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A recent pediatric-focused genome-wide association study has implicated three novel susceptibility loci for Crohn’ disease (CD).We aimed to investigate whether the three recently reported and other previously reported genes/loci were also associated with CD in Canadian children. A case–control design was implemented at three pediatric gastroenterology clinics in Canada. Children <19 years of age with a confirmed diagnosis of CD were recruited along with controls. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 19 reported genes/loci were genotyped. Associations between individual SNPs and CD were examined. A total of 563 cases and 553 controls were studied. The mean (±SD) age of the cases was 12.3 (±3.2) years. Most cases were male (56.0%), had ileo-colonic disease (L3 ± L4, 48.8%) and inflammatory behavior (B1 ± p, 87.9%) at diagnosis. Allelic association analysis (two-tailed) showed that 8 of the 19 targeted SNPs were significantly associated with overall susceptibility for CD. Associations with one additional SNP was borderline non-significant. Significantly associated SNPs included SNPs rs1250550 (p = 0.026) and rs8049439 (p = 0.04), recently reported to be specifically associated with pediatric-onset CD.Based on the results, we confirmed associations between two of the three novel pediatric-CD loci and other regions reported for associations with either pediatric and/or adult-onset CD.  相似文献   
Effect of N-acetylcysteine on the pharmacokinetics of acetaminophen in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R E Galinsky  G Levy 《Life sciences》1979,25(8):693-699
Oral administration of N-acetylcysteine (163 mg/kg at zero time and 82 mg/kg 30 minutes later) to adult male Sprague-Dawley rats given an intravenous injection of acetaminophen, 150 mg/kg at zero time, increased the formation of acetaminophen sulfate and thereby enhanced the elimination of acetaminophen. Apparently, N-acetylcysteine is an in vivo source of inorganic sulfate since availability of the latter is rate-limiting in the formation of acetaminophen sulfate. Increased metabolic conversion of acetaminophen to its sulfate conjugate results in decreased formation of other metabolites of acetaminophen, presumably including the reactive metabolite responsible for the hepatotoxic effect of the drug. This may account, at least in part, for the protective effect of N-acetylcysteine against acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   
Ionizing radiation can damage cells by breaking both strands of DNA in multiple locations, essentially cutting chromosomes into pieces. The cell has enzymatic mechanisms to repair such breaks; however, these mechanisms are imperfect and, in an exchange process, may produce a large-scale rearrangement of the genome, called a chromosome aberration. Chromosome aberrations are important in killing cells, during carcinogenesis, in characterizing repair/misrepair pathways, in retrospective radiation biodosimetry, and in a number of other ways. DNA staining techniques such as mFISH (multicolor fluorescent in situ hybridization) provide a means for analyzing aberration spectra by examining observed final patterns. Unfortunately, an mFISH observed final pattern often does not uniquely determine the underlying exchange process. Further, resolution limitations in the painting protocol sometimes lead to apparently incomplete final patterns. We here describe an algorithm for systematically finding exchange processes consistent with any observed final pattern. This algorithm uses aberration multigraphs, a mathematical formalism that links the various aspects of aberration formation. By applying a measure to the space of consistent multigraphs, we will show how to generate model-specific distributions of aberration processes from mFISH experimental data. The approach is implemented by software freely available over the internet. As a sample application, we apply these algorithms to an aberration data set, obtaining a distribution of exchange cycle sizes, which serves to measure aberration complexity. Estimating complexity, in turn, helps indicate how damaging the aberrations are and may facilitate identification of radiation type in retrospective biodosimetry.  相似文献   
Gardens with nectar sources and larval host plants have been proposed to stem the decline in butterfly abundance caused by habitat loss. However, no study has provided evidence that gardens benefit butterflies. We examined the use of natural sites and gardens in the San Francisco bay area by the butterfly, Battus philenor. We found that natural sites were more likely to attract adult B. philenor, received more oviposition, and had higher juvenile survival than gardens sites. Butterflies were more likely to be present in gardens with established populations of the host plant, Aristolochia californica, growing in the sun. Battus philenor are unlikely to visit gardens with host plants planted within the past 7 years. Gardens between the ages of 8–40 years received oviposition, but did not always support completion of larval development of B. philenor. In gardens with host plants over 40 years of age, B. philenor consistently survived from egg to the adult stage. Natural enemy induced mortality of eggs did not differ between garden and natural sites, but overall egg survival was lower in gardens than at natural sites. It is unlikely that gardens serve as 'refugia' for B. philenor in years when populations in natural sites experience low survival or low fecundity. Even in gardens capable of supporting larvae to maturity, the density of eggs and survival rates were lower than in natural populations of the host plant suggesting that gardens were not optimal habitats. Therefore, without evidence that juvenile abundance and survival rates in gardens matches or exceeds that in natural sites, it is most likely that gardens act as population sinks for B. philenor.  相似文献   
