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It is becoming increasingly likely that rodents will drive future disease epidemics with the continued expansion of cities worldwide. Though transmission risk is a growing concern, relatively little is known about pathogens carried by urban rats. Here, we assess whether the diversity and prevalence of Bartonella bacteria differ according to the (co)occurrence of rat hosts across New Orleans, LA (NO), where both Norway (Rattus norvegicus) and roof rats (Rattus rattus) are found, relative to New York City (NYC) which only harbors Norway rats. We detected human pathogenic Bartonella species in both NYC and New Orleans rodents. We found that Norway rats in New Orleans harbored a more diverse assemblage of Bartonella than Norway rats in NYC and that Norway rats harbored a more diverse and distinct assemblage of Bartonella compared to roof rats in New Orleans. Additionally, Norway rats were more likely to be infected with Bartonella than roof rats in New Orleans. Flea infestation appears to be an important predictor of Bartonella infection in Norway rats across both cities. These findings illustrate that pathogen infections can be heterogeneous in urban rodents and indicate that further study of host species interactions could clarify variation in spillover risk across cities.  相似文献   
As the COVID‐19 pandemic has largely increased the utilization of telehealth, mobile mental health technologies – such as smartphone apps, vir­tual reality, chatbots, and social media – have also gained attention. These digital health technologies offer the potential of accessible and scalable interventions that can augment traditional care. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive update on the overall field of digital psychiatry, covering three areas. First, we outline the relevance of recent technological advances to mental health research and care, by detailing how smartphones, social media, artificial intelligence and virtual reality present new opportunities for “digital phenotyping” and remote intervention. Second, we review the current evidence for the use of these new technological approaches across different mental health contexts, covering their emerging efficacy in self‐management of psychological well‐being and early intervention, along with more nascent research supporting their use in clinical management of long‐term psychiatric conditions – including major depression; anxiety, bipolar and psychotic disorders; and eating and substance use disorders – as well as in child and adolescent mental health care. Third, we discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities towards real‐world implementation, using the Integrated Promoting Action on Research Implementation in Health Services (i‐PARIHS) framework to explain how the innovations themselves, the recipients of these innovations, and the context surrounding innovations all must be considered to facilitate their adoption and use in mental health care systems. We conclude that the new technological capabilities of smartphones, artificial intelligence, social media and virtual reality are already changing mental health care in unforeseen and exciting ways, each accompanied by an early but promising evidence base. We point out that further efforts towards strengthening implementation are needed, and detail the key issues at the patient, provider and policy levels which must now be addressed for digital health technologies to truly improve mental health research and treatment in the future.  相似文献   
One of the major current challenges to both medicine and neuroscience is the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, which pose an ever-increasing medical, social and economic burden in the developed world. These disorders, which include Alzheimer's, Huntington's and Parkinson's diseases, and the rarer prion diseases, are separate entities clinically but have common features, including aggregates of misfolded proteins and varying patterns of neurodegeneration. A key barrier to effective treatment is that patients present clinically with advanced, irreversible, neuronal loss. Critically, mechanisms of neurotoxicity are poorly understood. Prevention of neuronal loss, ideally by targeting underlying pathogenic mechanisms, must be the aim of therapy. The present review describes the rationale and experimental approaches that have allowed such prevention, rescuing neurons in mice with prion disease. This rescue cured animals of a rapidly fatal neurodegenerative condition, resulting in symptom-free survival for their natural lifespan. Early pathological changes were reversed; behavioural, cognitive and neurophysiological deficits were recovered; and there was no neuronal loss. This was achieved by targeting the central pathogenic process in prion disease rather than the presumed toxic species, first by proof-of-principle experiments in transgenic mice and then by treatment using RNA interference for gene knockdown. The results have been a new therapeutic target for prion disease, further insight into mechanisms of prion neurotoxicity and the discovery of a window of reversibility in neuronal damage. Furthermore, the work gives rise to new concepts for treatment strategies for other neurodegenerative disorders, and highlights the need for clinical detection of early neuronal dysfunction, so that similar early rescue can also be achieved for these disorders.  相似文献   
