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The requirement for SOX10 and endothelin-3/EDNRB signalling pathway during enteric nervous system (ENS) and melanocyte development, as well as their alterations in Waardenburg-Hirschsprung disease (hypopigmentation, deafness and absence of enteric ganglia) are well established. Here, we analysed the genetic interactions between these genes during ENS and melanocyte development. Through phenotype analysis of Sox10;Ednrb and Sox10;Edn3 double mutants, we show that a coordinate and balanced interaction between these molecules is required for normal ENS and melanocyte development. Indeed, double mutants present with a severe increase in white spotting, absence of melanocytes within the inner ear, and in the stria vascularis in particular, and more severe ENS defects. Moreover, we show that partial loss of Ednrb in Sox10 heterozygous mice impairs colonisation of the gut by enteric crest cells at all stages observed. However, compared to single mutants, we detected no apoptosis, cell proliferation or overall neuronal or glial differentiation defects in neural crest cells within the stomach of double mutants, but apoptosis was increased in vagal neural crest cells outside of the gut. These data will contribute to the understanding of the molecular basis of ENS, pigmentation and hearing defects observed in mouse mutants and patients carrying SOX10, EDN3 and EDNRB mutations.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Aerenchyma formation in maize adventitious roots is induced in nutrient solution by the deprivation of sulfate (S) under well-oxygenated conditions. The aim of this research was to examine the extent of aerenchyma formation in the cortex of sulfate-deprived adventitious roots along the root axis, in correlation with the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS), calcium levels and pH of cortex cells and root lignification. METHODS: The morphometry of the second whorl of adventitious (W2) roots, subject to S-deprivation conditions throughout development, was recorded in terms of root length and lateral root length and distribution. W2 roots divided into sectors according to the mean length of lateral roots, and cross-sections of each were examined for aerenchyma. In-situ detection of alterations in ROS presence, calcium levels and pH were performed by means of fluorescence microscopy using H(2)DCF-DA, fluo-3AM and BCECF, respectively. Lignification was detected using the Wiesner test. KEY RESULTS: S-deprivation reduced shoot growth and enhanced root proliferation. Aerenchyma was found in the cortex of 77 % of the root length, particularly in the region of emerging or developing lateral roots. The basal and apical sectors had no aerenchyma and no aerenchyma connection was found with the shoot. S-deprivation resulted in alterations of ROS, calcium levels and pH in aerenchymatous sectors compared with the basal non-aerenchymatous region. Lignified epidermal layers were located at the basal and the proximal sectors. S-deprivation resulted in shorter lateral roots in the upper sectors and in a limited extension of the lignified layers towards the next lateral root carrying sector. CONCLUSIONS: Lateral root proliferation is accompanied by spatially localized induced cell death in the cortex of developing young maize adventitious roots during S-deprivation.  相似文献   
Analysis of gene expression in operons of Streptomyces coelicolor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Recent studies have shown that microarray-derived gene-expression data are useful for operon prediction. However, it is apparent that genes within an operon do not conform to the simple notion that they have equal levels of expression.  相似文献   
We have developed an integrated web-based relational database information system, which offers an extensive search functionality of validated entries containing available bioinformatics computing resources. This system, called MetaBasis, aims to provide the bioinformatics community, and especially newcomers to the field, with easy access to reliable bioinformatics databases and tools. MetaBasis is focused on non-commercial and open-source software tools. AVAILABILITY: http://metabasis.bioacademy.gr/  相似文献   
By‐products of agricultural and forestry processes, known as residues, may act as a primary source of renewable energy. Studies assessing the availability of this resource offer little insight on the drivers and constraints of the available potential as well as the associated costs and how these may vary across scenarios. This study projects long‐term global supply curves of the available potential using consistent scenarios of agriculture and forestry production, livestock production and fuel use from the spatially explicit integrated assessment model IMAGE. In the projections, residue production is related to agricultural and forestry production and intensification, and the limiting effect of ecological and alternative uses of residues are accounted for. Depending on the scenario, theoretical potential is projected to increase from approximately 120 EJ yr?1 today to 140–170 EJ yr?1 by 2100, coming mostly from