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The extracellular domain of the glycoprotein-associated integrin hCD98 protrudes into the basolateral extracellular space of the intestine and contains a PDZ class II-binding domain (GLLLRFPYAA, amino acids 520-529). Protein-protein interaction studies in vitro as well as in human colonic sections and Caco2-BBE cells have revealed that hCD98 coimmunoprecipitated with the basolateral membrane-associated guanylate kinase hCASK and that this interaction occurred in a PDZ domain-dependent manner. These novel results, which provide the first evidence for a PDZ domain-dependent interaction between a membrane protein and an extracellular protein, open a new field of investigation related to extracellular signaling in cell biology.  相似文献   
Human infections with non-typhoidal Salmonella (NTS) serovars are increasingly becoming a threat to human health globally. While all motile Salmonellae have zoonotic potential, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Typhimurium are most commonly associated with human disease, for which poultry are a major source. Despite the increasing number of human NTS infections, the epidemiology of NTS in poultry in India has not been fully understood. Hence, as a first step, we carried out epidemiological analysis to establish the incidence of NTS in poultry to evaluate the risk to human health. A total of 1215 samples (including poultry meat, tissues, egg and environmental samples) were collected from 154 commercial layer farms from southern India and screened for NTS. Following identification by cultural and biochemical methods, Salmonella isolates were further characterized by multiplex PCR, allele-specific PCR, enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR and pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In the present study, 21/1215 (1.73 %) samples tested positive for NTS. We found 12/392 (3.06 %) of tissue samples, 7/460 (1.52 %) of poultry products, and 2/363 (0.55 %) of environmental samples tested positive for NTS. All the Salmonella isolates were resistant to oxytetracycline, which is routinely used as poultry feed additive. The multiplex PCR results allowed 16/21 isolates to be classified as S. Typhimurium, and five isolates as S. Enteritidis. Of the five S. Enteritidis isolates, four were identified as group D Salmonella by allele-specific PCR. All of the isolates produced different banding patterns in ERIC PCR. Of the thirteen macro restriction profiles (MRPs) obtained by PFGE, MRP 6 was predominant which included 6 (21 %) isolates. In conclusion, the findings of the study revealed higher incidence of contamination of NTS Salmonella in poultry tissue and animal protein sources used for poultry. The results of the study warrants further investigation on different type of animal feed sources, food market chains, processing plants, live bird markets etc., to evaluate the risk factors, transmission and effective control measures of human Salmonella infection from poultry products.  相似文献   
Dengue virus NS5 protein is a multifunctional RNA-dependent RNA polymerase that is essential for virus replication. We have shown previously that the 37- amino acid interdomain spacer sequence (residues (369)X(2)KKX(14)KKKX(11)RKX(3)405) of Dengue2 NS5 contains a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS). In this study, beta-galactosidase fusion proteins carrying point mutations of the positively charged residues or truncations of the interdomain linker region (residues 369-389 or residues 386-405) were analyzed for nuclear import and importin binding activities to show that the N-terminal part of the linker region (residues 369-389, a/bNLS) is critical for nuclear localization and is recognized with high affinity by the conventional NLS-binding importin alpha/beta heterodimeric nuclear import receptor. We also show that the importin beta-binding site (residues 320-368, bNLS) adjacent to the a/bNLS, previously identified by yeast two-hybrid analysis, is functional as an NLS, recognized with high affinity by importin beta, and able to target beta-galactosidase to the nucleus. Intriguingly, the bNLS is highly conserved among Dengue and related flaviviruses, implying a general role for the region and importin beta in the infectious cycle.  相似文献   
