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We identified two proteins, Pex25 and Rho1, which are involved in reintroduction of peroxisomes in peroxisome-deficient yeast cells. These are, together with Pex3, the first proteins identified as essential for this process. Of the three members of the Hansenula polymorpha Pex11 protein family-Pex11, Pex25, and Pex11C-only Pex25 was required for reintroduction of peroxisomes into a peroxisome-deficient mutant strain. In peroxisome-deficient pex3 cells, Pex25 localized to structures adjacent to the ER, whereas in wild-type cells it localized to peroxisomes. Pex25 cells were not themselves peroxisome deficient but instead contained a slightly increased number of peroxisomes. Interestingly, pex11 pex25 double deletion cells, in which both peroxisome fission (due to the deletion of PEX11) and reintroduction (due to deletion of PEX25) was blocked, did display a peroxisome-deficient phenotype. Peroxisomes reappeared in pex11 pex25 cells upon synthesis of Pex25, but not of Pex11. Reintroduction in the presence of Pex25 required the function of the GTPase Rho1. These data therefore provide new and detailed insight into factors important for de novo peroxisome formation in yeast.  相似文献   
The internal pH of peroxisomes in the yeasts Hansenula polymorpha, Candida utilis and Trichosporon cutaneum X4 was estimated by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. 31P NMR spectra of suspensions of intact cells of these yeasts, grown under conditions of extensive peroxisomal proliferation, displayed two prominent Pi-peaks at different chemical shift positions. In control cells grown on glucose, which contain very few peroxisomes, only a single peak was observed. This latter peak, which was detected under all growth conditions, was assigned to cytosolic Pi at pH 7.1. The additional peak present in spectra of peroxisome-containing cells, reflected Pi at a considerably lower pH of approximately 5.8–6.0. Experiments with the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazon (CCCP) and the ionophores valinomycin and nigericin revealed that separation of the two Pi-peaks was caused by a pH-gradient across a membrane separating the two pools. Experiments with chloroquine confirmed the acidic nature of one of these pools. In a number of transfer experiments with the yeast H. polymorpha it was shown that the relative intensity of the Pi-signal at the low pH-position was correlated to the peroxisomal volume fraction. These results strongly suggest that this peak has to be assigned to Pi in peroxisomes, which therefore are acidic in nature. The presence of peroxisome-associated Pi was confirmed cytochemically.Abbreviations CCCP Carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazon - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide  相似文献   
Evidence is accumulating that damaged components of eukaryotic cells are removed by autophagic degradation (e.g., mitophagy). Here we show that peroxisomes that are damaged by the abrupt removal of the membrane protein Pex3 are massively and rapidly degraded even when the cells are placed at peroxisome-inducing conditions and hence need the organelles for growth. Pex3 degradation was induced by a temperature shift using Hansenula polymorpha pex3Δ cells producing a Pex3 fusion protein containing an N-terminal temperature sensitive degron sequence. The massive peroxisome degradation process, associated with Pex3 degradation, showed properties of both micro- and macropexophagy and was dependent on Atg1 and Ypt7. This mode of peroxisome degradation is of physiological significance as it was also observed at conditions that excessive ROS is formed from peroxisome metabolism, i.e., when methanol-grown wild-type cells are exposed to methanol excess conditions.  相似文献   
We show that Mdv1 and Caf4, two components of the mitochondrial fission machinery in Saccharomyces cerevisiae , also function in peroxisome proliferation. Deletion of MDV1 , CAF4 or both, however, had only a minor effect on peroxisome numbers at peroxisome-inducing growth conditions, most likely related to the fact that Vps1 – and not Dnm1 – is the key player in peroxisome fission in this organism. In contrast, in Hansenula polymorpha , which has only a Dnm1-dependent peroxisome fission machinery, deletion of MDV1 led to a drastic reduction of peroxisome numbers. This phenotype was accompanied by a strong defect in mitochondrial fission. The MDV1 paralog CAF4 is absent in H. polymorpha . In wild-type H. polymorpha , cells Dnm1–mCherry and green fluorescent protein (GFP)–Mdv1 colocalize in spots that associate with both peroxisomes and mitochondria. Furthermore, Fis1 is essential to recruit Mdv1 to the peroxisomal and mitochondrial membrane. However, formation of GFP–Mdv1 spots – and related to this normal organelle fission – is strictly dependent on the presence of Dnm1. In dnm1 cells, GFP–Mdv1 is dispersed over the surface of peroxisomes and mitochondria. Also, in H. polymorpha mdv1 or fis1 cells, the number of Dnm1–GFP spots is strongly reduced. These spots still associate to organelles but are functionally inactive.  相似文献   
We have analyzed the functions of two vacuolar t-SNAREs, Vam3p and Vam7p, in peroxisome degradation in the methylotrophic yeast Hansenula polymorpha. A Hp-vam7 mutant was strongly affected in peroxisome degradation by selective macropexophagy as well as non-selective microautophagy. Deletion of Hp-Vam3p function had only a minor effect on peroxisome degradation processes. Both proteins were located at the vacuolar membrane, with Hp-Vam7p also having a partially cytosolic location. Previously, in baker's yeast Vam3p and Vam7p have been demonstrated to be components of a t-SNARE complex essential for vacuole biogenesis. We speculate that the function of this complex in macropexophagy includes a role in membrane fusion processes between the outer membrane layer of sequestered peroxisomes and the vacuolar membrane. Our data suggest that Hp-Vam3p may be functionally redundant in peroxisome degradation. Remarkably, deletion of Hp-VAM7 also significantly affected peroxisome biogenesis and resulted in organelles with multiple, membrane-enclosed compartments. These morphological defects became first visible in cells that were in the mid-exponential growth phase of cultivation on methanol, and were correlated with accumulation of electron-dense extensions that were connected to mitochondria.  相似文献   
ATG genes are required for autophagy-related processes that transport proteins/organelles destined for proteolytic degradation to the vacuole. Here, we describe the identification and characterisation of the Hansenula polymorpha ATG21 gene. Its gene product Hp-Atg21p, fused to eGFP, had a dual location in the cytosol and in peri-vacuolar dots. We demonstrate that Hp-Atg21p is essential for two separate modes of peroxisome degradation, namely glucose-induced macropexophagy and nitrogen limitation-induced microautophagy. In atg21 cells subjected to macropexophagy conditions, sequestration of peroxisomes tagged for degradation is initiated but fails to complete.  相似文献   
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