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Species of Grosmannia with Leptographium anamorphs include important forest pathogens and agents of blue stain in timber. They are commonly found in association with forest pests, such as bark beetles. During a survey of ophiostomatoid fungi in eastern parts of Finland and neighboring Russia, species belonging to the genus Grosmannia were isolated from 12 different bark beetle species infesting Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris, the most economically important conifers in the region. Identification of these fungi was based on morphology, DNA sequence comparisons for three gene regions and phylogenetic analyses. A total of ten taxa were identified. These belonged to six different species complexes in Grosmannia. The phylogenetic analyses provided an opportunity to redefine the G. galeiformis-, L. procerum-, L. lundbergii-, G. piceiperda-, G. olivacea- and G. penicillata-complexes, and to consider the species emerging from the survey within the context of these complexes. The species included G. galeiformis, G. olivacea, L. chlamydatum, L. lundbergii, L. truncatum and a novel taxon, described here as L. taigense sp. nov. In addition, species closely related to G. cucullata, G. olivaceapini comb. nov., G. piceiperda and L. procerum were isolated but their identity could not be resolved. The overall results indicate that the diversity of Grosmannia species in the boreal forests remains poorly understood and that further studies are needed to clarify the status of several species or species complexes.  相似文献   
Field transfer experiments of periphytic diatom assemblages developed on artificial substrates were set up to assess the responses of those communities to environmental disturbances. The glass slides were positioned for colonization at the relatively unpolluted site (Red, in the Red River) and at the heavily polluted site (TL, in the To Lich River) in the beginning of the experiment. After a period of 2?weeks, the colonized glass slides were concomitantly transferred from the unpolluted Red site to the heavily polluted TL site and to the moderate polluted site (NT2, in the Nhue River) and, conversely, from the TL site to the Red site, and then to the NT2 site. The responses and the adapting capacity of periphytic diatom communities to environmental changes were assessed through the cell density, diversity index, species richness, taxonomic composition, and diatom indices after 2 and 4?weeks of transfer periods. For all transfers except for the transfer from the Red to the TL site in which the growth inhibition of diatom cells was found, the diatom density significantly increased until the end of the experiment. Thus, the diatom communities have expressed their pollution tolerance or sensitivities by changing their composition to adapt themselves to environmental changes. Characteristic species of the Red site (Gyrosigma scalproides, Navicula recens) were replaced by Nitzschia palea, Nitzschia umbonata, Aulacoseira granulate typical species of the NT2 site, in the biofilm transferred from the Red site to the NT2 site. The relative abundances of typical diatom species of the Red site proliferated in the biofilm transferred from the TL site to the Red site. The replacement of periphytic diatom communities appeared after the transfer from the second week at the different sites. The slow shift of the species towards the typical species at the TL site could result from the organized structure of diatoms within biofilm before the transfer from the Red site to the TL site. The shifts in values of the Index of Specific Polluosensitivity and Diatom Assemblage Index to organic pollution throughout the experiment indicated the clear sensitivity of these indices to water quality changes.  相似文献   
Grosmannia serpens was first described from pine in Italy in 1936 and it has been recorded subsequently from many countries in both the northern and southern hemispheres. The fungus is vectored primarily by root-infesting bark beetles and has been reported to contribute to pine-root diseases in Italy and South Africa. The objective of this study was to consider the identity of a global collection of isolates not previously available and using DNA sequence-based comparisons not previously applied to most of these isolates. Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS2-LSU, actin, beta-tubulin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor-1 alpha sequences revealed that these morphologically similar isolates represent a complex of five cryptic species. Grosmannia serpens sensu stricto thus is redefined and comprises only isolates from Italy including the ex-type isolate. The ex-type isolate of Verticicladiella alacris was shown to be distinct from G. serpens, and a new holomorphic species, G. alacris, is described. The teleomorph state of G. alacris was obtained through mating studies in the laboratory, confirming that this species is heterothallic. Most of the available isolates, including those from South Africa, USA, France, Portugal and some from Spain, represent G. alacris. The remaining three taxa, known only in their anamorph states, are described as the new species Leptographium gibbsii for isolates from the UK, L. yamaokae for isolates from Japan and L. castellanum for isolates from Spain and the Dominican Republic.  相似文献   