A membrane component involved in the transport of adenosine in adipocytes has been identified utilizing the techniques of photoaffinity labeling with the adenosine derivative, 8-azidoadenosine. In the absence of light, adenosine and 8-azidoadenosine exhibited similar transport characteristics. In addition, adenosine was shown to be a competitive inhibitor of 8-azidoadenosine uptake, and the photoprobe, a competitive inhibitor of adenosine uptake. Analysis of the nucleotide metabolites indicated that the photoprobe was metabolized in a similar fashion to that observed for adenosine. Several nucleoside transport inhibitors were also equally effective in inhibiting the uptake of both nucleosides. These results suggest that 8-azidoadenosine is transported by the same membrane system as adenosine. Photolysis of 8-azido[2-3H]adenosine in the presence of adipocytes resulted in the covalent incorporation of the photoprobe into the plasma membrane fraction. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that essentially all of the radioactivity was incorporated into a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 56,000. This labeling was inhibited by greater than 90% when the photolysis was carried out in the presence of excess adenosine or the transport inhibitors, persantin or theophylline. Fractionation of the labeled plasma membranes by dialysis against water (pH 9.5) indicated that approximately 75% of the radioactivity was associated with a glycoprotein which resisted solubilization by this procedure. These results suggest that the major labeled species is a 56,000 Mr intrinsic membrane glycoprotein which may function as a component of a transmembrane assembly involved in the transport of adenosine.  相似文献   
The SB region of the human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) has been cloned from cosmid and lambda phage libraries made from the human B-lymphoblastoid cell line Priess (DR4/4, DC4/4, SB3/4). Two alpha genes and two beta genes are encoded in the 100 kb long SB region in the order SB alpha-SB beta-SX alpha-SX beta. The SB alpha and SB beta genes encode the alpha and beta subunits of the SB subset of class II MHC molecules. Both the SX alpha and the SX beta genes are pseudogenes in the haplotype examined. From the isolated clones, the two haplotypes of the Priess cell line, SB3 and SB4, are distinguished by nucleotide sequencing and blot hybridization analyses. Restriction site polymorphisms between the SB3 and SB4 clones were observed only in relatively small regions of the SB beta and SX beta genes. A mouse macrophage cell line was transfected with one of the cosmid clones containing both SB alpha and SB beta genes. Expression of the alpha and beta genes was detected by fluorescene-activated cell sorting (FACS) and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis using SB-specific monoclonal antibodies.  相似文献   
Potato plants ( Solanum tuberosum L. cvs 'Up-to-Date', 'Desiree', 'Alpha', 'Spunta', 'Elvira' and 'Troubadour') were exposed to cycles of water stress and relief during growth. Severe water deficit induced increased proline content 6- to 7-fold in nonturgid leaves which just started to wilt, and 8- to 27-fold in fully wilted leaves of potatoes. However, proline content was not affected during the early stages of stress development over a range of osmotic potentials in the leaves. The rising proline content was related to turgor loss of leaves independent of changes in the osmotic potentials, which indicates that proline involvement in osmoregulation of potato leaves is unlikely.
Repeated cycles of water stress and relief resulted in increased proline and α-amino nitrogen content in the tuber tissue of some of the cultivars. The smallest increase in proline content was obtained in 'Alpha' tubers and the content of α-amino nitrogen remained unaffected by the water stress. Concomitantly, 'Alpha' was the most drought-tolerant cultivar, as determined by its capacity to accumulate dry matter in tubers under stress conditions. On the other hand, in tubers of cultivars which were more susceptible to drought, a marked increase in proline and α-amino nitrogen was observed in response to water stress. The possible association of these findings with tolerance of potatoes to repeated short periods of drought is discussed.  相似文献   
Aims of the study were 1) to compare Hudgel's hyperbolic with Rohrer's polynomial model in describing the pressure-flow relationship, 2) to use this pressure-flow relationship to describe these resistances and to evaluate the effects of sleep stages on pharyngeal resistances, and 3) to compare these resistances to the pressure-to-flow ratio (DeltaP/V). We studied 12 patients: three with upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), four with obstructive sleep hypopnea syndrome (OSHS), three with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), and two with simple snoring (SS). Transpharyngeal pressures were calculated between choanae and epiglottis. Flow was measured by use of a pneumotachometer. The pressure-flow relationship was established by using nonlinear regression and was appreciated by the Pearson's square (r(2)). Mean resistance at peak pressure (Rmax) was calculated according to the hyperbolic model during stable respiration. In 78% of the cases, the value of r(2) was greater when the hyperbolic model was used. We demonstrated that Rmax was in excellent agreement with P/V. UARS patients exhibited higher awake mean Rmax than normal subjects and other subgroups and a larger increase from wakefulness to slow-wave sleep than subjects with OSAS, OSHS, and SS. Analysis of breath-by-breath changes in Rmax was also a sensitive method to detect episodes of high resistance during sleep.  相似文献   
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