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) is a gram-positive actinomycete, causing bacterial wilt and canker disease in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). Host responses to gram-positive bacteria and molecular mechanisms associated with the development of disease symptoms caused by Cmm in tomato are largely unexplored. To investigate plant responses activated during this compatible interaction, we used microarray analysis to monitor changes in host gene expression during disease development. This analysis was performed at 4 d postinoculation, when bacteria were actively multiplying and no wilt symptoms were yet visible; and at 8 d postinoculation, when bacterial growth approached saturation and typical wilt symptoms were observed. Of the 9,254 tomato genes represented on the array, 122 were differentially expressed in Cmm-infected plants, compared with mock-inoculated plants. Functional classification of Cmm-responsive genes revealed that Cmm activated typical basal defense responses in the host, including induction of defense-related genes, production and scavenging of free oxygen radicals, enhanced protein turnover, and hormone synthesis. Cmm infection also induced a subset of host genes involved in ethylene biosynthesis and response. After inoculation with Cmm, Never ripe (Nr) mutant plants, impaired in ethylene perception, and transgenic plants with reduced ethylene synthesis showed significant delay in the appearance of wilt symptoms, compared with wild-type plants. The retarded wilting in Nr plants was a specific effect of ethylene insensitivity, and was not due to altered expression of defense-related genes, reduced bacterial populations, or decreased ethylene synthesis. Taken together, our results indicate that host-derived ethylene plays an important role in regulation of the tomato susceptible response to Cmm.  相似文献   
Field-scale observations of two upland soils derived from contrasting granite and basalt bedrocks are presented to hypothesize that redox activity of rhizospheres exerts substantial effects on mineral dissolution and colloidal translocation in many upland soils. Rhizospheres are redox-active microsites and in the absence of O2, oxidation of rhizodeposits can be coupled by reduction of redox-active species such as Fe, a biogenic reduction that leads to Fe translocation and oxidation, accompanied by substantial proton flux. Not only do rhizogenic Fe–C redox cycles demonstrate a process by which the rhizosphere affects an environment well outside the near-root zone, but these redox processes are also hypothesized to be potent weathering systems, such that rhizogenic redox-reactions complement acid- and ligand-promoted reactions as major biogeochemical processes that control crustal weathering. The potential significance of Fe–C redox cycling is underscored by the deep and extensive rooting and mottling of upland subsoils across a wide range of plant communities, lithologies, and soil-moisture and temperature regimes.  相似文献   
Dengue virus (DENV) encoded nonstructural one (NS1) is a 352 amino acid protein that exists in multiple oligomeric states and is conserved within the flavivirus family. Although NS1 has been heavily researched for its diagnostic utility, there is a gap in the understanding of its role in a range of viral processes, including replication and development of clinical pathologies such as vascular leakage. Many of these functions involve unknown interactions with viral and host proteins. This study describes the generation of a mouse monoclonal antibody (mAb 56.2) that reacts with NS1 from DENV1 and 2, and the expression of recombinant SUMOstar-tagged DENV2 NS1 (DENV2 S-NS1) in baculovirus. This is the first time dengue NS1 has been produced as a SUMOstar fusion with the S-tag increasing protein solubility and secretion compared with a non-S-tagged NS1 construct. The protein was readily purified using a mAb 56.2 immunoaffinity column and untagged NS1 was obtained by treatment with tobacco etch virus protease to remove the S-tag. Size exclusion chromatography and glycosylation assays showed that both secreted S-NS1, and cleaved NS1, are hexameric and glycosylated, and will be useful tools in elucidating dengue NS1 protein interactions and functions.  相似文献   
Sets of tetrasubstituted thiophene esters 4a-4g, 5a-5f and 6a-6e were synthesized by reaction of 1-(α-Carbomethoxy-β-aminothiocrotonoyl)-aryl/aroyl amines (3) with 3-(bromoacetyl)coumarin, 1,4-dibromodiacetyl and chloroacetone respectively. The compound 3 were synthesized by nucleophilic addition of aryl/aroylisothiocyanate and enamine (2). The synthesized targeted compounds (4a-4g, 5a-5f and 6a-6e) were evaluated for their in vivo anti-inflammatory activity in carrageenin-induced rat hind paw oedema model at three graded doses employed at 10, 20 and 40 mg/kg body weight using mefanamic acid, ibuprofen and in vivo analgesic activity in acetic acid induced writhing response model at 10 mg/kg dose using ibuprofen as standard drug. The compounds 4a-4f, 5c, 5f, 6c and 6e were evaluated for their in vitro antioxidant nitric oxide radical scavenging assay at the concentrations of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 μg/mL using ascorbic acid as standard drug. Among all the targeted compounds 4c showed maximum anti-inflammatory activity of 71% protection at 10 mg/kg and 77% protection at 20 mg/kg to inflamed paw and analgesic activity of 56% inhibition and also maximum in vitro nitric oxide radical scavenging activity having IC50 value 31.59 μg/mL.  相似文献   
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