We have previously demonstrated that nestin-expressing multipotent hair follicle stem cells are located above the hair follicle bulge and can differentiate into neurons and other cell types in vitro. The nestin-expressing hair follicle stem cells promoted the recovery of pre-existing axons when they were transplanted to the severed sciatic nerve or injured spinal cord. We have also previously demonstrated that the whisker hair follicle contains nestin-expressing stem cells in the dermal papilla (DP) as well as in the bulge area (BA), but that their origin is in the BA. In the present study, we established the technique of long-term Gelfoam? histoculture of whiskers isolated from transgenic mice in which nestin drives green fluorescent protein (ND-GFP). Confocal imaging was used to monitor ND-GFP-expressing stem cells trafficking in real time between the BA and DP to determine the fate of the stem cells. It was observed over a 2-week period that the stem cells trafficked from the BA toward the DP area and extensively grew out onto Gelfoam? forming nerve-like structures. This new method of long-term histoculture of whiskers from ND-GFP mice will enable the extensive study of the behavior of nestin-expressing multipotent stem cells of the hair follicle.  相似文献   
By restoring mitochondrial function, methylene blue (MB) is an effective neuroprotectant in many neurological disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases). MB has also been proposed as a brain metabolic enhancer because of its action on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase. We used in vitro and in vivo approaches to determine how MB affects brain metabolism and hemodynamics. For in vitro, we evaluated the effect of MB on brain mitochondrial function, oxygen consumption, and glucose uptake. For in vivo, we applied neuroimaging and intravenous measurements to determine MB’s effect on glucose uptake, cerebral blood flow (CBF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) under normoxic and hypoxic conditions in rats. MB significantly increases mitochondrial complex I–III activity in isolated mitochondria and enhances oxygen consumption and glucose uptake in HT-22 cells. Using positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), we observed significant increases in brain glucose uptake, CBF, and CMRO2 under both normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Further, MRI revealed that MB dramatically increased CBF in the hippocampus and in the cingulate, motor, and frontoparietal cortices, areas of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Our results suggest that MB can enhance brain metabolism and hemodynamics, and multimetric neuroimaging systems offer a noninvasive, nondestructive way to evaluate treatment efficacy.  相似文献   
TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is a major component within ubiquitin-positive inclusions of a number of neurodegenerative diseases that increasingly are considered as TDP-43 proteinopathies. Identities of other inclusion proteins associated with TDP-43 aggregation remain poorly defined. In this study, we identify and quantitate 35 co-aggregating proteins in the detergent-resistant fraction of HEK-293 cells in which TDP-43 or a particularly aggregate prone variant, TDP-S6, were enriched following overexpression, using stable isotope-labeled (SILAC) internal standards and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). We also searched for differential post-translational modification (PTM) sites of ubiquitination. Four sites of ubiquitin conjugation to TDP-43 or TDP-S6 were confirmed by dialkylated GST-TDP-43 external reference peptides, occurring on or near RNA binding motif (RRM) 1. RRM-containing proteins co-enriched in cytoplasmic granular structures in HEK-293 cells and primary motor neurons with insoluble TDP-S6, including cytoplasmic stress granule associated proteins G3BP, PABPC1, and eIF4A1. Proteomic evidence for TDP-43 co-aggregation with paraspeckle markers RBM14, PSF and NonO was also validated by western blot and by immunocytochemistry in HEK-293 cells. An increase in peptides from methylated arginine-glycine-glycine (RGG) RNA-binding motifs of FUS/TLS and hnRNPs was found in the detergent-insoluble fraction of TDP-overexpressing cells. Finally, TDP-43 and TDP-S6 detergent-insoluble species were reduced by mutagenesis of the identified ubiquitination sites, even following oxidative or proteolytic stress. Together, these findings define some of the aggregation partners of TDP-43, and suggest that TDP-43 ubiquitination influences TDP-43 oligomerization.  相似文献   
