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Glycan structure alterations during cancer regulate disease progression and represent clinical biomarkers. The study determined the degree to which changes in glycosyltransferase activities during cancer can be related to aberrant cell-surface tumor associated carbohydrate structures (TACA). To this end, changes in sialyltransferase (sialylT), fucosyltransferase (fucT) and galactosyltransferase (galT) activity were measured in normal and tumor tissue using a miniaturized enzyme activity assay and synthetic glycoconjugates bearing terminal LacNAc Type-I (Galβ1-3GlcNAc), LacNAc Type-II (Galβ1-4GlcNAc), and mucin core-1/Type-III (Galβ1-3GalNAc) structures. These data were related to TACA using tissue microarrays containing 115 breast and 26 colon cancer specimen. The results show that primary human breast and colon tumors, but not adjacent normal tissue, express elevated β1,3GalT and α2,3SialylT activity that can form α2,3SialylatedType-IIIglycans (Siaα2-3Galβ1-3GalNAc). Prostate tumors did not exhibit such elevated enzymatic activities. α1,3/4FucT activity was higher in breast, but not in colon tissue. The enzymology based prediction of enhanced α2,3sialylated Type-III structures in breast tumors was verified using histochemical analysis of tissue sections and tissue microarrays. Here, the binding of two markers that recognize Galβ1-3GalNAc (peanut lectin and mAb A78-G/A7) was elevated in breast tumor, but not in normal control, only upon sialidase treatment. These antigens were also upregulated in colon tumors though to a lesser extent. α2,3sialylatedType-III expression correlated inversely with patient HER2 expression and breast metastatic potential. Overall, enzymology measurements of glycoT activity predict truncated O-glycan structures in tumors. High expression of the α2,3sialylated T-antigen O-glycans occur in breast tumors. A transformation from linear core-1 glycan to other epitopes may accompany metastasis.  相似文献   
This study was carried out to evaluate the inoculation effects of Achromobacter xylosoxidans AUM54 and Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on the growth of the medicinal plant Naravelia zeylanica (L.) DC under micropropagation conditions. Results revealed that the micropropagated shoots treated with the combination of endophytic bacterium and IBA promoted shoot growth, root length, number of roots, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, antioxidant enzymes, and stress tolerance compared with the control plants. A significant increase in shoot fresh and dry weights (64.65 and 8.85 %), root fresh and dry weights (61.65 and 3.91 %), shoot length (30.17 %), root length (28.57 %) and number of roots (276.9 %) was observed in treated plants over controls. Total chlorophyll and nitrogen content of bacterized plants also treated with IBA showed a 48.39 and 116.66 % increase, respectively, compared with controls. A significant increase in peroxidase (22.52 %) and superoxide dismutase levels (48.38 %) and fewer changes in the polyphenol oxidase level were observed in plants treated with A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA. Moreover, stress ethylene levels were reduced by 21.4 and 14.5 % due to bacterization with A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA treatment during postacclimatization and acclimatization stages, respectively. The shoot primordial with application of A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA (1 mg l?1) had increased survivability of N. zeylanica plants by 30 % during the acclimatization stage under greenhouse conditions. From the present study it could be inferred that the association of endophytic bacterium A. xylosoxidans AUM54 and IBA with in vitro shoots of N. zeylanica improved root initiation, promoted plant growth and development under micropropagation conditions, reduced stress ethylene levels, and increased survivability during the postacclimatization stage. Therefore, A. xylosoxidans AUM54 along with IBA treatment can be used as a valuable tool for micropropagation of N. zeylanica and other endangered plants.  相似文献   


The acceptability and feasibility of provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling (PITC) in many settings across Asia with concentrated HIV epidemics is not known. A pilot study of the PITC policy undertaken within the public health care systems in two districts in India offered the opportunity to understand patient''s perspectives on the process of referral for HIV testing and linking to HIV treatment and care.


