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The geometry of spikelet arrangement along the massive maleand female inflorescences of this monoecious palm is investigatedthrough techniques of phyllotaxis measurement (Equivalent phyllotaxisindex or E.P.I. Essentially there is little apparent differencewhether E.P.I. values from male inflorescences or female areconsidered. In both sexes E.P.I. estimates vary in a curvilinearmanner along the inflorescence length, higher values being obtainedtoward the broad base. Based on this pattern one value-over-allinflorescence E.P.I. is suggested to compare bunches emanatingfrom different treatment or genetic sources. It is also shownthat over-all bunch (inflorescence) E.P.I. varies systematicallywith palm age, being low in young palms and rising to asymptoticlevels in c. 11-year-old palms. Some physiological explanationsfor this latter observation are put forward, and some possibleapplications in cultural and genetic studies are suggested.Attention is also given to describing the results in terms ofFibonacci contact parastichy systems.  相似文献   
Haemophilus influenzae type b polysaccharide-protein conjugate vaccine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide-protein conjugate has been prepared. The polysaccharide was coupled to the serotype II protein of group B meningococcus through the spacer 6-aminocaproic acid using cyanogen bromide and water soluble carbodiimide. The conjugate can be shown to be reproducible and is stable and highly immunogenic in mice and African green monkeys. Clinical evaluation of this conjugate in children 3 months to 4 years of age showed that it elicited an antibody titer to the polysaccharide moiety greater than 1000 ng/ml in children 8 months of age or older.  相似文献   
Some gross morphological, biochemical, and quantitative sizechanges of the fruit which occur during the 150 or 80 days fromfertilization to ripeness for this species are described. Threemain phases of development are discernible. For the first 15days little activity may be noted. This is followed by a differentiationperiod of 60 to 70 days during which the fruit develops to almostmaximum size and the embryo, endosperm, mesocarp, and epicarpare virtually completely differentiated. The last period ofripening is considered a maturation period during which timethe embryo becomes viable, the tissues become consolidated intofinal forms, and oil formation in the endosperm and mesocarptakes place. These processes are described quantitatively withgrowth curves.  相似文献   
The interaction of human myelin basic protein with lipophilin has been demonstrated by affinity chromatography. The interaction was specific since neither basic protein, nor albumin bound to an affinity column consisting of BP bound to agarose. Conversely an albumin affinity column failed to bind BP. The pH dependency of the interaction correlated with the known pK for histidine. By the use of large peptides formed by tryptophanyl cleavage by BNPS-skatole, peptide 1–117 bound to the BP affinity column while neither the smaller peptide, 118–170, nor the synthetic nonapeptide bound. The large fragment contains 9 of the 10 histidines in the molecule which may explain the binding of this fragment. The result of such protein-protein interactions makes available a large number of new antigenic sites and extends considerably the range of encephalitogens for disease induction.Special Issue dedicated to Dr. Elizabeth Roboz-Einstein.  相似文献   
The main purpose of the investigation was to determine whethermeasures associated with or dependent on the differences inphyllotaxis organization of the stem, fronds, and inflorescencesof three families of oil palms which differ considerably ingrowth habit and genetic background could be associated with,or allow prediction of their yield differences. Two of the familiesused are interspecific crosses between Elaeis guineensis andE. melanococca and these hybrids yield almost double that ofthe third ‘family’ (a group of E. guineensis selections)and have about twice the individual frond areas, inflorescencevolume, and surface area and about half the rate of verticalgrowth; they have, however, a slightly slower rate of frondand inflorescence production. One of the views expressed isthat the phyllotaxis organization which determines the measuredreduction of stem volume in the interspecific crosses is associatedwith the greater development of more productive reproductiveelements. Further, it is suggested that measurements of frond(even in the juvenile stage) and both male and female inflorescenceorganization could be used in yield prediction for these familiesand possibly other genetic groups-and thus increase the speedand efficiency of genetic selection.  相似文献   

Mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBI) are prevalent and can result in significant debilitation. Current diagnostic methods have implicit limitations, with clinical assessment tools reliant on subjective self-reported symptoms or non-specific clinical observations, and commonly available imaging techniques lacking sufficient sensitivity to detect mTBI. A blood biomarker would provide a readily accessible detector of mTBI to meet the current measurement gap. Suitable options would provide objective and quantifiable information in diagnosing mTBI, in monitoring recovery, and in establishing a prognosis of resultant neurodegenerative disease, such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). A biomarker would also assist in progressing research, providing suitable endpoints for testing therapeutic modalities and for further exploring mTBI pathophysiology. This review highlights the most promising blood-based protein candidates that are expressed in the central nervous system (CNS) and released into systemic circulation following mTBI. To date, neurofilament light (NF-L) may be the most suitable candidate for assessing neuronal damage, and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) for assessing astrocyte activation, although further work is required. Ultimately, the heterogeneity of cells in the brain and each marker’s limitations may require a combination of biomarkers, and recent developments in microRNA (miRNA) markers of mTBI show promise and warrant further exploration.  相似文献   
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