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Biochemical, electrophoretic and immunological studies were made among peroxisomal enzymes in three organs of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Centennial] to compare the enzyme distribution and characteristics of specialized peroxisomes in one species. Leaves, nodules and etiolated cotyledons were compared with regard to several enzymes localized solely in their peroxisomes: catalase (EC, malate synthase (EC, glycolate oxidase (EC, and urate oxidase (EC Catalase activity was found in all tissue extracts. Electrophoresis on native polyacrylamide gels indicated that leaf catalase migrated more anodally than nodule or cotyledon catalase as shown by both activity staining and Western blotting. Malate synthase activity and immunologically detectable protein were present only in the cotyledon extracts. Western blots of denaturing (lithium dodecyl sulfate) gels probed with anti-cotton malate synthase antiserum, reveal a single subunit of 63 kDa in both cotton and soybean cotyledons. Glycolic acid oxidase activity was present in all three organs, but ca 20-fold lower (per mg protein) in both nodule and cotyledon extracts compared to leaf extracts. Electrophoresis followed by activity staining on native gels indicated one enzyme form with the same mobility in nodule, cotyledon and leaf preparations. Urate oxidase activity was found in nodule extracts only. Native gel electrophoresis showed a single band of activity. Novel electrophoretic systems had to be developed to resolve the urate oxidase and glycolate oxidase activities; both of these enzymes moved cathodally in the gel system employed while most other proteins moved anodally. This multifaceted study of enzymes located within three specialized types of peroxisomes in a single species has not been undertaken previously, and the results indicate that previous comparisons between the enzyme content of specialized peroxisomes from different organisms are mostly consistent with that for a single species, soybean.  相似文献   
A dinitroaniline-resistant (R) biotype of Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertner. (goosegrass) is demonstrated to be cross-resistant to a structurally non-related herbicide, amiprophosmethyl, and supersensitive to two other classes of compounds which disrupt mitosis. These characteristics of the R biotype were discovered in a comparative test of the effects of 24 different antimitotic compounds on the R biotype and susceptible (S) wild-type Eleusine. The compounds tested could be classified into three groups based upon their effects on mitosis in root tips of the susceptible (S) biotype. Class I compounds induced effects like the well known mitotic disrupter colchicine: absence of cortical and spindle microtubules, mitosis arrested at prometaphase, and the formation of polymorphic nuclei after arrested mitosis. The R biotype was resistant to treatment with some class I inhibitors (all dinitroaniline herbicides and amiprophosmethyl) but not all (e.g. colchicine, podophyllotoxin, vinblastine, and pronamide). Roots of the R biotype, when treated with either dinitroaniline herbicides or amiprophosmethyl, exhibited no or only small increases in the mitotic index nor were the spindle and cortical microtubules affected. Compounds of class II (carbamate herbicides and griseofulvin) cause misorientation of microtubules which results in multinucleated cells. Compounds of class III (caffeine and structually related alkaloids) cause imcomplete cell walls to form at telophase. Each of these last two classes of compounds affected the R biotype more than the S biotype (supersensitivity). The cross-resistance and high levels of resistance of the R biotype of Eleusine to the dinitroaniline herbicides and the structurally distinct herbicide, amiprophosmethyl, indicate that a mechanism of resistance based upon metabolic modification, translocation, or compartmentation of the herbicides is probably not operative.  相似文献   
With the use of a continuous spectrophotometric assay and initial rates determined by the method of Waley [Biochem. J. (1981) 193, 1009-1012] methotrexate was found to be a non-competitive inhibitor, with Ki(intercept) = 72 microM and Ki(slope) = 41 microM, of 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribotide transformylase, whereas a polyglutamate of methotrexate containing three gamma-linked glutamate residues was a competitive inhibitor, with Ki = 3.15 microM. Pentaglutamates of folic acid and 10-formylfolic acid were also competitive inhibitors of the transformylase, with Ki values of 0.088 and 1.37 microM respectively. Unexpectedly, the pentaglutamate of 10-formyldihydrofolic acid was a good substrate for the transformylase, with a Km of 0.51 microM and a relative Vmax. of 0.72, which compared favourably with a Km of 0.23 microM and relative Vmax. of 1.0 for the tetrahydro analogue. An analysis of the progress curve of the transformylase-catalysed reaction with the above dihydro coenzyme revealed that the pentaglutamate of dihydrofolic acid was a competitive product inhibitor, with Ki = 0.14 microM. The continuous spectrophotometric assay for adenosine deaminase based on change in the absorbance at 265 nm was shown to be valid with adenosine concentrations above 100 microM, which contradicts a previous report [Murphy, Baker, Behling & Turner (1982) Anal. Biochem. 122, 328-337] that this assay was invalid above this concentration. With the spectrophotometric assay, 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside was found to be a competitive inhibitor of adenosine deaminase, with (Ki = 362 microM), whereas the ribotide was a competitive inhibitor of 5'-adenylate deaminase, with Ki = 1.01 mM. Methotrexate treatment of susceptible cells results in (1) its conversion into polyglutamates, (2) the accumulation of oxidized folate polyglutamates, and (3) the accumulation of 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide riboside and ribotide. The above metabolic events may be integral elements producing the cytotoxic effect of this drug by (1) producing tighter binding of methotrexate to folate-dependent enzymes, (2) producing inhibitors of folate-dependent enzymes from their tetrahydrofolate coenzymes, and (3) trapping toxic amounts of adenine nucleosides and nucleotides as a result of inhibition of adenosine deaminase and 5'-adenylate deaminase respectively.  相似文献   
