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In eukaryotic phyla studied so far, the essential centromeric histone H3 variant (CENH3) is loaded to centromeric nucleosomes after S-phase (except for yeast) but before mitotic segregation (except for metazoan). While the C-terminal part of CENH3 seems to be sufficient for mitotic centromere function in plants, meiotic centromeres neither load nor tolerate impaired CENH3 molecules. However, details about CENH3 deposition in meiocytes are unknown (except for Drosophila). Therefore, we quantified fluorescence signals after the immunostaining of CENH3 along meiotic and mitotic nuclear division cycles of rye, a monocotyledonous plant. One peak of fluorescence intensity appeared in the early meiotic prophase of pollen mother cells and a second one during interkinesis, both followed by a decrease of CENH3. Then, the next loading occurred in the male gametophyte before its first mitotic division. These data indicate that CENH3 loading differs between mitotic and meiotic nuclei. Contrary to the situation in mitotic cycles, CENH3 deposition is biphasic during meiosis and apparently linked with a quality check, a removal of impaired CENH3 molecules, and a general loss of CENH3 after each loading phase. These steps ensure an endowment of centromeres with a sufficient amount of correct CENH3 molecules as a prerequisite for centromere maintenance during mitotic cycles of the microgametophyte and the progeny. From a comparison with data available for Drosophila, we hypothesise that the post-divisional mitotic CENH3 loading in metazoans is evolutionarily derived from the post-divisional meiotic loading phase, while the pre-divisional first meiotic loading has been conserved among eukaryotes.  相似文献   
TRPC4 proteins function as Ca2+ conducting, non-selective cation channels in endothelial, smooth muscle, and neuronal cells. To further characterize the roles of TRPC4 in vivo, detailed information about the molecular composition of native channel complexes and their association with cellular signaling networks is needed. Therefore, a mouse brain cDNA library was searched for novel TRPC4-interacting proteins using a modified yeast two-hybrid assay. This screen identified Trans-activation Response RNA-binding protein 2 (Tarpb2), a protein that recruits the Dicer complex to Ago2 for microRNA processing and gene silencing. Tarbp2 was found to bind to the C terminus of TRPC4 and TRPC5 and to modulate agonist-dependent TRPC4-induced Ca2+ entry. A stretch of basic residues within the Tarbp2 protein is required for these actions. Tarbp2 binding to and modulation of TRPC4 occurs in the presence of endogenously expressed Dicer but is no longer detectable when the Dicer cDNA is overexpressed. Dicer activity in crude cell lysates is increased in the presence of Ca2+, most probably by Ca2+-dependent proteolytic activation of Dicer. Apparently, Tarbp2 binding to TRPC4 promotes changes of cytosolic Ca2+ and, thereby, leads to a dynamic regulation of Dicer activity, essentially at low endogenous Dicer concentrations.  相似文献   
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels TRPC3 and TRPC6 are expressed in both sensory neurons and cochlear hair cells. Deletion of TRPC3 or TRPC6 in mice caused no behavioural phenotype, although loss of TRPC3 caused a shift of rapidly adapting (RA) mechanosensitive currents to intermediate-adapting currents in dorsal root ganglion sensory neurons. Deletion of both TRPC3 and TRPC6 caused deficits in light touch and silenced half of small-diameter sensory neurons expressing mechanically activated RA currents. Double TRPC3/TRPC6 knock-out mice also showed hearing impairment, vestibular deficits and defective auditory brain stem responses to high-frequency sounds. Basal, but not apical, cochlear outer hair cells lost more than 75 per cent of their responses to mechanical stimulation. FM1-43-sensitive mechanically gated currents were induced when TRPC3 and TRPC6 were co-expressed in sensory neuron cell lines. TRPC3 and TRPC6 are thus required for the normal function of cells involved in touch and hearing, and are potential components of mechanotransducing complexes.  相似文献   
