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Understanding dynamic cellular processes requires precise knowledge of the distribution, transport, and interactions of individual molecules in living cells. Despite recent progress in in vivo imaging, it has not been possible to express and directly track single molecules in the cytoplasm of live cells. Here, we overcome these limitations by combining fluorescent protein-labeling with high resolution total internal reflection fluorescence microcopy, using the molecular motor Kinesin-1 as model system. First, we engineered a three-tandem monomeric Citrine tag for genetic labeling of individual molecules and expressed this motor in COS cells. Detailed analysis of the quantized photobleaching behavior of individual fluorescent spots demonstrates that we are indeed detecting single proteins in the cytoplasm of live cells. Tracking the movement of individual cytoplasmic molecules reveals that individual Kinesin-1 motors in vivo move with an average speed of 0.78 +/- 0.11 microm/s and display an average run length of 1.17 +/- 0.38 microm, which agrees well with in vitro measurements. Thus, Kinesin-1's speed and processivity are not upregulated or hindered by macromolecular crowding. Second, we demonstrate that standard deviation maps of the fluorescence intensity computed from single molecule image sequences can be used to reveal important physiological information about infrequent cellular events in the noisy fluorescence background of live cells. Finally, we show that tandem fluorescent protein tags enable single-molecule, in vitro analyses of extracted, mammalian-expressed proteins. Thus, by combining direct genetic labeling and single molecule imaging in vivo, our work establishes an important new biophysical method for observing single molecules expressed and localized in the mammalian cytoplasm.  相似文献   
Many Golgi glycosyltransferases are type II membrane proteins which are cleaved to produce soluble forms that are released from cells. Cho and Cummings recently reported that a soluble form of alpha1, 3- galactosyltransferase was comparable to its membrane bound counterpart in its ability to galactosylate newly synthesized glycoproteins (Cho,S.K. and Cummings,R.D. (1997) J. Biol. Chem., 272, 13622-13628). To test the generality of their findings, we compared the activities of the full length and soluble forms of two such glycosyltransferases, ss1,4 N-Acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (GM2/GD2/ GA2 synthase; GalNAcT) and beta galactoside alpha2,6 sialyltransferase (alpha2,6-ST; ST6Gal I), for production of their glycoconjugate products in vivo . Unlike the full length form of GalNAcT which produced ganglioside GM2 in transfected cells, soluble GalNAcT did not produce detectable GM2 in vivo even though it possessed in vitro GalNAcT activity comparable to that of full length GalNAcT. When compared with cells expressing full length alpha2,6-ST, cells expressing a soluble form of alpha2,6-ST contained 3-fold higher alpha2,6-ST mRNA levels and secreted 7-fold greater alpha2,6-ST activity as measured in vitro , but in striking contrast contained 2- to 4-fold less of the alpha2,6-linked sialic acid moiety in cellular glycoproteins in vivo . In summary these results suggest that unlike alpha1,3-galactosyltransferase the soluble forms of these two glycosyltransferases are less efficient at glycosylation of membrane proteins and lipids in vivo than their membrane bound counterparts.   相似文献   
E Houben  de Gier JW    van Wijk KJ 《The Plant cell》1999,11(8):1553-1564
The mechanisms of targeting and insertion of chloroplast-encoded thylakoid membrane proteins are poorly understood. In this study, we have used a translation system isolated from chloroplasts to begin to investigate these mechanisms. The bacterial membrane protein leader peptidase (Lep) was used as a model protein because its targeting and insertion mechanisms are well understood for Escherichia coli and for the endoplasmic reticulum. Lep could thus provide insight into the functional homologies between the different membrane systems. Lep was efficiently expressed in the chloroplast translation system, and the protein could be inserted into thylakoid membranes with the same topology as in E. coli cytoplasmic membranes, following the positive-inside rule. Insertion of Lep into the thylakoid membrane was stimulated by the trans-thylakoid proton gradient and was strongly inhibited by azide, suggesting a requirement for SecA activity. Insertion most likely occurred in a cotranslational manner, because insertion could only be observed if thylakoid membranes were present during translation reactions but not when thylakoid membranes were added after translation reactions were terminated. To halt the elongation process at different stages, we translated truncated Lep mRNAs without a stop codon, resulting in the formation of stable ribosome nascent chain complexes. These complexes showed a strong, salt-resistant affinity for the thylakoid membrane, implying a functional interaction of the ribosome with the membrane and supporting a cotranslational insertion mechanism for Lep. Our study supports a functional homology for the insertion of Lep into the thylakoid membrane and the E. coli cytoplasmic membrane.  相似文献   
Histidyl-tRNA synthetase (HisRS) is responsible for the synthesis of histidyl-transfer RNA, which is essential for the incorporation of histidine into proteins. This amino acid has uniquely moderate basic properties and is an important group in many catalytic functions of enzymes. A compilation of currently known primary structures of HisRS shows that the subunits of these homo-dimeric enzymes consist of 420-550 amino acid residues. This represents a relatively short chain length among aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRS), whose peptide chain sizes range from about 300 to 1100 amino acid residues. The crystal structures of HisRS from two organisms and their complexes with histidine, histidyl-adenylate and histidinol with ATP have been solved. HisRS from Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus are very similar dimeric enzymes consisting of three domains: the N-terminal catalytic domain containing the