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Ever since the 1950s, muscle force regulation has been associated with the cross-bridge interactions between the two contractile filaments, actin and myosin. This gave rise to what is referred to as the "two-filament sarcomere model". This model does not predict eccentric muscle contractions well, produces instability of myosin alignment and force production on the descending limb of the force-length relationship, and cannot account for the vastly decreased ATP requirements of actively stretched muscles. Over the past decade, we and others, identified that a third myofilament, titin, plays an important role in stabilizing the sarcomere and the myosin filament. Here, we demonstrate additionally how titin is an active participant in muscle force regulation by changing its stiffness in an activation/force dependent manner and by binding to actin, thereby adjusting its free spring length. Therefore, we propose that skeletal muscle force regulation is based on a three filament model that includes titin, rather than a two filament model consisting only of actin and myosin filaments.  相似文献   
The cellular localization of the biogenic amines dopamine and serotonin was investigated in the ventral nerve cord of the cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus, using antisera raised against dopamine, -tyrosine hydroxylase and serotonin. Dopamine-(n<-70) and serotonin-immunoreactive (n<-120) neurones showed a segmental arrangement in the ventral nerve cord. Some neuromeres, however, did not contain dopamine-immunoreactive cell bodies. The small number of stained cells allowed complete identification of brain and thoracic cells, including intersegmentally projecting axons and terminal arborizations. Dopamine-like immunostaining was found primarily in plurisegmental interneurones with axons descending to the soma-ipsilateral hemispheres of the thoracic and abdominal ganglia. In contrast, serotonin-immunostaining occurred predominantly in interneurones projecting via soma-contralaterally ascending axons to the thorax and brain. In addition, serotonin-immunoreactivity was also present in efferent cells and afferent elements. Serotonin-immunoreactive, but no dopamine-immunoreactive, varicose fibres were observed on the surface of some peripheral nerves. Varicose endings of both dopamine-and serotonin-immunoreactive neurones occurred in each neuromere and showed overlapping neuropilar projections in dorsal and medial regions of the thoracic ganglia. Ventral associative neuropiles lacked dopamine-like immunostaining but were innervated by serotonin-immunoreactive elements. A colocalization of the two amines was not observed. The topographic representation of neurone types immunoreactive for serotonin and dopamine is discussed with respect to possible modulatory functions of these biogenic amines in the central nervous system of the cricket.  相似文献   
[Purpose]Aerobic exercise training results in distinct structural and mechanical myocardial adaptations. In skeletal muscle, whey protein supplementation is effective in enhancing muscle adaptation following resistance exercise. However, it is unclear whether cardiac adaptation to aerobic exercise can be enhanced by systematic protein supplementation.[Methods]Twelve-week-old rats were assigned to 12 weeks of either sedentary or aerobic exercise with either a standard (Sed+Standard, Ex+Standard) or high-protein (Sed+Pro, Ex+Pro) diet. Echocardiography was used to measure cardiac structural remodeling and performance. Skinned cardiac fiber bundles were used to determine the active and passive stress properties, maximum shortening velocity, and calcium sensitivity.[Results]Aerobic training was characterized structurally by increases in ventricle volume (Ex+Standard, 19%; Ex+Pro, 29%) and myocardial thickness (Ex+Standard, 26%; Ex+-Pro, 12%) compared to that of baseline. Skinned trabecula r fiber bundles also had a greater unloaded shortening velocity (Sed+Standard, 1.04±0.05; Sed+Pro, 1.07±0.03; Ex-+Standard, 1.16±0.04; Ex+Pro, 1.18±0.05 FL/s) and calcium sensitivity (pCa50: Sed+Standard, 6.04±0.17; Sed+Pro, 6.08±0.19; Ex+Standard, 6.30±0.09; Ex+Pro, 6.36±0.12) in trained hearts compared to that of hearts from sedentary animals. However, the addition of a high-protein diet did not provide additional benefits to either the structural or mechanical adaptations of the myocardium.[Conclusion]Therefore, it seems that a high-whey-protein diet does not significantly enhance adaptations of the heart to aerobic exercise in comparison to that of a standard diet.  相似文献   
This study compared delusional dimensions and attribution biases along the continuum of psychosis. Participants completed questionnaires on delusion-like beliefs and attributions. Although patients with first-episode psychosis (N = 70) endorsed fewer delusion-like beliefs than non-clinical individuals with psychotic-like experiences (N = 12), they scored highest on delusional conviction, distress and preoccupation, followed by non-clinical individuals with psychotic-like experiences, and then healthy controls (N = 642). Self-serving bias was found in patients and non-clinical individuals with psychotic-like experiences, but not in healthy controls. Personalizing bias for negative events was not significantly different across the three groups. When compared with healthy controls, non-clinical individuals with psychotic-like experiences had an exaggerated self-serving bias, but were not more marked in personalizing bias. Self-serving bias and personalizing bias were both associated with delusional dimensions. However, the association between self-serving bias and number of delusion-like beliefs was stronger among patients than non-clinical participants. Future research could investigate the extent to which self-serving bias, in combination with an appraisal of delusional ideation as convincing, distress, and preoccupying, contributes to the development of clinical delusions.  相似文献   
Structural heterogeneity in the native-state ensemble of dSmt3, the only small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) in Drosophila melanogaster, was investigated and compared with its human homologue SUMO1. Temperature dependence of amide proton's chemical shift was studied to identify amino acids possessing alternative structural conformations in the native state. Effect of small concentration of denaturant (1M urea) on this population was also monitored to assess the ruggedness of near-native energy landscape. Owing to presence of many such amino acids, especially in the β2-loop-α region, the native state of dSmt3 seems more flexible in comparison to SUMO1. Information about backbone dynamics in ns-ps timescale was quantified from the measurement of 15N-relaxation experiments. Furthermore, the noncovalent interaction of dSmt3 and SUMO1 with Daxx12 (Daxx729DPEEIIVLSDSD740), a [V/I]-X-[V/I]-[V/I]-based SUMO interaction motif, was characterized using Bio-layer Interferometery and NMR spectroscopy. Daxx12 fits itself in the groove formed by β2-loop-α structural region in both dSmt3 and SUMO1, but the binding is stronger with the former. Flexibility of β2-loop-α region in dSmt3 is suspected to assist its interaction with Daxx12. Our results highlight the role of native-state flexibility in assisting noncovalent interactions of SUMO proteins especially in organisms where a single SUMO isoform has to tackle multiple substrates single handedly.  相似文献   
The frequency of epitope-specific naive CD4(+) T cells in humans has not been extensively examined. In this study, a systematic approach was used to examine the frequency of CD4(+) T cells that recognize the protective Ag of Bacillus anthracis in both anthrax vaccine-adsorbed vaccinees and nonvaccinees with HLA-DRB1*01:01 haplotypes. Three epitopes were identified that had distinct degrees of immunodominance in subjects that had received the vaccine. Average naive precursor frequencies of T cells specific for these different epitopes in the human repertoire ranged from 0.2 to 10 per million naive CD4(+) T cells, which is comparable to precursor frequencies observed in the murine repertoire. Frequencies of protective Ag-specific T cells were two orders of magnitude higher in immunized subjects than in nonvaccinees. The frequencies of epitope-specific memory CD4(+) T cells in vaccinees were directly correlated with the frequencies of precursors in the naive repertoire. At the level of TCR usage, at least one preferred Vβ in the naive repertoire was present in the memory repertoire. These findings implicate naive frequencies as a crucial factor in shaping the epitope specificity of memory CD4(+) T cell responses.  相似文献   
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