We describe a method that combines an optimized titanium dioxide protocol and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography to simultaneously enrich, identify and quantify phosphopeptides and formerly N-linked sialylated glycopeptides to monitor changes associated with cell signaling during mouse brain development. We initially applied the method to enriched membrane fractions from HeLa cells, which allowed the identification of 4468 unique phosphopeptides and 1809 formerly N-linked sialylated glycopeptides. We subsequently combined the method with isobaric tagging for relative quantification to compare changes in phosphopeptide and formerly N-linked sialylated glycopeptide abundance in the developing mouse brain. A total of 7682 unique phosphopeptide sequences and 3246 unique formerly sialylated glycopeptides were identified. Moreover 669 phosphopeptides and 300 formerly N-sialylated glycopeptides differentially regulated during mouse brain development were detected. This strategy allowed us to reveal extensive changes in post-translational modifications from postnatal mice from day 0 until maturity at day 80. The results of this study confirm the role of sialylation in organ development and provide the first extensive global view of dynamic changes between N-linked sialylation and phosphorylation.The development of novel methods to simultaneously monitor multiple protein post-translational modifications (PTMs)1 is an attractive tool for researchers. There is increasing evidence that both phosphorylation and glycosylation play important roles in cellular signaling networks during development and transformation of cells. Development of the mammalian brain is initiated during the embryonic stage and continues until adulthood. The brain originates through the proliferation of the telencephalon, the anterior part of the neural tube. Following differentiation, cells begin to migrate and associate into different brain structures. The brain structures are reorganized with the extension of axons and dendrites to communicate via synaptic terminal interactions (1, 2). These molecular interactions are governed by cell surface receptors that are often post-translationally modified with both N-linked glycans and phosphate groups, and studies have suggested that extracellular glycans play vital roles in the regulation of signal transduction pathways (3). For example, the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) binds to cell surface glyco-conjugates GD1a, GT1b and Nogo receptors to form signaling complexes that inhibit axon outgrowth, whereas inhibition of Rho kinase reverses this process in a number of nerve cell types (4). There is growing evidence that both the differentiation and migration of neurons and the guidance of axons are regulated by sialic acid-containing glycoconjugates (57). Dietary supplementation of sialic acid leads to increases in sialic acid-containing glycoproteins in the frontal cortex and is associated with faster learning and memory in piglets (8). The nervous system contains an abundant array of sialylated molecules and it is therefore not surprising that changes in the sialiome (the content of sialylated glycoproteins (9)) of a neuron can regulate activity. Removal of sialic acids from membrane proteins by NEU3 in primary neurons leads to actin depolymerization and axonal growth through TrkA-mediated signaling (10). Moreover, the modulation of phosphorylation events because of changes in cell membrane sialylation has been described in cancer (11, 12). Tumors induced in sialyltransferase-deficient animals show altered expression of genes associated with focal adhesion signaling and display decreased phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase, a target of β1-integrins (13). Sialylated glycoconjugates include N-linked glycans (attached to asparagine residues), O-linked glycans (attached to hydroxylated residues) and glycolipids. N-linked and O-linked glycans are predominantly processed through the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi, and their protein targets are generally membrane associated, cell-surface or found in extracellular environments. Additional glycoconjugates include single sugar modifications such as O-linked N-acetylglucosamine, glycosaminoglycans, large lipopolysaccharides, and peptidoglycans.The ability to identify and quantify PTM in proteins using mass spectrometry (MS) relies on specific enrichment techniques to purify modified peptides-of-interest from among a complex mixture. As modified peptides are normally present in sub-stoichiometric levels compared with nonmodified peptides, they are generally not detected by MS without such specific enrichment. Many methods are available to enrich for single PTM, including phosphorylation and glycosylation. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) chromatography was originally described for enrichment of phophopeptides from peptide mixtures using similar peptide loading conditions as used for immobilized metal affinity chromatography (1416). However, using this procedure resulted in significant co-enrichment of nonphosphorylated peptides. Later we demonstrated that TiO2 was able to selectively purify phosphorylated peptides and sialic acid-containing N-glycopeptides (9, 17) if peptide samples are loaded onto the TiO2 resin in a buffer containing high organic solvent, very low pH and a multifunctional acid, such as 2,5- dihydroxybenzoic acid or glycolic acid.A recent study demonstrated the first simultaneous enrichment of N-glycopeptides and phosphopeptides from a complex peptide mixture (18). Peptides from mouse brain were separated using electrostatic repulsion hydrophilic interaction chromatography to identify 738 unique glycosylation sites representing 446 glycoproteins, and 915 unique phosphorylation sites from 382 phosphoproteins. This method however, required 3 mg of starting material and did not demonstrate the ability to selectively enrich sialylated glycopeptides from glycopeptides displaying neutral glycans. Furthermore, only a comparatively low number of phosphopeptides could be identified considering the generous protein load investigated. The method was also unable to separate deglycosylated peptides from phosphopeptides and no quantitative capabilities were shown.Here we report a novel multidimensional strategy that employs TiO2 chromatography to enrich for sialylated glycopeptides and phosphopeptides followed by PNGase F treatment of the eluent and μHPLC hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) to fractionate and separate formerly N-linked sialylated glycopeptides and phosphopeptides from complex membrane protein preparations of a variety of biological samples. The development of a quantitative N-linked sialiomics and phosphoproteomic strategy that is able to simultaneously monitor cell-(extracellular)-cell interactions and receptor signaling will be a valuable tool to study tissue development and cell stimulation.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Thymidylate kinase (TMPK) is a nucleoside monophosphate kinase that catalyzes the reversible phosphoryltransfer between ATP and TMP to yield ADP and TDP. In addition to its vital role in supplying precursors for DNA synthesis, human TMPK has an important medical role participating in the activation of a number of anti-HIV prodrugs. RESULTS: Crystal structures of human TMPK in complex with TMP and ADP, TMP and the ATP analog AppNHp, TMP with ADP and the phosphoryl analog AlF(3), TDP and ADP, and the bisubstrate analog TP(5)A were determined. The conformations of the P-loop, the LID region, and the adenine-binding loop vary according to the nature of the complex. Substitution of ADP by AppNHp results in partial closure of the P-loop and the rotation of the TMP phosphate group to a catalytically unfavorable position, which rotates back in the AlF(3) complex to a position suitable for in-line attack. In the fully closed state observed in the TP(5)A and the TDP-ADP complexes, Asp15 interacts strongly with the 3'-hydroxyl group of TMP. CONCLUSIONS: The observed changes of nucleotide state and conformation and the corresponding protein structural changes are correlated with intermediates occurring along the reaction coordinate and show the sequence of events occurring during phosphate transfer. The low catalytic activity of human TMPK appears to be determined by structural changes required to achieve catalytic competence and it is suggested that a mechanism might exist to accelerate the activity.  相似文献   
Electron cryomicrographs of intact parainfluenza virus 5 (PIV5) virions revealed two different surface structures, namely, a continuous layer and distinct individual spikes. The structure of these spikes reconstructed from intact virions was compared with known F ectodomain structures and was found to be different from the prefusion PIV5 F0 structure but, surprisingly, very similar to the human PIV3 F postfusion structure. Hence, we conclude that the individual F1+F2 spikes in intact PIV5 virions also correspond to the postfusion state. Since the observed fusion activity of PIV5 virions has to be associated with prefusion F1+F2 proteins, they have necessarily to be localized in the continuous surface structure. The data therefore strongly suggest that the prefusion state of the F1+F2 protein requires stabilization, most probably by the association with hemagglutinin-neuraminidase. The conversion of F1+F2 proteins from the prefusion toward the postfusion state while embedded in the virus membrane is topologically difficult to comprehend on the basis of established models and demands reconsideration of our current understanding.  相似文献   
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