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In this study, we characterized the molecular mobility around T(g) in sugars, poly-L-lysine and dry desiccation-tolerant biological systems, using ST-EPR, (1)H-NMR, and FTIR spectroscopy, to understand the nature and composition of biological glasses. Two distinct changes in the temperature dependence of the rotational correlation time (tau(R)) of the spin probe 3-carboxy-proxyl or the second moment (M(2)) were measured in sugars and poly-L-lysine. With heating, the first change was associated with the melting of the glassy state (T(g)). The second change (T(c)), at which tau(R) abruptly decreased over several orders of magnitude, was found to correspond with the so-called cross-over temperature, where the dynamics changed from solid-like to liquid-like. The temperature interval between T(g) and T(c) increased in the order of sucrose < trehalose < raffinose 50 degrees C, implying that the stability above T(g) improved in the same order. These differences in temperature-dependent mobilities above T(g) suggest that proteins rather than sugars play an important role in the intracellular glass formation. The exceptionally high T(c) of intracellular glasses is expected to provide excellent long-term stability to dry organisms, maintaining a slow molecular motion in the cytoplasm even at temperatures far above T(g).  相似文献   
Nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) is essential for hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication and constitutes an attractive target for antiviral drug development. Although structural data for its in-plane membrane anchor and domain D1 are available, the structure of domains 2 (D2) and 3 (D3) remain poorly defined. We report here a comparative molecular characterization of the NS5A-D3 domains of the HCV JFH-1 (genotype 2a) and Con1 (genotype 1b) strains. Combining gel filtration, CD, and NMR spectroscopy analyses, we show that NS5A-D3 is natively unfolded. However, NS5A-D3 domains from both JFH-1 and Con1 strains exhibit a propensity to partially fold into an α-helix. NMR analysis identifies two putative α-helices, for which a molecular model could be obtained. The amphipathic nature of the first helix and its conservation in all genotypes suggest that it might correspond to a molecular recognition element and, as such, promote the interaction with relevant biological partner(s). Because mutations conferring resistance to cyclophilin inhibitors have been mapped into NS5A-D3, we also investigated the functional interaction between NS5A-D3 and cyclophilin A (CypA). CypA indeed interacts with NS5A-D3, and this interaction is completely abolished by cyclosporin A. NMR heteronuclear exchange experiments demonstrate that CypA has in vitro peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans-isomerase activity toward some, but not all, of the peptidyl-prolyl bonds in NS5A-D3. These studies lead to novel insights into the structural features of NS5A-D3 and its relationships with CypA.  相似文献   
In yeast the Protein Kinase A (PKA) pathway can be activated by a variety of nutrients. Fermentable sugars, like glucose and sucrose, trigger a spike in the cAMP level, followed by activation of PKA and phosphorylation of target proteins causing a.o. mobilization of reserve carbohydrates, repression of stress-related genes and induction of growth-related genes. Glucose and sucrose are sensed by a G-protein coupled receptor system that activates adenylate cyclase and also activates a bypass pathway causing direct activation of PKA. Addition of other essential nutrients, like nitrogen sources or phosphate, to glucose-repressed nitrogen- or phosphate-starved cells, also triggers rapid activation of the PKA pathway. In these cases cAMP is not involved as a second messenger. Amino acids are sensed by the Gap1 transceptor, previously considered only as an amino acid transporter. Recent results indicate that the amino acid ligand has to induce a specific conformational change for signaling. The same amino acid binding site is involved in transport and signaling. Similar results have been obtained for Pho84 which acts as a transceptor for phosphate activation of the PKA pathway. Ammonium activation of the PKA pathway in nitrogen-starved cells is mediated mainly by the Mep2 transceptor, which belongs to a different class of transporter proteins. Hence, different types of sensing systems are involved in control of the yeast PKA pathway by nutrients.  相似文献   
Helicobacter suis (H. suis) is a widespread porcine gastric pathogen, which is also of zoonotic importance. The first goal of this study was to investigate the efficacy of several vaccine adjuvants (CpG-DNA, Curdlan, Freund’s Complete and Incomplete, Cholera toxin), administered either subcutaneously or intranasally along with H. suis whole-cell lysate, to protect against subsequent H. suis challenge in a BALB/c infection model. Subcutaneous immunization with Freund’s complete (FC)/lysate and intranasal immunization with Cholera toxin (CT)/lysate were shown to be the best options for vaccination against H. suis, as determined by the amount of colonizing H. suis bacteria in the stomach, although adverse effects such as post-immunization gastritis/pseudo-pyloric metaplasia and increased mortality were observed, respectively. Therefore, we decided to test alternative strategies, including sublingual vaccine administration, to reduce the unwanted side-effects. A CCR4 antagonist that transiently inhibits the migration of regulatory T cells was also included as a new adjuvant in this second study. Results confirmed that immunization with CT (intranasally or sublingually) is among the most effective vaccination protocols, but increased mortality was still observed. In the groups immunized subcutaneously with FC/lysate and CCR4 antagonist/lysate, a significant protection was observed. Compared to the FC/lysate immunized group, gastric pseudo-pyloric metaplasia was less severe or even absent in the CCR4 antagonist/lysate immunized group. In general, an inverse correlation was observed between IFN-γ, IL-4, IL-17, KC, MIP-2 and LIX mRNA expression and H. suis colonization density, whereas lower IL-10 expression levels were observed in partially protected animals.  相似文献   
