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There is compelling evidence that Afro‐Palaearctic (A‐P) migrant bird populations have declined in Europe in recent decades, often to a greater degree than resident or short‐distance migrants. There appear to have been two phases of decline. The first in the 1960s–1970s, and in some cases into the early 1980s, largely affected species wintering predominantly in the arid Sahelian zone, and the second since the 1980s has mostly affected species wintering in the humid tropics and Guinea forest zone. Potential drivers of these declines are diverse and are spread across and interact within the migratory cycle. Our knowledge of declining species is generally better for the breeding than the non‐breeding parts of their life cycles, but there are significant gaps in both for many species. On the breeding grounds, degradation of breeding habitats is the factor affecting the demography of the largest number of species, particularly within agricultural systems and woodland and forests. In the non‐breeding areas, the interacting factors of anthropogenic habitat degradation and climatic conditions, particularly drought in the Sahel zone, appear to be the most important factors. Based on our synthesis of existing information, we suggest four priorities for further research: (1) use of new and emerging tracking technologies to identify migratory pathways and strategies, understand migratory connectivity and enable field research to be targeted more effectively; (2) undertake detailed field studies in sub‐Saharan Africa and at staging sites, where we understand little about distribution patterns, habitat use and foraging ecology; (3) make better use of the wealth of data from the European breeding grounds to explore spatial and temporal patterns in demographic parameters and relate these to migratory pathways and large‐scale patterns of habitat change and climatic factors; and (4) make better use of remote sensing to improve our understanding of how and where land cover is changing across these extensive areas and how this impacts A‐P migrants. This research needs to inform and underpin a flyway approach to conservation, evaluating a suite of drivers across the migratory cycle and combining this with an understanding of land management practices that integrate the needs of birds and people in these areas.  相似文献   
In the present study, we describe in detail the synthesis of a relatively rare class of phosphorus compounds, α-carboxyphosphinopeptides. We prepared several norleucine-derived α-carboxyphosphinic pseudopeptides of the general formula Nle-Ψ[PO(OH)]-Gly. These compounds could have important applications as transition state-mimicking inhibitors for methionine or leucine aminopeptidases or other enzymes. For the preparation of the key α-carboxyphosphinate protected precursors, we investigated, compared and improved two different synthetic methods described in literature: the Arbuzov reaction of a silylated N-protected phosphinic acid with a bromoacetate ester and the nucleophilic addition of a mixed O-methyl S-phenyl N-protected phosphonic acid or a methyl N-protected phosphonochloridate with tert-butyl lithioacetate. We also prepared two N-Fmoc protected synthons, Fmoc-Nle-Ψ[PO(OH)]-Gly-COOH and Fmoc-Nle-Ψ[PO(OAd)]-Gly-COOH, and demonstrated that these precursors are suitable building blocks for the solid-phase synthesis of α-carboxyphosphinopeptides.  相似文献   
Daphnia galeata Sars, D. longispina O. F. Müller and Dcucullata Sars (Crustacea: Cladocera) are closely related species which often produce interspecific hybrids in natural populations. Several marker systems are available for taxon determination in this hybridizing complex, but their performance and reliability has not been systematically assessed. We compared results from identifications by three molecular methods. More than 1,200 individuals from 10 localities in the Czech Republic were identified as parental species or hybrids by allozyme electrophoresis and the analysis of the restriction fragment length polymorphism of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-RFLP); over 440 of them were additionally analyzed and identified by 12 microsatellite loci. Identification by microsatellite markers corresponded well with allozyme analyses. However, consistent discrepancies between ITS-RFLP and other markers were observed in two out of 10 studied localities. Although some marker discrepancies may have been caused by occasional recent introgression, consistent deviations between ITS-RFLP and other markers suggest a long-term maintenance of introgressed alleles. These results warn against its use as a sole identification method in field studies. Additionally, we quantitatively evaluated the discriminatory power of geometric morphometric (elliptic Fourier) analysis of body shapes based on photos of over 1,300 individuals pre-classified by allozyme markers. Furthermore, a randomly selected subset of 240 individuals was independently determined from photos by several experts. Despite a tendency for morphological divergence among parental Daphnia species, some taxa (especially D. galeata, D. longispina, and their hybrids) substantially overlapped in their body shapes. This was reflected in different determination success for particular species and hybrids in discriminant analysis based on shape data as well as from photographs.  相似文献   
Consumption of raw or thermally inadequately treated fishery products represents a public health risk, with the possibility of propagation of live Anisakis larvae, the causative agent of the zoonotic disease anisakidosis, or anisakiasis. We investigated the population dynamics of Anisakis spp. in commercially important fish—anchovies (Anisakis), sardines (Sardina pilchardus), European hake (Merluccius merluccius), whiting (Merlangius merlangus), chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), and Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)—captured in the main Adriatic Sea fishing ground. We observed a significant difference in the numbers of parasite larvae (1 to 32) in individual hosts and between species, with most fish showing high or very high Anisakis population indices. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that commercial fish in the Adriatic Sea are parasitized by Anisakis pegreffii (95.95%) and Anisakis simplex sensu stricto (4.05%). The genetic structure of A. pegreffii in demersal, pelagic, and top predator hosts was unstructured, and the highest frequency of haplotype sharing (n = 10) was between demersal and pelagic fish.  相似文献   
