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Neuromodulin (also designated P-57, GAP-43, B-50) is a major presynaptic substrate for protein kinase C. Phosphorylation of neuromodulin decreases its affinity for calmodulin, suggesting that neuromodulin may function to bind and concentrate calmodulin at specific sites within neurons, releasing calmodulin locally in response to phosphorylation by protein kinase C (Alexander, K. A., Cimler, B. M., Meier, K. E., and Storm, D. R. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 6108-6113). In the present study, we have constructed and characterized several mutant neuromodulins to demonstrate that the amino acid sequence 39-56 is required for calmodulin binding, and that this domain contains the sole in vitro protein kinase C phosphorylation site at serine 41. We also demonstrate that the adjacent phenylalanine 42, interacts hydrophobically with calmodulin. These hydrophobic interactions may be disrupted by the introduction of negative charge at serine 41, and thereby regulate the neuromodulin/calmodulin binding interactions. The sensitivity of the neuromodulin/calmodulin binding interaction to negative charge at serine 41 was determined by substitution of serine 41 with an aspartate or an asparagine residue. The asparagine mutant retained its affinity for calmodulin-Sepharose while the aspartate mutant did not adsorb to calmodulin-Sepharose. We conclude that protein kinase C phosphorylation of neuromodulin abolishes calmodulin binding by introducing negative charges within the calmodulin binding domain at a position adjacent to the phenylalanine.  相似文献   
Restriction analysis of the approximately 100 integrated baboon endogenous virus (BaEV) proviruses in baboon cells and tissues has revealed two major sequence variations, both in the gag gene region of the genome. One, a 150 nucleotide pair insert, is present in a small proportion of the proviral DNAs and some baboons, but is present in the majority of the proviral DNAs of other baboons. The second, a Bam HI recognition sequence located 2.25 kb from the proviral 5' end, is missing or modified in approximately one-half of the integrated genomes. We consider the possibility that accumulation of proviruses not containing the 0.15 kb insert is correlated with viral activation and expression since it is this form that is a replication intermediate in freshly infected permissive cells. It is evident from these initial studies that the organization of the multiple BaEV proviruses in baboon DNA has undergone modification during evolution.  相似文献   
Murine melanoma line B16-F1, which shows some specificity for metastatic organ colonization of lung but rarely metastasizes to ovary, was used to select variant cell lines with increased preference for experimental ovary metastasis. Ovary-colonizing melanoma cell lines were sequentially selected in syngeneic C57BL/6 mice by repeated intravenous administration and surgical recovery of ovarian melanoma tumors for tissue culture. After ten selections for experimental ovary metastasis, line B16-010 was established which formed experimental metastatic ovary tumors in almost every test animal. In tissue culture B16–010 cells grew in circular in circular colonies with rounded, smooth cell peripheries compared to B16-F1 cells which were flatter, grew in irregular patterns, and exhibited long cellular projections. Ovary-selected B16 lines contained less melainin pigment (B16-010 < B16-05 < B16-01 ? B16-F1) compared to the parental melanoma line. Together with previous cloning and selection data, these results are consistent with the preexistence of highly malignant cells in the parental tumor population that possess the ability to metastasize to specific organs.  相似文献   
Tertiary amine local anesthetics (dibucaine, Tetracaine, procaine, etc.) modify cell morphology, concanavalin A (Con A)-mediated agglutinability and redistribution of Con A receptors. Con A agglutination of untransformed mouse 3T3 cells was enhanced at low concentrations of local anesthetics, and the dynamics of fluorescent-Con A indicated that ligand-induced clustering was increased in the presence of the drugs. In contast, these drugs inhibited Con A-induced receptor capping on mouse spleen cells. These effects can be duplicated by combinations of vinblastine (or colchicine) and cytochalasin B suggesting that local anesthetics act on microtubule cell surface receptor mobility and distribution. It is proposed that tertiary amine local anesthetics displace plasma membrane-bond Ca2+, resulting in disengagement of microfilament systems from the plasma membrane and increased cellular Ca2+ concentration to levels which disrupt microtubular organization. The possible involvement of cellular Ca2+ in cytoskeletal destruction by local anesthetics was investigated utilizing Ca2+-specific ionophores A23187 and X537A. In media containing Ca2+ and cytochalasin B these ionophores caused effects similar to tertiary amine local anesthetics.  相似文献   
