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Characterization of aggregation profiles of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) is gaining importance because an increasing number of mAb-based therapeutics are entering clinical studies and gaining marketing approval. To develop a successful formulation, it is imperative to identify the critical biochemical properties of each potential mAb drug candidate. We investigated the conformational change and aggregation of a human IgG1 using external dye-binding experiments with fluorescence spectroscopy and compared the aggregation profiles obtained to the results of size-exclusion chromatography. We show that using an appropriate dye at selected mAb concentration, unfolding or aggregation can be studied. In addition, dye-binding experiments may be used as conventional assays to study therapeutic mAb stability.Key words: therapeutic monoclonal antibody, protein aggregation, conformational change, stability and shelf-life prediction, accelerated studiesMonoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have emerged as a novel class of protein drugs and are utilized for a variety of mostly incurable and debilitating diseases such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.14 For treatment of chronic diseases, it is desirable for these drugs to be administered subcutaneously, in which case high protein concentrations (>100 mg/mL) are generally needed.5,6 Protein-based drugs containing mAbs must contain minimum amounts of aggregation and fragmentation and conserve their structural integrity during storage because degraded or aggregated protein may induce immunogenicity or reduce efficacy. Currently, size-exclusion chromatography-high performance liquid chromatography (SEC-HPLC) is the most commonly used method to characterize mAb aggregation profiles;7 however it is time consuming, expensive and requires expertise. SEC-HPLC cannot be used to obtain accurate biophysical profiles of mAbs at high concentrations because dilution during the experiment might lead to reversible aggregation. Furthermore, the potential interaction of aggregates with surfaces, e.g., needle, tubing, column, will lead to the loss of sample and thus an inaccurate analysis.8,9 Additional drawbacks of the technique are that different conformations such as partially unfolded monomers also cannot be distinguished by SEC-HPLC and large aggregates may be totally excluded during the injection into the column.External dye binding assays have been used to characterize protein stability and aggregation,1012 and studies involving biopharmaceuticals have been reported recently, e.g., for thermostability screening10 and detection of aggregation.1114 These methods are not limited by protein quantity and are more sensitive because they are fluorescence-based. We studied the accelerated unfolding of an IgG1 mAb with the hydrophobic dye 1-anilino-8-naphthale-nesulfonate (ANS), and its accelerated aggregation with aggregate specific Thioflavin T (ThT). We have also conducted accelerated aggregation studies with SEC-HPLC7 and compared the findings to the ThT binding results. We hypothesize that key structures formed during mAb aggregation can be probed selectively by the appropriate dyes (Fig. 1) with specific mAb concentrations.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Key structures of the mAb probed by fluorescent dyes. N and U are native and unfolded monomers, respectively. “n” reactive monomers form aggregates.  相似文献   
Three novel strains in Calotrichaceae from tropical habitats were isolated and characterized with regard to their morphology, phylogenetic placement, and secondary structures of conserved domains in the 16S-23S internal transcribed spacer (ITS). The strains fell into two clades formerly identified as Calothrix from freshwater and brackish habitats. Based on both morphology and ecology, they differed from the type species of Calothrix, C. confervicola, which is marine, has wide trichomes with short cells, and narrows abruptly to a hyaline hair. The first clade grouped species with heteropolar filaments widened at the base and narrowed gradually toward the apex but not ending in a hair, with basal heterocytes that are formed in series as the apically placed heterocytes senesce; this clade is being named Fulbrightiella gen. nov., with two named species, F. bharadwajae sp. nov. and F. oahuensis sp. nov. The second clade was comprised of a single species with isopolar trichomes that are untapering as