We conducted a cross-sectional study of randomly selected TB patients registered by the TB control program between July and November 2007 in two districts in south India. Trained interviewers met patients shortly after TB diagnosis and administered a structured questionnaire. Patients were assessed regarding their experience with HIV status assessment, referral for counseling and testing, and for HIV-infected patients the counseling itself and subsequent referral for HIV treatment and care.


Of the 568 interviewed TB patients, 455 (80%) reported being referred for HIV testing after they presented to the health facility for investigations or treatment for TB. Over half the respondents reported having to travel long distances and incurred financial difficulties in reaching the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centre (ICTC) and two-thirds had to make more than two visits. Only 48% reported having been counseled before the test. Of the 110 HIV-infected patients interviewed, (including 43 with previously-known positive HIV status and 67 detected by PITC), 89 (81%) reported being referred for anti-retroviral treatment (ART); 82 patients reached the ART centre but only 44 had been initiated on ART.


This study provides the first evidence from India that routine, provider-initiated voluntary HIV testing of TB patients is acceptable, feasible and can be achieved with very high efficiency under programmatic conditions. While PITC is useful in identifying new HIV-infected patients so that they can be successfully linked to ART, the convenience and proximity of testing centres, quality of HIV counseling, and efficiency of ART services need attention.  相似文献   
Enzymatic 3-O-sulfation of terminal ß-Gal residueswas investigated by screening sulfotransferase activity presentin 37 human tissue specimens toward the following synthesizedacceptor moieties: Galß1,3GalNAc-O-Al, Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Al,Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-Al, and mucin-type Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc-O-Bnstructures containing a C-3 methyl substituent on either Gal.Two distinct types of Gal: 3-O-sulfotransferases were revealed.One (Group A) was specific for the Galß1, 3GalNAc-linkage and the other (Group B) was directed toward the Galß1,4GlcNAcbranch ß1,6 linked to the blood group T hapten. Enzymeactivities found in breast tissues were unique in showing astrict specificity for the T-hapten. Galß-O-allylor benzyl did not serve as acceptors for Group A but were veryactive with Group B. An exainination of activity present insix human sera revealed a specificity of the serum enzyme towardß1,3 linked Gal, particularly, the T-hapten withoutß1,6 branching. Group A was highly active toward T-haptenlacrylamidecopolymer, anti-freeze glycoprotein, and fetuin O-glycosidicasialo glycopeptide; less active toward fetuin triantennaryasialo glycopeptide; and least active toward bovine IgG diantennaryglycopeptide. Group B was moderately and highly active, respectively,with the latter two glycopeptides noted and least active withthe first two. Competition experiments performed with Galß1,3GaLNAc-O-Aland Galß1,4GlcNAcß1,6(Galß1,3)GalNAc-O-Bnhaving a C-3 substituent (methyl or sulfate) on either Gal reinforcedearlier findings on the specificity characteristics of GroupA and Group B. Group A displayed a wider range of optimal activity(pH 6.0–7.4), whereas Group B possessed a peak of activityat pH 7.2. Mg2+ stimulated Group A 55% and Group B 150%, whereasMn+2 stimulated Group B 130% but inhibited Group A 75%. Ca2+stimulated Group B 100% but inhibited Group A 35%. Group A andGroup B enzymes appeared to be of the same molecular size (<100,000Da) as observed by Sephacryl S-100 HR column chromatography.The following effects upon Gal: 3-O- sulfotransferase activitiesby fucose, sulfate, and other substituents on the carbohydratechains were noted. (1) A methyl or GlcNAc substituent on C-6of GalNAc diminished the ability of Galß1,3GalNAc-O-Alto act as an acceptor for Group A. (2) An 1,3-fucosyl residueon the ß1,6 branch in the mucin core structure didnot affect the activity of Group A toward Gal linked ß1,3to GalNAc-. (3) Lewis x and Lewis a terminals did not serveas acceptors for either Group A or B enzymes. (4) Eliminationof Group B activity on Gal in the ß1,6 branch owingto the presence of a 3-fucosyl or 6-sulfo group on GlcNAc didnot hinder any action toward Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAc.(5) Group A activity on Gal linked ß1,3 to GalNAcremained imaffected by 3'-sulfation of the ß1,6 branch.The reverse was true for Group B. (6) The acceptor activityof the T-hapten was increased somewhat upon C-6 sulfation ofGalNAc, whereas, C-6 slalylation resulted in an 85% loss ofactivity. (7) A novel finding was that Galß1,4GlcNAcß-O-Aland Galß1,3GlcNAcß-O-M, upon C-6 sulfationof the GlcNAc moiety, became 100% inactive and 5- to 7-foldactive, respectively, in their ability to serve as acceptorsfor Group B. human tissues glycoprotein galactose:sulfotransferase specificities kinetic properties  相似文献   
Human and Simian Immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1, HIV-2, and SIV) encode an accessory protein, Nef, which is a pathogenesis and virulence factor. Nef is a multivalent adapter that dysregulates the trafficking of many immune cell receptors, including chemokine receptors (CKRs). Physiological endocytic itinerary of agonist occupied CXCR4 involves ubiquitinylation of the phosphorylated receptor at three critical lysine residues and dynamin-dependent trafficking through the ESCRT pathway into lysosomes for degradation. Likewise, Nef induced CXCR4 degradation was critically dependent on the three lysines in the C-terminal -SSLKILSKGK- motif. Nef directly recruits the HECT domain E3 ligases AIP4 or NEDD4 to CXCR4 in the resting state. This mechanism was confirmed by ternary interactions of Nef, CXCR4 and AIP4 or NEDD4; by reversal of Nef effect by expression of catalytically inactive AIP4-C830A mutant; and siRNA knockdown of AIP4, NEDD4 or some ESCRT-0 adapters. However, ubiquitinylation dependent lysosomal degradation was not the only mechanism by which Nef downregulated CKRs. Agonist and Nef mediated CXCR2 (and CXCR1) degradation was ubiquitinylation independent. Nef also profoundly downregulated the naturally truncated CXCR4 associated with WHIM syndrome and engineered variants of CXCR4 that resist CXCL12 induced internalization via an ubiquitinylation independent mechanism.  相似文献   
Sialylated or sulfated derivatives and acrylamide copolymers of blood group T-(Gal1,3GalNAc-) and Tn-(GalNAc) haptens were studied for their interaction with the lectins of peanut (PNA),Agaricus bisporus-(ABA),Helix pomatia-(HPA) andVicia villosa B4-(VVA), using asialo Cowper's gland mucin (ACGM), which contains both T and Tn epitopes, as the coating substrate in enzyme linked lectin assay. Both T and Tn copolymers (40 haptens) showed high affinity and strict specificity; although the T-copolymer at 0.05–0.07 µm concentration caused 50% inhibition of interaction of either PNA or ABA with ACGM, there was little inhibition of the HPA and VVA interactions at over 100 times that concentration. The Tn-copolymer at 0.02–0.05 µm inhibited HPA or VVA interaction with ACGM by 50% but gave virtually no inhibition of PNA and ABA binding. Sialyl, sulfate or methyl group substitution on C-6 of GalNAc of the T-haptene did not prevent interaction with PNA but almost abolished interaction with ABA. In contrast, sialyl or sulfate group on C-6 and sulfate on C-3 of Gal in Gal1,3GalNAc- inhibited almost completely the interaction of PNA with ACGM but had only a slight effect on the interaction of ABA; C-6 substitution with either sialic acid or sulfate on GalNAc- almost abolished the interaction of both HPA and VVA with ACGM. Preliminary studies revealed a significant depression in the serum level of anti-T (two to three-fold decrease) and anti-Tn ( two-fold decrease) antibodies in breast cancer compared with normal control subjects when the acrylamide T- and Tn-copolymers were used as coating substrates in enzyme linked immunoassays.Abbreviations PNA peanut agglutinin - ABA agaricus bisporus agglutinin - HPA helix pomatia agglutinin - VVA (B4),vicia villosa agglutinin - ACGM Asialo Copwer's gland mucin - CA carcinoma - BSA bovine serum albumin - HRP Horseradish peroxidase - ABTS 2,2-azino-di (3-ethyl-benzthiazoline sulfonate) - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - Al allyl - Bn benzyl - AA acrylamide - CP copolymer  相似文献   