Spatially and temporally choreographed cell cycles accompany the differentiation of the Drosophila retina. The extracellular signals that control these patterns have been identified through mosaic analysis of mutations in signal transduction pathways. All cells arrest in G1 prior to the start of neurogenesis. Arrest depends on Dpp and Hh, acting redundantly. Most cells then go through a synchronous round of cell division before fate specification and terminal cell cycle exit. Cell cycle entry is induced by Notch signaling and opposed in subsets of cells by EGF receptor activity. Unusually, Cyclin E levels are not limiting for retinal cell cycles. Rbf/E2F and the Cyclin E antagonist Dacapo are important, however. All retinal cells, including the postmitotic photoreceptor neurons, continue dividing when rbf and dacapo are mutated simultaneously. These studies identify the specific extracellular signals that pattern the retinal cell cycles and show how differentiation can be uncoupled from cell cycle exit.  相似文献   
The luminal surface of the chemosensory epithelia of the main olfactory organ of terrestrial vertebrates is covered by a layer of fluid. The source of this fluid layer varies among vertebrates. Little is known regarding the relative development of the sources of fluid (sustentacular cells and Bowman's glands) in reptiles, especially in gekkotan lizards (despite recent assertions of olfactory speciality). This study examined the extent and morphology of the main olfactory organ in several Australian squamate reptiles, including three species of gekkotans, two species of skinks and one snake species. The olfactory mucosa of two gekkotan species (Christinus marmoratus and Strophurus intermedius) is spread over a large area of the nasal cavity. Additionally, the sustentacular cells of all three gekkotan species contained a comparatively reduced number of secretory granules, in relation to the skinks or snake examined. These observations imply that the gekkotan olfactory system may function differently from that of either skinks or snakes. Similar variation in secretory granule abundance was previously noted between mammalian and non-mammalian olfactory sustentacular cells. The observations in gekkotans suggests that the secretory capacity of the non-mammalian olfactory sustentacular cells show far more variation than initially thought.  相似文献   
Synaptosomes were prepared from the cerebral cortex of adult rats by a rapid technique of centrifugation in a Ficoll-sucrose discontinuous gradient. The synaptosomal fraction contained 40 per cent of the total gradient activity of acid α-naphthyl phosphatase (EC Quantitative electron microscopy of this fraction revealed rare, typical, extrasynaptosomal dense body lysosomes. pH-activity profiles of free and Triton X-100 (total) activities were prepared for α-naphthyl phosphatase, β-glucuronidase (EC, β-galactosidase (EC, arylsulfatase (EC and N-acetylglucosaminidase (EC The ratios of total to free activity varied in the order: arylsulfatase > β-galactosidase > β-glucuronidase > N-acetylglucosaminidase > acid phosphohydrolase. Incubation of synaptosomal fractions at pH 5 and 37°C produced significant activation of β-galactosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase but no activation of cryptic lactate dehydrogenase (EC Hyposmotic suspension and subfractionation of the synaptosomal fraction produced considerable solubilization of lactate dehydrogenase, arylsulfatase and β-galactosidase but only partial liberation of α-naphthyl phosphatase, the remainder being associated with synaptosomal membrane fragments. Incomplete equilibrium sedimentation of synaptosomes in a continuous sucrose gradient (0·55-1·5 M) provided a broad lactate dehydrogenase and Na + K ATPase (EC peak (peak I) at low sucrose densities. β-Glucuronidase, β-glucosidase and α-naphthyl phosphatase were significantly present in peak I. Conversely, N-acetylglucosaminidase, arylsulphatase and β-galactosidase were predominantly located in denser particles sedimenting through 1·2 M sucrose (peak II). Electron microscopy confirmed the heterogeneity of this second peak and the presence of numerous extrasynapto-somal dense body lysosomes.  相似文献   
Summary The haemomonochorial placenta of the guinea-pig undergoes several quantitative changes between the 49th and 64th days of gestation, all of which are in such a direction as to increase the efficiency of transplacental transport. The fetal vessels become larger, the maternal vessels increase in surface area by proliferation of microvilli, and the effective mean distance between the two vessel sets decreases. The magnitude of these changes suggests that the efficiency of transport of hydrophilic solutes across the maternal-fetal interface could double, although changes in the number of permeation sites per unit area may modify this relationship. The presence of open intercellular spaces and fenestrations in the fetal endothelium suggests that this layer may not be a major permeability barrier in the guinea-pig, but may create an unstirred layer of extracellular fluid between endothelium and syncytiotrophoblast.  相似文献   
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