Proteins from rabbit kidney brush border membranes were solubilized with 1% Nonidet P-40 (crude membrane proteins) and fractionated according to their isoelectric points (pI) by chromatofocusing. The eluate was pooled into three fractions according to the pI of the samples (1, greater than 6.8; 2, 6.8-5.4; 3, 5.4-4.0). The crude membrane proteins as well as the three fractions were reconstituted into liposomes and transport of Pi was measured by a rapid filtration technique in the presence of an inwardly directed K+ or Na+ gradient. Arsenate-inhibitable Na+-dependent transport of Pi was reconstituted into an osmotically active intravesicular space from both the crude membrane proteins and Fraction 1. In contrast, Fractions 2 and 3 were inactive. Treatment of the crude membrane proteins and the three fractions with the method for extracting phosphorin (a Pi-binding proteolipid found in brush border membranes) yielded Mn2+-dependent binding of Pi characteristic of phosphorin only in the extracts from crude membrane proteins and Fraction 1, the same fractions in which Na+-dependent transport of Pi was found in the reconstituted system. When reconstituted into liposomes, phosphorin was, however, unable to yield Na+-dependent transport of Pi. Moreover, we cannot eliminate the possibility that Na+-Pi transport can occur in the absence of phosphorin, since complete recovery of Na+-Pi transport was not achieved. However, the present data showing localization of the recovered binding and transport systems for Pi in the same protein fraction lend support to the hypothesis that phosphorin might be a constituent of the renal Pi transport system. Whether the presence of phosphorin is necessary or accessory for Na+-dependent Pi transport in intact brush border membrane vesicles or in liposomes reconstituted with crude or purified membrane proteins requires further investigation.  相似文献   
At least 78%, and perhaps all, of inorganic polyphosphate is shown to be contained within the vesicles (vacuoles) of Neurospora crassa, where over 97% of the soluble arginine, lysine, and ornithine pools are known to accumulate. Furthermore, synthetic polyphosphate can concentrate arginine up to 400-fold from dilute (0.01 mM) solutions in equilibrium dialysis. For these reasons and because the molar ratio of basic amino acids and polyphosphate phosphorus is approximately 1, we tested the hypothesis that there was an obligate physiological relationship between them. Experiments in which nitrogen starvation and arginine excess were imposed upon cells showed that polyphosphate content was insensitive to changes in the basic amino acid content. Experiments involving phosphate starvation and restoration showed that basic amino acid content was almost wholly independent of polyphosphate pools. Moreover, the normal high degree of compartmentation of arginine in vesicles was maintained despite polyphosphate depletion, and arginine was still exchanged across the vesicular membrane. We conclude that N. crassa, like yeasts, can regulate polyphosphates and basic amino acids independently, and that the accumulation of basic amino acids in vesicles may depend upon an energy-requiring mechanism in addition to the demonstrated charge interaction with polyphosphate.  相似文献   
We examined calcium and calmodulin regulation of atrial natriuretic factor stimulation of particulate-membrane guanylate cyclase (ANF-s-GC) in SK-NEP-1 cells. W7 and trifluoropiperazine, but not W5, inhibited whole cellular ANF-stimulated cyclic GMP accumulation (ANF-s-cGMP). EGTA and LaCl3 decreased ANF-s-GC and calmodulin reversed this inhibition. A23187-induced inhibition of ANF-s-cGMP was only partly reversible by IBMX. H7 or staurosporine counteracted the inhibitory effect of A23187. Calcium inhibited basal and ANF-s-GC. These data suggest that at low concentrations of calcium, ANF-s-GC was calcium-calmodulin dependent but high concentrations of calcium inhibited ANF-s-GC through phosphodiesterase, through inhibition of GC, and probably through protein kinase C.  相似文献   
T Iwata  J Vaughn  E D Frohlich  F E Cole 《Peptides》1991,12(2):301-307
We investigated regulation of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-stimulated cellular cGMP accumulation (ANF-s-cGMP) in an ANF-responsive human renal cell line, SK-NEP-1. Dose-response data indicated that the EC50 for ANF(99-126) was 1.1 x 10(-9) M. Brain natriuretic peptide (10(-6) M) increased cGMP to a level indistinguishable from that of ANF (10(-6) M). [Met-(O)]ANF was only half as potent as ANF, and atriopeptin I (10(-6) M) did not increase cGMP over basal levels. Preincubation of SK-NEP-1 cells with ANF, but not atriopeptin I (API), for two hours or longer, caused a concentration-dependent down-regulation of ANF-s-cGMP. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, and A23187 and its 4-bromo derivative, calcium ionophores, inhibited ANF-s-cGMP in a dose-dependent manner. A23187 inhibition was calcium dependent and promoted net cGMP degradation. Thirty-six hour preincubation with PMA, a procedure used to down-regulate PKC, abolished acute PMA inhibition of ANF-s-cGMP without having an effect on ANF-s-cGMP or on 4-bromo-A23187 inhibition thereof. These data indicate that PKC activation specifically inhibited ANF-s-cGMP but that PKC was not required for ANF-s-cGMP in SK-NEP-1 cells. Thus structurally related ANF peptides, protein kinase C (PKC) activators, calcium ionophores are potential modulators of ANF-s-cGMP in cells from this human renal cell line.  相似文献   
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