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Zusammenfassung Der Sauerstoffverbrauch des Goldfisches fällt, bei Aufenthalt in der Durchströmungsapparatur, bis zur 8. Std erheblich. Er sinkt auch danach in geringen Grenzen weiter bis zu einem Minimum ab. Helligkeit und Dunkelheit sind ohne wesentlichen Einfluß auf den O2-Verbrauch. Injektion von physiologischer Kochsalzlösung ruft für 30–40 min eine Beunruhigung hervor, die sich in einer O2-Verbrauchserhöhung von etwa 20% bemerkbar macht.Eine einmalige Injektion von Thyroxin bewirkt einen Anstieg des O2-Verbrauchs bis zu 5 1/2 Std nach der Injektion. Im Sommer beträgt die Erhöhung maximal über 100%. Die Kontrollen zeigen weiteres Absinken des O2-Verbrauchs. Es zeigt sich ein deutlicher Unterschied der Thyroxinwirkung zwischen Jungund Alttieren (Grenze 15 g). Jungtiere zeigen weit geringere Reaktion.Einmalige Injektion von thyreotropem Hormon zeigt ebenfalls einen Anstieg des O2-Verbrauchs. Im Unterschied zur Thyroxinwirkung erfolgt er in kürzerer Zeit und steigt auf höhere Werte (maximal über 200%). Auch hier ist ein deutlicher Wirkungsunterschied zwischen Jungund Alttieren vorhanden.An Stelle von Thyreoidektomie wird Methylthiouracil zur Ausschaltung der Schilddrüse Verwendet. 0,1 cm3 einer 5% igen Na-Lösung wirken über 4 Tage stoffwechselsenkend und lassen thyreotropes Hormon nicht zur Wirkung kommen.Im Sommer und Winter bewirkt mehrmalige Verabfolgung von Thyroxin nach einer verschieden langen Latenzzeit einen Anstieg des O2-Verbrauchs.Auch mehrmalige Verabfolgung von thyreotropem Hormon läßt den Sauerstoffverbrauch der Fische ansteigen. Die unterschiedliche Wirkung zwischen Jung und Alttieren läßt sich auch hier statistisch sichern.Wird bei durch thyreotropes Hormon erhöhtem O2-Verbrauch MTU verabfolgt, so sinkt der O2-Wert rapide und steigt auch nicht mehr auf die vorherige Höhe an.Bei Thyroxinbehandlung über längere Zeit zeigt sich zunächst eine Expansion der Melanophoren und eine Zunahme des Pigments, welche dann von einem destruktiven Prozeß an den Farbzellen abgelöst wird, der nach etwa 90 Tagen zum völligen Zerfall aller Melanophoren führt. Bei Behandlung mit thyreotropem Hormon und bei Thyroxinbehandlung an jungen Tieren konnte nur eine Expansion der Melanophoren beobachtet werden.Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Giersberg möchte ich auch an dieser Stelle meinen Dank aussprechen für die Anregung und die Unterstützung bei der Durchführung dieser Arbeit.  相似文献   
Copy number expansions such as amplifications and duplications contribute to human phenotypic variation, promote molecular diversification during evolution, and drive the initiation and/or progression of various cancers. The mechanisms underlying these copy number changes are still incompletely understood, however. We recently demonstrated that transient, limited re-replication from a single origin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae efficiently induces segmental amplification of the re-replicated region. Structural analyses of such re-replication induced gene amplifications (RRIGA) suggested that RRIGA could provide a new mechanism for generating copy number variation by non-allelic homologous recombination (NAHR). Here we elucidate this new mechanism and provide insight into why it is so efficient. We establish that sequence homology is both necessary and sufficient for repetitive elements to participate in RRIGA and show that their recombination occurs by a single-strand annealing (SSA) mechanism. We also find that re-replication forks are prone to breakage, accounting for the widespread DNA damage associated with deregulation of replication proteins. These breaks appear to stimulate NAHR between re-replicated repeat sequences flanking a re-initiating replication origin. Our results support a RRIGA model where the expansion of a re-replication bubble beyond flanking homologous sequences followed by breakage at both forks in trans provides an ideal structural context for SSA–mediated NAHR to form a head-to-tail duplication. Given the remarkable efficiency of RRIGA, we suggest it may be an unappreciated contributor to copy number expansions in both disease and evolution.  相似文献   
During the assembly process of ribosomal subunits, their structural components, the ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) and the ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) have to join together in a highly dynamic and defined manner to enable the efficient formation of functional ribosomes. In this work, the assembly of large ribosomal subunit (LSU) r-proteins from the eukaryote S. cerevisiae was systematically investigated. Groups of LSU r-proteins with specific assembly characteristics were detected by comparing the protein composition of affinity purified early, middle, late or mature LSU (precursor) particles by semi-quantitative mass spectrometry. The impact of yeast LSU r-proteins rpL25, rpL2, rpL43, and rpL21 on the composition of intermediate to late nuclear LSU precursors was analyzed in more detail. Effects of these proteins on the assembly states of other r-proteins and on the transient LSU precursor association of several ribosome biogenesis factors, including Nog2, Rsa4 and Nop53, are discussed.  相似文献   
In motion capture applications using electromagnetic tracking systems the process of anatomical calibration associates the technical frames of sensors attached to the skin with the human anatomy. Joint centers and axes are determined relative to these frames. A change of orientation of the sensor relative to the skin renders this calibration faulty. This sensitivity regarding sensor displacement can turn out to be a serious problem with movement recordings of several minutes duration. We propose the “dislocation distance” as a novel method to quantify sensor displacement and to detect gradual and sudden changes of sensor orientation. Furthermore a method to define a so called fixed technical frame is proposed as a robust reference frame which can adapt to a new sensor orientation on the skin. The proposed methods are applied to quantify the effects of sensor displacement of 120 upper and lower limb movement recordings of newborns revealing the need for a method to compensate for sensor displacement. The reliability of the fixed technical frame is quantified and it is shown that trend and dispersion of the dislocation distance can be significantly reduced. A working example illustrates the consequences of sensor displacement on derived angle time series and how they are avoided using the fixed technical frame.  相似文献   
The proton pumping activity of the tonoplast (vacuolar membrane) H+-ATPase and H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) has been studied on a tonoplast-enriched microsomal fraction and on intact vacuoles isolated from a heterotrophic cell suspension culture of Chenopodium rubrum L. in the presence of the lysosphingolipids D-sphingosine, psychosine (galactosylsphingosine) and lysosulfatide (sulfogalactosyl-sphingosine). Sphingosine strongly stimulates (Ka= 0.16 μ M ) the PPase activity, assayed both as ΔpH formation across the tonoplast vesicle membrane, and as reversible clamp current measured by the whole-vacuolar mode of the patch-clamp technique. Psychosine showed a minor, and lysosulfatide no stimulatory effect. No effect upon the ATPase activity has been observed. No sphingosine-induced change could be observed in the affinity of the PPase for its substrate (apparent Km= 10 μ M MgPPi). We tentatively conclude that sphingosine, which is known as a potent inhibitor of the protein kinase C in animal cells, may be a regulator of the plant vacuolar PPase.  相似文献   
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