that the common antigenic alterations in evolving OPV strains largely reflect attempts to eliminate fitness-decreasing mutations acquired either during the original selection of the vaccine or already present in the parental strains. Variability of individual epitopes does not appear to be primarily caused by, or lead to, a significant immune evasion, enhancing only slightly, if at all, the capacity of OPV derivatives to overcome immunity in human populations. This study reveals some important patterns of poliovirus evolution and has obvious implications for the rational design of live viral vaccines.  相似文献   


Like humans, the living elephants are unusual among mammals in being sparsely covered with hair. Relative to extant elephants, the extinct woolly mammoth, Mammuthus primigenius, had a dense hair cover and extremely long hair, which likely were adaptations to its subarctic habitat. The fibroblast growth factor 5 (FGF5) gene affects hair length in a diverse set of mammalian species. Mutations in FGF5 lead to recessive long hair phenotypes in mice, dogs, and cats; and the gene has been implicated in hair length variation in rabbits. Thus, FGF5 represents a leading candidate gene for the phenotypic differences in hair length notable between extant elephants and the woolly mammoth. We therefore sequenced the three exons (except for the 3' UTR) and a portion of the promoter of FGF5 from the living elephantid species (Asian, African savanna and African forest elephants) and, using protocols for ancient DNA, from a woolly mammoth.  相似文献   
In this study, we develop a mathematical model for analysis of the compartmental aspects and immunopathology of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) infection in mice. We used sets of original and published data on systemic (extrasplenic) virus distribution to estimate the parameters of virus growth and elimination for spleen and other anatomical compartments, such as the liver, kidney, thymus and lung as well as transfer rates between blood and the above organs. A mathematical model quantitatively integrating the virus distribution kinetics in the host, the specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response in spleen and the re-circulation of effector CTL between spleen, blood and liver is advanced to describe the CTL-mediated immunopathology (hepatitis) in mice infected with LCMV. For intravenous and "peripheral" routes of infection we examine the severity of the liver disease, as a function of the virus dose and the host's immune status characterized by the numbers of precursor and/or cytolytic effector CTL. The model is used to predict the efficacy of protection against virus persistence and disease in a localized viral infection as a function of the composition of CTL population. The modelling analysis suggests quantitative demands to CTL memory for maximal protection against a wide range of doses of infection with a primarily peripheral site of virus replication without the risk of favoring immunopathology. It specifies objectives for CTL vaccination to ensure virus elimination with minimal immunopathology vs. vaccination for disease.  相似文献   
Geobacillus stearothermophilus T-6 encodes for a beta-xylosidase (XynB2) from family 52 of glycoside hydrolases that was previously shown to hydrolyze its substrate with net retention of the anomeric configuration. XynB2 significantly prefers substrates with xylose as the glycone moiety and exhibits a typical bell-shaped pH dependence curve. Binding properties of xylobiose and xylotriose to the active site were measured using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). Binding reactions were enthalpy driven with xylobiose binding more tightly than xylotriose to the active site. The kinetic constants of XynB2 were measured for the hydrolysis of a variety of aryl beta-D-xylopyranoside substrates bearing different leaving groups. The Br?nsted plot of log k(cat) versus the pK(a) value of the aglycon leaving group reveals a biphasic relationship, consistent with a double-displacement mechanism as expected for retaining glycoside hydrolases. Hydrolysis rates for substrates with poor leaving groups (pK(a) > 8) vary widely with the aglycon reactivity, indicating that, for these substrates, the bond cleavage is rate limiting. However, no such dependence is observed for more reactive substrates (pK(a) < 8), indicating that in this case hydrolysis of the xylosyl-enzyme intermediate is rate limiting. Secondary kinetic isotope effects suggest that the intermediate breakdown proceeds with modest oxocarbenium ion character at the transition state, and bond cleavage proceeds with even lower oxocarbenium ion character. Inhibition studies with several gluco analogue inhibitors could be measured since XynB2 has low, yet sufficient, activity toward 4-nitrophenyl beta-D-glucopyranose. As expected, inhibitors mimicking the proposed transition state structure, such as 1-deoxynojirimycin, bind with much higher affinity to XynB2 than ground state inhibitors.  相似文献   
Ermak G  Figge JJ  Kartel NA  Davies KJ 《IUBMB life》2003,55(12):637-641