hormogonia, but which widen midfilament and taper toward both ends following growth. These trichomes develop pairs of heterocyte mid-filament, causing fragmentation into heteropolar trichomes with basal heterocytes and ends that taper, but not to a hair. This clade consists of a single species at present, Sherwoodiella mauiensis. With this action, four clades in the Calotrichaceae have been named: Macrochaete, Dulcicalothrix, Fulbrightiella, and Sherwoodiella. Calothrix sensu stricto is truly marine, morphologically distinct, and unsequenced; finding and sequencing the generitype for Calothrix remains as the most important and unfinished task in the revision of the Calotrichaceae.  相似文献   
Mineral phosphate solubilization by bacteria is mediated through secretion of organic acids, among which citrate is one of the most effective. To overproduce citrate in bacterial systems, an artificial citrate operon comprising of genes encoding NADH-insensitive citrate synthase of E. coli and Salmonella typhimurium sodium-dependent citrate transporter was constructed. In order to improve its mineral phosphate solubilizing (MPS) ability, the citrate operon was incorporated into E. hormaechei DHRSS. The artificial citrate operon transformant secreted 7.2 mM citric acid whereas in the native strain, it was undetectable. The transformant released 0.82 mM phosphate in flask studies in buffered medium containing rock phosphate as sole P source. In fermenter studies, similar phenotype was observed under aerobic conditions. However, under microaerobic conditions, no citrate was detected and P release was not observed. Therefore, an artificial citrate gene cluster containing Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (vgb) gene under its native promoter, along with artificial citrate operon under constitutive tac promoter, was constructed and transformed into E. hormaechei DHRSS. This transformant secreted 9 mM citric acid under microaerobic conditions and released 1.0 mM P. Thus, incorporation of citrate operon along with vgb gene improves MPS ability of E. hormaechei DHRSS under buffered, microaerobic conditions mimicking rhizospheric environment.  相似文献   
Lipopolysaccharide, particularly the O-antigen component, is one of many virulence determinants necessary for Shigella flexneri pathogenesis. O-Antigen modification is mediated by glucosyltransferase genes (gtr) encoded by temperate serotype-converting bacteriophages. The gtrV gene encodes the GtrV glucosyltransferase, an integral membrane protein that catalyzes the transfer of a glucosyl residue via an alpha1,3 linkage to rhamnose II of the O-antigen unit. This mediates conversion of S. flexneri serotype Y to serotype 5a. Analysis of the GtrV amino acid sequence using computer prediction programs indicated that GtrV had 9-11 transmembrane segments. The computer prediction models were tested by genetically fusing C-terminal deletions of GtrV to a dual reporter system composed of alkaline phosphatase and beta-galactosidase. Sandwiched GtrV-PhoA/LacZ fusions were also constructed at predetermined positions. The enzyme activities of cells with the GtrV-PhoA/LacZ fusions and the particular location of the fusions in the gtrV indicated that GtrV has nine transmembrane segments and one large N-terminal periplasmic loop with the N and C termini located on the cytoplasmic and periplasmic sides of the membrane, respectively. The existence of a unique reentrant loop was discovered after transmembrane segment IV, a feature not documented in other bacterial glycosyltransferases. Its potential role in mediating serotype conversion in S. flexneri is discussed.  相似文献   


Shigella flexneri is the major cause of bacillary dysentery in the developing countries. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) O-antigen of S. flexneri plays an important role in its pathogenesis and also divides S. flexneri into 19 serotypes. All the serotypes with an exception for serotype 6 share a common O-antigen backbone comprising of N-acetylglucosamine and three rhamnose residues. Different serotypes result from modification of the basic backbone conferred by phage-encoded glucosyltransferase and/or acetyltransferase genes, or plasmid-encoded phosphoethanolamine transferase. Recently, a new site for O-acetylation at positions 3 and 4 of RhaIII, in serotypes 1a, 1b, 2a, 5a and Y was shown to be mediated by the oacB gene. Additionally, this gene was shown to be carried by a transposon-like structure inserted upstream of the adrA region on the chromosome.


