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The Smc5-Smc6 complex in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is both essential for growth and important for coping with genotoxic stress. While it facilitates damage tolerance throughout the genome under genotoxin treatment, its function during unperturbed growth is mainly documented for repetitive DNA sequence maintenance. Here we provide physical and genetic evidence showing that the Smc5–Smc6 complex regulates recombination at non-repetitive loci such as centromeres in the absence of DNA damaging agents. Mutating Smc6 results in the accumulation of recombination intermediates at centromeres and other unique sequences as assayed by 2D gel analysis. In addition, smc6 mutant cells exhibit increased levels of Rad52 foci that co-localize with centromere markers. A rad52 mutation that decreases centromeric, but not overall, levels of Rad52 foci in smc6 mutants suppresses the nocodazole sensitivity of these cells, suggesting that the Smc6-mediated regulation of recombination at centromeric regions impacts centromere-related functions. In addition to influencing recombination, the SUMO ligase subunit of the Smc5–Smc6 complex promotes the sumoylation of two kinetochore proteins and affects mitotic spindles. These results suggest that the Smc5–Smc6 complex regulates both recombination and kinetochore sumoylation to facilitate chromosomal maintenance during growth.  相似文献   
The receptor TLR9, recognizing unmethylated bacterial DNA (CpG), is expressed by B cells and plays a role in the maintenance of serological memory. Little is known about the response of B cells stimulated with CpG alone, without additional cytokines. In this study, we show for the first time the phenotypic modification, changes in gene expression, and functional events downstream to TLR9 stimulation in human B cell subsets. In addition, we demonstrate that upon CpG stimulation, IgM memory B cells differentiate into plasma cells producing IgM Abs directed against the capsular polysaccharides of Streptococcus pneumoniae. This novel finding proves that IgM memory is the B cell compartment responsible for the defense against encapsulated bacteria. We also show that cord blood transitional B cells, corresponding to new bone marrow emigrants, respond to CpG. Upon TLR9 engagement, they de novo express AID and Blimp-1, genes necessary for hypersomatic mutation, class-switch recombination, and plasma cell differentiation and produce Abs with anti-pneumococcal specificity. Transitional B cells, isolated from cord blood, have not been exposed to pneumococcus in vivo. In addition, it is known that Ag binding through the BCR causes apoptotic cell death at this stage of development. Therefore, the ability of transitional B cells to sense bacterial DNA through TLR9 represents a tool to rapidly build up the repertoire of natural Abs necessary for our first-line defense at birth.  相似文献   
Improvement of the strategy to target tumor Ags to dendritic cells (DCs) for immunotherapy requires the identification of the most appropriate ligand/receptor pairing. We screened a library of Ab fragments on mouse DCs to isolate new potential Abs capable of inducing protective immune responses. The screening identified a high-affinity Ab against CD36, a multi-ligand scavenger receptor primarily expressed by the CD8alpha+ subset of conventional DCs. The Ab variable regions were genetically linked to the model Ag OVA and tested in Ag presentation assays in vitro and in vivo. Anti-CD36-OVA was capable of delivering exogenous Ags to the MHC class I and MHC class II processing pathways. In vivo, immunization with anti-CD36-OVA induced robust activation of naive CD4+ and CD8+ Ag-specific T lymphocytes and the differentiation of primed CD8+ T cells into long-term effector CTLs. Vaccination with anti-CD36-OVA elicited humoral and cell-mediated protection from the growth of an Ag-specific tumor. Notably, the relative efficacy of targeting CD11c/CD8alpha+ via CD36 or DEC205 was qualitatively different. Anti-DEC205-OVA was more efficient than anti-CD36-OVA in inducing early events of naive CD8+ T cell activation. In contrast, long-term persistence of effector CTLs was stronger following immunization with anti-CD36-OVA and did not require the addition of exogenous maturation stimuli. The results identify CD36 as a novel potential target for immunotherapy and indicate that the outcome of the immune responses vary by targeting different receptors on CD8alpha+ DCs.  相似文献   
