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DNA gyrase is unique among type II topoisomerases in that its DNA supercoiling activity is unidirectional. The C-terminal domain of the gyrase A subunit (GyrA-CTD) is required for this supercoiling bias. We report here the x-ray structure of the Escherichia coli GyrA-CTD (Protein Data Bank code 1ZI0). The E. coli GyrA-CTD adopts a circular-shaped beta-pinwheel fold first seen in the Borrelia burgdorferi GyrA-CTD. However, whereas the B. burgdorferi GyrA-CTD is flat, the E. coli GyrA-CTD is spiral. DNA relaxation assays reveal that the E. coli GyrA-CTD wraps DNA inducing substantial (+) superhelicity, while the B. burgdorferi GyrA-CTD introduces a more modest (+) superhelicity. The observation of a superhelical spiral in the present structure and that of the Bacillus stearothermophilus ParC-CTD structure suggests unexpected similarities in substrate selectivity between gyrase and Topo IV enzymes. We propose a model wherein the right-handed ((+) solenoidal) wrapping of DNA around the E. coli GyrA-CTD enforces unidirectional (-) DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   
In an inbred low-activity (LA) strain of Drosophila melanogaster with a low level of fitness and a complex of inadaptive characters, in situ hybridization reveals an invariant pattern of distribution of three copia-like elements (mdg-1, mdg-3, and copia). Rare, spontaneous, multiple transpositions of mobile elements in the LA strain were shown to be coupled with a drastic increase of fitness. A changed pattern of various types of mobile elements was also observed on selecting the LA strain for higher fitness. High-fitness strains show transpositions of mobile elements to definite chromosomal sites ("hot spots"). Concerted changes in the location of three different mobile elements were found to be coupled with an increase of fitness. The mdg-1 distribution patterns were also examined in two low-fitness strains independently selected from the high-fitness ones. Fitness decrease was accompanied by mdg-1 excision from the hot spots of their location usually detected in the high-fitness strains. The results suggest the existence of a system of adaptive transpositions of mobile elements that takes part in fitness control.   相似文献   
MutM is a bacterial DNA glycosylase that serves as the first line of defense against the highly mutagenic 8-oxoguanine (oxoG) lesion, catalyzing glycosidic bond cleavage of oxoG to initiate base excision DNA repair. Previous work has shown that MutM actively interrogates DNA for the presence of an intrahelical oxoG lesion. This interrogation process involves significant buckling and bending of the DNA to promote extrusion of oxoG from the duplex. Structural snapshots have revealed several different highly conserved residues that are prominently inserted into the duplex in the vicinity of the target oxoG before and after base extrusion has occurred. However, the roles of these helix-invading residues during the lesion recognition and base extrusion process remain unclear. In this study, we set out to probe the function of residues Phe114 and Met77 in oxoG recognition and repair. Here we report a detailed biochemical and structural characterization of MutM variants containing either a F114A or M77A mutation, both of which showed significant decreases in the efficiency of oxoG repair. These data reveal that Met77 plays an important role in stabilizing the lesion-extruded conformation of the DNA. Phe114, on the other hand, appears to destabilize the intrahelical state of the oxoG lesion, primarily by buckling the target base pair. We report the observation of a completely unexpected interaction state, in which the target base pair is ruptured but remains fully intrahelical; this structure vividly illustrates the disruptive influence of MutM on the target base pair.  相似文献   
Abstract: A review on the Oligocene and Miocene stalked barnacles of the Paratethys Sea is presented. The fauna comprises two lepadiform and eight scalpelliform species. Only two species are known from Oligocene deposits, four are documented from Lower Miocene formations, and another four species occur in the Middle Miocene. Only one Oligocene and one Miocene species occur in two different Paratethyan basins in roughly coeval environments, and only a single Middle Miocene species is also known from the adjacent Mediterranean Sea. This low degree of biogeographical similarity is probably a result from the still low number of publications dealing with this group. Stalked barnacles are often indicating bathyal or at least deep sublittoral environments. Especially, the abundance of the benthic deep‐water lepadiform Poecilasma in evaporitic deposits of the Middle Miocene Badenian Salinity Crisis may serve as new evidence for a deeper marine depositional environment. Scalpellum paratethyianum sp. nov. and Lepas sattmanni sp. nov. are described as new species; Arcoscalpellum renevieri (Mayer and Gümbel in Gümbel, 1861) is introduced as new combination.  相似文献   