Studies in cell culture systems have indicated that oncogenic forms of Ras can affect apoptosis. Activating mutations of Ras occur in ~30% of all human tumors and 50% of colorectal carcinomas. Since these mutations appear at early or intermediate stages in multistep journeys to neoplasia, an effect on apoptosis may help determine whether initiated cells progress towards a more neoplastic state. We have tested the effects of K-rasVal12 on apoptosis in transgenic mice. A lineage-specific promoter was used to direct expression of human K-rasVal12, with or without wild-type (wt) or mutant SV-40 T antigens (TAg), in postmitotic villus enterocytes, the principal cell type of the small intestinal epithelium. Enterocytes can be induced to reenter the cell cycle by TAgWt. Reentry is dependent upon the ability of TAg to bind pRB and is associated with a p53-independent apoptosis. Analyses of K-rasVal12 × TAgWt bi-transgenic animals indicated that K-rasVal12 can enhance this apoptosis threefold but only in cycling cells; increased apoptosis does not occur when K-rasVal12 is expressed alone or with a TAg containing Glu107,108→ Lys107,108 substitutions that block its ability to bind pRB. Analysis of bi-transgenic K-rasVal12 × TAgWt mice homozygous for wild-type or null p53 alleles established that the enhancement of apoptosis occurs through a p53-independent mechanism, is not attributable to augmented proliferation or to an increase in abortive cell cycle reentry (compared to TAgWt mice), and is not associated with detectable changes in the crypt–villus patterns of expression of apoptotic regulators (Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, Bak, and Bax) or mediators of epithelial cell–matrix interactions and survival (e.g., α5β1 integrin and its ligand, fibronectin). Coexpression of K-rasVal12 and TAgWt produces dysplasia. The K-rasVal12-augmented apoptosis is unrelated to this dysplasia; enhanced apoptosis is also observed in cycling nondysplastic enterocytes that produce K-rasVal12 and a TAg with a COOH-terminal truncation. The dysplastic epithelium of K-rasVal12 × TAgWt mice does not develop neoplasms. Our results are consistent with this finding: (a) When expressed in initiated enterocytes with a proliferative abnormality, K-rasVal12 facilitates progression to a dysplastic phenotype; (b) by diminishing cell survival on the villus, the oncoprotein may impede further progression; and (c) additional mutations may be needed to suppress this proapoptotic response to K-rasVal12.  相似文献   
Withaferin A is an abundant withanolide present in Withania somnifera leaves and to some extent in roots. It has been known for its profound anti-cancer properties, but its role in counteracting the Leishmania donovani infection has to be explored. Pteridine reductase 1 (PTR1) is involved in pteridine salvage and an important enzyme for the parasite growth, which could be targeted for the development of an efficient antileishmanial drug. We employed molecular docking studies to identify the binding mode of withaferin A with PTR1 in silico. We further cloned, expressed, and purified PTR1 of L. donovani and performed the enzyme kinetics using the Michaelis–Menten equation and enzyme inhibition studies with withaferin A by plotting the Lineweaver–Burk graph, which followed an uncompetitive mode of inhibition. We also showed the inhibition of the enzyme in the crude lysate of treated parasites. Thus, our study contributes towards understanding the mode of action of withaferin A against L. donovani parasite.  相似文献   
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