Exposure to asbestos fibers is a major risk factor for malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM), lung cancer, and other non-neoplastic conditions, such as asbestosis and pleural plaques. However, in the last decade many studies have shown that polymorphism in the genes involved in xenobiotic and oxidative metabolism or in DNA repair processes may play an important role in the etiology and pathogenesis of these diseases. To evaluate the association between diseases linked to asbestos and genetic variability we performed a review of studies on this topic included in the PubMed database. One hundred fifty-nine citations were retrieved; 24 of them met the inclusion criteria and were evaluated in the review. The most commonly studied GSTM1 polymorphism showed for all asbestos-linked diseases an increased risk in association with the null genotype, possibly linked to its role in the conjugation of reactive oxygen species. Studies focused on GSTT1 null and SOD2 Ala16Val polymorphisms gave conflicting results, while promising results came from studies on alpha1-antitrypsin in asbestosis and MPO in lung cancer. Among genetic polymorphisms associated to the risk of MPM, the GSTM1 null genotype and two variant alleles of XRCC1 and XRCC3 showed increased risks in a subset of studies. Results for the NAT2 acetylator status, SOD2 polymorphism and EPHX activity were conflicting. Major limitations in the study design, including the small size of study groups, affected the reliability of these studies. Technical improvements such as the use of high-throughput techniques will help to identify molecular pathways regulated by candidate genes.  相似文献   
Ethanolamine and choline are major components of the trypanosome membrane phospholipids, in the form of GPEtn (phosphatidylethanolamine) [corrected] and GPCho (phosphatidylcholine) [corrected] . Ethanolamine is also found as an integral component of the GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) anchor that is required for membrane attachment of cell-surface proteins, most notably the variant-surface glycoproteins. The de novo synthesis of GPEtn and GPCho starts with the generation of phosphoethanolamine and phosphocholine by ethanolamine and choline kinases via the Kennedy pathway. Database mining revealed two putative C/EKs (choline/ethanolamine kinases) in the Trypanosoma brucei genome, which were cloned, overexpressed, purified and characterized. TbEK1 (T. brucei ethanolamine kinase 1) was shown to be catalytically active as an ethanolamine-specific kinase, i.e. it had no choline kinase activity. The K(m) values for ethanolamine and ATP were found to be 18.4+/-0.9 and 219+/-29 microM respectively. TbC/EK2 (T. brucei choline/ethanolamine kinase 2), on the other hand, was found to be able to phosphorylate both ethanolamine and choline, even though choline was the preferred substrate, with a K(m) 80 times lower than that of ethanolamine. The K(m) values for choline, ethanolamine and ATP were 31.4+/-2.6 microM, 2.56+/-0.31 mM and 20.6+/-1.96 microM respectively. Further substrate specificity analysis revealed that both TbEK1 and TbC/EK2 were able to tolerate various modifications at the amino group, with the exception of a quaternary amine for TbEK1 (choline) and a primary amine for TbC/EK2 (ethanolamine). Both enzymes recognized analogues with substituents on C-2, but substitutions on C-1 and elongations of the carbon chain were not well tolerated.  相似文献   
CD52 is a human glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored antigen exclusively expressed in leukocytes and epididymal cells. It is also present in sperm, being inserted in their plasma membrane as they pass through the epididymis. In a previous paper we identified a new CD52 form without GPI anchor by fast performance liquid chromatography (FPLC) fractionation of semen components. The form has a lower negative charge than the GPI-anchored form and occurs as the only CD52 form in prostasome-free seminal plasma. It was also found associated with the ejaculated sperm, but in contrast to the GPI-anchored one, it is lost during the capacitation process. In this paper we indicate that (1) the GPI-anchored CD52 of the sperm surface serves as receptor for semenogelin I during clot formation, (2) liquefaction involves cleavage of the GPI anchor from certain CD52 molecules, releasing sperm from the clot and the soluble antigen bound to semenogelin fragments into the seminal plasma and (3) the clot is a sponge-like structure housing sperm. Soluble CD52 was immunopurified from the soluble CD52-containing FPLC fraction using CAMPATH-1G and was found to be complexed with a semenogelin-derived peptide of the carboxyl terminal portion of semenogelin I, having the sequence SQTEKLVAGKQI and starting from amino acid 376. Immunoprecipitation and immunoblot analyses using CAMPATH-1G and anti-semenogelin as immunoprecipitating antibodies and anti-gp20 and anti-semenogelin as immunoblot detectors of the corresponding antigens, confirmed that the soluble CD52 formed a complex with semenogelin. The semenogelin-CD52 soluble form was found to be a direct consequence of the liquefaction process since only the GPI-anchored CD52 was recovered in uniquefied semen after recovering sperm and seminal plasma by urea solubilization of the clot.  相似文献   