agricultural production. To maintain ecological functions approximately 40% is required to remain in the field, and a further 20–30% is diverted towards alternative uses. Of the remaining potential (approximately 50 EJ yr?1 in 2100), more than 90% is available at costs <10By‐products of agricultural and forestry processes, known as residues, may act as a primary source of renewable energy. Studies assessing the availability of this resource offer little insight on the drivers and constraints of the available potential as well as the associated costs and how these may vary across scenarios. This study projects long‐term global supply curves of the available potential using consistent scenarios of agriculture and forestry production, livestock production and fuel use from the spatially explicit integrated assessment model IMAGE. In the projections, residue production is related to agricultural and forestry production and intensification, and the limiting effect of ecological and alternative uses of residues are accounted for. Depending on the scenario, theoretical potential is projected to increase from approximately 120 EJ yr?1 today to 140–170 EJ yr?1 by 2100, coming mostly from agricultural production. To maintain ecological functions approximately 40% is required to remain in the field, and a further 20–30% is diverted towards alternative uses. Of the remaining potential (approximately 50 EJ yr?1 in 2100), more than 90% is available at costs <10$2005 GJ?1. Crop yield improvements increase residue productivity, albeit at a lower rate. The consequent decrease in agricultural land results in a lower requirement of residues for erosion control. The theoretical potential is most sensitive to baseline projections of agriculture and forestry demand; however, this does not necessarily affect the available potential which is relatively constant across scenarios. The most important limiting factors are the alternative uses. Asia and North America account for two‐thirds of the available potential due to the production of crops with high residue yields and socioeconomic conditions which limit alternative uses.  相似文献   
Sinorhizobium (Ensifer) meliloti is a model example of a soil alpha-proteobacterium which induces the formation of nitrogen-fixing symbiotic nodules on the legume roots. In contrast to all other rhizobacterial species, S. meliloti contains multiple homologs of nucleobase transporter genes that belong to NAT/NCS2 family (Nucleobase-Ascorbate Transporter/Nucleobase-Cation Symporter-2). We analyzed functionally all (six) relevant homologs of S. meliloti 1,021 using Escherichia coli K-12 as a host and found that five of them are high-affinity transporters for xanthine (SmLL9), uric acid (SmLL8, SmLL9, SmX28), adenine (SmVC3, SmYE1), guanine (SmVC3), or hypoxanthine (SmVC3). Detailed analysis of substrate profiles showed that two of these transporters display enlarged specificity (SmLL9, SmVC3). SmLL9 is closely related in sequence with the xanthine-specific XanQ of E. coli. We subjected SmLL9 to rationally designed site-directed mutagenesis and found that the role of key binding-site residues of XanQ is conserved in SmLL9, whereas a single amino-acid change (S93N) converts the xanthine/uric-acid transporter SmLL9 to a xanthine-preferring variant, due to disruption of an essential hydrogen bond with the C8 oxygen of uric acid. The results highlight the presence of several different purine nucleobase transporters in S. meliloti and imply that the purine transport might be important in the nodule symbiosis involving S. meliloti.  相似文献   
Salmonella species trigger host membrane ruffling to force their internalization into non-phagocytic intestinal epithelial cells. This requires bacterial effector protein delivery into the target cell via a type III secretion system. Six translocated effectors manipulate cellular actin dynamics, but how their direct and indirect activities are spatially and temporally co-ordinated to promote productive cytoskeletal rearrangements remains essentially unexplored. To gain further insight into this process, we applied mechanical cell fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy to systematically investigate the subcellular localization of epitope-tagged effectors in transiently transfected and Salmonella-infected cultured cells. Although five effectors contain no apparent membrane-targeting domains, all six localized exclusively in the target cell plasma membrane fraction and correspondingly were visualized at the cell periphery, from where they induced distinct effects on the actin cytoskeleton. Unexpectedly, no translocated effector pool was detectable in the cell cytosol. Using parallel in vitro assays, we demonstrate that the prenylated cellular GTPase Cdc42 is necessary and sufficient for membrane association of the Salmonella GTP exchange factor and GTPase-activating protein mimics SopE and SptP, which have no intrinsic lipid affinity. The data show that the host plasma membrane is a critical interface for effector-target interaction, and establish versatile systems to further dissect effector interplay.  相似文献   
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