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Dimerization and phosphorylation of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) receptors was characterized using HEK293 and pituitary GHFT cells expressing epitope-tagged receptors. TRH receptors tagged with FLAG and hemagglutinin epitopes were co-precipitated only if they were co-expressed, and 10-30% of receptors were isolated as hemagglutinin/FLAG-receptor dimers under basal conditions. The abundance of receptor dimers was increased when cells had been stimulated by TRH, indicating that TRH either stabilizes pre-existing dimers or increases dimer formation. TRH increased receptor dimerization and phosphorylation within 1 min in a dose-dependent manner. TRH increased phosphorylation of both receptor monomers and dimers, documented by incorporation of (32)P and an upshift in receptor mobility reversed by phosphatase treatment. The ability of TRH to increase receptor phosphorylation and dimerization did not depend on signal transduction, because it was not inhibited by the phospholipase C inhibitor. Receptor phosphorylation required an agonist but was not blocked by the casein kinase II inhibitor apigenin, the protein kinase C inhibitor GF109203X, or expression of a dominant negative form of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2. TRH receptors lacking most of the cytoplasmic carboxyl terminus formed dimers constitutively but failed to undergo agonist-induced dimerization and phosphorylation. TRH also increased phosphorylation and dimerization of TRH receptors expressed in GHFT pre-lactotroph cells.  相似文献   
Proteolytic activity was studied in the fractionated blood cells of the vanadium accumulating ascidian P. mammillata by separating the cells before measuring their activity. Cells were separated to avoid vanadocyte breakdown and subsequent vanadium diffusion into the assay medium. Our study revealed activity in the morula cell extract that was obtained by sonication and Centricon concentration. After removing part of the extract for enzyme activity assay the remainder was kept at 0 degrees C; it was later found that much of the protein in this latter fraction formed a sediment whereas the protease remained in solution. The serine-protease substrate specificity of the enzyme was measured and the results are discussed in relation to serine protease involvement in immune defense.  相似文献   
Cigarette smoke (CS) generally places severe stress on cells, as reflected by gene expression profiling and pathway analysis, which, among other effects, also suggested activation of the unfolded protein response pathway triggered by the stressed endoplasmic reticulum (ER stress). Here, we present data indicating that noncytotoxic concentrations of aqueous extracts of CS induce a distinct ER stress response in immortalized nontransformed Swiss 3T3 cells, primarily by activating the PERK pathway of global protein synthesis inhibition. Activation of PERK and PERK-dependent signaling by aqueous extracts of CS was demonstrated by (i) the inhibition of protein synthesis, (ii) the phosphorylation of PERK and its substrate eIF2alpha, (iii) the activation of ATF4, and (iv) the expression of ATF4-dependent target genes chop, gadd34, BiP, and atf3. Within the dose range tested, all effects appeared to be transient in nature, while the periods of recovery from ER stress were clearly concentration dependent. In contrast to these data and to the effects seen with thapsigargin (used as positive control), only minor effects were observed for the activation of xbp-1, a common target of the other two canonical sensors of ER stress, i.e., ATF6 and IRE1. In mechanistic terms, neither the disruption of energy levels nor a contribution of arylating quinones played a major role under the experimental conditions tested. Notably however, the effects of aqueous extracts of CS on the ER could be mimicked in the presence of acrolein at CS-relevant concentrations, indicating that CS interferes with proper ER function, presumably due mainly to changes in cellular redox homeostasis. Since ER stress has been linked to diseases that are also related to CS exposure, these data are relevant in the discussion of a general molecular mechanism of CS-induced disease.  相似文献   
A simple and efficient method of synthesis of polyamine-oligonucleotide conjugates (PA-oligos) in high yields (up to 95%) was suggested. The terminal phosphate group of deprotected oligonucleotides was selectively activated with the redox pair triphenylphosphine-dipyridyl disulfide in the presence of a nucleophilic catalyst, and the activated oligonucleotide derivative was subjected to the reaction with a polyamine.  相似文献   