six-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet and the three motifs characteristic of class II aaRS, a HisRS-specific helical domain inserted between motifs 2 and 3 that may contact the acceptor stem of the tRNA, and a C-terminal alpha/beta domain that may be involved in the recognition of the anticodon stem and loop of tRNA(His). The aminoacylation reaction follows the standard two-step mechanism. HisRS also belongs to the group of aaRS that can rapidly synthesize diadenosine tetraphosphate, a compound that is suspected to be involved in several regulatory mechanisms of cell metabolism. Many analogs of histidine have been tested for their properties as substrates or inhibitors of HisRS, leading to the elucidation of structure-activity relationships concerning configuration, importance of the carboxy and amino group, and the nature of the side chain. HisRS has been found to act as a particularly important antigen in autoimmune diseases such as rheumatic arthritis or myositis. Successful attempts have been made to identify epitopes responsible for the complexation with such auto-antibodies.  相似文献   
Cilia and flagella play important roles in human health by contributing to cellular motility as well as sensing and responding to environmental cues. Defects in ciliary assembly and/or function can lead to a range of human diseases, collectively known as the ciliopathies, including polycystic kidney, liver and pancreatic diseases, sterility, obesity, situs inversus, hydrocephalus and retinal degeneration. A basic understanding of how cilia form and function is essential for deciphering ciliopathies and generating therapeutic treatments. The cilium is a unique compartment that contains a distinct complement of protein and lipid. However, the molecular mechanisms by which soluble and membrane protein components are targeted to and trafficked into the cilium are not well understood. Cilia are generated and maintained by IFT (intraflagellar transport) in which IFT cargoes are transported along axonemal microtubules by kinesin and dynein motors. A variety of genetic, biochemical and cell biological approaches has established the heterotrimeric kinesin-2 motor as the 'core' IFT motor, whereas other members of the kinesin-2, kinesin-3 and kinesin-4 families function as 'accessory' motors for the transport of specific cargoes in diverse cell types. Motors of the kinesin-9 and kinesin-13 families play a non-IFT role in regulating ciliary beating or axonemal length, respectively. Entry of kinesin motors and their cargoes into the ciliary compartment requires components of the nuclear import machinery, specifically importin-β2 (transportin-1) and Ran-GTP (Ran bound to GTP), suggesting that similar mechanisms may regulate entry into the nuclear and ciliary compartments.  相似文献   
Long-range transport in cells is achieved primarily through motor-based transport along a network of microtubule tracks. Targeted transport by kinesin motors can be correlated with posttranslational modifications (PTMs) of the tubulin subunits in specific microtubules. To directly examine the influence of specific PTMs on kinesin-1 motility, we generated tubulin subunits that were either enriched in or lacking acetylation of α-tubulin lysine 40 (K40) or detyrosination of the α-tubulin C-terminal tail. We show that K40 acetylation does not result in significant changes in kinesin-1’s landing rate or motility parameters (velocity and run length) across experimental conditions. In contrast, detyrosination causes a moderate increase in kinesin-1’s landing rate. The fact that the effects of detyrosination are dampened by prior K40 acetylation indicates that the combination of PTMs may be an important aspect of the functional output of microtubule heterogeneity. Importantly, our results indicate that the moderate influences that single PTMs have on kinesin-1 in vitro do not explain the strong correlation between specific PTMs and kinesin-1 transport in cells. Thus, additional mechanisms for regulating kinesin-1 transport in cells must be explored in future work.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: New research criteria for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) have recently been developed to enable an early diagnosis of AD pathophysiologyby relying on emerging biomarkers. To enable efficient allocation of health care resources, evidence is needed to support decision makers on the adoption of emerging biomarkers in clinical practice. The research goals are to 1) assess the diagnostic test accuracy of current clinical diagnostic work-up and emerging biomarkers in MRI, PET and CSF, 2) perform a cost-consequence analysis and 3) assess long-term cost-effectiveness by an economic model.Methods/designIn a cohort design 223 consecutive patients suspected of having a primary neurodegenerative disease are approached in four academic memory clinics and followed for two years. Clinical data and data on quality of life, costs and emerging biomarkers are gathered.Diagnostic test accuracy is determined by relating the clinical practice and new research criteria diagnoses to the reference diagnosis. The clinical practice diagnosis at baseline is reflected by a consensus procedure among experts using clinical information only (no biomarkers). The diagnosis based on the new research criteria is reflected by decision rules that combine clinical and biomarker information. The reference diagnosis is determined by a consensus procedure among experts based on clinical information on the course of symptoms over a two-year time period.A decision analytic model is built combining available evidence from different resources among which (accuracy) results from the study, literature and expert opinion to assess long-term cost-effectiveness of the emerging biomarkers. DISCUSSION: Several other multi-centre trials study the relative value of new biomarkers for early evaluation of AD and related disorders. The uniqueness of this study is the assessment of resource utilization and quality of life to enable an economic evaluation. The study results are generalizable to a population of patients who are referred to a memory clinic due to their memory problems.Trial registrationNCT01450891.  相似文献   
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