In this study, a novel bacteriophage Sf101, encoding the oacB gene was isolated and characterised from a serotype 7a strain. The complete sequence of its 38,742 bp genome encoding 66 open reading frames (orfs) was determined. Comparative analysis revealed that phage Sf101 has a mosaic genome, and most of its proteins were >90% identical to the proteins from 12 previously characterised lambdoid phages. In addition, the organisation of Sf101 genes was found to be highly similar to bacteriophage Sf6. Analysis of the Sf101 OacB identified two amino acid substitutions in the protein; however, results obtained by NMR spectroscopy confirmed that Sf101-OacB was functional. Inspection of the chromosomal integration site of Sf101 phage revealed that this phage integrates in the sbcB locus, thus unveiling a new site for integration of serotype-converting phages of S. flexneri, and determining an alternative location of oacB gene in the chromosome. Furthermore, this study identified oacB gene in several serotype 7a isolates from various regions providing evidence of O-acetyl modification in serotype 7a.


This is the first report on the isolation of bacteriophage Sf101 which contains the S. flexneri O-antigen modification gene oacB. Sf101 has a highly mosaic genome and was found to integrate in the sbcB locus. These findings contribute an advance in our current knowledge of serotype converting phages of S. flexneri.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-742) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
A new steroidal sapogenin molecule 1 having unique characteristics, 21-nor and unusual C19 carboxylic acid has been isolated from the roots of Asparagus racemosus. On the basis of chemical evidence, extensive spectroscopic analysis including two dimensional (2D) NMR and X-ray studies of single crystal, the structure of 1 was determined as (1S,2R,3S,8S,9S,10S,13S,14S,16S,17R,22R,25R)-21-nor-18β,27α-dimethyl-1β,2β,3β-trihydroxy-25-spirost-4-en-19β-oic acid. 1 crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21 with a = 9.295(2), b = 11.238(2), c = 11.376(2) Å; β = 91.993(4)°, Z = 2, Dcal = 1.344 Mg/m3. The structure was solved by direct methods and refined by full-matrix least-squares procedure to a final R-value of 0.0561 for 4064 observed reflections. 1 was tested against the type of immune responses generated during treatment in normal and immune-suppressed animals and detailed biological activity evaluation suggests it to be a potent immunostimulator.  相似文献   
DNA barcode is a new tool for taxon recognition and classification of biological organisms based on sequence of a fragment of mitochondrial gene, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI). In view of the growing importance of the fish DNA barcoding for species identification, molecular taxonomy and fish diversity conservation, we developed a Fish Barcode Information System (FBIS) for Indian fishes, which will serve as a regional DNA barcode archival and analysis system. The database presently contains 2334 sequence records of COI gene for 472 aquatic species belonging to 39 orders and 136 families, collected from available published data sources. Additionally, it contains information on phenotype, distribution and IUCN Red List status of fishes. The web version of FBIS was designed using MySQL, Perl and PHP under Linux operating platform to (a) store and manage the acquisition (b) analyze and explore DNA barcode records (c) identify species and estimate genetic divergence. FBIS has also been integrated with appropriate tools for retrieving and viewing information about the database statistics and taxonomy. It is expected that FBIS would be useful as a potent information system in fish molecular taxonomy, phylogeny and genomics. AVAILABILITY: The database is available for free at http://mail.nbfgr.res.in/fbis/  相似文献   
Hyaluronic acid (HA) production using a dairy industrial waste is a more cost-efficient strategy than using an expensive synthetic medium. In this study, we investigated the production of HA using Streptococcus thermophilus under shake flask conditions using dairy industrial waste as nutritional supplements, namely whey permeate (WP) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH). Preliminary screening using Plackett–Burman design exhibited WP, WPH, initial pH, and inoculum size as significant factors influencing HA titer. Response surface methodology design of four factors was formulated at three levels for enhanced production of HA. Shake flask HA fermentation by S. thermophilus was performed under global optimized process conditions and the optimal HA titer (342.93?mg?L?1) corroborates with Box–Behnken design prediction. The molecular weight of HA was elucidated as 9.22–9.46?kDa. The ultralow-molecular weight HA reported in this study has a potential role in drug and gene delivery applications.  相似文献   
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