Huang FL  GL Zhu  YS Chen  FJ Meng  M Peng  XF Chen  ZB He  ZY Zhang  YJ Chen 《Phyton》2015,84(1):26-33
Oil content and fatty acid composition were investigated on 12 castor varieties and strains by using the soxhlet extraction method and capillary gas chromatography. This was made to provide a reference and theoretical basis for castorbean breeding with high oil content, determine variability of seed compounds for breeding purposes, and broaden chemical material choices. Results revealed that crude fat percentage in seeds ranged from 18.91 to 35.84% with an average of 25.91%; the absolute content of ricinoleic acid varied between 171.65 g/kg and 314.03 g/kg with an average of 222.43 g/kg, and kernel crude fat percentage was between 24.28 and 46.97% with an average of 34.30%. All these study variables were highest in the 2129 strain. The percentage of ricinoleic acid in crude fat was between 83.85 to 87.62%, and the highest value was found in the zhebi4 accession. The other fatty acids appeared in small concentrations, and showed small amplitude: 1.12 to 1.61%, 1.21 to 1.61%, 3.53 to 4.80%, 5.35 to 6.38%, 0.52 to 0.79%, 0.05 to 0.08% and 0.43 to 0.55%, for palmitic, stearic, oleic, linolic, linolenic, arachidic, and arachidonic acids, respectively. One hundred seed weight was determined for each accession. One hundred seed weight ranged from 25.7 g to 34.0 g with an average of 29.9 g. There was a significant correlation between seed weight and oil content, but the correlation value was low (r=0.51). Cluster analysis by SSPS based on the content of fatty acid composition revealed that the accessions were divided into three independent clusters. These findings will clearly provide useful information for further research in breeding and utilization of castor oil.  相似文献   
认识BMP及其受体与口腔正常上皮及其癌变的关系。有助于深入了解口腔上皮癌变的机理。本文用免疫组织化学方法对BMP-2/4,-5与BMPR-IA在口腔颊部粘膜正常上皮,良性病变和癌变中的表达进行观察和半定量分析。标本包括:9例正常上皮(normal buccal muosa,NB)。8例慢性炎症(nonspecific chronic inflammation,NCI),7例过度角化(hyperkeratosis,HK)。5例乳头状瘤(squamous cell papilloma,SCP)。29例鳞癌(squamous cell carcinoma,SCC)。10例癌旁上皮(epithelium immediately adjacent to carcinoma,EAC)以及6例硬腭粘膜上皮(normal mucosa of hard palate,NHP)。结果显示:BMP-2/4,-5与BMPR-IA在口腔粘膜的正常与良性病变上皮中有弱的和不均一的阳性表达,NB与NHP无明显差别,而除3例SCC外,其它SCC几乎均有程度不一的阳性表达,在EAC中的表达接近于SCC,二者明显高于正常与良性组,此外,转移在淋巴结中的癌细胞的BMP-2/4与BMP-5阳性程度略高于原发灶的癌细胞,本文认为;BMP-2/4,5与BMPR-IA可能参与调控口腔上皮的癌变。  相似文献   
The bacterial mismatch-specific uracil-DNA glycosylase (MUG) and eukaryotic thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG) enzymes form a homologous family of DNA glycosylases that initiate base-excision repair of G:U/T mismatches. Despite low sequence homology, the MUG/TDG enzymes are structurally related to the uracil-DNA glycosylase enzymes, but have a very different mechanism for substrate recognition. We have now determined the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli MUG enzyme complexed with an oligonucleotide containing a non-hydrolysable deoxyuridine analogue mismatched with guanine, providing the first structure of an intact substrate-nucleotide productively bound to a hydrolytic DNA glycosylase. The structure of this complex explains the preference for G:U over G:T mispairs, and reveals an essentially non-specific pyrimidine-binding pocket that allows MUG/TDG enzymes to excise the alkylated base, 3, N(4)-ethenocytosine. Together with structures for the free enzyme and for an abasic-DNA product complex, the MUG-substrate analogue complex reveals the conformational changes accompanying the catalytic cycle of substrate binding, base excision and product release.  相似文献   
DNA lesion recognition by the bacterial repair enzyme MutM   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MutM is a bacterial DNA glycosylase that removes the mutagenic lesion 8-oxoguanine (oxoG) from duplex DNA. The means of oxoG recognition by MutM (also known as Fpg) is of fundamental interest, in light of the vast excess of normal guanine bases present in genomic DNA. The crystal structure of a recognition-competent but catalytically inactive version of MutM in complex with oxoG-containing DNA reveals the structural basis for recognition. MutM binds the oxoG nucleoside in the syn glycosidic configuration and distinguishes oxoG from guanine by reading out the protonation state of the N7 atom. The segment of MutM principally responsible for oxoG recognition is a flexible loop, suggesting that conformational mobility influences lesion recognition and catalysis. Furthermore, the structure of MutM in complex with DNA containing an alternative substrate, dihydrouracil, demonstrates how MutM is able to recognize lesions other than oxoG.  相似文献   
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