Clinical and electroencephalographic features and the response to treatment of 30 patients with episodic dizziness due to epilepsy were noted. The symptom consisted of a brief episode of disequilibrium, often with a sensation of rotation, without evident precipitating factors or sequelae. A history of "absences" or other features suggestive of temporal lobe epilepsy was elicited in over half the patients, and seven (almost a quarter) had had one or more generalized seizures before presentation. Electroencephalography showed a posterior temporal lobe focus in all but two patients, and there was a family history of epilepsy in six. Response to treatment with phenytoin or carbamazepine was good in most patients. Epilepsy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of episodic dizziness or vertigo, especially in young people.  相似文献   
AIMS: A search was conducted for a difference in genome composition between phenotypic variants of the insect pathogenic bacteria, Photorhabdus temperata. METHODS: An unstable 300 bp fragment of DNA was identified by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, which was not, however, associated with phenotypic variation. RESULTS: During prolonged culturing of the bacteria, one copy of the repeated fragment was deleted and a restriction site linked to one of the copies was lost or gained. The sequence did not show substantial identity to any in the database, but a 16-bp region was identical to part of the marR gene of Escherichia coli. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The work has implications for the understanding of genetic instability in this and other pathogenic species of bacteria. In addition, the complete unstable element may be useful as a genetic tool in Photorhabdus spp.  相似文献   
Published values for sperm membrane water permeability (L(p)) obtained using a time-to-lysis methodology have produced anomalous results when used to model optimal cooling rates for cryopreservation of spermatozoa. As the lysis method is dependent on potentially questionable assumptions, we describe an alternative method for measuring sperm L(p). Spermatozoa were exposed to hypo- and hyperosmotic conditions using a stopped-flow apparatus and the time course of resulting volume changes was measured using concentration-dependent self-quenching of the entrapped fluorophore, carboxyfluorescein (CF). L(p) was measured for boar, rabbit, and ram spermatozoa using a range of osmotic stresses (+/-50-100 mOsm). Values for exosmotic and endosmotic flow showed no evidence of rectification. Mean L(p) values were 0.84 microm/min/atm (boar), 0.28 microm/min/atm (rabbit), and 2.79 microm/min/atm (ram). These values are lower than the lysis method estimates, with the ram value reduced by approximately two-thirds using the current methodology. The value for boar spermatozoa showed good agreement with published values obtained using an electronic cell-sizing technique. Substitution of the revised values for L(p) into the model for optimal cooling rates brings the calculated optimal rate closer to the lower empirically observed value but does not fully account for the previously reported discrepancies.  相似文献   
Certain carbohydrates and polyols are used at various stages of the production of immunobiological preparations as stabilizers of biological activity, particularly in the production of lactoglobulin (against opportunistic pathogens) using membrane ultrafiltration. This study concerns the effect of these substances on changes in the amide content in proteins of this lactoglobulin. Lactoglobulin was incubated in near-physiological (0.9% NaCl, pH 5.5) 10% solutions of glucose, fructose, and sorbitol at 4 and 35 degrees C for 7, 14, and 28 days. A lactoglobulin solution in 0.9% NaCl, pH 5.5, was used as the control. All substances studied suppressed the reduction of the amide group content of asparagine and, in contrast, increased the rate of amide group removal from glutamine residues in proteins of lactoglobulin preparations.  相似文献   
The influence of age and food restriction on kidney protein synthesis was studied in Fischer F344 rats. The rate of total protein synthesis by suspensions of kidney cells declined 60% between 4 and 31 months of age. The rate of protein synthesis by kidney cells isolated from 19-month old rats fed a restricted diet (60% of diet consumed by rats fed ad libitum) was 45% higher than the rate of protein synthesis by kidney cells isolated from 19-month old rats fed ad libitum. The excretion of protein in the urine was measured to assess the effect of the age related decline in protein synthesis on kidney function. A dramatic increase in proteinuria was observed with increasing age, and rats fed the restricted diet excreted significantly less protein in the urine than rats fed ad libitum.  相似文献   
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