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Mode of action of LciA, the lactococcin A immunity protein   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
Monoclonal antibodies were raised against a fusion between the Escherichia coli maltose-binding protein and LciA, the immunity protein that protects Lactococcus lactis against the effects of the bacteriocin lactococcin A. One of the antibodies directed against the LciA moiety of the fusion protein was used to locate the immunity protein in the L. lactis producer cell. LciA was present in the cytosolic. the membrane-associated, and the membrane fractions in roughly equal amounts, irrespective of the production by the cells of lactococcin A. The monoclonal antibody specifically reacted with right-side-out vesicles obtained from a strain producing the immunity protein. It did not react with inside-out vesicles of the same strain, or with right-side-out vesicles obtained from a strain producing both LciA and lactococcin A. Also, externally added lactococcin A blocked the interaction between the antibody and right-side-out vesicles obtained from a strain producing only LciA. The epitope in LciA was localized between amino acid residues 60 and 80. As the epitope could be removed from right-side-out vesicles by proteinase K, it is located at the outside of the cell. The immunity protein contains a putative a-amphiphilic helix from residue 29 to 47. A model is proposed in which this helix is thought to traverse the membrane in such a way that the C-terminal part of the protein, containing the epitope, is on the outside of the cell. Vesicle-fusion studies together with leucine-uptake experiments suggest that the immunity protein interacts with the putative receptor for lactococcin A, thus preventing pore formation by the bacteriocin.  相似文献   
Transport across the plasma membrane is driven by an electrochemical gradient of H+ ions generated by the plasma membrane proton pump (H+-ATPase). Random mutants of Arabidopsis H+-ATPase AHA1 were isolated by phenotypic selection of growth of transformed yeast cells in the absence of endogenous yeast H+-ATPase (PMA1). A Trp-874-Leu substitution as well as a Trp-874 to Lys-935 deletion in the hydrophilic C-terminal domain of AHA1 conferred growth of yeast cells devoid of PMA1. A Trp-874-Phe substitution in AHA1 was produced by site-directed mutagenesis. The modified enzymes hydrolyzed ATP at 200–500% of wild-type level, had a sixfold increase in affinity for ATP (from 1.2 to 0.2 mM; pH 7.0), and had the acidic pH optimum shifted towards neutral pH. AHA1 did not contribute significantly to H+ extrusion by transformed yeast cells. The different species of aha1, however, displayed marked differences in initial rates of net H+ extrusion and in their ability to sustain an electrochemical H+ gradient. These results provide evidence that Trp-874 plays an important role in auto-inhibition of the plant H+-ATPase and may be involved in controlling the degree of coupling between ATP hydrolysis and H+ pumping. Finally, these results demonstrate the usefulness of yeast as a generalized screening tool for isolating regulatory mutants of plants transporters.  相似文献   
The single-strand origin (SSO) of the rolling-circle (RC), broad-host-range lactococcal plasmid pWVO1 was functionally characterized. The activity of this SSO in the conversion of single-stranded DNA to double-stranded DNA was tested both in vivo and in vitro. In addition, the effect of this SSO on plasmid maintenance was determined. The functional pWVO1 SSO comprises a 250 by region, containing two inverted repeats (IRs). The activity of each IR was tested, separately and in combination, in a plasmid derivative that was otherwise completely devoid of structures that might function as SSO. One of the IRs (IR 1) showed some homology with other previously described SSOs of the SSOA type, as well as with the conversion signal of the Escherichia coli phage X174. This IR was shown to have a partial, RNA polymerise-independent activity in complementary strand synthesis, both in vivo and in vitro. The second IR, which had no activity of its own, was required for full SSO activity, both in vivo and in vitro. The conversion of single-stranded DNA to the double-stranded form by the complete SSO was only partly sensitive to inhibition by rifampicin, indicating the existence of an RNA polymerase-independent pathway for this event. The results suggest that the pWVO1 SSO can be activated by two different routes: an RNA polymerise-dependent one (requiring the entire SSO), and an RNA polymerase-independent one (requiring only IR I).  相似文献   
The cryptic Streptococcus cremoris Wg2 plasmid pWV01 (1.5 megadaltons) was genetically marked with the chloramphenicol resistance (Cmr) gene from pC194. The recombinant plasmid (pGK1, 2.4 megadaltons) replicated and expressed Cmr in Bacillus subtilis. From this plasmid an insertion-inactivation vector was constructed by inserting the erythromycin resistance (Emr) gene from pE194 cop-6. This plasmid (pGK12, 2.9 megadaltons) contained a unique BclI site in the Emr gene and unique ClaI and HpaII sites outside both resistance genes. It was stably maintained in B. subtilis at a copy number of approximately 5. pGK12 also transformed Escherichia coli competent cells to Cmr and Emr. The copy number in E. coli was about 60. Moreover, pGK12 transformed protoplasts of Streptococcus lactis. In this host both resistance genes are expressed. pGK12 is stably maintained in S. lactis at a copy number of 3.  相似文献   
When recipient Bacillus subtilis carrying chromosomal trimethylpsoralen cross-links were transformed, the donor marker activity decreased with the extent of cross-linking. Additional donor marker activity was lost upon incubation of the reextracted DNA with nuclease S1, particularly at higher levels of cross-linking. Physical analysis of the reextracted DNA showed that the donor DNA was progressively excluded from heteroduplex formation as the frequency of cross-links in the recipient DNA increased. In the donor-recipient complexes still being formed, increasing amounts of donor DNA became susceptible to nuclease S1 digestion under these conditions. These results suggest that resident interstrand cross-links interfere both with initiation of recombination and with the completion of heteroduplex formation.  相似文献   
The genes encoding the subunits of the Bacillus subtilis ATP-dependent nuclease (add genes) have been cloned. The genes were located on an 8.8-kb SalI-SmaI chromosomal DNA fragment. Transformants of a recBCD deletion mutant of Escherichia coli with plasmid pGV1 carrying this DNA fragment showed ATP-dependent nuclease activity. Three open reading frames were identified on the 8.8-kb SalI-SmaI fragment, which could encode three proteins with molecular masses of 135 (AddB protein), 141 (AddA protein), and 28 kDa. Only the AddB and AddA proteins are required for ATP-dependent exonuclease activity. Both the AddB and AddA proteins contained a conserved amino acid sequence for ATP binding. In the AddA protein, a number of small regions were present showing a high degree of sequence similarity with regions in the E. coli RecB protein. The AddA protein contained six conserved motifs which were also present in the E. coli helicase II (UvrD protein) and the Rep helicase, suggesting that these motifs are involved in the DNA unwinding activity of the enzyme. When linked to the T7 promoter, a high level of expression was obtained in E. coli.  相似文献   
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