A series of carbamate derivatives of the H(3) antagonist ROS203 (1) were prepared, and their lipophilicity and steric hindrance were modulated by introducing linear or branched alkyl chains of various lengths. In vitro stability studies were conducted to evaluate how structural modulations affect the intrinsic reactivity of the carbamoyl moiety and its recognition by metabolic enzymes. Linear alkyl carbamates were the most susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis, with bioconversion rates being higher in rat liver and plasma. Chain ramification significantly enhanced the enzymatic stability of the set, with two derivatives (1g and 1h) being more stable by a factor of 8-40 than the ethyl carbamate 1a. Incubation with bovine serum albumin (BSA) showed a protective role of proteins on chemical and porcine-liver esterase (PLE)-catalyzed hydrolysis. Ex vivo binding data after i.v. administration of 1h revealed prolonged displacement of the labeled ligand [(3)H]-(R)-alpha-methylhistamine ([(3)H]RAMHA) from rat-brain cortical membranes, when compared to 1. However, the high rates of bioconversion in liver, as well as the chemical instability of 1h, suggest that further work is needed to optimize the enzymatic and chemical stability of these compounds.  相似文献   
The role of inherited and somatic mutations of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in aging and longevity is complex and highly controversial, owing to its peculiar genetics, including the phenomenon of heteroplasmy. Most of the data on mtDNA and longevity have been obtained on humans and particularly on centenarians, i. e., people who escaped or delayed the major age-related pathologies and reached the extreme limit of human lifespan. In this review we summarize the most recent advances in this field that suggest a consistent role in human longevity of both germ-line inherited and somatically acquired mutations. The particular case of the association with longevity of the somatic C150T mutation is extensively discussed, challenging the tenet that mtDNA mutations are basically detrimental. We also stress several limitations of our present knowledge, regarding the difficulty in extrapolating to humans the results obtained in animal models, owing to a variety of biological differences, including the very limited genetic variability of mtDNA in the strains used in laboratory experiments. The use of high-throughput technologies and the extensive analysis, possibly at the single cell level, of different tissues and cell types derived from the same individual will help in disentangling the complexity of mtDNA in aging and longevity.  相似文献   


There is growing awareness that tumour cells build up a “self-advantageous” microenvironment that reduces effectiveness of anti-tumour immune response. While many different immunosuppressive mechanisms are likely to come into play, recent evidence suggests that extracellular adenosine acting at A2A receptors may have a major role in down-modulating the immune response as cancerous tissues contain elevated levels of adenosine and adenosine break-down products. While there is no doubt that all cells possess plasma membrane adenosine transporters that mediate adenosine uptake and may also allow its release, it is now clear that most of extracellularly-generated adenosine originates from the catabolism of extracellular ATP.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Measurement of extracellular ATP is generally performed in cell supernatants by HPLC or soluble luciferin-luciferase assay, thus it generally turns out to be laborious and inaccurate. We have engineered a chimeric plasma membrane-targeted luciferase that allows in vivo real-time imaging of extracellular ATP. With this novel probe we have measured the ATP concentration within the tumour microenvironment of several experimentally-induced tumours.


Our results show that ATP in the tumour interstitium is in the hundrends micromolar range, while it is basically undetectable in healthy tissues. Here we show that a chimeric plasma membrane-targeted luciferase allows in vivo detection of high extracellular ATP concentration at tumour sites. On the contrary, tumour-free tissues show undetectable extracellular ATP levels. Extracellular ATP may be crucial for the tumour not only as a stimulus for growth but also as a source of an immunosuppressive agent such as adenosine. Our approach offers a new tool for the investigation of the biochemical composition of tumour milieu and for development of novel therapies based on the modulation of extracellular purine-based signalling.  相似文献   
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