Elastase-mediated cleavage of cyclin E generates low molecular weight cyclin E (LMW-E) isoforms exhibiting enhanced CDK2-associated kinase activity and resistance to inhibition by CDK inhibitors p21 and p27. Approximately 27% of breast cancers express high LMW-E protein levels, which significantly correlates with poor survival. The objective of this study was to identify the signaling pathway(s) deregulated by LMW-E expression in breast cancer patients and to identify pharmaceutical agents to effectively target this pathway. Ectopic LMW-E expression in nontumorigenic human mammary epithelial cells (hMECs) was sufficient to generate xenografts with greater tumorigenic potential than full-length cyclin E, and the tumorigenicity was augmented by in vivo passaging. However, cyclin E mutants unable to interact with CDK2 protected hMECs from tumor development. When hMECs were cultured on Matrigel, LMW-E mediated aberrant acinar morphogenesis, including enlargement of acinar structures and formation of multi-acinar complexes, as denoted by reduced BIM and elevated Ki67 expression. Similarly, inducible expression of LMW-E in transgenic mice generated hyper-proliferative terminal end buds resulting in enhanced mammary tumor development. Reverse-phase protein array assay of 276 breast tumor patient samples and cells cultured on monolayer and in three-dimensional Matrigel demonstrated that, in terms of protein expression profile, hMECs cultured in Matrigel more closely resembled patient tissues than did cells cultured on monolayer. Additionally, the b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR pathway was activated in LMW-E-expressing patient samples, and activation of this pathway was associated with poor disease-specific survival. Combination treatment using roscovitine (CDK inhibitor) plus either rapamycin (mTOR inhibitor) or sorafenib (a pan kinase inhibitor targeting b-Raf) effectively prevented aberrant acinar formation in LMW-E-expressing cells by inducing G1/S cell cycle arrest. LMW-E requires CDK2-associated kinase activity to induce mammary tumor formation by disrupting acinar development. The b-Raf-ERK1/2-mTOR signaling pathway is aberrantly activated in breast cancer and can be suppressed by combination treatment with roscovitine plus either rapamycin or sorafenib.  相似文献   
The contribution of ABCA1-mediated efflux of cellular phospholipid (PL) and cholesterol to human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) to the formation of pre beta 1-HDL (or lipid-poor apoA-I) is not well defined. To explore this issue, we characterized the nascent HDL particles formed when lipid-free apoA-I was incubated with fibroblasts in which expression of the ABCA1 was upregulated. After a 2 h incubation, the extracellular medium contained small apoA-I/PL particles (pre beta 1-HDL; diameter = 7.5 +/- 0.4 nm). The pre beta 1-HDL (or lipid-poor apoA-I) particles contained a single apoA-I molecule and three to four PL molecules and one to two cholesterol molecules. An apoA-I variant lacking the C-terminal alpha-helix did not form such particles when incubated with the cell, indicating that this helix is critical for the formation of lipid-poor apoA-I particles. These pre beta 1-HDL particles were as effective as lipid-free apoA-I molecules in mediating both the efflux of cellular lipids via ABCA1 and the formation of larger, discoidal HDL particles. In conclusion, pre beta 1-HDL is both a product and a substrate in the ABCA1-mediated reaction to efflux cellular PL and cholesterol to apoA-I. A monomeric apoA-I molecule associated with three to four PL molecules (i.e., lipid-poor apoA-I) has similar properties to the lipid-free apoA-I molecule.  相似文献   
An efficient system for the in vitro plant and shootregeneration of Lilium longiflorum was developed andaccomplished using transverse thin cell layers (tTCL) of young stems.tTCLs were cut transversely along young stems from which the shoot-tipshad been removed. Sections were measured accurately using a graded gridand were cut in 4 mm × 4 mm × 1 mm cubes, eliminatingepidermal tissue, and were cultured on one-half MS medium containing 8 gl–1 agar, different sucrose concentrations (10, 20, 30 or 40g l–1), and with or without 1 mg l–1 activatedcharcoal (AC). Plants formed on the surface of tTCLs within 60 days onone-half MS medium containing 8 g l–1 agar and 20 gl–1 sucrose. Sections of 1 mm taken just below the apicalarea developed buds within 15 days, whereas the sections closer to thebase required about 45 days. Shoot regeneration was enhanced whensucrose concentration was used at 30 or 40 g l–1 after 60days of culture. No root formation occurred. Both shooting and rootingoccurred when sucrose was used at 20 g l–1. The plantletswere transferred to soil and grew well under greenhouseconditions.  相似文献   
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