Dispersal can be regarded as a process operating both betweenand within patches of suitable habitat. For uncontrolled dispersalprocesses, the risk of crossing the borders of the habitat patchand arriving in the unsuitable landscape matrix will increasewith decreasing patch area, in particular when the distancebetween isolated habitat patches is larger than the species'average dispersal capacity. Ballooning dispersal in spiderscan be considered as a passive dispersal process, in which disperseddistances depend on the prevalent wind velocity. We executeda reaction norm analysis to analyze how dispersal propensityof the salt marsh wolf spider Pardosa purbeckensis dependedon population characteristics (patch size) and the environment(wind velocity). Dispersal propensity was affected by the interactionbetween wind velocity and maternal patch size. Ballooning propensitiesdecreased with decreasing salt marsh size. Interestingly, genotypesfrom large salt marshes show higher ballooning propensitiesunder higher wind velocities, whereas those from small habitatpatches show their highest dispersal propensity under low windvelocities. Crossing reaction norms and subsequently stronggenotype x environment interaction variation was observed inall populations but tended to be lower in genotypes from largesalt marshes. It is likely that this pattern results from differencesin wind velocity–related costs of within-habitat dispersalin salt marshes of different sizes.  相似文献   
Correlated motif mining (cmm) is the problem of finding overrepresented pairs of patterns, called motifs, in sequences of interacting proteins. Algorithmic solutions for cmm thereby provide a computational method for predicting binding sites for protein interaction. In this paper, we adopt a motif-driven approach where the support of candidate motif pairs is evaluated in the network. We experimentally establish the superiority of the Chi-square-based support measure over other support measures. Furthermore, we obtain that cmm is an np-hard problem for a large class of support measures (including Chi-square) and reformulate the search for correlated motifs as a combinatorial optimization problem. We then present the generic metaheuristic slider which uses steepest ascent with a neighborhood function based on sliding motifs and employs the Chi-square-based support measure. We show that slider outperforms existing motif-driven cmm methods and scales to large protein-protein interaction networks. The slider-implementation and the data used in the experiments are available on http://bioinformatics.uhasselt.be.  相似文献   
Light is a key resource for plant growth and is of particular importance in forest ecosystems, because of the strong vertical structure leading to successive light interception from canopy to forest floor. Tree species differ in the quantity and heterogeneity of light they transmit. We expect decreases in both the quantity and spatial heterogeneity of light transmittance in mixed stands relative to monocultures, due to complementarity effects and niche filling. We tested the degree to which tree species identity and diversity affected, via differences in tree and shrub cover, the spatiotemporal variation in light availability before, during, and after leaf expansion. Plots with different combinations of three tree species with contrasting light transmittance were selected to obtain a diversity gradient from monocultures to three species mixtures. Light transmittance to the forest floor was measured with hemispherical photography. Increased tree diversity led to increased canopy packing and decreased spatial light heterogeneity at the forest floor in all of the time periods. During leaf expansion, light transmittance did differ between the different tree species and timing of leaf expansion might thus be an important source of variation in light regimes for understory plant species. Although light transmittance at the canopy level after leaf expansion was not measured directly, it most likely differed between tree species and decreased in mixtures due to canopy packing. A complementary shrub layer led, however, to similar light levels at the forest floor in all species combinations in our plots. Synthesis. We find that a complementary shrub layer exploits the higher light availability in particular tree species combinations. Resources at the forest floor are thus ultimately determined by the combined effect of the tree and shrub layer. Mixing species led to less heterogeneity in the amount of light, reducing abiotic niche variability.  相似文献   


Male killing endosymbionts manipulate their arthropod host reproduction by only allowing female embryos to develop into infected females and killing all male offspring. Because the resulting change in sex ratio is expected to affect the evolution of sex-specific dispersal, we investigated under which environmental conditions strong sex-biased dispersal would emerge, and how this would affect host and endosymbiont metapopulation persistence.  相似文献   
AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of six bacterial strains on gilthead sea bream larvae (Sparus aurata). METHODS AND RESULTS: Six bacterial strains isolated from well-performing live food cultures were identified by sequencing fragments of their 16s rDNA genome to the genus level as Cytophaga sp., Roseobacter sp., Ruergeria sp., Paracoccus sp., Aeromonas sp. and Shewanella sp. Survival rates of gilthead sea bream larvae transferred to seawater added these bacterial strains at concentrations of 6 +/- 0.3 x 10(5) bacteria ml(-1) were similar to those of larvae transferred to sterilized seawater and showed an average of 86% at 9 days after hatching, whereas, survival rates of larvae transferred to filtered seawater were lower (P < 0.05), and showed an average of 39%, 9 days after hatching. CONCLUSION: Several bacterial strains isolated from well-performing live food cultures showed a positive effect for sea bream larvae when compared with filtered seawater. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The approach used in this study could be applied as an in vivo evaluation method of candidate probiotic strains used in the rearing of marine fish larvae.  相似文献   
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