The structure and organization of the zona pellucida and plasma membrane of the hamster egg at various stages of maturation and development were examined using lectin-mediated agglutination and the binding of fluorescent-labeled lectins. Ricinus communis I and Dolichos biflorus lectins specifically agglutinated the zona pellucida of both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, while wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) only agglutinated eggs which had been pretreated with protease. Six other lectins failed to agglutinate even eggs pretreated with protease. A comparison of the lectin-binding sites on the zona pellucida of eggs in various stages of maturation and development revealed that the intensity of binding and distribution of fluorescent-labeled lectins remain unchanged. Zona-free eggs were agglutinated by every lectin tested except those recognizing -fucose-like residues. Fertilized zona-free eggs were slightly more agglutinable by concanavalin A (ConA), Lens culinaris and WGA than unfertilized eggs. When the surfaces of zona-free eggs were examined with fluorescent ConA, Ricinus communis I and WGA, maximal binding was seen when eggs reached full maturity and binding decreased during the later stages of preimplantation development.  相似文献   
Heparanases and tumor metastasis   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The successful penetration of endothelial basement membranes is an important process in the formation of hematogenous tumor metastases. Heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan is a major constituent of endothelial basement membranes, and we have found that HS-degradative activities of metastatic B16 melanoma sublines correlate with their lung-colonizing potentials. The melanoma HS-degrading enzyme is a unique endo-beta-D-glucuronidase (heparanase) that cleaves HS at specific intrachain sites and is detectable in a variety of cultured human malignant melanomas. The treatment of B16 melanoma cells with heparanase inhibitors that have few other biological activities, such as N-acetylated N-desulfated heparin, results in significant reductions in the numbers of experimental lung metastases in syngeneic mice, indicating that heparanase plays an important role in melanoma metastasis. HS-degrading endoglycosidases are not tumor-specific and have been found in several normal tissues and cells. There are at least three types of endo-beta-D-glucuronidases based on their substrate specificities. Melanoma heparanase, an Mr approximately 96,000 enzyme with specificity for beta-D-glucuronosyl-N-acetylglucosaminyl linkages in HS, is different from platelet and mastocytoma endoglucuronidases. Elevated levels of heparanase have been detected in sera from metastatic tumor-bearing animals and malignant melanoma patients, and a correlation exists between serum heparanase activity and extent of metastases. The results suggest that heparanase is potentially a useful marker for tumor metastasis.  相似文献   
Structural analysis of the pilE region of Neisseria gonorrhoeae P9   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We have determined the nucleotide sequence of an expressed structural pilus gene (pilE) derived from Neisseria gonorrhoeae strain P9-2. Detailed analysis of nucleotide sequences upstream from pilE revealed a silent, truncated pilin gene segment that was linked to families of DNA elements (RS1 and RS3) that have previously been identified at the major silent pilin gene locus (pilS1) and at pilE of the independently isolated N. gonorrhoeae strain MS11ms. A nucleotide sequence downstream from pilE was reminiscent of the recognition sequences of several recombinases, including Tn3 tnpR product (resolvase), suggesting a possible role for site-specific events in the recombinational modulation of pilus expression.  相似文献   
Formica polyctena antidiuretic factor (FopADF) was purified from a 15% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) extract of the abdomens of 150,000 worker ants. After solid phase extraction of the crude extract and reversed-phase HPLC on two C(18) columns, an antidiuretic factor was isolated. Tested at a concentration of 1.0 ant-equivalents/μl (ant-eq/μl), the factor reversibly inhibited fluid secretion of isolated Malpighian tubules to 29+/-5% (mean+/-SE, n=24) of the control value. The same concentration of FopADF reversibly depolarized both the basolateral membrane potential (V(bl)), from -21+/-2 mV to -3+/-1 mV (n=5), and the apical membrane potential (V(ap)), from -65+/-5 mV to -20+/-5 mV (n=5). Similar effects on fluid secretion and V(ap) were caused by a TFA extract of the haemolymph of ants with non-secreting tubules. Unfortunately, further purification of FopADF on a C(4) column led to a loss of activity in the fluid secretion assay. This is the first time an endogenous antidiuretic factor acting directly on Malpighian tubules has been partially purified and shown to depolarize the tubule cell membranes.  相似文献   
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