It is generally assumed that genetic research of mycobacteria is delayed as compared with other, more commonly used, bacterial models, particularly in the field of genetic transfers. In the field of mutagenesis the problems have been studied to such an extent that replication maps of the chromosome of M. phlei and M. tuberculosis H37 Rv have already been constructed and a new model of the cell cycle of bacteria exhibiting a slow growth rate has been worked out. When the problems of mycobacterial genetics are looked upon in the light of gene manipulations it may be concluded that mycobacteria belong to a few models whose genes are used for cloning and that problems of practical significance will be studied by means of the most modern approaches.  相似文献   
U r?zně starých list? v listové r??ici 90 a? 110 denních rostlin Nicotiana sanderae hort. byly sledovány rozdály v intensitě ?isté fotosynthesy a v obsahu chlorofylu (a + b). Ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy bylo pou?ito dvou odli?ných metod, a to váhového stanovení p?ír?stku su?iny podle Barto?e, KubÍna a ?et-lÍka (1960) a gazometrického stanovení infra?erveným analyzátorem CO2. Nejvy??í intensitu fotosynthesy i nejvy??í obsah chlorofylu (vzhledem k plo?e listové) mají mladé, ale ji? dob?e rozvinuté listy, tj. t?etí a? ?tvrté od vrcholu (prvním listem se rozumí list o plo?e asi 20 cm2). Tyto listy nazýváme ?fotosyntheticky dospělými“. Listy nejmlad?í a zejména pak listy star?í mají intensitu fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu ni??í; u nejstar?ích list? je intensita fotosynthesy prakticky nulová. Intensita fotosynthesy i obsah chlorofylu se během vývoje mění: jejich momentální rozdíly u list? v genetické spirále jsou z?ejmě shodné s jejich změnami v ontogenesi listu. Pokles intensity fotosynthesy p?i stárnutí list? je rychlej?í ne? pokles obsahu chlorofylu. P?i ur?itém obsahu chlorofylu (tj. asi 2,25 a? 2,45 mg/dm2) klesá intensita ?isté fotosynthesy k nule. Intensita fotosynthesy je v lineárním vztahu k mno?ství chlorofylu (p?i p?epo?tu na plo?nou jednotku), a to nezávisle na poloze listu v genetické spirále. Obě pou?ité metody ke stanovení intensity fotosynthesy poskytly obdobné výsledky.  相似文献   
In our present work the formation of chromosome aberrations has been studied in dependence on the tima interval between sonication and fixation of the primary root tips of Vicia faba. Maximum occurrence of aberrations was recorded immediately after sonication. The results of our experiments pointed to the fact that the frequency of the induced changes was independent on the sonic waves intensity within the range of 0-2—3-0 W/cm2 and on ultrasond treatment duration within the range of 1—20 min. Studies of the distribution of chromosome abnormalities caused by ultrasound between the large and small chromosomes of theVicia faba meristematic cells in various time intervals showed that the frequency of the aberrations in both chromosome groups was proportional to its total metaphase lengths. Analysis of the type of aberrations observed in various time intervals after sonication indicated the simultaneous formation of chromosome and chromatide abnormalities.  相似文献   
Herbicide Induced Oxidative Stress in Lettuce, Beans, Pea Seeds and Leaves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of different paraquat, alachlor and metolachlor concentrations on superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) activities and pigment contents in lettuce, bean and pea seeds and leaves were studied. Under paraquat (1.0 and 2.0 M) treatment declined SOD and CAT activities were observed in seeds and undetectable ativity of GPX. Germination of all investigated seeds was completely inhibited. All used concentrations of alachlor and metolachlor inhibited antioxidant enzyme activities in seeds but did not prevent germination and growth. In leaves, lower concentrations of these herbicides increased activities of antioxidant enzymes but at the highest herbicide concentrations (200 M) activities of investigated enzymes declined. The pigment contents the leaves decreased due to alachlor and metolachlor treatment in a concentration dependent manner.  相似文献   
Herein we report an assessment of 24 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives for potential DNase I (deoxyribonuclease I) inhibitory properties in vitro. Four of them inhibited DNase I with IC50 values below 200 μM. The most potent was 1-(6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl)propan-2-one ( 2 ) (IC50=134.35±11.38 μM) exhibiting slightly better IC50 value compared to three other active compounds, 2-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl]-1-phenylethan-1-one ( 15 ) (IC50=147.51±14.87 μM), 2-[2-(4-fluorophenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl]cyclohexan-1-one ( 18 ) (IC50=149.07±2.98 μM) and 2-[6,7-dimethoxy-2-(p-tolyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinolin-1-yl]cyclohexan-1-one ( 22 ) (IC50=148.31±2.96 μM). Cytotoxicity assessment of the active DNase I inhibitors revealed a lack of toxic effects on the healthy cell lines MRC-5. Molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations suggest that interactions with Glu 39, His 134, Asn 170, Tyr 211, Asp 251 and His 252 are an important factor for inhibitors affinity toward the DNase I. Observed interactions would be beneficial for the discovery of new active 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline-based inhibitors of DNase I, but might also encourage researchers to further explore and utilize potential therapeutic application of DNase I inhibitors, based on a versatile role of DNase I during apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   
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