Cases of thyroid cancer among children in Belarus represent a unique model system in which the cause of the cancer is known--radiation. Although other sources of radiation-induced cancers are diminishing (survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and individuals exposed to diagnostic or therapeutic radiation) fears of radiation exposure from accidents and terrorism are increasing. Our analysis of current data reveals that Chernobyl-related cancer cases might have a specific pattern of genetic aberrations. These data strongly confirm the hypothesis that radiation-induced cancers might arise as a result of specific gene aberrations that are distinct from those in sporadic cancers, suggesting that methods of prevention and treatment of radiation-induced cancers might require a different approach. Understanding of the molecular mechanisms of Chernobyl-related papillary thyroid carcinomas will help to identify mechanisms by which radiation causes aberrations and oncogenic cell transformation. Thus, in turn, it will be important in the development of new treatments or technologies to minimize the effects of radiation damage from nuclear accidents or nuclear attacks.  相似文献   
Human opioid receptor (OR), a G-protein-coupled receptor, has been modeled using the helix axes as revealed by the crystallographic structure of bacteriorhodopsin and ligand binding profiles of single-point mutants of OR. The model revealed feasibility of existence of a second disulfide bridge between the transmembrane helices (TMHs) 6 and 7, Cys273-Cys303. A common binding site has been suggested for high-affinity selective agonists DPDPE, DPLPE, DTLET, BW373U86 and antagonist Naltrindole. Docking calculations have shown that the amino group of the ligands forms a hydrogen bond with the imidazole ring of His301 (TMH7) rather than with Asp128 (TMH3) and is not a cation counterpart of this highly conserved aspartyl residue. All the findings and the model shed light on the putative structure and functioning of opioid receptors and can be used for designing further mutagenesis experiments.  相似文献   
Energy landscapes of molecular recognition are explored by performing “semi-rigid” docking of FK-506 and rapamycin with the Fukisawa binding protein (FKBP-12), and flexible docking simulations of the Ro-31-8959 and AG-1284 inhibitors with HIV-1 protease by a genetic algorithm. The requirements of a molecular recognition model to meet thermodynamic and kinetic criteria of ligand-protein docking simultaneously are investigated using a family of simple molecular recognition energy functions. The critical factor that determines the success rate in predicting the structure of ligand-protein complexes is found to be the roughness of the binding energy landscape, in accordance with a minimal frustration principle. The results suggest that further progress in structure prediction of ligand-protein complexes can be achieved by designing molecular recognition energy functions that generate binding landscapes with reduced frustration. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Drm/Gremlin and Dan, two homologous secreted antagonists of bone morphogenic proteins, have been shown to regulate early development, tumorigenesis, and renal pathophysiology. In this study, we report that Drm and Dan physically and functionally interact with Slit1 and Slit2 proteins. Drm binding to Slits depends on its glycosylation and is not interfered with by bone morphogenic proteins. Importantly, Drm and Dan function as inhibitors for monocyte migration induced by stromal cell-derived factor 1alpha (SDF-1alpha) or fMLP. The inhibition of SDF-1alpha-induced monocyte chemotaxis by Dan is not due to blocking the binding of SDF-1alpha to its receptor. Thus, the results identify that Drm and Dan can interact with Slit proteins and act as inhibitors of monocyte chemotaxis, demonstrating a previously unidentified biological role for these proteins.  相似文献   
We have developed a laser induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) technique and instrumentation to remotely measure photosynthetic properties in terrestrial vegetation at a distance of up to 50 m. The LIFT method uses a 665 nm laser to project a collimated, 100 mm diameter excitation beam onto leaves of the targeted plant. Fluorescence emission at 690 nm is collected by a 250 mm reflective telescope and processed in real time to calculate the efficiency of photosynthetic light utilization, quantum efficiency of PS II, and the kinetics of photosynthetic electron transport. Operating with peak excitation power of 125 W m−2, and duty cycle of 10–50%, the instrument conforms to laser safety regulations. The LIFT instrument is controlled via an Internet connection, allowing it to operate from remote locations or platforms. Here we describe the theoretical basis of the LIFT methodology, and demonstrate its applications in remote measurements of photosynthetic properties in the canopy of cottonwood and oak trees, and in the rosette of Arabidopsis mutants.  相似文献   
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